LGSLAW : Chapter 34 – Handing Over the Land

Handing Over the Land

Kofi bonus chapter ( ? ³?)?

Early in the morning, Yang Dalang and Miao He went to the village chief’s house with their lease contract. They tore it up in front of the chief, fulfilling the agreement. This act symbolized Yang Dalang’s official relinquishment of his right to sue using the lease contract.


Lately, Aunt Yu’s version of events had reached the village chief’s ears, making him feel guilty. To prove he hadn’t coerced Yang Dalang and that everything was voluntary, he announced the day’s event to the villagers, inviting them to witness it.


When Yang Dalang and Miao He arrived, they were surprised to see a large crowd gathered. They had risen early, cleaned up the remaining walls they had dismantled the previous night, and were now sweaty and dirty. In contrast, Miao Li and his wife were neatly dressed and beaming, making Yang Dalang and Miao He look rather disheveled.


“Yang Dalang, despite getting the mountain land, seems to have run into bad luck,” someone muttered.


“Indeed. What can you do with a mountain? You can’t farm it, maybe just gather some wild fruits and vegetables. At least you won’t starve. But now, look at this mess; the Liang family probably didn’t foresee this when they gave the land.”


“Right. And what’s Miao Li’s family thinking? They were living well enough, why force him to give up his land?”


“Exactly. Can soybeans sell for a good price? Managing more land also means more taxes. Can Miao Li’s family handle it? Don’t they already have several plots of land…”


Hearing the whispers veering in the wrong direction, the village chief quickly announced, “Alright. Now that both parties are present, let’s begin. Dalang, do you have the lease?”


Yang Dalang nodded, took a paper from his pocket, and handed it to the village chief. The chief, excited but maintaining his composure, carefully compared it with his copy. Both copies needed to be destroyed for the agreement to be irrevocable.


Among the crowd, Miao Min’s mother clutched her hands, eyes bright with anticipation. If today’s matter went smoothly, connecting with the Liang family would allow Min Ge’er to live a comfortable life and support her family. While selling vegetables wouldn’t earn much, having the Liang family tied to Min Ge’er would elevate his status in his in-laws’ eyes.


Miao Liang, another planner, was absent. Having convinced his father to take action, he stayed out of sight. This way, he and Min Ge’er could claim ignorance of the matter, allowing Min Ge’er to later approach He Ge’er for help connecting with the Liang family.


After confirming the papers, the village chief, unable to hide his excitement, said sternly, “No mistake, Dalang’s lease matches the original. Now, I will destroy them.”


Without hesitation, the chief tore the papers into pieces. Delighted, he and Miao Li’s family smiled broadly. But to onlookers, his haste seemed suspicious, prompting murmurs among the villagers.


Clearing his throat, the chief announced, “From now on, Yang Dalang voluntarily relinquishes his rights to this land, transferring it to Miao Li’s family. Any objections? If so, speak now! If not, there’s no turning back. Understand?”


Old man Miao Li, beaming, said, “No objections! We’re grateful to Dalang for his help; otherwise, we couldn’t plant soybeans this season. We need to get started on clearing the land.”


Meanwhile, thanks to Aunt Yang’s intervention, Yang Dalang had already secured proof of his new homestead, registered with the local authorities. He replied, “No issues.”


In reality, what was the point of asking after tearing up the contract?


The chief, relieved, said, “Then today’s matter is settled. Both parties can go home.”


Yang Dalang nodded to the chief, turned to leave with Miao He, but was stopped by Miao Li. “Wait, Dalang, what about the keys to the yard? If you have them, just give them to me; I don’t plan to change the locks.”


Miao Li’s wife chimed in, “Yes, changing locks would be an extra expense.”


Shaking his head, Yang Dalang said, “No locks. No need.”


Miao Li’s smile froze. “No locks? You mean you took them off?”


Miao He, serious, interjected, “We knew your family was in a hurry to plant soybeans, and dismantling the house would take time, so we tore it down. We didn’t ask for payment for the house, which was only fair.”


At this, the village chief and Miao Li’s family turned pale.


Miao Li’s wife shrieked, “Tore it down!? You tore down the house!? Where will Miao Liang live? Didn’t we ask you not to? Dalang, are you holding a grudge, trying to get back at us?”


Aunt Yu, present to watch the excitement, couldn’t help but comment loudly, “So, you want people to give up their land and also give you a free house? Well, that’s a first. Quite an eye-opener.”


Miao Li’s wife’s outburst made the chief and Miao Li’s faces turn even darker. But she was fixated on the free house she had counted on, having been delighted at the prospect of saving three to four taels of silver, enough to live on for two years!


Now, hearing it was gone, she nearly fainted.


Ignoring the others, she rushed off, shouting, “No, I need to check!”


Those there to watch the commotion eagerly followed. The real drama seemed to be just beginning, and they wanted the full story to share later. Most of the villagers joined in.


Miao Li stood, his face a mixture of green and white. What could he say? He had insisted on planting soybeans. If he complained, it would mean admitting the soybeans were just an excuse!


And they hadn’t paid for the house or explicitly agreed to give it to them. That was their own wishful thinking. Now, with Yang Dalang tearing it down under the pretext of speeding up planting, they couldn’t find fault.


Miao Li sighed heavily, regretting his greed. He shouldn’t have believed his son’s grand plans and collaborated with the chief to bully Yang Dalang. As a lifelong farmer, he had always lived a simple life. This one scheme had backfired spectacularly.


Avoiding further eye contact with Yang Dalang, Miao Li wiped his face and hurried after his wife. She might say something foolish, leading to more trouble.


The village chief, stunned, wondered if Miao Liang’s plan to connect with the Liang family was now doomed. If it failed, would Miao Jue rescind his promise about Miao Gui?


But what could he say to Yang Dalang? He had pressured him to give up the land for the village’s sake, not mentioning the house and garden. They had assumed he wouldn’t have time to build a new house and would leave the old one, free of charge. But now, with the house torn down to help plant soybeans, there was no fault to find!


Feeling a chill, the chief watched Yang Dalang and his wife walk away, realizing he might have underestimated them.


At Yang Dalang’s old homestead, the drama continued.


Miao Li’s wife cried in despair over the cleared land, “Gone! The house is really gone! What now? Liang is getting married next month! Where will he live? How do I explain this to him? Yang Dalang, how could you be so petty? What harm would it do to leave the house?”


The crowd, unable to listen, sneered, “Wasn’t the house unwanted because you forced him to give up the land?”


Another spectator added, “Yeah, think about it. Yang Dalang hadn’t built that house long ago, less than a year. It’s still new. You wanted it as a new house for Liang’s wedding? No wonder you forced him out!”


“Exactly. Wait, didn’t they say it was for planting soybeans? Was that just an excuse?”


“If so, what’s the point? Just a dirt house, worth this much scheming?”


“Yeah, and mentioning Miao Liang. Isn’t he working at the workshop, earning well? So calculating…”


When Miao Li arrived, the talk was unbearable.


Face flushed, he quickly dragged his wife away.


That night, Miao Liang, after work, heard the day’s events and wanted to smash the table in rage.


“Just a dirt house!? Mother, can’t you manage this small expense? Can’t your son afford it!?”


To save a little money, she ruined his entire plan, making him furious enough to hit someone! But it was his own mother!


Having been scolded by her husband earlier, Miao Li’s wife exploded under her son’s wrath, “You grew up because I pinched and saved every penny! What’s wrong with that? It’s Yang Dalang’s fault! Who knew he’d be so petty? I’ve never seen anything like it!”


Miao Li, angry, said, “Enough. Don’t say that outside. Do you want more trouble? We schemed against him first. How could he not be upset?”


“Son, it’s my fault. What should we do with the land?”


Grinding his teeth, Miao Liang wondered if Yang Dalang had seen through his plan.


With his mother exposing him, he couldn’t send Min Ge’er to beg Miao He. But this wouldn’t be in vain!


Once Yang Shui Tea House stopped receiving vegetables, he would still be a hero to Dahe Restaurant.


“We’ll plant soybeans,” he said through gritted teeth.


Miao Li’s face fell, “More land means more taxes. We don’t have enough hands…”


As they discussed, someone knocked. It was Miao Li’s second brother’s wife, Aunt Ru.


Aunt Ru, blunt as ever, said, “Third brother, not to be petty, but hearing you have money for land and soybeans, it seems you’re no longer struggling. Maybe it’s time you moved out. Our house is crowded.”


They had cleared a room for Miao Liang’s new house. Now hearing about the land purchase, Aunt Ru was furious.


Miao Li’s face turned awkward, but his wife retorted, “There’s no house yet. Where do you expect us to live? And haven’t we been paying rent? Are we freeloading?”


Aunt Ru laughed, “Rent? Barely enough for extra food costs. Honestly, if not for supporting the workshop, we wouldn’t have space. We’re really crowded.”


Now, with Miao Liang taking the workshop job and earning well, Aunt Ru felt bitter. Seeing Miao Li’s family buy land, she couldn’t stand it.


“Just in time, Liang’s wedding is in a month. Build a new house there. It’ll be perfect! I’ll expect you to move out in a month!” With that, she left without waiting for a response.


Miao Li’s family was left with grim faces.

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Any suggestion for the next project ? for september hh

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  1. Rereadm says:

    Thanks for the bonus chapters!

  2. LicoLico says:

    I forgot how bad I wanted to beat all those scums up! ???????
    Thank You for the new chapter ?(????)

  3. El says:

    I actually read ahead with MTL until ch 40 so I knew this was coming. But it’s still sooooo satisfying to read these scummy scammers’ reactions to the house lol!

    Thank you for the chapters!

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