LGSLAW : Chapter 16 – Receiving Gifts

Receiving Gifts

Early the next morning, Miao He prepared a pot of scallion pork rib egg drop porridge for both of them. Scallions have various benefits such as inducing sweat, expelling phlegm, reducing fever, and possessing antibacterial properties, as well as aiding digestion. The kitchen also had eggs neatly arranged in a basket, which Second Aunt Yang had brought over. The ingredients were simple and easy to prepare.


After blanching the pork ribs that Second Aunt Yang had given, Miao He put them to stew. Meanwhile, he went to the backyard to grow scallions using the miraculous soil, and then he rinsed the remaining rice at home and added it directly to the broth. He returned to harvest the scallions, finely slicing the green onions and chopping the white parts into small pieces to add to the pot. He cracked four eggs into the pot, and shortly after, a pot of fragrant scallion pork rib egg drop porridge was ready.


Miao He had deliberately cut the scallions finely, hoping that Yang Dalang would eat them all. The vegetables grown with the special soil should help Yang Dalang recover faster. Although the porridge was hastily prepared, it smelled wonderful. Miao He and Yang Dalang ended up eating quite a bit, almost making up for the exhaustion of the previous day.


After breakfast, Miao He began sorting through the gifts sent by the Liang family.


The villagers had seen the Liang family’s convoy arriving with many gifts. If not for the fact that everyone knew these were compensation for Yang Dalang’s serious injuries, the villagers would have expected some of the gifts to be distributed among relatives and friends, as per custom. However, since Second Aunt Yang and Shi Ruqing had visited Miao He in town, it was only proper to select some items for them.


Miao He opened each box and chest, leaving Yang Dalang resting in the bedroom.


Among the items were a basket of rare fruits such as lychees, mangosteens, and passion fruits, which delighted Miao He. These fruits contained seeds, and he could grow more using the special soil.


The dried goods included a box of medicinal ingredients like angelica and star anise, a chest of rare dried seafood like dried fish, seaweed, and shrimp, as well as various fruit preserves and pastries. Additionally, there was a bag of rice, a bag of flour, and a barrel of sesame oil, making the gifts practical and thoughtful.


There was also a new quilt and several bolts of cloth, not expensive but new, which was enough to please anyone.


Miao He’s heart skipped a beat when he found a small wooden box at the bottom of one chest. He opened it with some apprehension and then hurried to show it to Yang Dalang.


“Look at this,” Miao He said, handing the box to Yang Dalang. “It’s from the Liang family.”


Yang Dalang opened the box, revealing twenty taels of silver neatly arranged inside. Beneath the silver were three land deeds.


Yang Dalang’s expression grew serious as he examined the deeds. He recognized the common characters.


“Where is the land? Isn’t this too valuable?” Miao He asked, unfamiliar with the locations mentioned on the deeds.


“One is for a hill to the southwest of the village. The other two are for fields outside the town,” Yang Dalang explained.


“A hill? An entire hill?” Miao He’s eyes widened.


“A small one,” Yang Dalang’s eyes twinkled with amusement.


Miao He opened his mouth in surprise. “I understand the fields, but why a hill? For hunting?”


Yang Dalang thought for a moment and shared his guess. It seemed that few people in Miao Jia Village were willing to sell land, as it was mostly kept within families. Even if the Liang family wanted to give them farmland, it had to be land outside the town, making it impractical for them to farm personally due to the distance. They would only be able to collect rent, and after taxes, they would earn just a few more taels a year.


Perhaps to make up for this, the Liang family also bought a nearby hill and gifted it to them. Unlike farmland, hills were rarely bought, and taxes were lower. However, if someone wanted to buy it, they could.


“Rich people are really hard to understand,” Miao He sighed. “But can we accept such a large gift?”


“We should. If we don’t, they won’t be at ease,” Yang Dalang said.


Miao He agreed, realizing that the Liang family might worry that their lives were undervalued if they sent a smaller gift. By giving a substantial gift, they had concrete proof of their gratitude, ensuring they wouldn’t be accused of using their generosity to seek favors in the future.


“Once you’ve recovered, we should go to town to transfer the deeds,” Miao He said, carefully putting the box away.


Just then, Yang Da Tong arrived, calling from outside. He had kept his promise and delivered the reclining chair.


The heavy wooden frame was carried into the yard, and Yang Da Tong asked where to place it. The bedroom didn’t have enough space, so Miao He was still considering when Yang Dalang pointed to a spot near the kitchen in the backyard.


That spot received sunlight in the morning and was shaded in the afternoon. It also had a view of the kitchen and backyard, where Miao He spent most of his time. Miao He paused briefly before nodding in agreement.


Once Yang Da Tong assembled the chair, it resembled a modern recliner. The backrest wasn’t too steep, making it easier for Yang Dalang to get up. Sitting in it was much more comfortable than lying in bed.


Second Aunt Yang had also taken apart an old quilt and made a matching cushion for the chair, so it was even more comfortable. With such thoughtful care, it was no wonder Yang Dalang respected his second aunt so much.


When everything was ready and Yang Dalang was comfortably settled in the cushioned recliner, his brow relaxed noticeably. Miao He, pleased, joked, “From now on, you’ll be like a lord.”


Yang Dalang, touching the armrest, earnestly praised, “Very comfortable.”


Yang Da Tong scratched his head and grinned, “I tried it last night, too. It’s really good. I should make one for myself and put it under the tree at home.”


An idea struck Miao He, and he said, “There’s an even more comfortable chair, but Dalang is injured and can’t use it now. You could try making the legs like this, in a curved shape. The backrest connects like this, and the chair can rock while you sit in it.” Miao He sketched a simple drawing on the ground.


Yang Da Tong, experienced in making furniture, immediately understood, “Really? I’ve never seen such a chair. It won’t tip over?”


“Maybe it depends on the craftsmanship,” Miao He feigned ignorance. “The ones I’ve seen don’t. If you can make it, it could be a new business.”


Yang Da Tong’s eyes lit up, “True. My master never taught me about such a chair. I’ll try making one. If it works, I’ll definitely bring one over for you two!”


After chatting for a bit, Yang Da Tong left happily. After he left, Yang Dalang looked at Miao He with a questioning gaze.


Miao He rubbed his nose and said, “You just stay here and take care of your injury. If anything happens, let me handle it. Understand?”


Yang Dalang paused, frowning, “What’s going on?”


“Just watch,” Miao He said.


Emphasizing his point, Miao He went to the kitchen and took out a small cloth bag of seeds. Returning to the special soil, he took a deep breath and planted a seed that grew quickly, a small cabbage seed.


Initially puzzled, Yang Dalang watched Miao He’s actions closely. When Miao He planted the seed and simply stared at the ground, Yang Dalang’s gaze followed suit.


The next moment, the freshly planted seed began to sprout, then leaf out! The tiny cabbage grew visibly, unfolding and expanding right before their eyes!


In no time, the bare patch of soil had produced a plump, tender cabbage!


Even Yang Dalang, seeing this, was visibly shaken, sitting up despite the pain. “This? What… you…”


Miao He quickly waved his hand, denying, “It’s not me. It’s the soil that’s magical! But only this spot. Whatever you plant here grows fast. Everything else I plant grows normally. Let me show you!”


He plucked a leaf from the cabbage grown in the special soil. Soon, another leaf grew back on the main plant. Then he moved to the vegetable garden. After several days, the cabbages in the garden had grown well. He picked a leaf from one, and several minutes passed without any new growth.


“See, it’s just this spot. You… hey! Don’t move too quickly,” Miao He hurried over to support the struggling Yang Dalang.


But perhaps due to the strain on his injury, Yang Dalang’s face turned pale with pain, and he ended up sitting back down. However, his grip on Miao He’s hand remained firm. “Is this really true?”


Miao He felt guilty, “It’s just that spot, that’s all.”


That was Miao He’s plan. He decided to share the secret of the magic soil with Yang Dalang, but as long as he didn’t link the soil’s magic to himself, who would think the soil’s magic was related to him? Miao He thought optimistically.


Yang Dalang, however, seemed pained, “Will you leave? Tell me honestly.”


“Leave? Why would I leave?” Miao He was confused.


Yang Dalang’s grip tightened, “I don’t care about the magic. I just want to know if you’ll leave.”


Miao He was stunned.


…So, he was exposed? But why?


“Miao He, will you!?” Yang Dalang asked urgently.


Miao He instinctively shook his head, “No. Where would I go?”


“Promise me you’ll stay!” Yang Dalang pressed.


Seeing Yang Dalang’s genuine anxiety, Miao He realized this man was truly worried.


After thinking it through, Miao He finally replied, “I’m your spouse. Of course, I’ll stay.”


Yang Dalang looked intently at Miao He. “Good. You promised.”


Miao He nodded repeatedly, but he still wanted to clarify a bit.


“But I’m really not a deity. Don’t think that way, or you’ll end up getting hurt like this. I even got injured myself, didn’t I? And when I start getting wrinkles, you’ll know I’m not. Really, that patch of soil has nothing to do with me! I just stumbled upon it. See, I’m standing so far away, and it’s still…”


As he spoke, the patch of magic soil suddenly emitted a flash of light and reappeared in Miao He’s hand!


Miao He: “…”


Yang Dalang: “…”


Seeing Yang Dalang’s face change, Miao He quickly hugged his head, “Anyway, as long as you don’t drive me away, I won’t leave!”


In response, Yang Dalang, despite the pain, wrapped his arms around Miao He in an embrace.

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  1. LicoLico says:

    Thank You for the new chapter (?? ? ?)?

  2. Lina says:

    I love this chapter the most

  3. ish says:

    MH: it’s not me
    Magic Soil: ( ?° ?? ?°)

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