LGSLAW : Chapter 65 – Flower Appreciation

Flower Appreciation

Regardless of whose heart was stirred, after Qingming Festival, Miao He and Yang Dalang were happily counting their money.


They had just finished calculating this year’s earnings from the pickled plums. Though the production wasn’t large, Yang Dalang, adhering to the bold principles of shrewd merchants, had managed to sell a small jar of pickled plums for two taels of silver.


Initially, business was slow, worrying Miao He so much that he sent Yang Dalang to town to check things out after just a few days. But later, perhaps due to excellent word of mouth from customers who bought the plums, sales suddenly picked up. By the last batch, orders even outpaced the available product, with some customers unable to secure any.


Thus, calculating the entire season’s earnings, about 130 jars of pickled plums yielded a net profit of 150 taels of silver! This didn’t even include the price of those supplied to the teahouse. Including the original hundred taels of pocket money they already had, Miao He generously, without waiting for Yang Dalang to bring it up, handed over the money jar, suggesting they buy another mountain! That way, Mantou and Wotou each could have one, and they themselves would have one for retirement—just perfect.


Yang Dalang patted the young man’s head and agreed.


But Miao He paused, then changed his mind. “Or should we buy a shop in town first? With a shop, we can sell our products directly, and you can put what you’ve learned into practice. Think about it—wouldn’t that be nice? But should we open a dessert shop, a fruit shop, or an ice shop?”


“No need to open one. It’s unnecessary.”


“Why? Shops can appreciate in value; we wouldn’t lose money.”


Yang Dalang kissed Miao He. “Busy. I want time to be with you all.”


True, running a shop took a lot of time, especially in the beginning when they’d need to be in town every day. And they were growing flowers and trees, making everything beautiful for a relaxed life. Miao He wrestled with the decision for a while, then pounced on Yang Dalang. “Then, when Mantou and Wotou grow up, we’ll open one together?”


Yang Dalang caught him and said, “Yes, together.”


Although the responsibilities remained, he felt that the more important things shouldn’t be sacrificed.


Then Miao He’s eyes lit up, “Since we’ve finished all the important work, let’s take Mantou and Wotou to enjoy the flowers today! And another day, I want to learn how to make flower cakes and invite Second Aunt and the others to a flower-appreciation party. What do you think?”


At this time, the plum blossoms, peach blossoms, and pear blossoms on the back hill were all in bloom.


The back hill was dotted with snow-white flowers and pink blossoms, looking extremely beautiful.


So, a flower-appreciation party with flower cakes?


Yang Dalang had come to enjoy these whimsical ideas and even helped consider them. “Ask Xiao Xu. His family’s chef will know.”


Thus, a spontaneous flower-appreciation party was decided!


Xu Ming’s eyes brightened when he heard the news, smartly offering his family’s pastry chef’s services in exchange for the whole family’s invitation to the flower-appreciation party! Miao He was happy to have it easy, not only learning by watching but also getting a top chef to come home and help make the cakes without having to lift a finger.


Even the chef was moved to tears. He had never made such delicious cakes! How? How did his skills improve so dramatically here? He didn’t know that the flour, petals, and berries he used were all top-quality products grown in nutrient-rich soil, making them exceptional.


The flower-appreciation party, originally intended for close friends and relatives, turned into a large-scale spring picnic.


The guests, regardless of their status, experienced the elegance of sitting on a picnic mat (here, straw and coarse cloth were used) under the trees, enjoying the petals falling in the wind.


With the rich, fragrant, and slightly sweet flower cakes, revealing a delightful peach-red filling when broken open, the sight alone made people’s mouths water and fingers itch to grab more. For those who didn’t like sweet flavors, Miao He prepared fried pumpkin flower buds, with their crispy crust and sweet petals inside, paired perfectly with a slightly bitter but just-right flower tea—everything was just perfect!


Appreciating flowers and eating flowers, with petals falling overhead, this unique spring leisure was something even the well-experienced Xu Huan had never encountered.


Even his wife, Xiang Zhen, a quiet and gentle lady from a prominent family, overcame her initial discomfort of sitting on the ground, eventually relaxing and chatting happily with the cheerful Madam Liang.


As for the children, there was no need to worry. There were many kids present: from Second Aunt’s family, the Liang family, and Uncle Lin brought his grandson. New neighbors Xu Ming and Xiang Zhen had a two-year-old daughter, and with Miao He’s two babies, the little ones had food and drink, mats to roll on, flower petals to toss around, and the free entertainment of bullying the little black cat and big fluffy dog, keeping the laughter and joy continuous.


Seeing everyone so happy, Miao He had Yang Dalang bring out the plum wine they brewed last summer.


Not knowing how well it turned out, Miao He wanted seasoned expert Old Doctor Ji to check it first. If he could drink it without any issues, even if it turned into vinegar instead of wine, it would still be fun and lively.


However, the poured wine was crystal clear, already a beautiful tea-brown color, and its unique, rich fruity aroma immediately captivated those around. Xu Huan, who specialized in high-quality wines, even paused slightly as he smelled it.


Old Doctor Ji, smiling, said, “Don’t worry, the wine is successful. The sugar ratio is just a bit off, making it a bit too sweet. But those who like sweet flavors will love it.” Despite his words, Old Doctor Ji seemed quite delighted as he took another sip from his small cup, smacking his lips in satisfaction.


Miao He thought the sweetness might be due to overly sweet plums, but it didn’t matter. As long as it was drinkable, the sweetness could even make it like fruit juice! He then generously shared the plum wine, giving everyone a small cup. As expected, the ladies loved the taste, praising its sweetness and smoothness.


Xu Huan, too, savored the wine with the others, but a thought was forming in his mind.


As everyone left that day, they couldn’t help but ask,


“Can we come again next year?”


Even though they knew it was an imposition, the flower-appreciation party was truly enjoyable. The ladies suggested that next year they would bring their own food to properly repay their hosts for the pleasure they had today.


Miao He and Yang Dalang, holding their children, readily agreed.


By next year, Mantou and Wotou would be able to run around. Having so many kids to play with would be great.


With the excitement of the day, everyone went home.


Xu Huan, after seeing his smiling wife and daughter settled in their rooms, had something unpleasant to say. He waited until Xiang Zhen had the maids settle their daughter, then gently took her pale, thin hand and said softly, “I have to leave tomorrow.”


Xiang Zhen’s bright, happy eyes immediately dimmed. “…So soon?”


Xu Huan sighed. To help her adapt quickly after moving here, he had already spent much more time than usual.


“You know the situation at home. If I don’t go now, next year will be even more dangerous.”


Xiang Zhen lowered her eyes and nodded obediently.


Xu Huan tried to console her, “Just rest and take care of yourself here. Eat more of what you like. When I come back, I want to see you healthier. And don’t think about what Aunt said, understand?”


Xiang Zhen’s teary eyes lifted, “I understand.” But there was still a hint of emotion in her eyes.


Xu Huan pretended not to see it. He knew his wife’s concerns but couldn’t change her thoughts.


“I’m leaving Manager Li and Ming Xi here. Ming Xi is young, but he understands the importance of things. If Manager Li can’t decide something, let Ming Xi handle it. Don’t worry, just take care of our sweet daughter, okay?”


Xiang Zhen smiled at the mention of their daughter, “Okay.”


Xu Huan felt a bit relieved.


He spent more time comforting his wife before leaving the room, quickly getting busy with preparations.




A few days after the flower-appreciation party, news spread around the village.


It was inevitable. The invited ladies weren’t gossipers, but they truly enjoyed the refined life they experienced at the flower-appreciation party. The delicious cakes, beautiful flowers, and sweet plum wine were too good not to mention. Even Second Aunt, who usually didn’t talk much, couldn’t help but share a bit. Word spread from there.


However, no one dared to impose on Miao He’s home, demanding to see the flowers. In this era, owning a mountain meant you were a landlord, and offending a landlord was foolish. While outsiders were envious, they were respectful and kept to their place.


But some were inspired to emulate them.


Especially Miao Duan’er, whose eyes lit up upon hearing about it. Viewing flowers was so beautiful. Wearing her favorite pink silk dress from last spring, adorned with her favorite pearl flower, standing under the blossoms—it would be…


So, Miao Duan’er couldn’t resist pulling her brother into the room, saying, “Brother, why don’t you host a spring poetry gathering by the river? There are some good blooming trees there. You can invite your teachers and classmates, and the new neighbor Xu brothers have good family backgrounds. They can help—”


Before she finished, Miao Yuan abruptly shook off her hand and looked at her strangely.


“You really have the nerve to say this. Teachers and classmates? Do you think any of them would still want to associate with me, a man who just divorced his unfaithful husband? Who would want to be seen with me and be laughed at? A poetry gathering? Ha! Hahaha…”


Initially gloomy, his tone turned somewhat crazy. Miao Duan’er, frightened, stepped back, “I… I didn’t know things would turn out this way. It wasn’t—”


“Get out!!! I don’t want to talk to you!!!”


Miao Yuan violently threw a book, making Miao Duan’er scream and run out of the room!


Hearing the commotion, Lin Xue ran out and saw Miao Duan’er hurriedly exiting Miao Yuan’s room. Seeing her, Miao Duan’er cried, “Mother! Is brother not right in the head? He just threw a book at me!!”


After the divorce with Min Chun, Miao Yuan had locked himself in his room, claiming to study hard, refusing to see anyone. Even meals were delivered by Lin Xue. So, Miao Duan’er didn’t realize anything was wrong and had naïvely forgotten the responsibility she bore for her outburst at the wedding feast.


Looking back, Lin Xue couldn’t help but resent her foolish daughter. If she hadn’t shouted that during the feast, Yuan would not have had to divorce Min Chun for his reputation! Min Chun wouldn’t have taken all their money! By now, they would have moved into a grand brick house!


Everything started because of her daughter!


But she couldn’t scold her. After all, she had been the one who decided to make a scene.


Hearing her words, Lin Xue sternly rebuked, “I told you not to bother your brother. Do you think you can ignore what I say? Your brother’s studies are heavy; of course, he’s irritable. What’s there to make a fuss about! But you! Yesterday’s dirty clothes are still piled up. When are you planning to wash them? If you have time to bother your brother, why aren’t you doing your chores?”


Miao Duan’er’s face turned pale.


Their workshop had eventually closed. Now, the market was flooded with tofu flowers and tofu skins, fiercely competing with low prices. In the end, they couldn’t scale up production, couldn’t compete with costs, and hiring workers became redundant and costly, forcing them to shut down. Without the workshop and the hired helpers, all the chores fell back on them.


After living a good life for a while, Miao Duan’er couldn’t stand going back to the hard days. Her desire for wealth grew stronger. People said that Miao Jin’er was luckier than her, getting engaged while her family was doing well, and her fiancé was decent. But no matter how good he was, wasn’t he just a farmer? She didn’t care for that. Her brother was still aiming higher, so she deserved a better future!


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  1. LicoLico says:

    Thank You for the new chapter ?(????)

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