LGSLAW : Chapter 5 – Loosening the Soil

Loosening the Soil

The next morning, Miao He woke up very early, likely because he had something on his mind. Hearing the distant rooster crow, he was wide awake. Yang Dalang had woken up even earlier, and by the time Miao He got up, there was already a basin of hot water heated for him to wash up.


Miao He used it without hesitation. He thought that in the future, he could repay Yang Dalang by giving him more of the good vegetables he grew. The food produced by the magic soil was very beneficial for health.


But he still had to wait. There were many things to do to cover up the existence of the magic soil. After breakfast, Miao He stayed in the backyard, watching Yang Dalang loosen the soil. Given his foot injury, Yang Dalang certainly wouldn’t let him do any work, so he just brought over a small stool and had Miao He sit and watch.


When he wasn’t hunting, Yang Dalang had plenty of free time. This was because the Yang family didn’t own any land. As outsiders who had migrated to Miao’s village, there was an old rule that outsiders had to pay double to buy land in Miao’s village, even for wasteland. This rule was likely intended to keep the land within the Miao family.


Because of this, even though the Yang family had been here for several generations, they never wanted to buy land to farm. Firstly, they could make a living through hunting, and secondly, the idea of spending more money than others seemed wasteful. They preferred to save money for other improvements in their lives.


Thanks to this thinking, the Yang family had always lived well. Although they had to buy all their food with money, and their expenses were higher than the villagers’, they earned more and spent more. From the outside, their life looked better than most villagers’.


That was until the severe accident that killed Yang Dalang’s father, which shocked everyone! Encountering two tigers at once was a rare occurrence, and losing three men in one incident was a wake-up call. Since then, people realized that hunting was much riskier than farming. Even if life was good, a single accident could turn wealth into poverty overnight, dragging the family down for generations. This made it much harder for Yang Dalang’s generation to find spouses.


Take Yang Datong, for instance, the eldest son of Second Aunt Yang who had already married and had two children. After being frightened by the accident, Second Aunt Yang had sent Yang Datong to learn carpentry from a local craftsman, making furniture and farm tools. This also helped him marry earlier than Yang Dalang.


Back to the present, Yang Dalang loosened the soil quickly and efficiently, finishing the backyard in no time. Of course, there was a particularly soft patch where Miao He had dug and refilled a hole the previous day. Yang Dalang didn’t seem to notice anything unusual in the backyard until his hoe hit that spot. He glanced at Miao He with some suspicion.


Miao He avoided his gaze and laughed nervously. “What’s wrong? Are you thirsty? I can get you some water!”


As he stood up, he was stopped, “No need. Sit down.”


Miao He didn’t dare to defy him and obediently sat back down, his hands on his lap. He quickly changed the subject to divert attention, “By the way, after loosening the soil, we need to dig another hole outside, about an arm’s length wide. Once it’s dug, we should fill it with fallen leaves and branches, cover it with wooden planks, and after a while, it will turn into fertilizer.”


In his previous life, after discovering the magic soil, Miao He gradually became interested in home gardening and cooking. He wanted to use the high-quality seeds he obtained, though the space he had was limited to the balcony flower pots. Cooking became a way to make the best use of the excellent ingredients, ensuring they weren’t wasted.


Miao He knew a bit about simple composting. Living in the city, he couldn’t use complicated methods, so he tried using fallen leaves for compost, using a wooden box to minimize the smell. His brain searched for solutions, and he realized that animal manure was common here, but fallen leaves were not. He didn’t expect much from this method but needed it as a cover story for why his vegetables were better than others’.


“The hole should be this big, with some space in the middle. The wooden cover should allow air to pass through; otherwise, it won’t work!” Miao He said with an air of expertise. “This is my own method, specifically for growing vegetables. Don’t tell anyone.”


Yang Dalang wiped the sweat from his brow and nodded, continuing his work. Seeing his back soaked with sweat, Miao He felt a bit guilty. “You should drink some water; you’re sweating a lot and need to stay hydrated.”


Yang Dalang paused, thinking it unnecessary, but still stopped to get some water, also bringing a cup for Miao He.


After a short break, Yang Dalang finished loosening the soil. Miao He then directed him to plant the seeds along the edges first. Miao He explained that this was his experience: planting old seeds first, then new ones would grow better. Of course, this was just to cover up the mystical properties of the magic soil.


Luckily, Yang Dalang didn’t ask many questions and did as Miao He instructed. They were halfway through when someone called from the front gate.


“Is anyone home? He Ge’er?”


Leaving Miao He in the backyard, Yang Dalang went to answer the door. Soon, he returned with another young ger, who looked tanned and thin, with slightly droopy eyes that gave him an innocent look. Following Yang Dalang nervously, he occasionally glanced at him, unsure if he was afraid or something else.


Seeing Miao He, the young ger hurried over, “He Ge’er, are you okay? I heard you were hurt and was worried. My mother wouldn’t let me visit, but she went to town today, so I snuck over.”


Miao He could only smile at him.


This ger was named Miao Min, who lived close to Miao He’s family. They were about the same age and had grown up playing together. Miao Min’s family was poorer, and he often shared snacks and toys given by Miao He, becoming his loyal follower.


However, Miao He didn’t know how to feel about him.


Both Miao He and Miao Min were gers and naturally close. Miao Min often whispered things in his ear about Miao Yuan, sometimes interpreting a simple greeting as hidden concern. He knew Miao He liked hearing such things, so he said more. This often led Miao He to think more highly of Miao Yuan’s intentions.


But that wasn’t the worst of it. After Miao He was forced to marry into the Yang family, Miao Min continued to play a role in connecting him with Miao Yuan.


The previous rumors about Miao He’s entanglement with Miao Yuan after marriage were thanks to Miao Min. He had suggested a trip to town to help Miao He buy things for his new life, but the real purpose was to meet Miao Yuan at his school. That day, when Miao He waited for Miao Yuan after school, they were seen by villagers, spreading the gossip about their entanglement.


So, was Miao Min truly a good friend, or just someone looking for benefits? Miao He thought it was likely the latter.


But for now, he had to play the part of Miao Min’s friend. “It’s just a twisted ankle. I’ll be fine after some rest. Thanks for coming. Did you need something?”


Miao Min glanced nervously at Yang Dalang, who continued working, and whispered, “I have something to tell you, He Ge’er. Can we talk somewhere else?”


Miao He blinked, thinking how foolish Miao Min was. Helping the original body run to town to pester Miao Yuan, and now acting all secretive in front of Yang Dalang? This would only get him into more trouble.


“Sorry, my leg isn’t very convenient. Just say it here,” Miao He distanced himself.


Miao Min’s delicate face looked surprised, then he quickly shook his head. “It’s nothing important. Just that my marriage has been arranged, and I wanted to tell you.”


In the countryside, engagements were not made early like in town. Sickness or injury was common, and no one wanted to be bound to a broken engagement. Plus, it took time to save for dowries. Arranging an engagement when the time was right gave enough time to prepare.


“Really? Congratulations! Who is the lucky guy?” Miao He asked.


Miao Min shyly replied, “It’s Brother Liang from Elder Miao’s family.”


What? That’s Miao Jue’s third brother’s grandson, Miao Yuan’s cousin! They all lived together and hadn’t split the family yet, though they farmed and supported Miao Jue’s education.


How would the original Miao He feel about this? Miao Liang used to hang around Miao Yuan, and the original Miao He had no idea when they got together. Now, seeing his friend find love while he ended up in a forced marriage would have been painful.


Miao Min didn’t seem to consider this, continuing bashfully, “I thought I’d end up marrying into the neighboring Wang family. Being a ger from a poor family, my father’s dowry demands were too high. But Brother Liang really asked his father, even got beaten, and still made it happen.”


Miao He, keeping his character, smiled weakly. “That’s great. I’ll be sure to attend the wedding.”


“Yes! You must come! And Brother Yuan will be there too,” Miao Min added quietly.


Miao He inwardly rolled his eyes. Was Miao Min a fan of Miao He and Miao Yuan’s relationship? Why was he so insistent on keeping Miao He involved with Miao Yuan?


Miao He dryly responded, “What of it? Dalang will be with me.”


Miao Min glanced at Yang Dalang, “Don’t worry. I’ll find a way to give you a chance.”


Miao He mentally rolled his eyes again. “We’ll see,” he said, standing up to signal the end of the conversation.


Yang Dalang, seeing this, wiped his sweat and approached, “Where are you going?”


Miao He shook his head, “Help me see Miao Min out. I can’t move much.”


“Okay,” Yang Dalang turned to wait for Miao Min.


Miao Min seemed confused. He had come to share his engagement news, hoping for a happy reaction and maybe some scraps of fabric for a new pouch. But Miao He’s cold reaction puzzled him. He glanced at Miao He, who maintained a blank expression, making Miao Min think he understood something


Of course, hearing about someone else’s engagement must remind Miao He of his own, making him sad.


Despite having better conditions, a good family, and good looks, Miao He couldn’t be with his beloved Yuan, ending up worse off. It was truly pitiful.


Feeling an unfamiliar sense of superiority, Miao Min decided he should visit Miao He more often to console him. “I’ll go now, He Ge’er. I’ll visit you again soon.”


Miao He waved him off, breathing a sigh of relief once he was gone.

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  1. LicoLico says:

    Ooooh, thank You very much for picking this novel up! \(=^w^=)/ Can’t wait to read more~ Take care!???????

    1. bluearea says:

      Thank you Lico ! ???
      I’ll keep on translating 3 chapters / day this week then move to 1 chapter everyday next week ?

  2. Calamity Kitty says:

    Regardless of intentions, that litter Ger is a terrible friend. Who needs enemies when you have friends like that around you?
    It will be karmic retribution if the marriage he’s so smug about now turns out to be unpleasant for him

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