LGSLAW : Chapter 50 – Aggrieved


While the village head was running around with his head on fire, Miao He and Yang Dalang were living peaceful and happy days.


The day after the magical soil upgraded, Miao He enthusiastically pulled Yang Dalang to test the new functionality.


They spent the entire morning discovering that even if the current vegetable field was entirely covered with the soil’s energy, the growth was still too vigorous. The vegetables grew so quickly that it became noticeable within half a day, which was odd. So, Miao He extended the soil’s energy area to the back mountain. It wasn’t until more than half of the mountain was covered that the nurturing energy finally matched the level of using the magical soil-grown crops as fertilizer.


Miao He concluded, “In that case, let’s wait until the mountain is cleared before we do this. Otherwise, the work of clearing the mountain might become heavier.”


Yang Dalang was ready to grab the hoe and continue digging up trees. Although they could call on Miao Ping and the others to help, having them come over would mean He Ge’er would have to be busy preparing food again, which would tire him out.


Miao He quickly pulled him back, “What’s the hurry? Take it slowly. Don’t you still have your studies?”


The studies Miao He referred to were books that Yang Dalang had bought back from town the previous day. They were recommended by Manager Jin, who said that understanding and being able to write account books and contracts was essential. So, Yang Dalang went to the bookstore and bought this basic book, intending to recognize and write each word. If he didn’t understand something, he would go and ask Jin.


Last night, Yang Dalang wanted to study by the oil lamp, but Miao He stopped him, saying that reading in such an environment would damage his eyes. Since they had so much time during the day, Miao He dragged Yang Dalang to move a stool and sit under the tree to read.


Then he went to the kitchen to get a plate of peanuts and brew some cold tea—a simple recipe given by Dr. Ji after checking their herb garden. Once everything was ready, Miao He sat next to Yang Dalang, enjoying the breeze, drinking tea, eating peanuts, and working with the magical soil on the rice and mung beans.


“Isn’t this comfortable?” Miao He peeled a peanut and fed it to Yang Dalang, tilting his head and smiling sweetly.


“Yes.” Yang Dalang nodded.


“We worked so hard on the courtyard. It’s a shame not to sit and enjoy it.”




Watching the carefree and contented young man in front of him, the anxiety in Yang Dalang’s heart was soothed. Looking down at the book in his hands, the characters seemed to penetrate deeper into his mind.


Not far away, Dabai, seeing both its owners around, joyfully brought the little puppies to play nearby.


The garden of Platycodon grandiflorum, which had been used to test the magical soil the day before, was now in full bloom with beautiful purple flowers. These little animals, probably more sensitive to the soil’s powerful energy than Miao He, eventually played their way to their owners’ feet.


Miao He picked up each one and hugged them. Finally, he insisted that Yang Dalang also hold each puppy once. The puppies were at the age to bond with their owners and needed to be close. Of course, Dabai couldn’t be ignored, so Yang Dalang sacrificed a spot on his thigh for it to lie on.


The morning passed leisurely, and at noon, Miao He used the ribs Yang Dalang had brought back to cook a pot of potato and radish stewed ribs. The tender radishes and potatoes were as delicious as the fatty ribs. Dabai and the puppies were all happily eating. Miao He even used this pot of meat to finish off two heaping bowls of rice, after which Yang Dalang sent him off for a nap.


While Miao He napped, Yang Dalang fetched water, did the laundry, checked the chicken coop halfway up the mountain, and even went to a household with a threshing machine to dehusk the rice Miao He had grown. It wasn’t until the afternoon sun shifted that he agreed to let Miao He follow him up the mountain to continue clearing trees and planting.


For several days, they stayed at home, working and living a relaxed yet fulfilling life. Miao He even got excited and pickled some vegetables, ready for winter to enjoy pickled vegetable dumplings or a hot pot.


Until one day, Yang Dalang dressed neatly, not to deliver vegetables but planning to go out.


He intended to visit the livestock market in the southeast of the town to buy a ewe with a lamb. The sooner they raised it with the magical soil, the more nutritious the milk would be. Miao He agreed to stay home. After all, with Yang Dalang going out just for an afternoon, there was no need for Aunt Mian to come over.


But as soon as Yang Dalang left, Miao He had visitors again.


“…” Hearing the bell ring, Miao He paused, scratched his head, and went to answer the door.


When the wooden gate opened, there stood Miao Min, whom he hadn’t seen for a while.


Miao Min, who looked less spirited and more haggard than before getting married, forced a smile upon seeing Miao He.


“He Ge’er, long time no see. I didn’t see you at my wedding, and on the day of your hot pot feast, Liang Ge’s family also had something going on. So many unfortunate coincidences. I heard you’re expecting, congratulations! I haven’t chatted with you in a while. Can I come in and sit for a bit?”


Miao He couldn’t think of a reason to refuse, so he nodded and let him in.


Following closely were Dabai and the four puppies, curiously looking around, seemingly in a protective stance.


Once inside, Miao Min couldn’t help but look around, his eyes wide with wonder.


No wonder people outside were talking about Miao He’s family demanding the bride price back from Yang Dalang now that they were wealthy. But really, living in such a nice house and owning such a big piece of land, who wouldn’t think the same?


As he was led into the spacious and bright main hall, Miao Min’s heart was filled with a mix of envy and jealousy that he couldn’t shake off. It was stuck in his chest.


How could He Ge’er (brother He) be so lucky?


Not only did he grow up well, but he also didn’t have to do much heavy work. Even though he didn’t marry Miao Yuan, he married Yang Dalang, and now he could live in such a nice house and be so well-cared for. Just being able to conceive so quickly was a sign of being well-nourished.


In contrast, himself—he thought marrying Miao Liang would make him the luckiest young Ger in the village, envied by everyone. Who would have thought that Miao Liang’s family, despite building a decent new house, was actually very poor and deeply in debt?


Miao Liang… Miao Liang probably felt the heavy burden on his shoulders, and his temper had gradually worsened towards him. Since getting married, he hadn’t had many good days and was back to a life of endless chores. His mother-in-law, who had always found him wasteful, now constantly ordered him to fetch water and chop wood, and even the vegetables on the table had to be picked from the mountains to save money!


Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but feel resentment towards Miao He’s family.


Now that their family was living in a green brick house and so well-off, why didn’t they leave the old house for Miao Liang’s family to use? If they had, he might not be living such a hard life now.


Miao Min lowered his head, sipping his tea, his face changing several times before he finally spoke, “He Ge’er, I really envy you. This new house is so beautiful. I’ve never seen such a house before. It must be like the homes of wealthy families.”


Miao He didn’t know what to say. Their past conversations had mostly revolved around Miao Yuan, but now there was nothing to talk about. “The house is just sturdy. You’re living in a new house too, and it must be comfortable.”


Miao Min bitterly smiled, “Liang Ge’s family borrowed a lot of money to build our new house. We’re quite poor now, and Liang Ge is focused on repaying the debt.”


Miao He had no comment. They had obtained land and could have planted soybeans. Building a house was just for appearances. “It’s tough now, but it will get better. A new house is real property, and it won’t lose value.”


But he didn’t want to live a hard life! He Ge’er was living well and didn’t feel the pain, so he could speak so easily.


Feeling more resentment, Miao Min couldn’t help but speak up.


“He Ge’er, do you still hold a grudge against me for saying the wrong thing at the fabric store? I really didn’t mean it. I just wanted my mother to agree to buy the fabric. I had no ill intentions. If you’re still upset, I’ll apologize. I’m sorry. Just, please, ask Yang Dalang to stop targeting Liang Ge’s family, okay?”


“Huh? Targeting?” Miao He was puzzled.


“Maybe the truth upsets you, but isn’t it because Yang Dalang demolished the house? If he hadn’t, Liang Ge wouldn’t be working so hard… You and Dalang are living so well. It’s just an old house. Why couldn’t you leave it for Liang Ge’s family?” Miao Min pursed his lips.


Miao He couldn’t believe it, “You’re saying Dalang not leaving the house for you is targeting you?”


Miao Min pitifully said, “But whether you demolished the house or not, you were going to move out sooner or later. Destroying the house was a waste with no benefit…”


“But didn’t you say you wanted to plant soybeans? Wasn’t it good to help you by demolishing it?”


“But the land for the house wouldn’t make much difference!” Miao Min was even more aggrieved, “He Ge’er, you don’t know how hard my life is now. Liang Ge’s family is tight, and I’m not well-off either. You have such a good life. Why didn’t you think of me…”


Miao He almost couldn’t believe this logic. Was being pitiful more reasonable?


“Then there’s nothing more to say. You should go back.” Miao He stood up, intending to see him out.


Miao Min was stunned. How could he be sent away so soon? he had planned to play the pitiful card to get some vegetables. Seeing the large green vegetable garden outside, taking some would mean he wouldn’t have to pick wild vegetables for days!


Miao He saw he wasn’t moving and strengthened his tone, “About the land issue, I’ll be frank. We felt aggrieved. We were living well, but you insisted we move out for soybeans. Now you’re blaming us for not leaving the house for you? Sorry, Dalang and I aren’t that kind.”


“But it’s not like we took the land from you. The village head also said…”


“Did you plant the soybeans? You insisted on taking the land for soybeans, but you went ahead and built a house on it. What about the soybeans? Before you say anything, ask Uncle Li and the village head what they told us.”


Miao Min opened his mouth but couldn’t say a word.


Miao He continued, “You have your grievances, and I have mine. There’s no point in discussing this any further.”




That evening, when Yang Dalang came home, he found the young man burying his head in a bowl of braised noodles.


Eating at this time was unusual. Patting Miao He’s head, Yang Dalang asked, “What happened?”


Miao He honestly recounted the afternoon’s events and then wrinkled his nose, “I felt a bit down after hearing it, so I made some noodles! I made quite a lot. I’ll cook you a bowl later with the leftover braised meat from lunch. It’s really delicious!”


He had an entire row of cats and dogs at his feet, also eating happily. Each one wagging its tail high.


Yang Dalang felt somewhat relieved and then surprisingly took out five taels of silver, “Today I went to Aunt Guo. This is the refunded deposit and compensation.”


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  1. Kinoi says:

    With a friend like Miao Min, who needs an enemy?

  2. LicoLico says:

    How many of those villains going to come ><
    Thank You for the new chapter (?`???)??

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