BMN : Chapter 15


Just as Fu Ming predicted, the troops would soon return to the capital.


Upon reaching the frontlines, Jin Yi quickly grasped the situation, decisively issued military orders, split his forces, and arranged his troops, swiftly turning the tide of battle.


Within just over a month, Jin Yi’s reputation in the military soared. Despite this, he remained vigilant, constantly monitoring enemy movements. Whether strategizing with sharp insight or leading charges with bravery, he earned respect from his subordinates, who fully submitted to his leadership. Jin Yi felt a great sense of satisfaction; the frustration of being constrained and unable to use his talents, which he had felt while residing in the capital for so long, dissipated on the battlefield. Now, he could fully unleash his capabilities.


One thing that particularly pleased him was recruiting Jiang Yisun under his command. Jiang Yisun had once offered a crucial strategy, resolving an urgent issue for the army. Jin Yi initially thought Jiang Yisun had simply taken advantage of local knowledge, but Jiang Yisun proved to be outstanding, both strategic and martial, offering significant help. They once spent the entire night talking in the tent, discussing the current state of the court’s military institutions and border defense. Their views were well aligned, and they got along well.


Thus, Jin Yi assigned Jiang Yisun an important position within his personal guard.


Spring began in the south, and as the flames of war subsided, new grass began to grow in Tanzhou as the ice melted.


The journey had begun in a winter wonderland and ended with the fields covered in young green grass, a sea of wildflowers captivating the eye.


Although there was no longer the urgency and tension of the march to war, the speed of the triumphant army’s return was not slow, driven by both duty and homesickness.


Taking advantage of a rare, flat expanse, Jin Yi and Jiang Yisun competed in horsemanship, galloping ahead of the main force. At sunset, they stopped to wait for the troops to catch up and set up camp.


In the golden light of the setting sun, the tender green grass appeared golden, stretching endlessly toward the horizon. The two men tethered their horses to a wild tree and sat on the ground.


Jiang Yisun asked, “Brother Changjie, how is sister-in-law—oh, I mean, your male spouse—how is he doing at home?”


Surprised by the sudden question about Fu Ming, Jin Yi nevertheless responded, “He should be well.”


“Should be?” Jiang Yisun queried. “Haven’t you communicated with your family?”


Jin Yi shook his head. “The war was the priority, and there is a house-born servant among the personal guards responsible for communication. There were no reports of any issues, so everything should be fine.”


Jiang Yisun pondered whether Jin Yi’s detachment stemmed from a sense of duty or a lack of deep attachment to his family.


Jin Yi thought Jiang Yisun had just casually mentioned it, but Jiang Yisun seemed genuinely concerned and asked further, “Has Fu Ming gotten along well with your family?”


Facing Jin Yi’s inquisitive gaze, Jiang Yisun smiled and said, “Ah, let me be frank. I actually know Fu Ming from before.”


“How did you two become acquainted?” Jin Yi was truly astonished, as the two seemed to have no shared background, origins, or experiences.


Jiang Yisun explained, “You probably know that Master Fu San was adopted into the Fu family, right?”


Jin Yi nodded. “Fu Ming’s grandfather had no sons, so he adopted a distant nephew.”


Jiang Yisun chuckled. “The story is more complex than that, but Master Fu San once stayed at the orphanage in the capital. Many people know this. Despite his humble beginnings, Master Fu San never forgot his roots after his success. He frequently visited the orphanage, often bringing young Fu Ming along. That’s where we met. There were few boys at the orphanage, and Fu Ming, another boy, and I became playmates. He treated us as friends, unaware of our differences in status, thus forming a bond. Later, when I came of age, I asked Fu Ming to give me a courtesy name. He initially refused, saying it wasn’t appropriate, but since I had no family to name me and he was the most learned person I knew, he eventually agreed.”


Jin Yi laughed. “So that’s how ‘Xiangxian’ came to be. No wonder you were asking about him. When we return to the capital, you can visit my residence, and you two can reunite. If the other friend from back then is also in the capital, invite him along.”


Jiang Yisun waved his hand. “That person is indeed in the capital, but he has a different path and probably won’t enter the Jin residence.”


Jin Yi didn’t press further and simply said, “Then you can come alone. He should be happy to see you.”


Jiang Yisun laughed heartily. “I will definitely visit!”


The army returned from the south with the spring wind, entering the capital.


The Third Prince, carrying the emperor’s command, welcomed the triumphant army outside the city. Under the clear blue sky, the impressive military formation stirred his emotions. Without waiting for Jin Yi to bow, the prince stepped forward, clapped him on the shoulder, and said, “General Jin, you’ve worked hard!” His tone was full of warmth and respect. Those present noted this scene carefully.


The Third Prince, known for his appreciation of military prowess, and Jin Yi seemed to have a rapport—confirming once again for those paying attention.


In court, the emperor lavished praise on the returning troops, discussing rewards and holding a grand banquet in their honor. The palace was brightly lit, with spring flowers and beautiful performers adding to the intoxicating atmosphere.


The Crown Prince immediately recited a long poem, praising the emperor’s grace and the military’s achievements, delighting the emperor.


After dealing with the emperor, princes, and civil and military officials, Jin Yi returned to the Jin residence, feeling more exhausted than after a battle. The entire household gathered in the main hall, awaiting his return. The familiar faces illuminated by candlelight washed away his fatigue.


The Old Madam, upon seeing him, held his hand and scrutinized him closely, tears in her eyes. “Good, good, good! You look seasoned and have the bearing of a Jin family man!” She softened her voice, asking, “Were you injured? Are you tired? Hungry?…”


Jin Yi squeezed her hand, answering each question, and then asked, “How has your health been these past few months?”


Lady Wang responded from the side, “The Old Madam has been well, though she caught a cold after the New Year. We called Doctor Yu, and after taking a few prescriptions, she’s much better now.” She added, “Did you eat enough at the palace banquet? I’ve prepared a table of your favorite home-cooked dishes. You should eat a bit more and take a bath afterward to relax.”


“I’m not hungry,” Jin Yi replied. He turned to the Old Madam, “It’s late. Are you tired? Let me help you to bed.”


The Old Madam nodded. Xiaoyan clung to his father’s legs, looking up and asking, “Father, after you take Grandmother to her room, if you’re not tired, can you come find me?”


Jin Yi patted his head, his voice unusually gentle. “Aren’t you tired?”


“No, I’ll wait for you!” Xiaoyan said, standing on tiptoe. When Jin Yi crouched down, he whispered in his ear. Jin Yi nodded, “Alright, I’ll come see you later.”


Jin Yi helped the Old Madam, telling everyone, “Let’s all retire for the night. We’ll talk tomorrow.”


Fu Ming, Renlan, Xinyue, and the others smiled and agreed. Lady Wang had more to say, calling out, “Sir,” but Jin Yi nodded and said, “During today’s court session, the emperor mentioned your efforts in fundraising for Tanzhou. You did well.”


Lady Wang, due to her status, would not typically be mentioned by a princess, let alone the emperor. But with Jin Yi’s recent military success, the princess had mentioned her in front of the emperor, who then praised the Jin family’s contribution to national defense and their frugality in aiding the people. Courtiers echoed the sentiment, giving Jin Yi face.


Hearing this, Lady Wang was overjoyed but maintained a composed demeanor. Jin Yi finished speaking and left with the Old Madam, and the hall quickly emptied.


As the night deepened, the servants quietly gossiped:


“The master made great achievements in the war; the Jin family will prosper even more…”


“The master didn’t say a word to Young Master Fu but praised Lady Wang…”


“Lady Wang’s actions back then were indeed well-calculated…”


“In the inner court, it’s still the women who understand these things better. Men don’t know how to compete for favor. Lady Wang shows care and concern, but Young Master Fu remains silent like a wooden figure. The difference is clear…”


Ignoring the servants’ gossip, Jin Yi helped the Old Madam to bed, then, following Xiaoyan’s whisper, headed straight for Fangmanting.


As he approached the courtyard, a fragrant breeze carried over, and a few petals flew over the wall, seemingly welcoming him. The gate was half-open, and as Jin Yi entered, several lanterns hung from the branches along the winding path. These lanterns, though not as dazzling as the palace lights, were small and warm, illuminating a path straight to the steps below.


Ascending the steps and entering the house, he found Fu Ming, Renlan, and Xiaoyan waiting inside.


“Father, tonight we’re not drinking tea; we’re drinking wine,” Xiaoyan said, pulling Jin Yi to sit down as Fu Ming poured the wine.


Jin Yi asked, “Why the change to wine?” He had already drunk quite a bit at the palace, feeling a bit tipsy.


Renlan smiled, “Only wine can honor a hero.”


Fu Ming raised his cup, Renlan followed, and Xiaoyan lifted his own, filled with tea instead of wine. Jin Yi smiled and joined in, and the four of them drank together.


After setting down his cup, Fu Ming went to the zither table, smiling as he said, “While you were away at war, I saw a letter from the south. A few lines described your heroic appearance on horseback, vivid in my mind. So I took the liberty of composing this piece, ‘Galloping Horses,’ for you to enjoy.”


Fu Ming began to play the zither, Renlan accompanied with the pipa, and Xiaoyan added the rhythm with a small drum. The music captured the sound of a fierce wind, the blare of horns, and the shouts of battle. The pipa mimicked the clattering of hooves and the clash of swords, while the drum beat set the tempo, immersing Jin Yi back on the battlefield, filling him with heroic fervor.


As the piece neared its end, the drum ceased, the pipa quieted, and only the zither continued, like the twilight after battle, the breeze over the plains, soothing the weary soldiers.


The lingering notes resonated deeply in Jin Yi’s heart.


Applauding, Jin Yi repeatedly praised the performance. After putting away their instruments, his spouse, sibling, and son all approached to toast him again, this time with tea.


Renlan said, “Fine wine for the hero, and tea with the family. Brother, we’re all so happy you’re back safely.”


Jin Yi’s lips curved into a smile.


Xiaoyan asked, “Father, did I play the drum well?”


Jin Yi’s smile deepened, “You played very well.”


Fu Ming simply nodded toward Jin Yi, who replied, “I’ll listen to the other piece another day.”


The other piece? It must be the “Bright Moon Night” he promised to play for Jin Yi upon his return. Fu Ming agreed.


They had wine, listened to music, drank tea, and chatted, filling Jin Yi with a sense of fulfillment.


Seeing the late hour, Renlan was the first to leave.


Jin Yi lingered, telling Fu Ming, “Jiang Yisun will visit the mansion soon. You two can reunite.”


Fu Ming was pleasantly surprised but, noting the late hour, refrained from asking more, simply nodding and smiling in acknowledgment, then advising Jin Yi to rest early.


Holding Xiaoyan’s hand, Jin Yi left. At the door, he paused and said, “The medicinal powders you gave me worked; I didn’t suffer from water and soil discomfort.”


Fu Ming then asked, “Were you injured?”


Jin Yi replied, “Nothing serious.” Hearing the response, Fu Ming saw them off again.


On the way, Xiaoyan pleaded, “Father, can I sleep with you tonight? I’ve missed you so much.”


Jin Yi, also missing his son, agreed. The two lay down in Xiaoyan’s room. As Xiaoyan hugged Jin Yi’s arm tightly and began to drift off, he mumbled, “Father, why do you never sleep in Fangmanting?” Jin Yi had no answer, lying awake for a long time in the dark before finally succumbing to sleep.


In his dreams, the tune of “Galloping Horses” played again, but the zither music gradually softened, transforming into “Bright Moonlit Night.” As the gentle melody flowed, the zither player looked up, and Jin Yi looked over, their eyes meeting… a dream he had never experienced before.


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  1. Clara says:

    Obrigada pelo capítulo!❣😘

  2. LicoLico says:

    Thank You for the new chapter (´,,•ω•,,)♡

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