LGSLAW : Chapter 14 – A Turn of Events

A Turn of Events

After leaving the fabric shop, both of them were silent.


Miao He thought that being scolded in public must have embarrassed Yang Dalang as well. If Yang Dalang decided to give him the cold shoulder or get angry, Miao He could only bear it on behalf of the original He Ge’er.


However, at this moment, his right hand was firmly held by Yang Dalang, as if Yang Dalang was willing to share all the hurt with him.


Such protection inevitably touched Miao He. But this incident was merely taking the blame for the original He Ge’er. In the future, if he mentioned the divorce again… A sense of guilt that had surfaced before plunged Miao He into deeper silence.


Yet, the world is unpredictable, and life is fragile.


Sometimes, life and death can hinge on a single second.


Miao He was still lost in his thoughts of guilt when he suddenly heard a shout of alarm. In the next second, he felt a powerful force push him to the side! He was thrown to the left, hitting the ground hard. A wave of searing pain and a ringing in his ears overwhelmed him.


All around him, he heard more shouts and cries for help.


Miao He felt a sinking dread. He struggled to get up, but the pain and dizziness were too intense. He collapsed back to the ground, and everything went black.


When Miao He opened his eyes in confusion, it was two days later.


He woke up on a wooden bed in a medical clinic. Before he could fully gather his thoughts, a young apprentice informed him that he had multiple abrasions but no major injuries. However, his head had been shaken, and he needed to rest in bed for a few days.


Miao He closed his eyes in discomfort, trying to come to terms with being back in the world of ge’ers. Just as a wave of disappointment hit him, he suddenly sat up, shouting, “Where’s Yang Dalang? The tall man with three scars on his face! Is he alright?” The sudden movement caused him to black out again.


A wave of nausea hit him, and he bent over, dry heaving. The apprentice hurried over, placing a wooden basin by his side. But after a few dry heaves, Miao He couldn’t throw up anything, leaving him teary-eyed.


“Hey, hey, hey, ge’er, don’t get too excited. This isn’t good for you. You need to rest,” the apprentice said, speaking quickly but with patience. “The man you mentioned is in the next room. He just fell asleep. He has some abrasions and three broken ribs, but he’ll be fine after some rest. It’s a stroke of luck!”


Miao He grabbed the apprentice’s hand, “Really? Is that all?”


“Really! But he was as stubborn as you, always wanting to check on you! But moving around isn’t good for broken ribs. If my master sets his bones and they heal crookedly, I’ll be scolded to death! Now that you’re awake, please help me persuade him!” The apprentice, about eleven or twelve years old, spoke with a mix of frustration and kindness.


“Can I see him now?” Miao He still felt uneasy, remembering the panic before he passed out. “I’ll walk slowly, I promise.”


“Why are you both like this? Are you bullying me because I’m young?” The apprentice glared, hands on his hips, but eventually relented, grumbling as he helped Miao He to the next room.


Entering the room, Miao He saw Yang Dalang lying on the bed, his face pale and eyes closed. His chest was wrapped in bandages and small wooden splints to stabilize his ribs. His brow was furrowed, as if he was in pain even in his sleep.


Miao He gently took Yang Dalang’s hand. It was warm and soft, bringing Miao He a sense of relief.


But tears welled up in his eyes.


Recalling the force with which he was pushed away, he could guess that Yang Dalang had once again protected him without hesitation.


As if sensing Miao He’s presence, Yang Dalang’s eyes opened, showing a flicker of pain.


Seeing Miao He by his side, Yang Dalang seemed startled and tried to move, but the grip on his hand stopped him.


“Don’t move. I just came to see you. I’m fine,” Miao He reassured him.


Yang Dalang stared at Miao He for a moment before saying, “Don’t cry.”


At his words, the tears Miao He had been holding back spilled over.


It turned out the tears had been accumulating, heavy and unstoppable.


“You’re foolish. We’re not even…”


Yang Dalang squeezed his hand, interrupting him, “You are.”


You are my ge’er.


‘A life of loneliness, bringing harm to parents and spouse.’


‘Some walk their path willingly, some with resentment.’


At that moment, he understood.




After Yang Dalang fell back asleep, Miao He learned the full story from Ji Guang, the young apprentice.


Miao He found out that on the day he and Yang Dalang went to town, a horse carriage lost control and charged towards them. In that critical moment, Yang Dalang pushed him away and pulled down a wooden rack to block the crazed horse.


Despite the rack diverting the horse’s path, the impact still caused Yang Dalang’s ribs to break. Fortunately, his quick reaction and ability to avoid vital areas prevented the bones from piercing his internal organs, resulting only in fractures. If it had been an ordinary person, they might have been kicked to death by the horse.


“That’s the situation. Why are you crying?” Ji Guang was anxious. Seeing the soft ge’er with red eyes made him uncomfortable.


“I’m not crying,” Miao He sniffled, trying to pull himself together. “How much are the medical fees? My money pouch—”


He turned to look and saw it by the bedside. Ancient people were really honest; it hadn’t been stolen.


“Don’t worry about that. Thanks to your husband pulling down the rack, the horse and carriage eventually stopped. The owner of the carriage, the Liang family’s matriarch and young master, escaped with minor injuries. They’re covering all your expenses,” Ji Guang explained.


“The Liang family?” Miao He tried to recall but had no impression.


“The Liang family is one of the wealthiest and most charitable families in town. They donate a lot of medicinal herbs to our clinic and regularly distribute porridge! They’re certainly reaping the rewards of their good deeds!” Ji Guang spoke highly of the Liang family.


Miao He nodded, not asking for more. In this era, social hierarchy was clear. It was already surprising that the Liang family covered the medical fees. He didn’t naively expect more compensation. The fact that they were safe was a blessing.


He then asked about Yang Dalang’s recovery and care.


According to Ji Guang’s master, Yang Dalang should avoid moving for the next five days. The first few days would be the most painful, and they needed to watch for signs of internal injuries like coughing blood or chest tightness. After five days, if there were no further complications, he could go home to recover. However, it would take at least three months for the bones to heal completely.


“And you need to rest too! We agreed you’d rest after seeing him,” Ji Guang reminded him.


Miao He reluctantly lay back down, his mind still in turmoil. He thought about Yang Dalang in the next room, the magical soil, and even Da Bai. Before leaving, he had let the little cat out of its basket, filled its water bowl, and left plenty of leaves in the yard for it to nibble on. It should be fine.


The next day, Miao He tried to get up to take care of Yang Dalang but was sent back to bed by both Ji Guang and Yang Dalang. The day after that, Miao He insisted he felt fine, and Ji Guang finally let him take over some of the caretaking duties. The senior doctor, Ji Guang’s granduncle, returned and checked on them, confirming no further complications. They would stay in the clinic for now.


News of their condition eventually reached the village. In this era, without identification, unless a familiar person happened to be there, the clinic had to wait until Miao He or Yang Dalang woke up to confirm their identities. Once the news reached the village, Second Aunt Yang, Miao Qiang, and his mother Qing Yi came to visit them.


When they arrived, Miao He was feeding Yang Dalang medicine, spoonful by spoonful. Although Yang Dalang’s injury was to his ribs, raising his arm was painful, so Miao He insisted on feeding him himself.


Seeing this scene, Miao Qiang’s face darkened. He rushed forward, grabbed the medicine from Miao He, spilling some in the process, and shouted, “Stop pretending to be nice! Dalang is hurt because of you! Stay away from him!”


Qing Yi was shocked, “Qiang, what are you doing! I told you to visit, not to cause trouble! Apologize to He Ge’er!”


Miao Qiang was defiant, “Mother, you didn’t like He Ge’er’s actions before either! Why did you change your mind after talking to Dalang? You wouldn’t let me listen, and now you’re acting differently!”


Only Qing Yi and Yang Dalang’s mother knew about the ominous fortune; even Second Aunt Yang only knew vaguely. Qing Yi sternly said, “Qiang, enough! If you don’t understand, then be quiet!”


“I won’t!” Miao Qiang retorted, “Miao He, I’m warning you. If you try any tricks, I’ll catch you! Dalang, be careful! Don’t fall for his schemes! I’ll come back when this nuisance isn’t around!”


With that, Miao Qiang stormed out. Qing Yi’s face was grim as she said, “Dalang, I’m sorry. I’ve spoiled Qiang. I’ll talk to him slowly. He Ge’er, don’t mind him. Just take good care of Dalang. If you have any difficulties, come to me, and I’ll help you.”


Second Aunt Yang nodded, “She’s right. He Ge’er, Dalang got hurt because of you. If you still don’t have a heart, even heaven won’t stand it. Don’t mind my harsh words. Once Dalang recovers, your life will get better. You both should live well together. Then I can have something good to say when I visit your mother’s grave.” The last part was addressed to Yang Dalang.


Miao He could only nod obediently. Yang Dalang, his face pale, also nodded, “I understand.”


After asking about Yang Dalang’s condition and ensuring they had enough money, Second Aunt Yang and Qing Yi left a basket of food for Miao He, instructing him to borrow the clinic’s kitchen to cook nourishing soups for Yang Dalang.


Miao He thanked them. After they left, Miao He brought another bowl of medicine and continued feeding Yang Dalang.


Yang Dalang stared at Miao He intensely, his dark eyes heavy with unspoken words.


Feeling uneasy under his gaze, Miao He asked, “What’s wrong? Is it too hot?”


“Live with me,” Yang Dalang suddenly said.


Miao He froze, feeling his face heat up. He understood what Yang Dalang meant.


Live together, and live well. Forget the past.


Could he refuse? Or did he want to refuse?


Lowering his eyes, Miao He finally murmured, “Okay.”


Rain : Haaanw so cuute (??????)???

Next week : 1 chapter / day.
Whenever I translate more, I’ll post it, I really love this novel (?????)

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  1. LicoLico says:

    Thank You for the new chapter (??w??)

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