LGSLAW : Chapter 31 – A Support

A Support

After a small argument, the two quickly reconciled and continued walking to town together, with Yang Dalang carrying the load. Miao He learned that Yang Dalang had already sold a wild boar in town, the same one they had spotted on their previous trip to the mountains. The boar sold for over two taels, much more than Miao He could earn. 


High risk indeed brings high rewards, Miao He thought, smiling as he calculated their wealth. With their previous savings of over twenty taels, plus the two taels from the boar, and the potential five taels from making cakes over the next month, they could have twenty-seven taels!


“The house doesn’t need to be big. We should prioritize building essential areas like the kitchen, main hall, and toilet. The rest can be expanded later. Even if we spend twenty taels on the house, we’ll still have some emergency funds left.”


Yang Dalang didn’t understand why Miao He wanted a luxurious toilet, but seeing the sparkle in his eyes, he didn’t argue.


After delivering the mung bean cakes to Manager Jin, they discovered that none of the cakes had been damaged during transport. The intricate patterns created by the molds were still intact.


However, Miao He was still worried, having carried the cakes under the hot sun for a long time. He mentioned, “It’s summer, so it’s best to eat these cakes quickly. If you can keep them cool, they’ll taste even better.”


Manager Jin laughed. “No need to worry, He. The cakes you brought the other day sold out that very evening! We even had customers asking for more yesterday. These will definitely sell out tonight and won’t last until tomorrow! We’ll keep them cool in the cellar, don’t worry!”


Upon hearing this, Miao He asked, “Don’t you use ice?”


Manager Jin looked puzzled but explained, “Ice is a luxury for the wealthy in the county town. It’s not worth the cost for a small teahouse like ours. The ice produced by icehouses is always in high demand, and transporting it here wouldn’t be feasible.”


Miao He almost slapped his own forehead. How had he forgotten about using saltpeter to make ice?


Hearing Manager Jin only mention icehouses and not summer ice-making, he wondered if the technique hadn’t been discovered yet.


Manager Jin continued, “Even without ice, your mung bean cakes arrived at the perfect time. Recently, the Dahe Restaurant introduced a new dish called tofu skin, also made from soybeans. While we don’t directly compete with them, it’s good to have new items when they do. This is perfect timing!”


Tofu skin? After tofu pudding, it’s tofu skin? Then tofu curd might be next.


Suspicion rose in Miao He’s mind, leaving him momentarily stunned.


Seeing Miao He’s hesitation, Manager Jin quickly reassured him, “Don’t worry, even though your village’s tofu workshop supplies Dahe Restaurant, our teahouse caters to different customers. There’s no competition. Besides, we pay better than Dahe Restaurant!”


Miao He’s mind was elsewhere, thinking about the implications of what he had just learned. He barely remembered leaving the teahouse.


When they were almost at the town gate, Miao He suddenly stopped and asked, “I saw you use gunpowder when hunting. Have you heard of saltpeter?”




The thought of ice was irresistible to Miao He.


Now that summer had arrived, the heat was unbearable. The only way to cool down was to use stream water. Remembering those ice-cold juices and sweet treats, which could easily be made, Miao He felt a pang of longing.


If he could introduce ice-making, it would revolutionize their daily lives. The teahouse’s backer was the perfect candidate to help with this. Besides, if the person behind the tofu flower was indeed a fellow time traveler, they might also know about ice-making. Wouldn’t it be better to claim this profitable method first rather than leave it to them? Especially since they seemed to be hiding behind Miao Jue’s family.


But would this draw too much attention and potentially expose the magical soil? Could the teahouse be trusted?


He decided to discuss everything with Yang Dalang. Two heads were better than one. Yang Dalang, after listening, looked deeply into Miao He’s eyes, a mix of emotions in his own.


Miao He, realizing his mistake, quickly reassured him, “I’m not a god! I just happen to know this!”


Yang Dalang didn’t question him, just held him tightly and began kissing him.


All thoughts of ice melted away.


Miao He’s body was hot, repeatedly being assured through physical contact that he was real, warm, and undeniably Yang Dalang’s.




A few days later, Miao He and Yang Dalang returned to the teahouse with more mung bean cakes.


This time, Manager Jin entered a private room, and shortly after, he rushed out, instructing a waiter to take care of the guests inside, serving whatever they ordered until he returned!


The waiter assumed Manager Jin had forgotten something, unaware that he had a carriage prepared and hurried to the county town! Two hours later, Manager Jin returned with someone rarely seen at the teahouse—the owner, Qu Lao!


The entire teahouse staff was on edge. They remembered Qu Lao’s previous visit, where he had scolded everyone from the kitchen to the waitstaff, finding faults everywhere. They had thought their teahouse was top-notch, but in his eyes, it was no better than a roadside stall. Now he was back; what could have happened?


Everyone watched anxiously as Qu Lao entered the room where Yang Dalang and Miao He were waiting. The door remained closed, with staff occasionally peeking in, worried about whether to serve tea or if the food sent in earlier was satisfactory.


An hour later, the door finally opened!


To their surprise, Qu Lao, usually stern, was smiling and warmly talking with the tall man inside. Beside the man was a pretty and well-behaved young man—Yang Dalang and Miao He. Qu Lao even escorted them to the door, with Manager Jin following, smiling broadly.


Everyone was astonished.


What they didn’t know was that the teahouse now had a new co-owner.


Yes, in exchange for the ice-making method, Yang Dalang had received a share in the teahouse, not cash.


It wasn’t about greed. Yang Dalang initially asked for a very low share—only three percent, less than half. He insisted on shares to secure a stronger backing.


Since Miao He had explained the ice-making method, Yang Dalang realized the potential impact of being able to make ice year-round. It would revolutionize more than just the teahouse; it could transform river and land transportation.


With the competition between the teahouse and Dahe Restaurant, Yang Dalang had initially thought it didn’t concern them. He sold his hunted prey to both places, not caring about the rivalry.


However, the tofu workshop had somehow convinced the village chief to side with them, using soybeans as an excuse to act unfairly. If their vegetable supply to the teahouse was discovered, they would be seen as opposing the workshop, and the village chief might use any excuse to hinder them.


This wasn’t just a guess.


When they had left the teahouse earlier, Miao He had been distracted and hadn’t noticed, but Yang Dalang had seen Miao Liang standing at a street corner, watching them with a suspicious and wary look. Wasn’t it Miao Liang’s father who wanted their land? How could it not be connected?


Even today, Yang Dalang had kept an eye out for anyone following them.


Yang Dalang hadn’t told Miao He all this. His job was to protect him.


So when negotiating, even if it seemed greedy, Yang Dalang insisted on exchanging for shares. This prompted Manager Jin to rush to the county town to bring Qu Lao. Miao He had worriedly asked Yang Dalang, “Is this okay?”


Yang Dalang’s calm gaze reassured him. He knew Miao He was soft-hearted and modest. But now Yang Dalang understood that his unique and exceptional partner needed more protection. If hunting alone wasn’t enough to safeguard him, he had to change. It was his duty.


In the end, the deal was better than Yang Dalang had expected.


Qu Lao offered a ten percent share.


The ice-making method was too valuable. Saltpeter, being a component of gunpowder, was regulated, but not an issue for Qu Lao. Plus, he had other businesses besides the teahouse. Giving up some profits was worth it.


Noble clients competed for ice; being able to produce it continuously expanded connections immensely.


Even Qu Lao couldn’t help but smile. After talking with the two, he judged them not greedy, but with legitimate reasons for requesting shares. His impression was favorable. Qu Lao even tried the iced mung bean cakes.


“These cakes are better than vegetables. Send a batch to the county town with an icebox!”


His generous words made Manager Jin proud.




Afterward, Manager Jin accompanied them to the local government office to register the contract. What they had agreed upon was now official.


Manager Jin felt accomplished for helping secure this significant deal for Qu Lao. If he hadn’t acted swiftly, such a golden opportunity might have slipped away. Qu Lao had praised him before leaving, making Manager Jin even more cheerful and friendly towards Yang Dalang and Miao He.


“By the way, I heard you’re building a new house. If funds are short, I can advance you the next payment for the vegetables.”


Miao He shook his head. “No need, we have enough money. Let’s stick to the regular schedule.”


Manager Jin suggested with a smile, “Don’t be shy. Since you’re building a new house, it should be well-built to last. As part-owners of the teahouse now, you’ll have steady income. Spend a bit more now to build a brick house; it’ll be cheaper in the long run than tearing down and rebuilding.”


Miao He smiled shyly. “We do plan to build a brick house.”


“Perfect! I know the craftsmen who built this teahouse. Shall I introduce you?”


Miao He’s eyes lit up, glancing at Yang Dalang.


They had been worrying about finding skilled workers to build the brick house since there were none in the village.


“If the master builders don’t mind the small job, we’d be grateful for your help.”


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  1. Marlee says:

    A double update ?(º ? º?)??
    Somebody pinch me! ?(? ^ ?? ?)??

  2. El says:

    Thank you for the double update!

  3. LicoLico says:

    Thank You for the new chapter ?(????)

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