LGSLAW : Chapter 36 – Moving House

Moving House

The next day, Miao He, holding Dabai, along with Yang Dalang, Aunt Yang, and his two cousins, arrived at the new house.


A few days ago, the exterior of the new house was already completed. The grey-blue bricks, the dark tiles, and the unpretentious, steady color scheme paired with the dark wooden carved lattice windows. The intricate stone carvings on the eaves, drip tiles, and lintels added detailed touches. Surrounded by increasingly dense trees, the green landscape gave a sense of tranquility and harmony, dispelling much of the restlessness.


Upon seeing them, Li Ming proudly introduced all the innovative features he had implemented in the new house, many of which he had discussed intensely with Miao He.


For example, the warm pits and smoke channels in the main hall and bedrooms. Once charcoal was burned, the floors or beds would certainly warm up. The larger-than-usual windows ensured ventilation and lighting, making the rooms, including the kitchen and main hall, bright. During winter, the double-layered windows would prevent drafts, unlike the usual leaky ones.


The courtyard was fully paved with blue bricks, just like the other floors inside the house. There would be no more dust floating around once inside. The main hall was also fitted with knee-high wooden flooring, similar to modern tatami rooms. This was a special request from Miao He, who missed the comfort of not having to wear shoes indoors in the modern world.


The light-colored wooden floor, painted with waterproof varnish, contrasted with the slightly dark blue bricks, brightening up the interior. Sunlight reflecting off the wooden floor had an even better effect. Accordingly, Miao He had ordered matching furniture: low cabinets along the walls and a low table in the middle, enough to accommodate guests comfortably.


The kitchen was equipped with numerous storage cabinets and worktops, and the number of stoves had been increased to three. As for the toilet, it was even more meticulously designed. Although Miao He couldn’t build a biogas pit, he insisted on cleanliness, easy access to water, and simple maintenance, making it barely passable.


The toilet was located in another corner outside the main building. There was a small door leading out, with a roof overhead and elevated blue brick flooring, so rain wouldn’t be a problem. If fragrant herbs and plants were grown along the walkway, the daily routine wouldn’t be something to avoid anymore.


There was also a new bathhouse. Though it didn’t have a luxurious bath pool, the drainage and ventilation were carefully planned, with space reserved for a well. The area was near a river, making it likely that a well could be successfully dug.


Even the trees planted outside, arranged by Li Ming, were thoughtfully placed. They didn’t block the sunlight in the courtyard but shaded the house in the afternoon. Such meticulous planning made the house instantly cooler when stepping inside during summer.


Aunt Yang was also overjoyed after seeing the new house.


The Yang family’s old house was also made of blue bricks. The older generation of the Yang family had good luck hunting and saved some money, building one of the few blue brick houses in the village. After Yang Dalang unhesitatingly gave this house to Aunt Yang, she always felt indebted to him. Seeing him live in an even better place now, she finally felt at ease.


“This place is really good! There are so many things we never thought of before, and they’re so well arranged! Datong, hurry and bring over the things you made with your brother! And bring the cushions I sewed earlier, let’s set up the house today so Dalang can sleep in his new home tonight!”


Yang Datong, his eyes shining with excitement, couldn’t help but laugh, “After seeing this house, I finally understand why Brother He made those strange pieces of furniture! So that’s why! Alright! Mom, I’ll go move them now! Little brother, come on!”


Teenage Yang Da Chuan had also recently started learning carpentry from his brother. There was no other choice; Yang Datong’s business was getting busier, and having a brother to help was more reliable and easier.


Li Ming was curious upon hearing this. “So there are special pieces of furniture too? I was wondering how the furniture would fit in this house! Come on, you all go and move everything in! Quickly set up the house so I can see if there’s anything else to add!”


Thus, piece by piece, the furniture was moved into the house.


Once everything was in place, the house looked even more spacious, and with a few deep blue cushions added, it felt more comfortable!


Li Ming nodded repeatedly, “It’s indeed a good fit. And the craftsmanship is excellent, sturdy and meticulous, not overly fancy! This must be Datong’s work. Alright, let’s exchange addresses. If any guests want a house like Brother He’s in the future, I’ll recommend your furniture!”


Yang Datong was overjoyed to hear this. Aunt Yang also rarely smiled so foolishly, thanking him repeatedly. Yang Datong then remembered, “I almost forgot! There are two rocking chairs too! Brother He requested them!”


That day, Yang Datong received three orders for rocking chairs.


After all, after a hard day’s work building a house, being able to collapse into a rocking chair at home would definitely be a treat! Li Ming knew at a glance that these chairs were worth buying! One wouldn’t be enough! As the boss, he needed one exclusively, and though there wouldn’t be enough for the whole crew, having some would be a delight!


At noon, Miao He showcased his culinary skills, making big dishes like stir-fried tomatoes and eggs, stuffed eggplant, ginseng chicken soup, and radish cakes. Aunt Yang and her eldest daughter-in-law also helped. Everyone gathered in the new house for a lively farewell meal with Li Ming and his crew.


The chubby worker was heartbroken while eating, saying he would definitely lose weight now that he couldn’t eat these meals anymore.


Everyone empathized, but they were also happy for him. The chubby one was indeed too fat and needed to slim down.


All good things must come to an end.


After nearly two months together, some bonds had formed. Miao He got Li Ming’s address in town and promised to send him a box of fruit once they were ripe. Li Ming, shamelessly, didn’t refuse and even said he would bring guests to see the house if anyone was interested.


After heartfelt farewells, the workers’ carts finally set off. Aunt Yang and her two sons continued helping to move and arrange the remaining items, and the house was finally set up.


When the new courtyard’s wooden gate closed, the house suddenly fell silent.


The evening breeze blew coolly, accompanied by the distant chirping of cicadas.


Miao He exhaled, feeling a deep exhaustion wash over him.


Yang Dalang, who had been quiet today, touched Miao He’s forehead. “You’ve worked hard.”


Miao He held his hand and smiled, “Of course. It’s our home now.”


The dark eyes of Yang Dalang softened. Miao He knew that some of the strange things in the house must have made Yang Dalang think a lot. Maybe one day he would tell the truth, but for now, he could only say what Yang Dalang wanted to hear. Of course, it was also his heartfelt words.


Suddenly, Miao He was picked up!


“What are you doing?” he protested, sweaty from the day’s work.


“Bathhouse.” It was big enough for two people.


“…” This person adapted too quickly!


At that moment, Dabai was happily exploring its new cat tree.


Now, even if no one paid attention to it, it wouldn’t be bored!




After a peaceful night’s sleep in the new home, Miao He woke up feeling refreshed. He got up quickly but felt a bit dizzy. Shaking his head, he rubbed his face and saw that Yang Dalang had already gotten up.


He got out of bed and changed his clothes, noticing a basin of clean water and a towel on the low cabinet beside him. After washing up, he went outside to find Yang Dalang. Now that the entire courtyard was theirs to use, Miao He was eager to get started!


Building the house had cost twenty-six or twenty-seven taels, much more than the initially estimated twenty taels. Because Master Qu promised to provide some saltpeter for making ice in the future, Miao He couldn’t resist adding a blue brick cellar, which cost another five or six taels. Fortunately, the next batch of vegetable money came in time to cover this extra expense, leaving no regrets.


But money was still tight! They needed to earn more.


Outside, he saw Yang Dalang watering the vegetable garden, already halfway done. Energized, Miao He went back and made several large oily pancakes, stir-fried some egg threads with bean sprouts, spicy cabbage, and pickled vegetables, and called Yang Dalang back for breakfast.


Dabai had already jumped onto the table, tearing at its pancake. It loved Magic Soil and everything made from it, becoming a mostly vegetarian cat. Miao He sometimes worried if Dabai would still be able to catch mice in the future.


The little black cat, unaware of its owner’s concerns, happily swished its tail while eating.


The freshly prepared breakfast was set on the low table in the main hall. When Yang Dalang returned, he washed his feet on the blue brick steps outside the door. Initially a bit unaccustomed, he quickly learned to take off his shoes and step onto the wooden floor, finding it relaxing and comfortable.


As soon as he sat down, Miao He handed him a rolled pancake with a smile. Filled with spicy cabbage and pickled vegetables, one bite was sour, spicy, and sweet, absolutely delicious! His appetite fully aroused, Yang Dalang devoured the pancake in two or three bites, while Miao He was still holding half of his.


“By the way, after moving in, we should host a housewarming banquet. Who should we invite, and what should we serve?” Miao He remembered this tradition.


“Neighbors, relatives, friends, those who helped build the house,” Yang Dalang paused, “and the village chief.”


Miao He calculated, “How many people would that be? Not counting Li Ming and his crew, there’s Aunt Yang, Aunt Qing, my mother and them, four or five families who visited you when you were sick, and the village chief. Oh, and Mr. Liang, Doctor Ji, and Manager Jin should be invited too. Can we handle all that?”


“We’ll hire someone. We don’t have to do it ourselves,” Yang Dalang shook his head.


Miao He sighed in relief, “That’s great. Otherwise, with so many people, even three stoves wouldn’t be enough. I’ll ask Aunt Yang if she knows anyone who can help cater.”


Upon asking Aunt Yang, Miao He learned that only Aunt Guo in Miao Village had the capability to cater. She provided a full service, including ordering vegetables and meat and supplying tables and chairs. Hiring her would save them the trouble of asking guests to bring their own chairs and utensils, which was more dignified.


Miao He and Yang Dalang weren’t seeking prestige, mainly avoiding the hassle of sourcing materials themselves. Their vegetables were already promised to the teahouse, with deposits paid in advance, so failing to deliver was not an option. Hiring Aunt Guo to handle everything was perfect.


However, Aunt Guo’s business was at its peak. With no agricultural work in progress, villages often held celebratory events. She was fully booked throughout July, with a large event at the end of the month for Miao Liang and Miao Min’s wedding banquet. If Yang Dalang wanted to book her, they’d have to wait until early August. Fortunately, there was no strict time frame for a housewarming banquet, as long as it wasn’t delayed for more than three months.


Miao He decided, “Then let’s do it in early August! It’ll give us time to save up some money!”


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  1. Carpang says:

    Wow, thank you for the gift !!!! And it’s my birthday today ???

  2. Carpang says:

    Thank you for the chapter ?

  3. LicoLico says:

    Wow, what a big update! I’m happy, but please don’t force Yourself~! I always have a looooot of titles, so I’m greatfully gonna share them with You as suggestions ^^ (If any of them get Your attention, I will send more) Hope that they appear in comment ><
    Historical: +??????? | +??? | + ???
    Modern: +??????????? | +??boss???? | +????
    Cultivation: +???? | + ????? | +????????????

    1. LicoLico says:

      Forgot to add that I wrote about ‘???’ by ??zhong =w=’

    2. bluearea says:

      Omy ! Lico you have such a good taste !! ?o?.(??? ??) !

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