LGSLAW : Chapter 1 – Ger


Chapter 1: Ger (Ge’er)


At dawn, faint rooster crows seemed to compete with each other in the distance.


These sounds, unheard of in modern cities, had recently become Miao He’s way of telling time.


Even though no one cared if he got up, and he no longer needed to calculate the time to catch the subway to work, Miao He’s body clock, now in this new life, had him turning over several times before rubbing his eyes and deciding to get up.


After all, it was very cold.


In early spring, the chill was biting. Once he was awake, hiding in the heavy, hard bed couldn’t keep out the wind seeping through the room. Miao He got out of bed, shook himself to warm up, and slowly went to the back room to start a fire in the clay stove and wash his face.


He was not yet used to washing his face with freezing cold well water, preferring to spend some time fetching firewood, starting a fire to warm himself, and preparing a basin of hot water for a proper wash.


This particular habit showed that Miao He definitely wasn’t a child raised in the countryside. Yet the clay house he currently lived in was a standard rural farmhouse, very backward and simple.


The house, made of some unknown method, had a thatched roof that barely kept out the wind and rain but always smelled of earth. A window on the east side, propped open with wooden slats, served as the main light source. The interior was quite simple, with only two rooms besides the main hall.


One redeeming feature was that being a “ger” still gave him some way out. Although he had a male body, his features were feminine. Gers were generally more attractive than men, sometimes even more delicate than some women. Poorer men were often willing to marry gers as companions.


“Bang, bang, bang!! Is anyone there? Respond!!”


The urgent knocking on the door sounded again. Miao He wiped his face, sighed, and limped towards the courtyard to open the door.


Once opened, a plump auntie with a basket at her side stood there with a sour expression.


Seeing Miao He answer the door, she immediately started scolding him.


“Are you mute? Can’t you respond? Not answering the door, who knows if you’ve run off again. Let me tell you, don’t think about running away. Live peacefully with Da Lang! Otherwise, our Yang family won’t let you off easily!!”


Miao He pursed his lips, not arguing back.


“Think about it, which ger in the village is as lucky as you? You got injured, and they spent money to treat you. They don’t make you work in the fields! Even when Da Lang goes into the mountains, he asks me to bring you food. What hardships have you faced? What complaints do you have? Live with a clear conscience. If you do more disgraceful things, there are consequences! I’m scared for you!”


The auntie kept scolding while taking out two hard biscuits from her basket, stuffing them into Miao He’s hands. She really had brought food. Miao He reluctantly took them, wanting to speak but ultimately saying nothing.


Seeing Miao He’s reaction, the auntie got even more annoyed and scolded him more harshly.


“What, want to talk back? Did I say something wrong? Fine, if you don’t listen, I’ll tell you plainly!! I’ve informed everyone in the village. If you try to escape or do anything improper, you won’t get away! If Da Lang tries to protect you again, I won’t allow it. I’ll break your legs, understand!?”


After glaring at him one last time, she turned and stormed off in anger.


Miao He touched his nose, closed the door, and wore a helpless expression.


This was the third day in a row this had happened. He was getting used to it. He didn’t know when he could shake off the original body’s troubles.


From the memories he had after waking up, Miao He learned that the original Miao He had done several things that made the villagers gossip and ruined his reputation.


In short, Miao He had an affair with a man before marriage. Forced to marry into the Yang family, he continued his affair. He even planned to elope with the man on a stormy night, taking his new husband’s money, but he fell into a ditch, twisted his ankle, and couldn’t escape. After being drenched in the cold spring rain all night, he fell seriously ill, and by the time he woke up, Miao He had taken over his body.


So when Miao He understood his situation, he felt extremely awkward.


In this time and place, which did not align with any historical era, the values and environment were similar to ancient times he was familiar with. Wealthy families could take concubines, but most people only married one spouse. Adultery was considered a grave sin.


A village with a promiscuous ger would be looked down upon, affecting the marriage prospects of other men and gers in the village. Villagers could scold Miao He with impunity, and the Yang family, into which he had married, would suffer even more.


The Yang family was one of the few non-native families in Miao’s village. They had settled here after fleeing disaster several decades ago and had made a living by hunting for generations. The aunt who had just scolded him was Yang Dalang’s second aunt. Since Miao He’s failed escape and subsequent capture, she had been coming daily to monitor and scold him whenever Da Lang wasn’t home.


So could Miao He argue with her? No, he felt he had no face to do so.


Miao He, in his previous life, was a gentle young man, outwardly optimistic but often seen as thick-skinned by his more sarcastic friends. Having lost his parents early and being raised by his grandparents, his values, taught by the elderly, were relatively proper.


Hence, in these few days since his transmigration, he was somewhat troubled by his current predicament.


Simply put, it seemed he had a husband named Yang Dalang, who had gone hunting to raise money for Miao He’s medical treatment after his severe illness. He had been away for several days. To the transmigrated Miao He, Yang Dalang was a stranger.


But should he run away? Considering Second Aunt Yang’s words earlier.


The original body had tried to run away once and already had a terrible reputation. Running away again would only make things worse, and he couldn’t help but feel sorry for the Yang family.


After all, Second Aunt Yang was right. Yang Dalang had done nothing to wrong the original Miao He.


He married Miao He despite his tarnished reputation, didn’t make him do hard labor, provided for him with his hunting income, and even after Miao He’s failed escape, still spent money on his treatment. Regardless of his other traits, this was a highly responsible person.


Thinking about this, Miao He felt even more embarrassed. Yang Dalang seemed to be the more wronged party.


If this were modern times, Miao He might have gone to court for a divorce. Most people would resist such a situation out of pride.


So, he decided to stay for a while.


He would stay until he could convincingly show he was over his former lover, calm Yang Dalang’s anger, and then perhaps there might be a chance to discuss separation. Until then, he would just have to adapt to the circumstances.


Miao He couldn’t find any details about Yang Dalang’s personality from the original body’s memories, which indicated that the original Miao He had hardly paid any attention to him. He just hoped that a responsible man wouldn’t resort to domestic violence in a fit of rage.


Sigh, he had transmigrated into a time of peace with no wars, yet dangers still lurked everywhere.


After mulling over these thoughts, Miao He returned to the stove.


The water was hot now. He scooped some out, added cold water, and continued washing. Feeling more comfortable after washing, he waited for the remaining water in the pot to boil, then poured a bowl and brought it to the table in the main hall. The hard biscuits from Second Aunt Yang were inedible without soaking in hot water.


However, as soon as he had taken a few bites, there was a noise at the courtyard gate. It sounded like someone was opening the gate from outside.


Miao He’s body tensed.


He thought, it must be Yang Dalang coming home.

Author’s Note:

The setting is clichéd, but I simply like this genre, so I’m writing it.

Please excuse any inconsistencies with common sense.

Rain’s note : 

Ger : Ge’er (Ge = brother) for me Ger is a precious brother ?(?????).
Ger is the other gender. There are females, males, and then Gers. Gers are males who can give birth; they are usually described as petite and fragile.

Check the novel page for more info regarding the characters and the schedule for this novel : LGSLAW

This is one of my healing novel ! I love it so much ??? I hope you’ll like  too ! I’m sorry in advance for mistakes ! ?

What’s your healing novel guys ?

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  1. Miompp says:

    My healing novel is rebirth of a movie star ~~

    1. bluearea says:

      Wow me too!! That’s my favorite !!

  2. Queue says:

    I like the genre too. Thank you

  3. JustDM says:

    Mine too!

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