LGSLAW : Chapter 74 – Becoming a Concubine

Becoming a Concubine

However, from Min Chun’s perspective, he could only think that he had once again been harmed by Miao Yuan’s foolish sister, Miao Duan’er!


This time, the harm was severe. His mother had arranged for him to marry a widower who would often shout and hit people, priding himself on being strict and disciplined. But his job? He carried dung buckets for a living!!


Upon learning this, Min Chun wanted to spit in his face! In his eyes, this kind of man who had no capability outside and only exerted power within the household was the most cowardly and useless!! And he had the nerve to obstruct his plan to open a factory!?


Even Luo Zijun was slippery. After learning the recipe from him, he didn’t help clean up the mess and just took his share of the money and left!! Fine, they and his stupid mother could all go to hell.


Min Chun felt that if things had come to this, so what if he became a blacklisted ger?


He was once just lazy, but now that he was forced to run, he wasn’t afraid!


But before that, Miao Duan’er, he wouldn’t let her off easily.




“I heard that Miao Duan’er from Miao Jue’s family has been caught seeing men being intimate.”


“What? Is that true!? A girl, no less, how could she do such a thing?”


“They say she loves to hide and spy everywhere. Otherwise, how could she have known about Chun ge’er’s affair? Everyone in town who worked at the vermicelli factory knows about it.”


“Oh my, what a disgraceful thing! No decency at all!” The woman could only spit.


“Indeed, when I heard it before, I couldn’t believe that a girl who looked so good could be like this in private. A person’s appearance is deceiving. I think this girl should forget about getting married. Who would want a wife who keeps peeping at others’ private affairs?”


These words reached the clueless Miao family, causing Miao Jue to grab a wooden stick and beat Miao Duan’er severely!! He then locked her in the woodshed, not allowing her to come out!!


“Is this the daughter you raised!! Second daughter-in-law!! Listen to the trouble she has caused!! Do you think our family isn’t humiliated enough!? And you talk about becoming a concubine!? Now, I doubt anyone would take her even as a concubine!! I see she’s fundamentally crooked!! Don’t let her out easily!! Only when the village forgets about this can you bring it up again!!”


Lin Xue cried for several days, feeling aggrieved. Previously, when the young lady from the Xu family came every day to pick her up in a carriage, the old man didn’t stop her, even occasionally asking if she had gone out today.


Unexpectedly, Miao Yuan, who was also called to the main hall, said gloomily, “Grandfather, to make the village forget about this, it would take years. It’s better to send her away quickly, saving the family from trouble.”


Miao Jue looked at his grandson, whose temperament had changed dramatically, and asked, “What’s your plan?”


“I previously wrote to my tutor, who finally agreed to privately teach me outside the academy. However, he seems troubled as his wife is weak and has no one to care for her. If we could help him…”


Before Miao Yuan could finish, Lin Xue turned pale, “Tutor? Yuan, you mean the tutor in town, Mr. Lin!? But he’s over sixty years old!? Yuan, that’s your sister! She might have done some of those things, but wasn’t it for you?!”


Miao Yuan sneered, “Let’s say it was for me. Didn’t she also harm me like this? Shouldn’t she repay? Moreover, going to the tutor’s house could restore some family reputation, and people won’t say she has no manners.”


Miao Yuan’s aunt, who had been silent, quickly agreed, “Yes, yes, this rumor has greatly harmed our Jin’er!! She’s about to get married soon, and now the husband’s family even sent a matchmaker to ask about it. Such a disgraceful thing, I could only say the sisters were not close. Old man, Yuan’s suggestion is smart, otherwise, how would people look at our family in the village meetings?”


Miao Jue’s eyes flickered upon hearing this.


“You, you all…” Lin Xue felt anxious.


She didn’t mind her daughter becoming a concubine, but it was on the premise that she could have a good life! But what was Mr. Lin’s background? Just a poor scholar teaching in a town academy! With such a status, how dare he ask for a young concubine!? If her daughter went, she would be left a widow, not to mention serving an old man, becoming a servant.


“Old man, Duan’er was just caught by surprise this time. Chun ge’er was more at fault, Duan’er was scared, she was innocent! To marry Mr. Lin, her life would be–“


Miao Jue coldly interrupted, “Innocent? If she were innocent, why would a girl run to a factory alone? I will consider this carefully. But second daughter-in-law, remember, our family’s reputation has suffered more because of her!”


Lin Xue turned pale and cold inside.


If the old man said this, the matter was probably settled.




After the honey mandarin harvest, Yang Dalang returned from Suzhou in early December. This time, Yang Dalang basically stabilized the shop and staff there. Next year, as long as the fruit production wasn’t excessive, he wouldn’t need to stay there long-term.


And the silver he brought back was over 200 taels! Adding the previous 300 taels and their savings, they now had 600-700 taels in cash! They took half to buy land for investment, planning to use the remaining money to build another cellar and a row of long houses, leaving the rest for next year’s turnover.


Thus, before the December snow, they called Li Ming and others to celebrate with a hotpot feast. After eating to their satisfaction, the houses were built, and it was nearly New Year.


At this time, Xu Huan also came to take his wife and younger brother home for the New Year. Before leaving, he specially came to Miao He’s home to thank them repeatedly, also solemnly presenting gifts of dried kelp, scallops, and abalone. Perfect for the New Year.


Miao He accepted the gifts graciously, thinking everything was settled, but Xu Huan, somewhat embarrassed, turned to Yang Dalang, “Brother Yang, could we speak in private?”


Yang Dalang was slightly surprised but nodded.


The two men went outside in the cold to talk. Soon, Yang Dalang returned expressionless, went to the kitchen, took a small cloth bag, and went out again. Miao He, full of questions, waited until Yang Dalang sent Xu Huan off and came back.


Miao He couldn’t help but ask, “What’s the matter?”




Yang Dalang really didn’t want to say it. This time, another lady had come to ask for help with conception… Apparently, during Man’tou and Wo’tou’s full moon banquet in spring, Mrs. Liang had heard about the dangshen (codonopsis) he gave to Chen Rong. She had asked her husband to get some privately. Sure enough, she got pregnant in autumn. So, Xu Huan, having heard from his wife, came to ask for some…


“Business matters.”


“Then what was in that bag?”


“Business things.”


Miao He wasn’t happy, “Don’t want to say?”


Yang Dalang had to grab him and kiss him before whispering in his ear. Miao He giggled, “Although it’s a good thing, it really doesn’t fit your image, Dalang.”


Yang Dalang could only helplessly smile.


But it didn’t matter, the more laughs, the more kisses. The more, the better.




Soon it was New Year. One day, Miao He happily announced, “Let’s go to town to buy New Year’s goods!”


Last year, Miao He was heavily guarded by Yang Dalang because of his pregnancy. Now, with two kids able to take a few steps, it was perfect to take them out for fun. Yang Dalang naturally nodded, ready to take money.


They chose a day, and the whole family took a donkey cart, heading to the New Year market on the east street of the town.


Actually, there wasn’t much to buy. They raised their own chickens, produced their own honey, made their own dried fruit, and even got fragrant oil directly from the peanut oil mill. They only needed fish and pork. But today, they were out to enjoy the atmosphere and didn’t plan to buy any meat. They visited fabric shops, shoe and hat shops, and trinket stalls, even buying several strings of fancy firecrackers!


The little ones, with their eyes wide open at the red decorations, seemed overwhelmed. Until they saw a sugar-coated hawthorn stall, Man’tou woke up, excitedly pointing and making noise. This little foodie remembered the taste from when Yang Dalang brought some home once.


After that, they had their hands full, one hand holding a child, the other holding candy. Man’tou and Wo’tou’s mouths were sticky with sugar, no hands to wipe. The family, sticky and all, moved on to the paper-cut shop.


Miao He dragged Yang Dalang inside. Yang Dalang didn’t understand until Miao He, smiling, bought some blank red paper, saying, “This year, we don’t need to buy couplets. You’ll write them!”


Other writing materials, they already had at home for bookkeeping.


Yang Dalang hesitated, feeling uneasy, “…It’s not nice.”


“Even if it’s not nice, it’s our own. When Man’tou and Wo’tou grow up, it will be their turn. When I was little, I watched my father write couplets every New Year,” Miao He said nostalgically, then smiled, “It’s like writing down our hopes and wishes for the coming year, sticking them on the door to protect the home. Having a dad who writes couplets every year will be great for the kids!”


Yang Dalang swallowed, “Okay.”


“If it’s too much pressure, we can buy dozens of pairs, no worries!”




After a satisfying day of shopping, the family, with big and small packages, headed to the donkey cart parked at the edge of town.


Because it was a bit far, they had to pass through some quieter streets. As they turned a corner, Miao He and Yang Dalang saw a small sedan chair blocking the narrow road, facing a house’s door.


From the sedan chair came heart-wrenching screams.


“I don’t want to!! I won’t marry that old man!! Let me go!! Let me go!!! Why should I sacrifice!? That old man is one step into his grave!! Taking a concubine!? Isn’t that just being a widow!! You heartless people!!!”


The voice was so piercing that Miao He took a few steps back. Man’tou and Wo’tou, being held, looked confused and scared, their little bodies instinctively leaning towards their father.


But the sedan chair bearers seemed familiar with this reaction, trying to persuade, “Miss, no, madam, your family has already registered you. No use screaming. Take my advice, accept it early, and you’ll have a good life at your husband’s house. Don’t disgrace everyone; you’ll suffer most.”


“No!!! I won’t!!! Where is Miao Yuan!! Bring Miao Yuan out!! He must have planned this!! That useless coward!! Can’t pass exams and dares sell his sister as a concubine!! Studying for what!? Might as well be a dog!! I spit on him!! Bring him out!!”


As the yelling continued, onlookers gathered.


The door finally opened.


An austere-looking old woman stepped out, immediately scolding, “What are you standing there for!? Quickly carry her in! She’s truly an unruly girl, probably never taught well, and we still have to take her in! Listen to that foul mouth; she really needs a wash! Now, carry her in!!”


The bearers responded, and the cries of “No!!” grew more frantic.


As the sedan chair was carried in, Miao He noticed Miao Yuan quietly standing behind it.


He stepped forward, respectfully bowing to the old woman, “Please take care of her, madam.”


The old woman sneered, “No need for your words. From now on, she’s our family’s concern!”


With that, she slammed the door, cutting off whatever else Miao Yuan intended to say. Left speechless, he could only turn and leave the scene, now crowded with onlookers.


Turning around, he saw Miao He’s family watching from not far away.


His forced smile froze.


After all, the brother he abandoned was now standing there, well-dressed, with a happy family and children, arms full of New Year’s goods, truly a picture of family happiness.


While he had nothing but broken dreams of fame, marriage, and wealth, and had just been seen in such a situation…


There was no medicine for regret.


Everything was his choice, what he thought was worth it.


… How did it all turn out like this?


Facing each other in silence, the cold December wind blew, making Miao Yuan shiver.


With a final forced smile, he bowed and fled in embarrassment.


But that cold wind seemed to reach Miao He’s side too.


Seeing Miao He shiver, Yang Dalang asked, “Cold?”


Miao He shook his head, smiling, “No it’s okay.”


There was just a breeze.


As if someone had come back to see this scene.

Rain : Today’s the final !!! (*???*).?.:*?

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  1. LicoLico says:

    One, the MC’s mother is super stupid… How did she even thought that poor old widower with violence tendences is a good party for them and he would support them all… And she made her son’s bussinses collaps, congratulation to your small brain, old hag =.= Two, stupid girl got her retribution, but seriously how could people believe her for just screaming about MC’s and the other scum romance? Like, only she saw them and yes, she is also troublemaker…
    Thank You for the new chapter ???(?? ? ?? )

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