LGSLAW : Chapter 39 – Chicks


Yang Dalang’s thoughts about the incident with Miao Qiang were put aside. The next day, following Aunt Yang’s advice, he went to Aunt Qing’s house to share the good news. This time, he left Miao He at home to rest, knowing that Miao Qiang’s attitude towards him hadn’t changed, and he didn’t want Miao He to be subjected to any more unpleasantness.


Aunt Qing was just as delighted as Aunt Yang, her eyes even welling up with tears. She felt more guilt than Aunt Yang and was both happy and anxious upon hearing the news. “Is Brother He’s health okay? Tell Aunt Qing if there’s anything wrong. You know, the custom is to keep it a secret for three months. You need to be more careful about these details—”


“It’s okay. It’s been three months,” Yang Dalang replied.


A little calculation made it clear that Miao He had conceived during their first time together. This was something Miao He had mumbled about in his sleep a few days ago, complaining that Yang Dalang had been rough and domineering that morning, causing the current situation.


Though Miao He was grumbling about Yang Dalang being overprotective, hearing it made Yang Dalang’s heart swell with a mix of sweetness and heat. He was filled with joy, but also fear of causing harm, treating Miao He like a fragile treasure now.


Lost in these thoughts, Yang Dalang’s face softened without him realizing it.


Noticing this, Aunt Qing was both comforted and sentimental. “I’m so glad to see you like this. I hope Qiang will be the same someday. But right now, he’s just so resistant. I don’t know what he’s thinking.”


As if on cue, Miao Qiang returned from outside.


Seeing Yang Dalang alone, without the annoying Ger, his mood brightened immediately. “Dalang is here! Are you here to see me? I wanted to ask how the house is coming along. No matter what, I’m your brother, and I’ll help you! Stay for dinner. You used to eat at our house often. When was the last time? Mom, make sure to cook more vinegar potato slices, Dalang loves that dish!”


Aunt Qing felt helpless about her son’s behavior. “You should also ask if they have any urgent matters. Brother He is pregnant, and Dalang should go back early to take care of him. Dalang, be extra careful during this time and be patient if Brother He gets irritable. It’s normal, just have some more patience, okay?”


“I know,” Yang Dalang nodded. Uncle Lin and Doctor Ji had also instructed him about this.


Miao Qiang’s smile froze. “Pregnant?”


“Yes. So be careful how you speak to Brother He from now on. If anything goes wrong, I won’t forgive you!” Aunt Qing knew how Miao Qiang felt about Miao He.


But Miao Qiang couldn’t accept it. His mind raced, thinking that this meant Yang Dalang would never side with him again. Without thinking, he blurted out, “How can you be sure the child is—”


Before he could finish, Yang Dalang’s face darkened, and he punched Miao Qiang square in the face.


Even Aunt Qing stood up, slamming the table. “What nonsense are you spouting! Qiang! What’s wrong with you!”


Holding his swelling mouth, Miao Qiang was stunned. “You hit me?”


Clenching his fists, Yang Dalang coldly asked, “Shouldn’t I?”


Miao Qiang opened his mouth but found no words to justify himself. Regret welled up inside him. He didn’t know why he had said such cruel words to his brother. The next moment, he turned and stormed out, not wanting to face anyone.


Yang Dalang watched coldly, feeling no regret. If he didn’t take a stand, Miao Qiang would only continue down this path.


Aunt Qing sighed. “He grew up without a father and sees you as an older brother. I spoiled him too much, always giving in to him. I wanted him to mature by starting a family, but it seems he still has a long way to go. Don’t worry about it. He’s the one who spoke out of turn and needs to reflect and apologize to you both.”




Miao He didn’t know about the incident at Aunt Qing’s house. He only knew that when Yang Dalang returned, he brought back a box of adorable yellow chicks! Each one was fluffy, with innocent black eyes, wobbling as they walked and huddling together.


Miao He’s eyes lit up as he held a chick. “Are we going to raise them?”


Dabai, the cat, also came out. Its eyes were wide, cautiously approaching the chicks.


Yang Dalang picked up the little black cat and stuffed it into his shirt collar. “Yes, to raise and eat.”


Miao He looked at him accusingly. “These cute little chicks…”


Yang Dalang paused. “The wild chickens in the backyard, are they cute?”


Miao He was momentarily speechless.


Speaking of which, during his last hunting trip, besides selling a live deer for over a tael of silver, Yang Dalang had caught mostly wild chickens. Now, including the ones from clearing the hillside, they had three roosters and four hens, all kept in a temporary coop in the backyard.


Yang Dalang knew that the chicken Miao He fed him when he was injured was raised with the magic soil, very nourishing. Although Miao He used the magic soil to grow vegetables and rice, they lacked meat. Raising batches of chickens with the magic soil meant they wouldn’t have to worry about catching game in winter, and Miao He would always have chicken soup for nourishment.


“Raising them ourselves will be more nourishing. We can also buy goats for milk and maybe pigs,” Yang Dalang suggested.


Miao He, understanding the plan, agreed enthusiastically. With the magic soil, they didn’t have to worry about the chicks’ survival or disease, and it would lighten Yang Dalang’s hunting load. “But pigs are too much trouble. We don’t grow crops, so it’s not worth it. Besides, raising enough pigs for daily consumption would require buying a lot of feed. Let’s not bother,” Miao He added quickly.


Yang Dalang initially didn’t mind the trouble, but seeing Miao He’s insistence, he relented.


Thus, their new homestead’s farming endeavors began.


Yang Dalang bought fifty chicks this time, anticipating some losses. Miao He assured him there would be none, so they needed to prepare a new chicken coop. When Yang Dalang started carrying wood to build it behind the house, Miao He remembered a TV show about free-range chicken farming.


The method involved fencing off a large area in an orchard or on a hillside. Feeding and watering were done at fixed points, and the chickens, after ensuring they had enough food, would run and jump around the slope. This not only helped control pests and weeds but also kept their droppings from stinking up the place, serving as fertilizer instead.


“If we build the coop in the center of the orchard, the chickens will return to sleep and lay eggs there, making egg collection easier. The only challenge would be building the fence,” Miao He said hesitantly.


Yang Dalang immediately agreed, “Let’s do it.”


Miao He quickly stopped him. “But we should keep the chicks indoors until they’re bigger. Then we can raise them that way.”


“Yes. We can buy another batch to free-range.”


Having agreed, Dabai finally couldn’t resist and leaped into the box of chicks in a perfect hunting stance. However, it was immediately overwhelmed by the curious chicks.


What’s this? Peep, peck! Peep, peck!


Fluffy, peep! Warm, peep! Cuddling is so comfortable! Peep, peep!


I want to join! Should I peck first? Peep, peep!


Dabai’s soft fur was being pulled in all directions, shedding fur in the process.


The poor black cat struggled, but it couldn’t escape the swarm of peeping chicks!


Yang Dalang reached in and rescued the helpless black cat.


“No scratching,” Yang Dalang instructed.


The black cat meowed pitifully.


It seemed to say, “I didn’t mean to fall in, meow!”




While the couple was busy building the chicken coop, the new mud house at Miao Li’s place was almost finished.


They started construction a month later than Yang Dalang’s house, aiming to complete it before Miao Liang’s wedding. The house was large, and they hired several village men to help. Since it wasn’t the busy farming season, many villagers were willing to work for a good meal.


Miao Li’s family didn’t skimp on the food, serving meat at every meal. Even though Aunt Li was distressed by the expense, the decisions were made by Miao Li and his eldest son, Miao Liang. She had no say, especially since the initial land issue had caused the villagers to mock them.


Miao Liang, working at the workshop and mindful of his reputation, couldn’t stand the gossip. Even Miao Li, who cared about others’ opinions, decided to borrow money from Miao Yuan to build a large six-room house with a big courtyard on the new land. This was to prove that they had plenty of space and had never intended to covet Yang Dalang’s small house.


However, building such a large house meant they couldn’t plant soybeans. Villagers, curious about the change, would ask why they chose to build instead of planting. Miao Liang bluntly blamed his aunt, Aunt Ru, saying she preferred living separately, which was why they decided to move.


Though true, it wasn’t very considerate to air family grievances publicly, angering Aunt Ru.


She felt that with new land, moving was a given. The problem was with Miao Li’s family, who didn’t plan to move and insisted on squeezing into their courtyard! Now, with their family being dragged into the mess and ridiculed, she told her husband that if he helped his third brother again, she would leave him!


Overall, Miao Li’s family maintained a respectable appearance.


They bought new land, built a new house, and now, with Miao Liang’s upcoming wedding, they were spending even more! All these expenses, not counting the bride price, amounted to at least a dozen taels.


Yet, Miao Li’s family seemed to spend without hesitation!


It made people wonder how much profit Miao Liang was making at the workshop!


The gossip about Miao Li’s family diminished.


And so, the day of Miao Liang and Miao Min’s wedding feast arrived.


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  1. LicoLico says:

    Thank You for the new chapter ?*’?’???

  2. ami-kun 96 says:

    Now I kind of feel this qiang boy is gay.. or maybe a brocon?it’s better if it was the latter if it the former.. he definitely be heart broken after realize his feeling

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