LGSLAW : Chapter 40 – Inferior


Miao Liang and Miao Min’s wedding banquet was one that Miao He had previously promised to attend. Despite recent tensions with Miao Li’s family, they hadn’t completely fallen out, and Miao He had been invited by Miao Min, so out of friendship, he was supposed to go. However, now that Miao He was pregnant, according to Aunt Yang, there was a taboo against attending joyful events before reaching four months of pregnancy, as it could bring bad luck to both Miao He and the newlyweds. Miao He was happy to use this as an excuse not to go and had Yang Dalang attend and give the gift on their behalf.


Yang Dalang had no intention of staying for the banquet. He planned to drop off the red envelope and leave, but he was spotted by Miao Min, who immediately approached with his new husband.


Marrying a Ger wasn’t like marrying a bride; after the wedding ceremonies, the Ger could still come out and toast with the guests. 


Today, Miao Min was wearing a splendid red and gold wedding outfit, the very fabric he had chosen at the cloth shop. After his mother’s face-saving incident at the shop, she eventually agreed to let Miao Min buy it. Despite his mother’s reluctance, Miao Min still wanted to show his best friend his outfit. He also wanted to show off the new large, beautiful house they now lived in. Unfortunately, he couldn’t show off the new room decorations to Miao He.


Regarding the land dispute, Miao Min had initially been unaware of his mother’s involvement. But as the gossip spread, he couldn’t help but hear about it. Miao Min believed helping the workshop was paramount. Miao He and Yang Dalang giving up the land was the right thing to do. He even sided with Miao Liang’s family against his second aunt.


When he didn’t see Miao He at the banquet, he was disappointed. Blocking Yang Dalang, he asked, “Yang Dalang, wait! Where’s Brother He? Is he in the restroom? I specifically asked him to come, and he promised he would.”


Feeling more confident as the host and wanting to mend things between Miao He and Miao Yuan, Miao Min was persistent.


“He’s not feeling well and couldn’t come,” Yang Dalang replied.


Miao Min put on a worried expression. “Not feeling well? That’s unfortunate. I know he was really looking forward to today. Did the house move tire him out? Is your new house finished?”


Miao Min’s questions irked Miao Liang. Already annoyed with his own mother, Miao Liang was displeased with Miao Min’s lack of tact.


Aware that all eyes were on them, Miao Liang quickly interjected, “Dalang, my father explained everything to me earlier. We’re truly sorry for the inconvenience. Today, since you’re here, please stay for the banquet. Let’s have a drink and talk things over.”


This sounded like an attempt to imply there were unresolved issues if Yang Dalang didn’t stay. Yang Dalang frowned. “I need to take care of things at home.”


“It’s just one meal. Yang Dalang, you should stay,” someone nearby called out. “This isn’t just a wedding feast; it’s also a housewarming for their new home. As the former landowner, you should join in.”


There was a round of laughter, making Miao Liang’s smile stiffen. Luckily, a commotion on the other side provided a distraction—Miao Jue and Miao Yuan had arrived.


Miao Liang quickly took the opportunity, saying, “Excuse me, I need to greet Miao Jue. Dalang, please stay!”


Not waiting for a response, he hurried off with Miao Min. Nearby, Miao Ping gestured to Yang Dalang to join their table. “Come sit here, Dalang. Have a bite and chat. I want to hear about your new house. It should be finished by now, right?”


Seeing familiar faces like Miao Ping, Miao Gao, Miao Dahu, and Uncle Lin, Yang Dalang decided to sit with them.


“Yes, it’s finished. We’ll be hosting a housewarming soon and will invite you all.”


“We’ll definitely come. If it weren’t for Miao Liang’s wedding, I wouldn’t have wanted to come today. I can’t believe you gave up your land just because the village chief asked. There must be more to it,” Miao Ping speculated, glancing towards the crowd around Miao Liang.


Yang Dalang suddenly remembered that Miao Ping’s father, Miao Zhi, had been a candidate for village chief. Did this mean Miao Zhi once had aspirations for the position?


Yang Dalang’s eyes flashed with understanding.


Miao Ping’s spouse, Chen Rong, who had defended Miao He in the donkey cart, asked with concern, “It’s been a while since I saw Brother He delivering vegetables. Is he really unwell?”


With familiar friends, Yang Dalang explained, “He’s pregnant. It’s inconvenient for him to come.”


“Pregnant? That’s wonderful news! Congratulations!”


“Well done, Dalang! You must be very proud!”


“How long has it been? It must be over three months if you’re announcing it. That’s quick work, impressive!”


“Didn’t Uncle Lin know? Why didn’t he tell us so we could celebrate too!”


“Could he announce someone else’s news? This had to come from the person themselves. Congratulations, Dalang! How is Brother He doing?”


“He’s very well. Thank you, Uncle Lin,” Yang Dalang replied, feeling a warmth from the well-wishers.


The atmosphere became lively with congratulatory remarks.


Chen Rong, who had asked the earlier question, seemed hesitant but eventually said, “Brother He, did he take any supplements? Where… where did he get them?”


Miao Ping patted Chen Rong’s shoulder. “No need to rush. Take it easy. No one is pressuring us.”


Chen Rong and Miao Ping had been married for five years, and Chen Rong had been taking various supplements, both from Uncle Lin and from town, but still had no news of a child. Despite the inappropriate timing, Chen Rong couldn’t help but ask. Hearing Miao Ping’s reassurance, he could only nod and remain silent.


Yang Dalang took note of this, resolving to mention it to Miao He later. Just as he was lost in these thoughts, someone behind him cleared their throat.


“Dalang, you’re here for the feast, I see. Very good. Have you seen the new house your Uncle Li built?” It was the village chief.


The village chief, still needing support from the workshop, was determined to make an appearance. Seeing Yang Dalang, he had to put on a friendly front. He hoped Yang Dalang would respond politely, praising the new house, allowing him to gloss over the land issue.


But Yang Dalang just waited silently, forcing the chief to continue awkwardly, “It was unfortunate timing. Your Uncle Li’s wife was anxious to move out as soon as they got the land, causing a lot of trouble—”


“Causing what trouble?” a sharp voice interrupted.


It was like the mantis stalking the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind. The sharp voice belonged to Uncle Li’s second wife!


Uncle Li’s brother’s family had been displeased about the land issue, almost deciding not to attend the wedding. But, being close family, they came to avoid causing a scene. Now, hearing the village chief’s words, Aunt Ru couldn’t hold back her anger.


“What did we do wrong? Village chief, be fair! Did Uncle Li charge rent for lending his yard to the workshop? Did he pay us for squeezing into our yard? If they had money to buy new land, of course, they should move out. Are we supposed to be the ones suffering? Or are we supposed to stay crowded in with them, just to see them make money planting soybeans?”


The village chief, unable to respond boldly, stammered, “I’m just looking out for the workshop. We needed soybeans badly, and having this land would have ensured—”


“Soybeans, soybeans! What benefits did the workshop bring us? My son didn’t get a job there, and the soybeans didn’t sell for more than the town’s price! What benefits? It seems only the village chief enjoyed them. We got nothing but trouble and mockery!”


The chief, alarmed by the accusation, protested, “I didn’t get any benefits! Heaven knows I didn’t! You can’t accuse me without proof! Even if you’re unhappy, you can’t spread such slander!”


“If not, why do you always act like not supporting the workshop is a sin? And if supporting it means suffering, is that just? Look at Yang Dalang. Soybeans can be planted anywhere, so why take his house? He had to tear down his house to make way for you! I bet he’s just as unhappy as us but too decent to argue. But I’m not, and I want to hear your explanation!”


The village chief, unable to justify his actions, turned pale. Just as he struggled for words, Miao Jue and his entourage arrived, attracted by the commotion.


Surrounded by Miao Liang’s family and a few from Miao Yuan’s family, Miao Jue looked every bit the authoritative elder as he approached.


Miao Jue, with a wave of his sleeve, spoke with authority, “Niece-in-law, Uncle Li meant well but was hasty. He didn’t intend to cause trouble for you. He knows he was wrong, and they moved to a new house. If there are still issues, settle them privately. Family quarrels only hurt everyone’s reputation. As a member of the Miao family, you should understand that.”


Using his status, Miao Jue tried to calm things down.


Aunt Ru’s husband, Miao Guan, an honest man, quickly bowed, “Uncle Jue is right. I’ll talk to her.”


Seeing Miao Guan’s submission, Miao Jue was satisfied and turned to Yang Dalang. “As for Yang Dalang…”


Seeing Yang Dalang still seated, not standing to greet him, Miao Jue’s expression turned disdainful. “A man’s word is his bond. Going back on your word reflects poorly on your character. I trust you’re not that kind of person.”


Yang Dalang, already frustrated over the land issue, felt his anger rise at Miao Jue’s condescension. He stood up, his voice cold, “Indeed, a man’s word is his bond. Going back on it reflects poorly on his character. When I was asked to give up the land to plant soybeans, I trusted Miao Jue’s words. I hope you all take his lesson to heart.” With that, he turned and left.


Those criticized, including the village chief and Miao Li’s family, were left blushing and flustered. 


Miao Jue, who had just scolded him eloquently was momentarily at a loss. But under the gaze of everyone, he could only keep a tight expression, flick his sleeves, and walk away as if nothing happened.

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  1. ParanoidKitten says:

    Time for Miao Jue and his whole family excluding Aunt Ru, as well as the village chief to step down already. Seriously.
    Thanks for your hard work. Take care of yourself and don’t overwork.

    1. bluearea says:

      ?????* ???? ??.*??

  2. LicoLico says:

    Ugh, they asking for a good beating! ><
    Thank You for the new chapter ?*’?’???

  3. ami-kun 96 says:

    That’s an epic comeback.. se now he is quite as a mice. Thx fir ur hard work.. ?

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