LGSLAW : Chapter 55 – Two People

Two People

One day in late October, Miao He’s family received new visitors. Yang Dalang opened the door to find a smiling Li Ming, accompanied by an elderly man with deep wrinkles.


Li Ming, always straightforward, greeted them and said, “He, remember I told you before that your house is one of my proudest works! I might bring someone to see it someday. Well, here’s Master Zhu, who wants to have a look. Can we take a look around? We’ll just check out the main hall and the bathroom drainage system.”


Miao He, now with a noticeably larger belly, was comfortably reclining in a chair. He smiled and replied, “You really brought someone, huh? Business must be good, Li. No problem, Dalang will show you around.”


Unexpectedly, Li Ming added, “Of course! We’ve been working nearby recently. The adjacent hill has been bought by a wealthy family who wants to build a summer retreat. Once it’s done, they’ll probably come over for a meal! Then we can help you fix the courtyard walls too!”


Miao He was surprised, “A summer retreat, that luxurious? And this Master Zhu is…” He recalled that Li Ming had also called the old man ‘Master.’


While the two were chatting, the elderly man had already inspected various parts of the main hall, touching and tapping everywhere. When the conversation turned to him, he cupped his hands in greeting, “I am from the Zhu Family in Su City. Pardon my intrusion.” Before Miao He could figure out where Su City was, the old man began asking various questions.


He inquired about the raised wooden floor that could be heated by burning charcoal underneath and about the design of the double-layered windows and their effectiveness in daylight. Li Ming eagerly explained, including a lot of technical details that Miao He couldn’t fully understand.


Blinking, Miao He looked at the equally silent Yang Dalang and hesitantly said, “Uh, should we at least offer them some tea?”


Yang Dalang went to prepare some tea. The two masters took a few sips and then hurried to the bathroom for further observation. After a quick tour, they left as abruptly as they had arrived, with Li Ming not even staying for a meal. Miao He didn’t think much of it, only noting that they might have a neighbor from out of town in the future.


The next day, Yang Dalang went to work at the teahouse. He returned at dusk with two pieces of good news.


First, the “naturally grown peanuts” that Miao He had planted passed Master Jin’s inspection, and even Old Qu’s peanut oil pressing test showed a yield more than double the usual amount! With such promising results, Old Qu decided to buy Miao He’s batch of peanuts at a high price for seeds.


Yang Dalang had agreed without asking Miao He. He knew that convincing villagers to plant peanuts would take until next year. With Miao He’s generous nature, he might give away some high-quality seeds grown with the spirit soil to ensure a good first harvest.


However, Miao He seemed distracted when he heard this. Even when they talked about earning several taels of silver, he only gave a perfunctory response.


Yang Dalang was about to frown when he saw Miao He smiling and holding out a set of autumn clothes. It was a handsome deep blue robe with black trim on the collar and cuffs, not a pair of pants, but a long robe like the one Master Jin or Liang Yuanwai wore.


“Hehe, when you went hunting, Second Aunt and I sewed this autumn robe for you. I specifically asked her to make it loose, with three-quarter sleeves. When it gets colder, you can wear a long-sleeve shirt underneath for extra warmth and ease of movement. Do you like it?”


Yang Dalang touched the fabric, recognizing it as the high-quality material given by Shopkeeper Fang. Smoother and warmer, he simply asked, “Is there more fabric?”


Miao He knew what he meant. “Yes, there’s more. I can make mine later; yours had to be done first for your birthday today.”


Yang Dalang paused. His mother used to just cook an extra bowl of noodles on his birthday. But Miao He was already urging him, “Try it on.”


Yang Dalang complied, adding a long-sleeve shirt underneath as suggested. It looked good and was warm without the sleeves getting in the way.


Miao He was delighted. The improved robe made Yang Dalang look even more handsome! Proudly, he said, “I sewed this part and this part myself. When you sell the ginseng, remember to thank Shopkeeper Fang.”


Now, he was a man who could sew! His second aunt had nagged him right, saying that without someone who could mend clothes at home, what would they do if their underwear tore? Especially with a child on the way, there would be more torn clothes and socks. Miao He had gritted his teeth and learned diligently.


“It looks great, thank you.” Yang Dalang, in his new robe, couldn’t help but hug Miao He and nuzzle him.


“I also made some cakes for you. I always wished I could have cakes on my birthday when I was younger. Now that we can afford it, we’ll have cakes for every birthday.” Nestled in Yang Dalang’s arms, Miao He almost slipped up about his past life.


Luckily, Yang Dalang didn’t seem to notice, only replying, “Yes, we’ll always have cakes.”


Then Miao He proudly brought out a fragrant black date and red bean sticky rice cake, taught by his second aunt. Without baking powder for cakes, Miao He had asked her for a recipe using sticky rice and black dates.


The preparation was simple: soak the sticky rice, then remove the pits from the black dates and cut them in half. Cook the red beans with sugar into a chunky paste. Layer the ingredients like a mille-feuille: a layer of rice, a layer of dates, a layer of rice, and a layer of bean paste. Steam until the dates are sweet and soft, and the flavors blend with the chewy sticky rice.


Saying a cheerful “Happy Birthday!” Miao He cut a piece of the cake and fed it to Yang Dalang.


A sweet and fragrant flavor filled Yang Dalang’s mouth, a taste that seemed endlessly delightful.


He didn’t wait for Miao He to ask if it was good, taking another bite and offering the bitten piece to Miao He. Miao He blinked in surprise but took a bite too. Yang Dalang then asked, “Is it good?”


“Of course it’s good; I made it,” Miao He’s face grew warm.


“Hmm. It’s not too sweet.” Yang Dalang took another bite from the same spot Miao He had bitten.


Miao He’s face turned even redder. But when Yang Dalang offered the cake to him again, he still took another bite.


Thus, a single piece of cake was shared, filling the room with pink bubbles.


The four puppies, drawn by the smell, wagged their tails at their feet.


Feeling left out, they wondered why their owners weren’t paying attention to them.


The little black cat lazily swatted each puppy, sending them to sleep.


Based on its experience, it was better to sleep early during such times.




In mid-November, the weather turned sharply cold.


Miao He was wrapped up like a dumpling, staying in the warm bedroom with the heated brick bed. Da Bai also loved the warmth, lying by the heated wall. The four furry, already impressive puppies, unfazed by the cold, roamed freely outside.


At this time of year, the variety of fresh vegetables was limited. Only cabbages, radishes, chives, chrysanthemum greens, and garlic sprouts were available. Yang Dalang’s trips to deliver vegetables to the teahouse became much less frequent, allowing him to spend more time with the increasingly pregnant Miao He.


Meanwhile, a new piece of news spread through the village. Perhaps not entirely new, as there had been rumors before.


The results of Miao Yuan’s exams were announced.


As the rumors suggested, Miao Yuan had not done well, and his name was not on the list.


The Miao family, upon hearing the news, was plunged into a somber mood. They had hoped that if Miao Yuan succeeded in passing the scholar’s exam, the Grand River Restaurant’s issue might have some resolution. After all, a scholar was a prospective official, indicating he could continue to advance to higher exams!


However, such high expectations may have been too heavy, causing him to fail.


Miao Jue knew that passing the scholar’s exam was quite difficult, but the news from the private school had raised his hopes for Miao Yuan too high. Passing both the elementary and scholar’s exams consecutively was no small feat. Though disappointed, it didn’t mean there wouldn’t be another chance!


So, suppressing his gloomy expression, Miao Jue patted Miao Yuan’s shoulder, “There’s always next time. Don’t rush, time is on your side. This time was unfortunate, with too many distractions. Just work harder, and Grandpa believes you’ll make it next time! So don’t be discouraged or relax, understand?”


Miao Yuan’s face was unusually dark. Hearing this, he felt a flash of fear. He didn’t know why, but once he entered the exam hall, his stomach twisted in pain. After the exam, a doctor told him that extreme nervousness could cause such symptoms. Hearing this, his heart sank. He was terrified that it might happen again next time.


Yet, facing his family’s expectations, his grandfather’s, his mother’s, how could he express his fear? Miao Yuan could only force a smile, “I’ve let you down, Grandpa. I’m really sorry. I’ll definitely work harder in the future…”


After receiving a round of comfort from his relatives, Miao Yuan didn’t feel any better. Instead, he found himself unable to sleep.


Tossing and turning until late at night, he finally got up and lit the oil lamp on his desk.


He wasn’t going to study; he couldn’t focus now! A boundless fear washed over him.


He couldn’t help but think, what if he failed next time, and the time after that? Would life continue like this, year after year…


Just then, he heard a soft knock on the door.


Miao Yuan hesitated but went to open it. As expected, it was Min Chun.


Without a word, Min Chun entered. Miao Yuan quickly closed the door behind him.


Once the door was shut, Min Chun hugged Miao Yuan, a clear message in his actions.


Miao Yuan felt a struggle and hesitation within. But the frustration, unvented pressure, and repressed restraint inside him could no longer be held back!!


The next moment, Miao Yuan extinguished the oil lamp, pulling Min Chun to the bed without a word.


Muted, suppressed gasps followed. This wasn’t their first time. Only Miao Yuan knew the truth: the bandage always on Min Chun’s wrist, claimed to be an injury from making tofu pudding, was an excuse. It was to cover the fading mark of a ger’s birthmark.


After a round of venting, Min Chun’s hoarse voice emerged in the darkness.


“There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you since your exams, but I haven’t had the chance.”


Miao Yuan didn’t respond, “…”


“The tofu pudding didn’t work out, but we can make money with a new recipe. What do you think?”


But this time, you’ll have to trade it for marriage.


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  1. Kinoi says:

    Whatever bad things happen to Miao Yuan and Min Chun are because they are both cheating and homewrecking scumbags ?

    Cant wait to see their next drama ?

  2. LicoLico says:

    Thank You for the new chapter (?`???)??

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