LGSLAW : Chapter 73 – Astonishment


The village head stuttered as he looked at the documents brought to him, “You, you say, you bought all the land from the south of the town to your place? And… and two more mountain tops?”


“Yes. Here are the land deeds. Please confirm them, Village Head.”


“Oh, oh… okay, okay…”


“Also, for the northern part, Dalang and I plan to rent it out for winter wheat. The planting time is a bit tight, so please help spread the word in the village. Those interested should come to us quickly. We’ll also announce this outside, so just a heads-up in case people ask you about it.”


These days, who would dare complain about receiving such a notice?


Not to mention the peanut field situation, when Miao He’s family harvested the fruit in September, it was said they hired nearly twenty women. In the end, each received more than a tael of silver as wages! More than a tael meant that working for less than two months could earn as much as farming for half a year. This was a bigger deal than when the factory was operating!


And now they were renting land to grow winter wheat…


Adding up these households, if there were objections at the village meetings, at least half would support them!


Remembering his past foolishness, the village head rubbed his chest, still recalling, “Then, my… my sons, how about them? I have three sons, all of whom farm. How much can they rent, He ge’er? Tell me, I, Village Head, will be the first to respond…”


Afterward, the news quickly spread throughout Miao Village.


Unlike renting peanut fields, vegetable fields had lighter taxes, but grain fields had heavy taxes. If one had the confidence to rent fields to grow grain, it would mean being a traditional, genuine large landlord! Especially since Yang Dalang was an outsider, the price of buying land, even if it was wasteland, was higher than for people with the surname Miao in Miao Village!


And to be able to easily buy such a large piece… Yang Dalang had truly made it big. Those who previously mocked him for not being able to sell fruit and for spending so much money hiring workers now shut their mouths tightly. The question now was, did you manage to rent some land? Did you get any?


Actually, the villagers still didn’t know about the “tribute” situation. The couple didn’t plan to disclose it yet, as it would only attract unnecessary attention. If officials were to come, it might take several months for them to formally announce it. The longer they could delay, the better.


Even the teahouse manager, Jin, hesitated for a long time before deciding to reveal only half the truth. He mentioned that the fruits came from the same source as the tribute, but avoided mentioning the vegetables. He feared that if competitors found out, it might cause additional trouble or changes for Miao He’s family.


Regardless, after a flurry of activity, the land was rented out.


Miao He’s family entered a new season of harvesting honey mandarins, delighted to have the women come in groups to work again.


Meanwhile, the Xu family next door had just overcome a malicious plot.


Upon discovering the error in the tribute, Xu Huan immediately ordered constant surveillance on the guard. The guard, thinking he was still well-hidden, eventually slipped up after being closely watched for a long time. Following the clue, it was, as Xu Huan suspected, one of his two uncles, specifically the third uncle.


As the tribute matter was essentially settled without issues, Xu Huan thought about how his cousin, Xu Wan, had traveled all the way to Miao Village to “accompany” his wife. He wondered if it was another scheme but didn’t dare be careless. He quickly sent a letter to his younger brother, explaining the situation in the capital and advising him to be vigilant. He then hurriedly set off back to Miao Village.


Xu Ming, the impulsive and bold young man, didn’t know how to be tactful. One day, while Xu Wan was out in town, he had the household workers thoroughly search through all the luggage she had brought!


And indeed, they found a packet of suspicious powder.


After showing it to a doctor, it turned out to be a vile concoction that, if consumed by a pregnant woman, would cause a miscarriage!


Hearing this, Xu Huan, who arrived home later, was shocked, but Xu Ming waved it off, saying, “Don’t worry, brother. I took good care of sister-in-law. Xu Wan didn’t have a single chance. The doctor also checked on her and confirmed she’s perfectly fine!”


Surprisingly, instead of turning pale, Xu Wan simply nodded and sighed, “Indeed. Luckily, I took Sugar Bun to work every day, leaving early and coming back late, so I avoided all this.”


“Work? Early and late?” Xu Huan seemed to catch some odd words.


“Hehe. He ge’er hired many women to help pick fruit, so I let sister-in-law join. She did a great job!” Xu Ming said proudly.


“Picking fruit? Xiao Zhen?” So it turned out the tribute fruits were picked by his own wife!?


Guessing what he was thinking, Xu Zhen couldn’t help but chuckle. Working with a group of women for over a month naturally led to many conversations. There were endless tales of various family issues, from mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to sisters-in-law, each household had its stories. Listening to these, Xu Zhen found herself gradually letting go of her worries. Plus, eating well and having social interactions made her feel more cheerful.


Just as she was about to share some details, they heard a report from outside, saying Xu Wan had returned from the town with Miao Duan’er.


As soon as Xu Wan entered and saw her eldest cousin, she was suspicious but greeted warmly, “Brother, you’re finally back. Is everything settled outside? If so, it’s good. I noticed sister-in-law going out every day, and I was afraid she wouldn’t want to leave if you didn’t return soon.”


“There’s no need for you to worry about your sister-in-law. You should think more about yourself.” Xu Huan pointed at the small paper packet on the table and said calmly.


Xu Wan’s face changed immediately. “You… how could you…”


Xu Huan coldly interrupted, “I’ve already sent a letter to inform our grandmother of this matter. Your brother Xu Zhuo also has to explain his recent actions regarding the tribute. I believe you two have much to discuss with our grandmother, so prepare to leave.”


Xu Wan’s face turned pale, then flushed with anger. After a moment, she still tried to defend herself, “But, even if there’s medicine, how can you prove it was brought by me? It could be a setup by the servants! And has sister-in-law consumed any? If not, what is there to say?”


Xu Huan slammed the table! “I don’t need to explain to you! I’m just telling you that I don’t have such a malicious cousin! And one who carries harmful drugs! Now, get out of here!!”


With that, two workers came over to drag Xu Wan out! Xu Wan struggled, “Brother! I’m innocent, I didn’t do it! How can you accuse me like this!! You… you can’t kick me out…”


However, this was Xu Huan’s private residence, not the ancestral home, so kicking someone out was easy. In no time, Xu Wan and her servants were all thrown out of the house. Shortly after, their luggage was also tossed out!


After dealing with Xu Wan, Xu Huan coldly turned to the stunned Miao Duan’er, “Xu Wan brought harmful drugs. Were you her accomplice!?”


Miao Duan’er quickly waved her hands, “No, no, no, I wasn’t, I wasn’t!! I, I just met her halfway through! We have nothing to do with each other!! Nothing to do!!”


Xu Huan slammed the table again! “Nothing to do? Then why were you always together? Do I need to report you to the authorities for the truth!?”


“No, no!! I just showed her around!! I didn’t do anything!! Xu Gongzi!!” Miao Duan’er started to cry, scared by the mention of reporting to the authorities. “Then why are you still here!? If you insist on staying, I’ll have to report you!”


Xu Huan’s shout finally scared Miao Duan’er into running out the door.


Once outside, she couldn’t see Xu Wan anywhere. Miao Duan’er, in a daze, realized she didn’t know where to find her. And without Xu Wan, her dreams of wealth were shattered!?


How could she accept this!? After eating and drinking well with Xu Wan for so long, the thought of returning to her family’s plain food was unbearable!


Feeling resentful and anxious, Miao Duan’er had a bright idea and ran towards the vermicelli factory in town.


This factory was co-owned by Luo Zijun and Min Chun.


Located in the town, the factory had higher labor costs, but Luo Zijun had plenty of money and wasn’t afraid of expenses. Upon opening, the vermicelli’s smooth and springy texture attracted a lot of business, selling well to restaurants and tea houses. The dried vermicelli could even be sold far away, and business was expected to boom.


During the factory’s opening, Xu Wan, feeling bored, often brought Miao Duan’er along to watch. Miao Duan’er thought that with Xu Wan in trouble, she should inform Luo Zijun!


Besides, Luo Gongzi was a wealthy man. Given her frequent visits with Xu Wan, she had built some rapport. Maybe she could find out about Xu Wan and perhaps even seek some unexpected “opportunities.”


Grasping at her last straw, Miao Duan’er hurried over. Her familiar face wasn’t stopped, and she smoothly reached the study on the left side of the factory. She knew that if Luo Gongzi wasn’t out at a tea house, he would be resting and reading there with his servant.


But today, oddly, there was no guard at the door. Anxious, Miao Duan’er didn’t notice and hurriedly pushed the door open after calling out “Luo Gongzi!” 


However, what she saw first were two white bodies entwined on the desk!


One was the flushed Luo Gongzi, the other was Min Chun, moaning softly.


The shocking scene made Miao Duan’er freeze for a second before she screamed and fled.


“Ahhh!!! Chun ge’er is fooling around again!! Luo Gongzi, Chun ge’er!! Ahhh, in the study!! So dirty, ahhh!!!”


With such shouts, how could most of the factory not hear? Most of the workers were townswomen who had heard about Min Chun’s past. His story was tied to the scandal with Wang Zhubo, and he had even spread rumors about Miao Yuan’s cuckoldry.


Now, hearing Miao Duan’er’s shouts, the women showed a look of “I knew it.”


They thought, this Aunt Yuan’s son, there seemed to be no saving him.




“After that, I heard the vermicelli factory closed not long after.”


As the He family finally finished with the honey mandarins and winter arrived, Auntie Yang came to chat one day, checking on the two toddlers learning to walk. Wobbly like little ducks, they were adorable.


Having heard about Min Chun, Miao He naturally paid attention. “Why? Isn’t Luo Gongzi unmarried? A single man and an unmarried brother, strictly speaking, isn’t this not considered fooling around?”


Auntie Yang waved her hand, “But how could Aunt Yuan bear to see his son continue like this? After learning the news, he immediately arranged for Chun ge’er to marry a widower. There was no wedding, and the household registration was done immediately! And once registered, how could the man allow Chun ge’er to continue the factory with that person? The contract was easily voided.”


“What? They can do that!?”


“Who let Chun ge’er misbehave first. If the man went to the authorities, the officials would side with him.”


Ah… so, Min Chun’s luck was really bad.


Thinking that, something felt off. Didn’t he try to seduce Yang Dalang before?


No, it’s character that determines destiny.


If he were willing to work honestly, how could such things happen?

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  1. Anon33 says:

    A bit older story but ”The Simple Farming Life with a Ger”

    1. bluearea says:

      Thank you ! I’ll look for it !

  2. Daisy says:

    The Squeamish Little Brother of the Actor

  3. LicoLico says:

    Why this girl is so supid? =.= I really heave enough of her
    Thank You for the new chapter ???(?? ? ?? )

  4. Perkele_Dudette03 says:

    Uhhh, I don’t like how Min Chun’s ended up. And I hate that Miao Duan’er. She’s so nosy and, really, just a spoiled brat.

    I don’t like Min Chun’s mother also, I thought they transmigrated together, but yeaahhh. It’s so messy.

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