LGSLAW : Chapter 56 – Daily Life

Daily Life

Li Ming’s construction team finished their work on the neighboring house in early December. Though the weather was cold, it hadn’t yet snowed. The team eagerly arrived at Miao He’s house to build the wall.

At this time, Miao He and Yang Dalang had over forty taels of silver, even after buying the donkey cart and digging the well. They had earned money from selling osmanthus cakes and vegetables. Not wanting to make Li Ming spend too much, they only asked him to cover the cost of the front wall, while they paid for the other three sides.

With the necessary bricks (though not the expensive blue bricks), the construction was swift. In a few days, Miao He’s house had a beautiful and imposing gate and walls, replacing the makeshift wooden fence. The doorbell, too, was redesigned to be more attractive and louder.

During the construction, Miao He’s limited mobility meant Yang Dalang handled the meals. Given the season, hotpot was the obvious choice—simple yet delicious! When the first sauerkraut hotpot was served, everyone’s eyes lit up. The combination of sour, fragrant sauerkraut broth poured over a bowl of rice, along with boiled cabbage, bean curd skin, and crispy sauerkraut slices, was a delightful experience.

Speaking of bean curd skin, it was related to the recipe sold at a market stall. After a period of turmoil, many people in the town were now selling tofu pudding and bean curd skin, so making it at home didn’t arouse suspicion. Miao He, remembering that bean curd skin paired well with sauerkraut hotpot, used spirit soil-grown soybeans to make a large batch of soft and authentic bean curd skin.

The construction workers were so enamored with the meal that they immediately requested the same hotpot for the next day.

Miao He, happily eating a bowl of rice with sauerkraut, said, “Really? Dalang was planning to make a spicy hotpot tomorrow.”

“Spicy hotpot?” someone gulped. Though they were full, the mention of spicy food made them hungry again.

“Hehe, of course, it’s up to the host! We’ll eat whatever He makes! You guys, stop being picky!”

“Right, right! It’s our fault! We’ll eat whatever you make! Spicy hotpot sounds great!”

Miao He beamed.

The spicy hotpot was something he had begged for, promising not to overeat, which finally made Yang Dalang agree.

After the wall was completed, Yang Dalang spent a few more taels to build a longhouse near the back hill, which could serve as both a warehouse and guest rooms. This way, future workers would have a place to stay, instead of the current situation where the construction team slept in the cellar—warm but somewhat cramped.

In any case, when the construction team happily finished their work and left, Miao He’s home was well-equipped. They had a cart, a well, walls, guest rooms, chicken and sheep sheds, and even a donkey stable. They still had over thirty taels of silver left.

Miao He, dressed warmly and holding the money jar, asked, “What should we do with the remaining money? Just save it?”

Yang Dalang patted his head and said, “The southern area has been bought. I think we should slowly buy the northern area as well.”

“Are you sure we can sell the fruits once they are harvested? You’re planning to expand already?” Miao He was surprised by Yang Dalang’s bold investment.

“Buy the land and keep it for now. The tax is low, so it’s not a loss,” Yang Dalang replied.

Additionally, based on information from the construction team, it seemed the wealthy neighbor had taken notice of their orchard and was even building a viewing pavilion. Yang Dalang sensed that if others valued the land, it might be wise to buy it before someone else did. This way, they could decide how to use it in the future.

Thinking about the risks and benefits, Miao He agreed. “Alright, let’s ask around then.”

They initially thought their thirty-plus taels might be insufficient, but a few days later, Yang Dalang brought home the year-end dividend from the teahouse. Despite being for only half a year, it amounted to over three hundred taels of silver!

“Three hundred taels!?” Miao He was dizzy with excitement. He felt that all their hard work paled in comparison to the money made from selling ice. If he had known, they could have just relaxed and collected money!

However, it wasn’t entirely unrelated to their efforts. While selling ice was profitable, the teahouse’s success also relied on their high-quality vegetables and cakes.

Yang Dalang gently touched Miao He’s flushed cheek, “The mountain costs over two hundred taels. The remaining hundred taels will be for pocket money.”

“Alright, we’ll be landowners soon!” Miao He chuckled foolishly.

Seeing Miao He’s joy, Yang Dalang couldn’t help but smile too. He bent down to kiss Miao He and caressed his now round belly. “Did the baby kick today?”

Miao He shifted into a more comfortable position, “The baby kicks every day. It’s definitely a mischievous one.”

As they spoke, there was another noticeable movement under Yang Dalang’s hand.

Miao He sighed softly. Yang Dalang gently patted his belly, “Behave, don’t kick.”

But this only made the baby kick more vigorously, causing Miao He to sigh again. He calmly placed his hand over Yang Dalang’s, “Let the baby kick. I’d be more worried if there was no kicking.”

At first, Miao He couldn’t imagine having a big belly. But as it happened, he naturally got used to it. Any initial embarrassment and discomfort had long disappeared. Now, he just wanted to meet the mischievous baby and teach it some manners.

Yang Dalang skillfully adjusted Miao He’s position and started massaging his back. The old doctor had said that backaches were inevitable with a big belly, and massaging would help.

Seeing Miao He, so small, carrying such a large belly, Yang Dalang felt distressed. He wished he could do everything to help. They had discussed hiring servants, but with the secret of the spirit soil, having outsiders in the house was not feasible. It was best to rely on themselves.

Just like now.

Outside, the cold wind blew. Inside, the dim light from the oil lamp cast a warm glow. The charcoal stove burned quietly in the corner. Miao He nestled in Yang Dalang’s arms, humming softly. The black cat yawned on its perch, and the four big dogs lay by the hall door, their tails wagging lazily.

Miao He’s eyes were nearly closed. “So comfortable.”

“Take a nap.”

“But I already napped this afternoon…” Miao He mumbled.

“Sleep if you want.”

“Well, just a little nap then…”


Such days were precious moments.


In mid-December, snowflakes covered the world in white.

While the villagers of Miaoshui Village had started to settle in for the winter, the approaching New Year brought renewed activity. One day it was Miao Afang’s family slaughtering a pig, the next day it was the town’s New Year’s market opening. Miao He regretted missing out on these events. His big belly meant that even walking to the front door made Yang Dalang frown deeply.

During this time, Second Aunt visited frequently to remind them of New Year’s customs. Since Yang Dalang was no longer a bachelor, it was important to learn the traditions to avoid being laughed at.

Sweet rice cakes were made, door gods and spring couplets were bought, new clothes were tailored, candy for the Kitchen God was prepared, and fish for New Year’s Eve dinner was not forgotten. There were also candied fruits, nuts, and fried dough twists to bring as gifts when visiting others during the New Year. The gifts didn’t need to be extravagant; it was the thought that counted.

On New Year’s Eve, Yang Dalang hung the spring couplets in the afternoon, and the kitchen was filled with delicious aromas. Fried meatballs, fried fish strips, sauerkraut ribs, chicken soup, braised pork, steamed buns, and, of course, cabbage dumplings were prepared for the evening. Da Bai and the puppies were busy sniffing around, looking for something new to eat.

Yang Dalang did the cooking, but with such excellent ingredients, the food was bound to be delicious. Miao He sat nearby, occasionally helping with the chopping. They chatted and worked until dusk, when a sumptuous New Year’s Eve dinner was finally ready.

The table was filled with steaming hot dishes, filling the hall with warmth and delicious smells.

Sitting in the cozy house, Miao He took a sip of the chicken soup Yang Dalang served, then grabbed a big, soft bun. He split it open, stuffed it with a piece of tender braised pork, added some cucumber slices and peanut powder, and took a big bite. His eyes squinted in delight, “Mmm, so good!”

Yang Dalang’s eyes softened, “Eat as much as you want.”

Miao He nodded eagerly, “I’ll eat enough for three people today. You better hurry, or I’ll eat it all!”

Seeing Miao He’s cheeks bulging with food, Yang Dalang felt content and added a piece of fish to his plate.

“Eat the fish.” Wishing for abundance year after year, he hoped every year could be as wonderful as this.





“Thank you!”

“Bun or rice?”


Unknowingly, the New Year’s Eve dinner turned into a feeding session.

Later, Miao He had to walk around the hall to digest, holding his belly.

“You should have reminded me not to eat so much! We still have dumplings later!”

“You can eat it.”

“…Why do I feel like hitting someone?”

The next day, for the New Year visits, Yang Dalang only allowed Miao He to go to two places because of the slippery roads. He would handle the rest. The two places were, of course, Second Aunt’s house and Miao He’s mother’s house.

First, they went to Second Aunt’s house, bringing a bag of spirit soil-grown dried black dates and red envelopes for the two little nephews. Second Aunt was delighted, mentioning how the woodworker Li had come to order more furniture, even more than before! Yang Datong had never been so busy and was considering hiring more workers.

Miao He was happy to hear this, feeling a sense of accomplishment. Yang Dalang discussed with Yang Datong about expanding the workshop, showing he was serious about helping. After all, the current workshop was just a portion of their yard, and the noise often disturbed the children’s sleep, but it was the most economical solution.

Next, they went to Miao He’s mother’s house on the second day of the New Year.

Due to the previous dispute over the bride price, the atmosphere was awkward.

Miao He’s grandmother made him kneel and bow as tradition dictated, despite his large belly. Fortunately, Miao He was healthy and handled the sequence of actions with only a bit of breathlessness. Yang Dalang, standing by, couldn’t say anything because it was tradition, but he was left with a very bad impression of these indifferent relatives.

As for Zhang Mian, she had been sternly warned by the village chief. He made it clear that if they ever went to ask Yang Dalang for anything again, people would think they were trying to get more bride price money. This could affect her younger son Miao Yu’s marriage prospects.

So Zhang Mian kept a sour face but didn’t say anything, and Li Zhaodi, considered the sinner of the family, had no room to speak. Even the gifts Yang Dalang brought weren’t accepted by her. With nothing more to say, Yang Dalang and Miao He left early, not even staying for lunch.

Over the next few days, Yang Dalang continued to visit other families for New Year’s greetings.

When he arrived at Aunt Qing’s house, Miao Qiang was out. After delivering the gifts, Yang Dalang was about to leave when Aunt Qing decided to walk him out, knowing some things were better said privately.

Unfortunately, Miao Qiang, returning from the other direction, overheard their conversation.

To his dismay, he heard Aunt Qing mention Miao Yuan’s supposed fate.

…A life of bad luck with wives and children, destined to grow old alone?!

Hiding behind the tree, Miao Qiang’s expression went through several changes, and surprisingly, his first reaction was relief.

Rain : This dude is sick..

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  1. Kinoi says:

    Ah, the yandere cut sleeve is being creepy again

  2. LicoLico says:

    Creep! I want to eat too! :F
    Thank You for the new chapter (?`???)??

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