LGSLAW : Chapter 59 – Fate


Miao Qiang felt a twinge of unease as he stammered, “Uh, because He ge’er wasn’t feeling well, my mother told me to go down first—”


Upon hearing that Miao He was unwell, Yang Dalang didn’t spare Miao Qiang another glance and dashed towards the grave! What followed was a chaotic and harrowing ordeal. When Yang Dalang found Miao He, he was in such severe pain that he couldn’t straighten his back, his face pale and trembling.


Though ge’ers couldn’t give birth naturally, their bodies still gave signals when it was time, causing intense discomfort. The baby inside would respond by kicking more vigorously, driven by an instinct for survival. If left too long, the pain could cause the ge’er to pass out, putting both him and the baby at risk. 


Desperate, Yang Dalang picked Miao He up in his arms and raced down the mountain. Yet, he had to be cautious, ensuring they didn’t stumble and fall, which made the descent agonizingly slow despite his urgency. The short journey became the most grueling and excruciating walk of Yang Dalang’s life.


Finally, they managed to get Miao He onto the cart, and they rushed to Dr. Lin’s house. When Miao He was carried inside and the door slammed shut, Yang Dalang, who had never experienced such weakness, collapsed to the ground, his mind a whirlwind of fear and helplessness. 


Hearing Miao He’s increasing cries of pain from inside, he was gripped by panic. What if He ge’er didn’t make it? What would he do? What could he possibly do? He rubbed his face in regret, feeling the faint scars on his fingertips. 


Had he defied fate? Was he destined to be alone, to keep away from He ge’er to avoid bringing harm? How had he dared to hope for a different future? How had he been so selfish, so reckless, so greedy? 


Lost in these thoughts, Yang Dalang seemed oblivious to the world around him. Many people came and went, tried to talk to him, even pulled at him, but none of it registered. All that existed for him was that door, and the person behind it.


Eventually, after what felt like an eternity, the door opened. Yang Dalang jumped up, or tried to, but his stiff limbs betrayed him, and he fell hard to the ground, startling Da Tong and Da Chen, who hurried to help him.


Yang Dalang, seemingly unaware of his own condition, looked at them with red, desperate eyes. “Is He ge’er alright? Is he okay?”


Lin’s wife, holding a small bundle, smiled and said, “Don’t worry, He ge’er is fine. The surgery just finished, and he’s still under anesthesia. He needs to rest quietly for a while.” 


Hearing this, Yang Dalang’s red eyes filled with tears, and he almost rushed into the room. Lin’s wife stopped him, explaining that they were still cleaning up inside and he couldn’t enter yet. She then shifted his focus by saying, “Wouldn’t you like to see the baby He ge’er worked so hard to deliver? Congratulations, Dalang, you have twins! Two healthy boys! I can’t carry both, so here’s the older one for you to see first. Both boys are strong and healthy; your home will be very lively now.”


This news finally broke through Yang Dalang’s emotional barrier, and tears flowed freely down his face.




The next day, Miao He awoke from a haze of pain and drowsiness. Yang Dalang, who had been by his side the whole time, immediately leaned closer. It might have been the lingering effects of the anesthesia, but Miao He felt slow and sluggish. After Yang Dalang called his name several times, Miao He finally mumbled, “It hurts…”


Yang Dalang held his hand, his voice hoarse. “Dr. Lin said you need to rest for a while, and you’ll be fine.”


Miao He frowned even with his eyes closed, unable to understand how this kind of pain could be normal. He had always been healthy, never experiencing anything like this. It felt as if his stomach had been sliced open—


Wait, did he just give birth before falling asleep?


Startled by the thought, Miao He forced his eyes open, moving slightly and immediately crying out in pain.


“Ah! It hurts!”


Yang Dalang panicked. “Don’t move, don’t pull on the wound!”


Chastened by the painful reminder, Miao He became fully alert. He realized his abdomen was tightly wrapped in bandages, binding him like a mummy, unable to turn. He had to lie still for three days to avoid reopening the wound.


Feeling pitiful, Miao He lay motionless. “Where’s the baby? I want to see…”


Yang Dalang gently stroked his forehead. “They’re sleeping in the next room. I’ll bring one over.”


He left and soon returned with a small bundle, carefully placing it next to Miao He’s head.


Inside the bundle was a tiny, red, wrinkled baby resembling a little red monkey. Its breathing was steady, and its tiny mouth occasionally puckered. Despite the newborn’s resemblance to Yang Dalang, its small, delicate features were already very endearing.


Straining to turn his head, Miao He found the sight increasingly adorable and reached out to gently touch the baby. He was about to shower it with praise when Yang Dalang said, “This is the older one.”


“The older one?” Miao He asked, puzzled. Wasn’t the name a bit too grandiose?


“The younger one will be brought over in a bit.”


“The younger one?!” Miao He exclaimed, eyes widening, and immediately regretted it as pain shot through him.


“Yes, twins, both boys,” Yang Dalang said, half worried, half amused.


It turned out that when Dr. Lin and Dr. Ji had checked Miao He earlier in the pregnancy, the babies’ pulses were too faint to detect. Throughout the pregnancy, Miao He had been mostly fine, with only minor discomforts. With no modern concept of regular check-ups, it never occurred to him to call a doctor again.


So this was a huge surprise for them! But despite everything, he had safely given birth to twins! Miao He felt a wave of joy and urged Yang Dalang to bring the younger one. The sight of another equally adorable “little red monkey” filled him with even more happiness.


This efficiency! Miao He thought he had struck gold. He then had Yang Dalang return the babies to the next room to rest and inquired about their condition. Hearing that both were perfectly healthy from Dr. Lin, he finally relaxed completely and started worrying about other details.


They would need more diapers and clothes, as he had only prepared for one baby. The crib made by Yang Da Tong also needed to be doubled. And there was the crucial matter of milk supply—would there be enough?


As Yang Dalang fed him a bowl of medicinal and nutritious broth, Miao He chattered away, occasionally receiving answers. After finishing the broth, Yang Dalang quietly said they wouldn’t have more children. Two boys were enough.


Miao He’s cheerful expression froze. Seeing the seriousness in Yang Dalang’s eyes, memories of the panic and fear during labor came flooding back. Especially the walk down the mountain—despite his pain, Miao He had felt the overwhelming fear and despair radiating from Yang Dalang.


Squeezing Yang Dalang’s hand, Miao He asked softly, “Did it scare you?”


The ever-reliable Yang Dalang actually nodded, admitting it.


Miao He, touched, didn’t know how to comfort him. For Miao He, it had been a sudden burst of pain followed by relief. At Dr. Lin’s, he had quickly been anesthetized, sparing him from prolonged suffering. It might have looked terrifying, but Miao He felt no lingering trauma.


Thinking about how to reassure him, Miao He recalled a conversation he had overheard between Miao Qiang and Aunt Qing.


“Mother, I’m serious about what I said. If Dalang’s fate is as predicted, haven’t you considered that this is all predetermined?”


Could it be…


“Miao Qiang said you had your fortune told. Something about misfortune in marriage, childlessness, and a lonely life?”


Yang Dalang’s expression changed dramatically.


Until Miao He woke up, Yang Dalang hadn’t thought about anything else. Hearing this now, he connected the dots, his voice cold. “He told you this?”


Miao He shook his head. He didn’t want to settle scores now. “So you believed it? You’ve been worried about it?”


The usually composed Yang Dalang looked conflicted and guilty. He probably didn’t want to believe it but couldn’t help being affected. With the additional factor of Miao He’s mysterious soil, how could Yang Dalang not worry?


But despite these heavy worries, Yang Dalang had shown nothing but unconditional love and support. Miao He felt enveloped in unspoken affection, growing happier and more at ease every day. Realizing the burden Yang Dalang carried, Miao He’s heart tightened.


In that moment, Miao He decided that all his reservations were no longer valid.


If being honest could ease Yang Dalang’s worries even slightly, it would be worth it.


Miao He tugged on Yang Dalang’s hand, his throat tight as he spoke.


“You don’t have to believe it.”


“Regardless of whether the fortune is accurate or not, I… I’m not even from this world. How could it predict my fate?”


“Would you like to hear my story?”


Yang Dalang gripped Miao He’s hand tightly. As Miao He spoke more and more, each word seemingly more unbelievable, Yang Dalang’s grip only tightened, as if he never wanted to let go.


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  1. LicoLico says:

    Twins??! ?(????) And he is going to tell him everything! OoO
    Thank You for the new chapter ?(ˆ?ˆ?)

  2. ami-kun 96 says:

    Qiang boy oh you.. buried u into a pit is not enough.. u almost harm my grandchildrens ??

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