LGSLAW : Chapter 17 – Debt Collection

Debt Collection

To align with the original persona, Miao He told a small lie to cover up his newfound abilities. He said that the magical powers only appeared after he recovered from a serious illness. Before that, he had distanced himself from Miao Yuan. Heaven had spared him and even given him a gift of supernatural abilities, signaling that he should live his life well.


After stumbling through his explanation, Miao He was relieved to see that Yang Dalang didn’t react negatively.


“It’s really just like that,” Miao He said, feeling quite guilty.


Yang Dalang didn’t let go but simply nodded, indicating he understood.


Realizing that Yang Dalang might be in pain, Miao He exclaimed, “Hey, does it hurt? Let go quickly.”


By this point, Yang Dalang’s face was pale from the pain, prompting Miao He to nag a bit more out of concern.


Regardless of what Yang Dalang thought, the miraculous soil was finally out in the open.


Miao He also finally understood how to move the magical soil. It wasn’t about physically digging but about using his mind. Apologetically, he admitted that his previous approach had been limited by preconceived notions. In his past life, he hadn’t thought to try this, which was a failure on his part.


After confirming this, Miao He placed the soil back in its original spot. He decided to share his knowledge about using the soil with Yang Dalang. As a second demonstration, he planted a tomato.


He had always wanted Yang Dalang to eat plump, juicy fruits to increase his vitamin intake. Tomatoes were versatile and delicious in many dishes like scrambled eggs, noodles, braised eggplant, and meatball stew, making Miao He’s mouth water just thinking about them.


Later that same day, Yang Dalang witnessed the soil’s magic again without changing his expression.


Receiving the plump red fruit from Miao He with a smile, Yang Dalang bit into the thin-skinned, juicy tomato, its sweet and sour juices nearly overflowing. He had only eaten this fruit once before, finding it novel but not especially tasty. This time, it was genuinely delicious.


Just then, Bai Bai appeared, meowing at them.


Whenever the magical soil was active, Bai Bai would always come to beg for some tender leaves. However, since tomato leaves are slightly toxic, Miao He broke open a tomato for Bai Bai, who licked it enthusiastically, its tail wagging as earnestly as Yang Dalang was eating his.


Miao He smiled, “Is it good?”


“Mm,” Yang Dalang nodded.


“If you like it, eat more. It’s good for you. If it weren’t for the fact that the vegetables in the field aren’t ready yet and it’s hard to explain, I’d send some to Second Aunt Yang and the others. Because of this, I’ve planted all the seeds you bought before. From now on, we’ll eat the ones grown with the magical soil, and sell the ones from the field.”


Without the burden of secrecy, Miao He proudly shared his plans.


“Like the cabbages and bok choy we ate before, they’re all grown with the magical soil. While the magical soil can grow things faster, selling those would raise suspicion. So I plan to only sell what’s grown in the field.”


“But the vegetables in the field aren’t randomly planted either. The seeds from the magical soil are of high quality. Using these new seeds will make the produce better. I’ve also been using leaves from the magical soil as fertilizer. When the field vegetables are ready, you’ll taste the difference.”


“Also, we now have a mountain. We can plant fruit trees there. When we harvest the fruits, we can make jams, wines, and dried fruits, which are all good businesses.”


“Imagine in the flowering season, peach and plum trees blooming all over the mountain. It will be beautiful. We could build a brick house at the foot of the mountain. People living in town wouldn’t be as comfortable as us.”


Yang Dalang listened quietly as the little one spoke enthusiastically, his eyes bright as he picked the red fruits.


Inwardly, Yang Dalang thought that even if the fortune teller’s words about a short life were true, he now understood Aunt Qing’s words about finding contentment.


“Here, have another,” Miao He handed him another tomato. “You need to change the ginseng next. I asked the doctor, and you can drink ginseng tea to help your recovery.”


Yang Dalang took the tomato, biting into it. The sweet and sour taste filled his heart.




Afterward, Miao He selected some gifts from the items sent by the Liang family to deliver to Second Aunt Yang and Shi Ruqing’s families. He kept the rice and flour for their own use but chose rare dried goods. He also included a few rare fruits like lychees and mangosteens, and some tomatoes, mixing them in.


As for his natal family, Miao He decided to prepare a gift, including some fruit-based pastries, to prevent gossip. He also prepared a gift for the village chief, as a regular gesture of respect.


Many of Yang Dalang’s friends came to visit, including Uncle Lin, Miao Ping and his brother Miao Gao, and Lu Master’s family who taught Yang Datong woodworking. Miao He also gave them some jujube cakes as they left.


However, before Miao He could finish delivering the gifts, someone couldn’t wait any longer.


“Miao He, I’ve been waiting for you!”


At the gate, Miao He’s mother, full of joy, hurried over to him.


“Does Mother need something? Let me go inside to…”


Miao He intended to fetch the gift prepared for his natal family, but his mother interrupted, pulling him aside for a private conversation.


“Your matters can wait. Let me ask you something first! How’s Dalang’s injury? I heard it’s pretty serious, with broken bones that need months to heal! Isn’t the payment due soon? I was thinking, given the situation…”


“And what does Mother mean by that?” Miao He decided to listen to her intentions.


With a face full of concern, Miao He’s mother continued, “If his injury is really serious, it would be a burden for you both to handle. I thought, since you’ve just received compensation, why don’t I take my share now? This way, even if something happens to Dalang, you won’t have to worry about this money. Isn’t that right?”


Miao He’s face darkened. If he were the original Miao He, this would be his reaction. Wasn’t this just taking advantage of their misfortune? Asking for the money from the compensation meant for his recovery was like kicking them when they were down.


“Dalang’s injury isn’t that severe. He’ll recover. Why is Mother in such a hurry?”


“Oh, bone injuries are unpredictable. Besides, I agreed to split the payments out of consideration for Dalang’s financial situation. Now that you’ve received such compensation, it’s hard to believe you’ll need it all for his recovery. Selling a bit would surely cover the amount. Who would believe you if you claimed otherwise?”


Miao He wanted to argue but thought better of it. If Yang Dalang recovered and registered the mountain, his mother would still find out and might demand more. It might be better to settle the matter now and get it over with.


But he couldn’t let her know they had money on hand. Miao He frowned, “Most of the compensation is in goods. Can Mother take them back?”


Seeing an opportunity, his mother quickly said, “I’ll be going to town soon. Leave the goods here, and I’ll come by to pick them up and sell them. How about that? But first, you need to tell me what Liang’s family sent so I can assess the value. If it’s not enough, I’ll need more.”


Miao He realized he couldn’t let his mother have the goods; she would likely take advantage. He made up his mind and shook his head, “Mother will have to wait a few days. This matter can’t bypass Dalang. And it might require going to the village chief for a receipt.”


“Why make it so complicated? Would I ever cheat you out of the money?”


Miao He’s tone turned cold, “Mother, this time I’m helping my brother. There won’t be any more after this.”


Miao He’s mother was taken aback, looking at Miao He’s back as he walked away. She suddenly realized that maybe she had pushed her son too far.


But thinking of Dalang’s injury reminded her of Dalang’s father’s tragic accident. Even if she had pushed too hard, at least she had raised Miao He safely. If she didn’t act now, her weak little treasure might not survive the winter. She was forced into this.


For the next few days, Miao He’s mother waited anxiously at home.


Five days later, Miao He invited his mother and the village chief to his home, saying he had gathered the money. Since Yang Dalang was still immobile, they would write the receipt at his house.


Throughout the process, Miao He remained indifferent. Yang Dalang’s expression was as usual. When the warm six taels were handed over, Miao He’s mother felt a pang of guilt and regret.


The village chief wrote a receipt confirming full payment, sighing, “Don’t bother the Yang family about this anymore, Aunt Zhao. They’ve done their part. If you cause more trouble, remember Dalang has these receipts. Imagine the villagers’ reaction if he shows them all.”


Miao He’s mother stammered, “Well, I… I do have my difficulties… Miao He, I…”


But Miao He stood up to see them out. “Dalang needs to rest. Village Chief, thank you for your trouble today. These fruit snacks are for your family. Mother, there’s also a share for you, just some cakes from Liang’s family. I didn’t give them last time because I was in a rush. Take them now.”


Hearing this, Miao He’s mother froze. Giving the gifts in front of the village chief meant she couldn’t pocket them secretly. They were cakes, rare sweets. She wanted to save them for her little treasure. Miao He must have known, yet he chose this moment to give them. Had he really grown distant?


Miao He’s mother tried to speak but realized she had nothing to say.


The village chief was still there, and she had chosen the six taels.


Leaving, Miao He’s mother looked back at her son closing the door, feeling a sense of unfamiliarity.


Back inside, Miao He apologized to Yang Dalang.


The compensation of twenty taels, intended for Yang Dalang’s recovery, had been reduced by six taels.


Yang Dalang patted Miao He’s head, “It’s okay. It’s a relief to have it settled.”


Miao He clenched his fist, “Tomorrow, I’ll go to town to sell vegetables!”  


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  1. LicoLico says:

    Thank You for the new chapter (?? ? ?)?

  2. Jess says:

    If I could make a small suggestion, it really would be helpful if there was a ‘next’ button for chapters. Thank you for the translation!

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