LGSLAW : Chapter 32 – Building a House

Building a House

Manager Jin was very efficient. The next day, a large cart delivered the craftsman Li Ming, along with several blueprints. They were to help Miao He and Yang Dalang choose the layout for their house.


The design was based on the traditional quadrangle courtyard, with the main hall, east bedroom, west kitchen, and a southern main gate forming a square. If they wanted to expand in the future, they could build another row of rooms behind the main hall, forming a “?” layout.


Li Ming was accustomed to building houses for wealthy families, and although this project was smaller, he was excited about it. However, Miao He had his own ideas and requirements, such as heated beds, drainage systems, lighting, chimneys, and even lacquered wooden floors. Li Ming found these requests peculiar and occasionally dismissed them with a series of “no, no, trust me, that won’t work.”


As they clashed over these details, the workers had already started compacting the soil, and carts of blue bricks were being transported to the new site. The transport route bypassed the village’s main road, taking a path closer to the brick kiln, which kept the construction hidden for several days.


However, when the actual construction began, the commotion behind the wooden fence caught the attention of the curious village chief!


Yang Dalang, not wanting too many people snooping around, blocked the chief’s entrance at the gate.


“Construction inside, it’s messy and dangerous.”


The chief tried to peek around Yang Dalang’s large frame to see what was going on inside, but his view was obstructed. Nevertheless, he could hear the sounds of construction, confirming that a new house was indeed being built.


Satisfied that they were moving as promised, the chief adopted a more amiable tone. “Why didn’t you ask for my help in finding workers? Dalang, you’re too polite. Bringing in workers from town must cost more money. Why spend that unnecessary amount?”


“We know the craftsmen. They can work quickly, and we don’t want to rush the villagers.” Yang Dalang provided a legitimate reason.


Mentioning the rush made the chief feel a bit embarrassed. Yang Dalang’s cold response was understandable.


The chief sighed. “Dalang, it’s not easy being the village chief. This time, I owe you an apology. But I’ll be sure to tell everyone about the help you and He have provided. If anyone tries to sneak in and take advantage, I’ll make sure to stop them!”


“And if you need any help, feel free to ask! Even if it’s about money for building the house, I can help talk to some people to lend you some!” The chief assumed Yang Dalang wouldn’t default on debts since they now had land.


“Thank you, but that’s not necessary.”


After a few more concerned inquiries, the chief left with a serious expression but a satisfied heart.


As long as Yang Dalang was willing to move, the chief’s job was done.


This also meant that his nephew, Miao Gui, could work in the workshop as promised by Miao Jue! Everything was going well.


Such a big move needed to be informed to the family elders. Miao He and Yang Dalang chose a day to visit Second Aunt Yang with a box of mung bean cakes. When Second Aunt Yang heard the news, she was furious and stomped her feet repeatedly.


“Why didn’t you tell me sooner? I would have argued with them! What’s there to be afraid of? That pig-brained Miao Huosheng wouldn’t dare do anything to us! We don’t farm or open land; we live off our crafts! We don’t need to compete for labor during the busy farming season, and we don’t worry about taxes being reduced. What are you afraid of? You are both so foolish!”


Yang Dalang remained silent, not planning to argue back. Miao He quickly said, “Second Aunt, don’t be mad. Even if we’ve been taken advantage of, they will have to repay us in the future. We got a piece of land that was meant for farming, but now we’re using it to build a house. If we turn it into a homestead, the village chief can’t say no.”


Second Aunt Yang’s eyes lit up, and she happily slapped the table. “That’s true! If we build a wall around it, it becomes a homestead and is tax-exempt! Alright, leave it to me to negotiate. You youngsters are too thin-skinned and don’t know how to fight. That’s what I’m here for!”


Miao He looked at Yang Dalang. Yang Dalang nodded. “Thank you, Second Aunt.”


Finally satisfied, Second Aunt Yang asked, “What’s the other matter?”


Miao He replied, “We want Datong to help make some furniture. Second Aunt, don’t argue; we will pay for it! And this time, the requirements are more complicated. If you don’t charge us, I won’t even dare to ask.”


“How can that be,” Yang Datong protested, “We haven’t even thanked you and sister-in-law for the recliner last time. We definitely can’t charge you this time! I still owe you a rocking chair, and I’ll finish it before you move!”


Hearing about the rocking chair, Miao He was delighted. “Then we will accept the two rocking chairs! But we will pay for the rest.”


Even then, it took Yang Dalang’s firm insistence to make Second Aunt Yang and the others accept the furniture-making job. Miao He then outlined all the requirements, which were indeed numerous. Additionally, he didn’t forget to order a tall cat tree for Dabai!


A new home should have new and beautiful furniture to make it feel like a real home.


They even spent an extra two taels of silver, which was almost half of Yang Datong’s yearly income.


But this was all part of decorating their home and looking forward to their future life, so the money was spent willingly!


As the new house was being hurriedly built, Yang Dalang went to the mountains several more times. He wanted to clear out the animals on their mountain and set up traps at key points. Since this was now their backyard, ensuring safety was absolutely necessary.


Miao He, who stayed home, gradually packed up their old house, moving things bit by bit to the new location.


After all, the new place was spacious enough to store everything.


Their activities were closely watched by the village chief, who was increasingly satisfied.


He kept telling everyone, “Yang Dalang is very supportive of the soybean project! When he found out that Miao Li’s family wanted to use that land to grow soybeans, he voluntarily gave it up and moved to his own land!”


In these conversations, the chief conveniently omitted his own mistakes, implying that they weren’t mistakes at all but intentional.


Some busybodies asked, “I noticed some activity on that land recently. Are they really building a house? Why didn’t they inform the villagers? We have many strong young men who could use the extra work and earn some pocket money. Yang Dalang really doesn’t know how to think ahead.”


“Hey, you can’t say that! Dalang agreed to move within twenty days so that Miao Li’s family could plant soybeans this season. He thought it was inappropriate to ask the villagers for help, so he hired people from outside!” the chief quickly explained.


“Really? But isn’t Yang Dalang at odds with Miao Jue’s family? Why would he be so helpful? It doesn’t seem right.”


The chief, nervous about the suspicion, quickly said, “Of course, he can! Although Dalang appears cold, he’s sensible. He knows the workshop needs soybeans, and since they don’t have land and can’t open new fields in time, he supports the village workshop! When I approached him, he immediately agreed to give up the land. He’s very cooperative. Don’t doubt him; as the village chief, I won’t tolerate such talk!”


Startled, the other person muttered, “Why so nervous? I didn’t mean anything. It just seems odd that he gave up the land when the lease isn’t even up. There are plenty of other fields. Why that one? I don’t understand.”


This was a point the chief couldn’t explain. He could only keep emphasizing Yang Dalang’s sacrifice and dedication to the village! He made excuses and left quickly.


Another villager, Aunt Yu, who had overheard everything, couldn’t help but gossip after the chief left.


“I think Miao Li’s family bullied them! It must be Miao Jue’s doing. Think about it; by taking Yang Dalang’s old house and forcing him to move to his new land, Miao Li’s family gets more peace and quiet! How overbearing!”


“That makes sense. I’ve also heard that the conditions for working in Miao Jue’s workshop are harsh. They don’t even allow breaks during the busy farming season. They’re so arrogant! Once people get money, they change. Miao Li’s family probably did this!”


“Right? And don’t get me started on the soybean prices. They claimed to pay better than the town, but they factored in transportation costs! Who carries soybeans to town? Everyone carries them themselves! After accounting for that, the price isn’t actually better. I sold once and learned my lesson!”


“Really? Why didn’t anyone say anything?”


“Some people still sell because it saves time and effort. They can even sell lower-quality beans for half the price. Those people are just happy about that.”


“Lower quality? Can they make decent products from that–“


Before he could finish, Aunt Yu shushed him. “Wait, someone’s coming.”


The two stopped talking and turned to see two girls approaching.


The girls wore light green and yellow dresses, a sign of wealth since lighter colors were more expensive to produce. Bright red and green were cheaper due to the dyeing process.


The two girls were Miao Yuan’s cousins, Miao Jin’er and Miao Duan’er. They were fifteen and sixteen years old, in the prime of their youth. Though they were pretty, their expressions carried a hint of arrogance. They walked hand in hand, chatting and ignoring others.


Aunt Yu, always curious, approached them.


“Good morning, Jin’er and Duan’er. You two look lovely today. Where are you headed?”


Miao Jin’er pursed her lips, “Aunt Yu, we’re grown up now. Don’t call us by those childhood names. Call us young ladies. We’re going to the town to pick out some new fabric for summer clothes.”


“How enviable, getting new clothes for summer! Why isn’t anyone accompanying you? You both look so lovely; don’t let anyone bother you in town.”


Miao Duan’er softly replied, “Brother will meet us at the town gate.”


Miao Jin’er, a bit proud, added, “Yuan’er will take us to the restaurant afterward. Our family’s tofu pudding is supplied there.”


“Oh, I haven’t even tasted tofu pudding yet. I heard it’s delicious. When will you let the villagers try it? It’s embarrassing if we can’t describe its taste.”


Aunt Yu’s flattery was meant to butter them up, but Miao Duan’er thought she wanted freebies. She coolly replied, “Such expensive food is not for casual consumption. Our family works hard for its money. Please understand, Aunt Yu.”


Aunt Yu thought to herself, “No matter how expensive, it’s still made from our village’s soybeans. It’s not like it has ginseng or abalone. Claiming hard-earned money while the girls are wearing new clothes and eating out at restaurants. Empty words about helping the villagers get rich while the money flows only into their pockets.”


Just then, a plain-looking young man hurriedly approached them. “Third Sister, Fourth Sister, I need to discuss something with Brother Yuan. I’ll go with you.”


Miao Duan’er’s face darkened. “I told you not to call me that. It could cause misunderstandings.”


The young man, named Min Chun, showed a hint of disdain. “Living under the same roof, Mother said not to be too formal. If you prefer, I can stop.”


Miao Jin’er lifted her chin. “You also work in the workshop. Just call us Miss.”


Min Chun almost sneered but held back. Aunt Yu intervened, “Who’s this? I don’t recognize him.”


Miao Jin’er quickly explained, “Chun is Min Chun, a relative from Fourth Uncle’s side. After a snow disaster in Yuanjia Village, he and his mother came to rely on us. We don’t have much of a connection.”


Aunt Yu understood; he was a poor relative they looked down upon, and they even made him call them Miss.


After seeing this exchange, Aunt Yu’s belief in her theory about Yang Dalang’s house solidified. She decided to spread the word once she was done talking to the girls.

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  1. LicoLico says:

    Thank You for the new chapter ?(????)

  2. El says:

    Thank you for the chapter!

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