LGSLAW : Chapter 58 – Grave-Sweeping


After the New Year, a few more heavy snowfalls occurred. The villagers welcomed the snow as a sign of a bountiful year, knowing it would nourish the land once it melted. During this time, news of Miao Yuan and Min Chun’s engagement spread throughout the village.


Curious villagers approached the Miao family, asking how Miao Yuan, who had sworn never to marry a “ge’er” , had changed his mind. Members of the Miao family, whether it was Aunt Ying or Lin Xue, could only smile stiffly, explaining that the old master had seen Min Chun’s good nature and adherence to rules, and out of gratitude for past favors, decided on the engagement.


But what about Wang Zhubu’s daughter, whom Miao Yuan had been matched with earlier? Lin Xue’s face stiffened further, and she could only say that the old master had chosen gratitude over prospects, valuing old favors more. 


Such explanations sounded noble, but in reality, if it was truly about gratitude, why didn’t they match Min Chun earlier, as he had been living with them for a while? Most villagers speculated that the Zhubu family might not have been interested in Miao Yuan, prompting the switch. This speculation frustrated Lin Xue and furthered her discontent towards Min Chun.


Ge’ers were inherently not as fertile as women, and Min Chun couldn’t even gather a proper dowry. He and his mother were still feeding off the Miao family, so how could he be worthy of Miao Yuan? Furthermore, there was the matter of the leaked recipe. Influenced by Miao Duan’er’s words, Lin Xue was highly suspicious. However, there was nothing she could do since everything was decided by the old master. She, as the mother-in-law, could only wait for Min Chun to enter the household and then thoroughly control and discipline him.


The root of this situation was Miao Jue and Miao Yuan’s desire to save face by not revealing Min Chun’s contributions. Initially, they claimed the tofu pudding recipe came from an ancient book, a lie they had to maintain. Later, they handed over the preserved egg recipe to Dahe Restaurant to settle the issue halfway, without informing the family in detail. Thus, in the eyes of the Miao family, Min Chun became a scheming ge’er clinging to wealth.


Min Chun was fully aware of his precarious situation. However, as long as he could continue to provide profitable recipes, this family of rule-abiding yet greedy villagers would remain under his control.


Regarding the preserved eggs, although Dahe Restaurant gained some popularity with the novelty, the price remained low. Despite the new food, the restaurant couldn’t climb back to its former high status. The preserved eggs had a polarizing taste—some loved it, while others couldn’t eat it. After an initial surge in interest, the excitement died down.


As February began, Miao He’s due date was still a month away, but everything at home was ready. Because ge’ers needed cesarean sections, a midwife wouldn’t suffice; a doctor was necessary. They chose Dr. Lin, whose skills were renowned and who lived nearby, making him a convenient and reliable choice.


However, before this, Miao He needed to go out. Although he didn’t mind, Yang Dalang was nervous for days, as they needed to attend the first anniversary of his mother’s death. Custom dictated that both Yang Dalang and his partner attend this ceremony, which required walking up a mountain to the grave site. The path was relatively flat, as many villagers visited the southeast hill for their tombs, creating a well-trodden path free of snow. The distance from the village was the only concern.


Miao He, calm and collected, reassured Yang Dalang, “No need to be so tense. Ge’ers and women in the village still work in the fields just days before giving birth. Besides, with your strength, even if I stumble, you could easily catch me.”


Yang Dalang’s face turned grim at the mention of stumbling. “Don’t say such things.”


Miao He quickly soothed him, “Alright, I won’t say it. On that day, I’ll listen to you completely. If you want to carry me the whole way, I won’t object.”


Yang Dalang would have preferred that, but carrying someone all the way up the mountain would be riskier.


Amidst Yang Dalang’s worries, they prepared offerings of fresh fruits, tribute items, and gold paper. With Yang Dachen driving the cart and Aunt Yang accompanying them, they reached the foot of the mountain. Before they started climbing, they saw Aunt Qing and Miao Qiang approaching for the same purpose.


After greeting each other and noticing Yang Dalang’s furrowed brow, they kept the conversation brief and began the ascent in silence.


At the gravesite, Yang Dalang didn’t let Miao He kneel. Instead, he knelt first to apologize to his mother for any perceived disrespect and then had Miao He bow with incense. Following customs, they offered tea, burned the gold paper, and cleared the weeds from the grave.


Yang Dalang, armed with a sickle, started cutting the grass. Miao Qiang, the only other man present, also helped. However, Miao Qiang noticed Yang Dalang frequently glancing back at Miao He, making him uneasy.


After overhearing his mother’s comments about the fortune-teller’s prediction, Miao Qiang felt strangely certain that Yang Dalang’s fate would come to pass. He believed the prophecy, which foretold the misfortune of a spouse and the absence of children, would inevitably come true, leaving Miao He barren or facing complications with the pregnancy.


Uncomfortable with his own thoughts, Miao Qiang impatiently said, “People don’t break from standing still. Stop looking back so much, or you might cut yourself.”


Yang Dalang merely grunted in response.


Miao Qiang pointed to a distant patch of weeds, “That area should be cleared too. Otherwise, it’ll grow back soon, making it harder to manage next year.”


Yang Dalang glanced at the indicated spot and agreed, heading over to clear it.


However, halfway through cutting, a shout came from Miao He’s direction.




Yang Dalang dropped his sickle and rushed back!


Miao Qiang’s eyes lit up. Was it happening?


But upon arrival, Yang Dalang found Miao He unharmed, with the real trouble being Aunt Yang. Startled by a snake that had suddenly appeared, Aunt Yang had twisted her ankle, causing it to swell and hurt, making it nearly impossible for her to walk.


Miao He suggested worriedly, “She shouldn’t force herself to walk, or the injury might worsen. Dalang, maybe you should carry Aunt Yang down the mountain first.”


Yang Dalang paused, knowing this was the best course of action, but he was reluctant to leave Miao He out of sight.


Aunt Qing, seeing Yang Dalang’s concern, said kindly, “Dalang, don’t worry. We’ll stay right here. I promise to look after He. It’s still midday; you have enough time to carry Aunt Yang down and come back for He.”


Though Miao Qiang said nothing, Yang Dalang trusted Aunt Qing. Reluctantly, he carried the apologetic Aunt Yang down the mountain.


Returning quickly, he knew he had little time to waste. He placed Aunt Yang in the cart with Yang Dachen and hurried back up the mountain.


Once Yang Dalang left, there was a brief silence between the three remaining.


After a while, Aunt Qing spoke with concern, “He, sitting too long can be tiring. Sometimes standing is more comfortable. If you want to stand, tell me first, and I’ll help you. Don’t push yourself.”


Miao He, sitting on a stool Yang Dalang had prepared, laughed, “I’m alright. Dalang will give me a good massage tonight.”


Aunt Qing nodded, “When I was pregnant with Qiang, my feet swelled too. Try cooking winter melon with red dates and ribs; the soup helps reduce swelling. Just don’t add too much salt.”


Thinking about the suggested soup made Miao He’s stomach growl. He pulled out a small wooden box from the basket Yang Dalang had left, revealing a stack of egg pancakes.


Smiling, he offered the box to Aunt Qing, “Aunt Qing, would you like some? I’ve been eating a lot lately, and Dalang made plenty. This is just the right time for a snack.”


Seeing Miao He’s round face holding the pancakes was comical, making Aunt Qing laugh, “How could I compete with someone expecting a baby? You eat; I’m not hungry.”


Out of politeness, Miao He looked at Miao Qiang, who turned his head away. Miao He shrugged and started eating.


Miao He’s contented eating seemed to irk Miao Qiang, who suddenly asked Aunt Qing, “Mother, have you ever heard of a fortune that says someone will suffer from misfortune in marriage and be childless?”


Miao He thought it was casual chatter, but Aunt Qing’s face turned pale. She asked, “Where did you hear that?”


Miao Qiang laughed, “I just heard it. I’m curious about what it means. Does it mean having a wife will bring bad luck, and they won’t have children? What if they marry? Will the marriage be a sham?”


Aunt Qing was alarmed, realizing only she could have known this. “You’re talking nonsense! How could you believe such things? Who have you been hanging around with? Don’t associate with them anymore!”


Miao Qiang laughed and turned to Miao He, “I didn’t expect my mother to lie. I don’t know any riffraff; that fortune is real—”


Aunt Qing slapped Miao Qiang hard, cutting him off.


Tears in her eyes, she yelled, “If you say another word, you’re not my son! Don’t you know what to say and what not to?”


Miao Qiang was stunned. Seeing his mother’s anger and Miao He’s worsening condition, he sighed, “Alright, I’ll go.”


With a mix of resignation and anger, he turned and left.


Out of sight, Miao Qiang slowed his pace, convinced that if Yang Dalang’s fate was doomed, it wasn’t his fault. He took the longer, more difficult path, knowing Yang Dalang would choose it to return quickly.


Sure enough, they met on the path.


Yang Dalang’s face was grim, “Why are you here? Where’s He?”


Miao Qiang was casually chewing on a blade of grass.

Rain : Can someone hold my arm pls… or I will kxll this mtfker !!!!!!

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  1. Kinoi says:

    Ah the yandere cut sleeve is on action ?

  2. El says:

    Hi, so I read ahead again via MTL and I think you’re missing a chunk of text from this chapter? Specifically the part about Miao He suddenly feeling pain after Miao Qiang’s evil words.

    I know you’re currently in a hurry to finish and I appreciate the hard work you’re doing to churn out the chapters but that part was really made me want to shove that shameless Qiang off a cliff. So I think it’s too important to leave out.

  3. LicoLico says:

    No, no, I’ll hel You up! We must beat that brat hard ><
    Thank You for the new chapter ?(ˆ?ˆ?)

  4. ami-kun 96 says:

    Nah, I wikl nit hold u.. let me pass the knife.. here ? is one enough? Let’s put him into the pit ??

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