LGSLAW : Chapter 42 – Banquet


Miao Jue’s intention to cause trouble for Yang Dalang’s family wasn’t known to Min Chun, the true technical owner of the workshop. However, Min Chun had heard about the situation in the village and thought the whole thing was handled foolishly. The workshop had been quietly making good money, buying soybeans to avoid envy from the villagers. But letting the Miao Li family seize someone’s land for soybean farming was unnecessary and incomprehensible to Min Chun. 


Min Chun had naturally questioned Miao Yuan about this, but Miao Yuan had only given vague answers, saying it was his grandfather’s arrangement and would be handled. This ambiguity made Min Chun suspicious. After all, who was Yang Dalang? He was Miao He’s husband! If Yang Dalang suffered, and Miao He had a hard time, wouldn’t that make Miao He cling to Miao Yuan even more?


Min Chun knew how he had used tricks to win Miao Yuan away from Miao He. For his own needs at the time, he had to do it. Miao He, just an ordinary Ger, had only his looks as an asset, something Min Chun hadn’t worried much about. But men often loved beauty; even Min Chun himself was drawn to handsome faces. The simplest reason could be the most compelling. If this were the case, Min Chun squinted his eyes, he would have to guard against it more.


Currently, several issues at the workshop were frustrating Min Chun. Problems like cutting corners with soy milk and buying cheap, low-quality soybeans were undermining the workshop. But he was an outsider, powerless at the moment. If he didn’t tightly hold onto the secret of the brine recipe, he would have been kicked out long ago. But with no family support except his mother, and not yet married to Miao Yuan, Min Chun had to hide in the background. Once married, using Miao Yuan’s position, those shortsighted relatives would be easily dealt with.


Min Chun believed he still had many cards to play, like century eggs, vermicelli, dried tofu, and even brewing wine. But with a mother who controlled everything, he struggled to gather the materials and money needed. He couldn’t go through the whole process of starting from scratch and manipulating Miao Yuan and the Miao family resources again. So, he had to keep Miao Yuan firmly in his grasp. He knew that Miao Yuan’s greedy, oblivious mother secretly planned to marry him off to the magistrate’s illegitimate daughter after Miao Yuan passed the imperial examination. This plan was brokered by Miao Yuan’s classmate, the daughter’s half-brother.


This realization spurred Min Chun to act swiftly. A man’s sweet words were not to be trusted blindly.


The Day Before the Banquet


The day before the banquet at Miao He’s house, everything was neatly arranged. The courtyard was cleaned, and unexpected “appearances” of certain fruits and vegetables were thoroughly checked and corrected. However, a sudden ringing of the doorbell disrupted their plans.


Aunt Guo, clutching her fingers, was shocked to see the large, elegant brick house hidden behind the fence.


It was indeed a brick house with glossy black tiles, beautiful carvings on red wooden windows, and surrounded by lush trees, just like the houses of wealthy families she had seen. The house exuded grandeur and style, and must have cost a fortune to build. After a moment of astonishment, Aunt Guo was filled with regret.


Who could have imagined that Yang Dalang could afford such a house! If the villagers knew, they wouldn’t underestimate him so easily. She was filled with regret and panic but couldn’t back out now, having already agreed to the arrangement.


“I’m really sorry, Yang Dalang. I’m not one to go back on my word, but if I don’t take the job for Mr. Miao’s banquet, my grandson won’t have a chance to learn to read. Even if it means returning the money or compensating you, I have no choice but to apologize.”


Aunt Guo spoke in a flurry, bowing repeatedly.


At first, Miao He thought she had come to check the venue. It took a while to understand that Miao Jue was also hosting a banquet the next day. The reason was that a student from the county had returned to visit his teacher, and Miao Jue, pleased, decided to host a banquet. He invited all the villagers who had been taught by him or wished to be taught to join the festivities.


Faced with this sudden decision, Aunt Guo had no choice but to prioritize Miao Jue’s banquet to secure her grandson’s future education, apologizing profusely to Yang Dalang’s family.


Yang Dalang’s face darkened. “Aunt Guo, did you consider what we should do tomorrow?”


Aunt Guo’s face turned red with embarrassment, unable to say anything.


She couldn’t admit that she had underestimated Yang Dalang, thinking he was an easygoing person who could be persuaded or bought off. But now, seeing the grand brick house, she didn’t dare mention compensation.


Miao He, unaware of the incident at the wedding, saw Yang Dalang’s anger, his fists clenched tightly, and knew something was wrong. He patted Yang Dalang’s hand and turned to Aunt Guo, frowning.


“Aunt Guo, you might want to think about this carefully in the future. You chose which banquet to cater, and we can’t force you. But the invitations have already gone out, and this can’t be hidden. Anyone wanting to book your services in the future will remember what Dalang said today.”


Aunt Guo’s face turned pale. Hearing about compensation, she felt even worse. Seeing the young couple living in a brick house, she didn’t dare cause a scene and was soon sent away.


Turning back, Miao He hugged Yang Dalang, who immediately held him tightly, his voice hoarse with self-blame. “It’s my fault.”


Miao He knew he would say this and rubbed his face against him. “Of course not. It’s definitely Miao Jue’s fault. He looks like a bad guy! Aunt Guo’s schedule is so tight; he insisted on taking it. It’s targeting us! Did something happen at the wedding?”


Yang Dalang was filled with anger, frustration, and guilt. He wanted to protect this person, but he kept letting him be easily bullied. It was his own fault for not being strong enough. If he were stronger, Miao Jue wouldn’t dare to oppress them so brazenly. He didn’t answer, just kissed Miao He’s forehead. “We’ll proceed as planned tomorrow. I’ll handle it.”


“You…” Seeing his serious, remorseful eyes, Miao He changed his words. “Of course, it’s all up to you. I’m pregnant and need to rest.”


Yang Dalang softened a bit. “Yes. You rest.”


“But I can still offer advice if you want to hear it?”


Seeing Miao He’s worried yet comforting eyes, Yang Dalang couldn’t help but lean down and kiss him deeply. Even now, his little brother (Ger) was taking care of him. Miao He was so good that even if he didn’t deserve him, he would never let go.


Up on the highest perch of the cat tower, the black cat, seeing its two owners kissing again, yawned. It concluded that today was another uneventful day and went back to sleep.


The Next Day


Before the scheduled time for the banquet, tables were set up in the open space in front of Miao Jue’s house. Many villagers had already heard about the banquet for the returning student and were eager to join the celebration and enjoy a free meal. As the tables were being set, people began to take their seats.


“Oh, Uncle Ma, you’re here! Why didn’t you bring Aunt Ma? She’ll be upset if she misses out on this meal.”


A young man who had arrived earlier greeted him.


“Your Aunt Ma went back to her parents’ house a few days ago. She’s not here. Hey, Wa Zi, do you know who this student is? Miao Jue hosting a banquet for him, could he be an official?”


“Who knows? We’ll see when he arrives. No rush.”


“There’s another banquet, you know. Dalang invited me for hotpot today, and it’s even earlier. I thought I’d check this one out and then go see their new house.”


“Hey, are you really going to Dalang’s?” the young man asked, suddenly lowering his voice.


“What? Of course! I’d feel bad not going. Miao He often rides my cart to town.”


The young man whispered, “Haven’t you heard? If you go to Yang Dalang’s banquet, the workshop won’t buy soybeans from you anymore. They even have someone waiting at the entrance to stop people.”


“Really? Why?” Uncle Ma was shocked, knowing his wife also sold soybeans to the workshop.


“They say this banquet is for Miao Jue’s happiness, and they want the old man to have a good time with lots of people. If you don’t come or go somewhere else, the workshop, run by Miao’s family, will decide not to buy your soybeans. They call it ‘reciprocity.’”


“Is this true? Does that mean everyone in the village has to come?” Uncle Ma asked, his confusion evident.


The young man grinned. “Look at how many tables there are, only about a dozen. How could they fit everyone? I overheard Aunt Guo saying they only booked twelve tables today!”


“Then why say that about Yang Dalang…” Uncle Ma stopped mid-sentence, realizing the implication.


The young man continued to look like he was enjoying the drama. “So, Uncle Ma, are you still going to Yang Dalang’s?”


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  1. ParanoidKitten says:

    Seriously? Snatching Aunt Guo’s service isn’t enough, now you’re forcing the villagers to abandon our couple in exchange for the soybean business which isn’t even that great?
    I hope some of those people are smart enough to choose the right banquet to attend.
    But I guess in the end our couple’s banquet will only host the prestigious people from town (restaurant, doctor, Liang family, the workers etc) and they’ll find out about how our couple is being bullied and stand up for them.
    Would serve this arrogant old guy right.

  2. LicoLico says:

    Wow, what a scummy way! ><
    Thank You for the new chapter ?*’?’??? Glad You found something interesting in my propositions! Maybe some of them aren't amazing ones, but are pleasent to read (I don't read all of them from beginning to end, but I read few chapters from each of them, so it's still going to be a nice ride for me if You decide to pick one of them~ ^^)

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