LGSLAW : Chapter 20 – On the Street

On the Street

A large house naturally has all kinds of people.


After Miao He’s vegetables were taken into the Liang residence, they passed through the gatehouse and the steward before finally reaching the kitchen. The kitchen was divided into sections: one for the master and mistress, another for the second and third masters, and another for the steward and servants. Because the young master was picky, his kitchen was specially separated from the other masters.


The steward had instructed that Miao He’s vegetables were sent from the medical hall, specifically for the young master to try. However, these vegetables were not placed in a regular basket but a lacquered red box, which was put in a spot that was somewhat in the way. After several people moved it around, it ended up mixed with vegetables meant for other masters. 


It was then discovered by the second chef, who was patrolling. “Where did this come from? Why is it packed like this?”


The kitchen workers, busy with washing vegetables, peeling, killing chickens, and chopping bones, had no idea. “Don’t know. It seemed someone brought it earlier.”


The second chef raised his eyebrows and opened the lid, his expression changing slightly. Inside were bunches of fresh green vegetables, clean and vibrant, with no wormholes or black spots. Just by looking at the appearance, it was clear these vegetables were of high quality.


But it wasn’t from his uncle’s family, Feng’s, who had just secured a contract to supply vegetables to the Liang family.


For vegetable farming families, supplying to a wealthy household was a lucrative job. Besides selling at higher prices, they could also get extra orders during festivals like Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival. In a year, it could earn much more than selling on the street! To secure this opportunity, the Feng family had worked hard, using plenty of fertilizer, and the second chef had also given the head chef many gifts and said many good words to get the qualification.


And this had just been settled, so how could someone already try to replace them?


And such a strong competitor!?


The second chef, feeling threatened, closed the lid and took Miao He’s vegetables away. “I’ll take this outside to check. These unknown things need to be clarified. You all continue working, and don’t let me catch you slacking!”


Outside the kitchen, the second chef found Wu Mian, a small worker who came in through his connections and could be trusted.


In a secluded corner, the second chef whispered to Wu Mian, “Take this box of vegetables and handle it. Take it outside, sell it, throw it away, whatever, just do it quickly and don’t let anyone find out, understand?”


Wu Mian opened the box and understood. Everyone knew the second chef had been proud recently because his uncle’s family had secured the supply deal with the Liang family. If these vegetables were seen by the master and mistress, the Feng family might lose their spot.


Wu Mian’s eyes rolled. “If I sell it, the money…”


The second chef impatiently waved his hand. “You can keep it all!” He would rather Wu Mian take it all so that they were in it together and Wu Mian wouldn’t spill the beans.


“Great! I’ll take it out right away!” Wu Mian rubbed his hands and was about to leave with the box.


The second chef, still uneasy, added, “If the gatekeeper asks, say my uncle’s family sent an extra box today and it’s no longer fresh, so I had it returned.” The box looked like anything but vegetables, so it would pass unnoticed. If anyone asked, he would inform his uncle’s family to cover it up.


“Got it! Don’t worry, I’ll handle it perfectly!”


Seeing Wu Mian leave with a grin, the second chef looked around to ensure no one was watching, but he still felt something was off. Shaking his head, he thought it was just nerves and went back to work.


Meanwhile, Wu Mian, having smoothly left the Liang residence, was thinking quickly. The more effort he put in, the more money he could make. These vegetables looked exceptionally good. It would be a waste to sell them cheaply.


Thinking of a recent rumor, Wu Mian’s eyes lit up. He had a plan.




Miao He had no idea his cherished vegetables, after being shuffled around the Liang residence, were taken out again. He was currently having lunch with Second Aunt Yang at a small noodle stall by the roadside.


After buying meat, Miao He walked around the East Market to survey vegetable prices. He also visited a pastry shop to see how dried fruits were processed into various sweets, buying two boxes of mung bean cakes. He loved the soft, sweet cakes, with a pure, rich bean paste and a hint of sweetness. They would be even better if chilled.


Processed foods could hide the quality of raw materials. People would attribute delicious results to skill and recipes, not suspecting the ingredients. Miao He had thought about using the magical soil to grow raw materials and go the processing route. Though it would be more work, it could be another way to earn money.


After this market survey, Miao He was exhausted. The cart driven by Uncle Ma would only leave the town gate at 3 PM, leaving a long midday gap. Tired, Miao He ignored Second Aunt Yang’s complaints about wasting money and pulled her into a noodle stall for lunch. Since she had accompanied him all day, it was only fair to treat her.


Soon, two bowls of steaming noodle soup and a plate of braised dishes were served. Miao He, smelling the delicious aroma, realized how hungry he was and started eating voraciously. Second Aunt Yang, also hungry, ate noisily.


After their meal, Miao He planned to have tea and wait for the cart. Second Aunt Yang grumbled about young people not being able to handle much work, saying she could have walked back to the village by now. 


Miao He just smiled. He could walk if needed, but his feet would blister, and he wouldn’t be able to get out of bed. Yang Dalang, waiting at home, would worry more about his slow-healing injury. Yang Dalang had insisted on taking the cart both ways to avoid strain. Hence, despite her grumbling, Second Aunt Yang didn’t force him to walk.


As they refilled their teapot, Miao He overheard nearby customers discussing, “Have you been to Dahe Restaurant recently? They have a new dish that’s quite unique. Everyone who tries it wants more!”


“What kind of dish is unique? Wait, isn’t Dahe Restaurant the one that challenged Yangshui Teahouse?”


“Yes, I thought they were just trying to make a fuss to revive business after changing owners, but they really had something up their sleeves. Luckily, Yangshui Teahouse ignored them; they have county connections and wouldn’t bother with Dahe Restaurant’s antics.”


“I heard Yangshui Teahouse’s food is great but expensive. I haven’t been. Is Dahe’s new dish really that good?”


“The new dish is called Douhua or something. Everyone says it’s smooth and tasty, sweet or savory. We should try it.”


Hearing this, Miao He couldn’t help but turn around and ask, “Excuse me, are you talking about tofu pudding, made from soybeans? A white, soft, tender dish?”


The polite and good-looking young man asking didn’t annoy the middle-aged man. He nodded, “Yes, that’s it! They said it’s made from soybeans. You know it? But Dahe Restaurant claims it’s exclusive.”


Miao He was surprised. “Has this dish never been seen before?”


“Of course not. That’s why I wanted to try it.”


Dahe Restaurant? Miao He felt he had heard the name before but couldn’t recall. It soon came to him when he spotted Miao Yuan, his past love, and a group of classmates walking by. Seeing Miao Yuan, Miao He remembered that Dahe Restaurant was where Miao Min had spotted Miao Yuan last time.


But these details were minor. Miao He unexpectedly made eye contact with his old flame.


How to act?


Miao Yuan, apart from being childhood friends, was indeed handsome. Unlike the rugged Yang Dalang, Miao Yuan was refined, dressed in a scholar’s white robe, looking poised.


When their eyes met, Miao Yuan seemed slightly shaken. His classmates, noticing, also saw Miao He. Among them was an ordinary-looking young man with a bandaged wrist, who also locked eyes with Miao He.


While Miao He was trying to remember him, one of Miao Yuan’s classmates walked over. With a good-looking young man like Miao He pestering them, Miao Yuan and his classmates couldn’t help but feel a bit of vanity.


“It’s He Ge’er again. I must commend your dedication, coming so early to wait on our day off. But let me advise you once more, Ming Yuan* is well regarded by our teacher and keeps to himself. He will never get involved with a married ge’er. You should give up and go home. It’s pointless to keep trying.”


Though he spoke gently, it was presumptuous.


Miao He looked at Second Aunt Yang, who seemed furious and about to speak, but she had already started.


“What nonsense are you spouting? We’ve been here a while, and you just ran into us. Are you saying the whole street belongs to you? A scholar speaking rudely to a married ge’er, where are your manners!?”


Married and unmarried ge’ers had different hairstyles. The former had no braids, while the latter did.


The classmate, stunned by Second Aunt Yang’s outburst, tried to explain, “Ma’am, you misunderstand. I was just—”


Second Aunt Yang stood up, hands on her hips, cutting him off. “Do you know who I am!?”


The classmate was confused, and Miao Yuan had to step forward quickly, saluting Second Aunt Yang.


“Aunt Yang, long time no see. I heard brother Yang was unwell. How is he now? Is he better?”



Author’s Note: *Ming Yuan is Miao Yuan’s courtesy name 


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  1. LicoLico says:

    Thank You for the new chapter (?????)

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