LGSLAW : Chapter 77 – Deserved!



As soon as these words were spoken, the onlookers in the village erupted into a commotion!


The village chief and the elders exchanged frightened glances.


“Tribute? Is it the kind of tribute sent to the emperor?”


“Oh my! Watch your words! With so many bailiffs around, you should address him as His Majesty.”


“Never mind how you call him, the main point is that Yang Dalang’s fruit really made it to the palace, right?”


“Yes, with such a grand entourage, it must be true! Who would’ve thought he was so capable!”


“Wow! Our village will be seen as a blessed place now!”


“Maybe, indeed! Perhaps I should start planting some fruit trees this year…”


After the initial shock, the villagers buzzed with heated discussions, but the village chief and the elders felt their legs weaken.


Yet, Yang Dalang and Miao He showed no surprise at all, as if they had known all along. They had a polite exchange with the county magistrate Su Tong, who displayed no airs of authority, introduced the higher-ranking official behind him.


“This is Eunuch Fang, who came from the capital to present the plaque! Brother Yang, come and pay your respects.”


“Greetings, Eunuch Fang.”


The elderly man in the bright red official robe acknowledged them with a slight nod, hands clasped behind his back.


“Let’s skip the formalities; we’re pressed for time. Kneel and receive the imperial edict.”


Upon hearing this, Yang Dalang and Miao He knelt together. “We obey!”


The bailiffs, noticing the nearby crowd, pointed their swords at the village chief and the elders.


“Who are you people? How dare you stand when the imperial edict is being read! Kneel down immediately!”


Sweating profusely, the village chief, clinging to his last hope, stammered, “We… we are the village chief and elders. May we ask, what is this all about—”


He couldn’t finish before being sharply rebuked.


“How dare you! Do you want to be charged with disrespecting the imperial edict! Kneel!”


Terrified, the village chief quickly complied, dragging the elders down with him. They all knelt promptly.


Only then was Eunuch Fang satisfied. He unrolled the yellow scroll and began to read.


“By the order of the Emperor of the Great Yu Dynasty, Yang Dalang of Miao Family Village, Miaoshui Town, Miaoshui County, for cultivating and providing excellent tribute fruits of peaches, persimmons, and pears… is hereby bestowed the plaque of ‘Home of Tribute.’ May you continue with diligence, reverence, and in the spirit of service to the emperor. Thus, is the imperial decree given!”


After the reading, the bailiffs brought forward a plaque engraved with the golden characters “Home of Tribute” in a wooden frame.


As Yang Dalang reached out to receive it, Su Tong kindly reminded him, “Just take it, Brother Yang. It’s heavy and must not touch the ground. Where would you like it hung? We’ll help with that.”


Showing a warmth as if they were long-time friends, Yang Dalang and Miao He led them to the central hall, where the plaque was ceremoniously hung.


Prepared in advance, Miao He brought out hot tea, peanuts, and cakes for the officials. Normally, some families would host a feast, but Yang Dalang’s family, known for their fruit, served honey peach jam on cakes, a unique and delightful treat.


As the officials rested in the backyard, more villagers sneaked in to watch, filled with curiosity.


The village chief dared not leave. He had to stay by the officials’ side.


After eating and resting, County Magistrate Su Tong patted Yang Dalang on the shoulder and said, “Brother Yang, I am truly pleased and proud of your accomplishments. If you ever need anything or face difficulties, especially related to farming, don’t hesitate to come to me. I will do my best to help!”


While some might have taken this as a polite gesture, Yang Dalang took it seriously and bowed.


“There is a small matter, indeed. I would like to ask for your judgment, sir.”


For some reason, the village chief felt a chill.


Eunuch Fang paused in his tea-drinking, curious.


Su Tong, still smiling, asked, “What is it? Speak.”


Yang Dalang’s calm gaze fell on the trembling village chief.


“The village chief has stated that due to personal reasons, he finds it difficult to continue his duties. Could I trouble you to arrange a replacement?” (Village chief K.O)


It’s over… He’s really holding a grudge… The village chief trembled internally but dared not refute. Yang Dalang hadn’t even detailed the reasons yet.


“Da… Dalang, there’s no need! Truly, there’s no need to trouble the county magistrate over such a small matter—”


Su Tong, initially thinking it was trivial, waved his hand. “It’s no trouble—”


But then a man from the crowd burst out, angrily shouting.


“Yang Dalang! You are too treacherous! My uncle is strong and healthy; there’s no reason he can’t handle his duties! You must be trying to get back at him for wanting to rent your land! Do you have any conscience left?”


Oh. Even in such a small village, there are political struggles?


Eunuch Fang and Su Tong, their interest piqued, watched for further developments.


Yang Dalang, unfazed, replied clearly, “Your uncle colluded with the tax official to threaten me into renting my land. Such behavior makes him unfit for the role of village chief. Was I wrong in my statement?”


Hearing about collusion with the tax official, Su Tong’s expression changed from amused to furious. He slammed the table.


“What!? Collusion with a tax official!? Is this true? Arrest him immediately for questioning!”


The bailiffs, already present, quickly surrounded the village chief, who was scared out of his wits and confessed in panic.


“Mercy, sir! Mercy! I was just bluffing! It never happened, really!”


Su Tong nodded wisely, stroking his beard.


“So, it was just a bluff. But coercing someone into renting their land is likely true. Very well, Yang Dalang, I approve your request! As for you, village chief, you will be investigated and taken away today!”


“Sir, please spare me! Sir, please spare me, ahhh!!” 




Later, Miao He’s family successfully rented out their rice fields, all on their terms.


The story of the tribute fruits and the village chief’s removal spread like wildfire. Thanks to Miao Gui’s outburst, the villagers quickly deduced the backstory, including the collusion among the elders.


Most villagers rejoiced at the news, cheering in satisfaction.


“Serves them right! I always suspected collusion among the village chief and those families!”


“Yes! They always got the first dibs on labor. Now we know why!”


“Yang Dalang did well! I wouldn’t have had the guts to ask the county magistrate!”


“His status is different now. Didn’t you see how warmly the magistrate treated him?”


“Indeed. Who knew he would become so successful…”


“This is good news! Just yesterday, a matchmaker from town came to my house asking if we grew fruit!”


“From town? Well, of course, thanks to the tribute fruit fame. You should consider it seriously.”




Although the village chief returned unharmed, he was visibly haggard and dazed. His demeanor elicited some sympathy, even though he had fallen from grace.


Thus, whenever villagers saw Yang Dalang or Miao He, they treated them with the utmost respect, as if they were the highest leaders. Idle gossipers kept their mouths shut, wary of offending them.


A few bold ruffians attempted to sneak into Miao He’s orchard to see the legendary tribute fruits but were deterred by the natural barriers and traps Yang Dalang had set up. The dogs, raised on the same magical soil, were exceptionally smart and alert.


The first troublemaker caught was promptly handed over to the authorities, making it clear that Yang Dalang wasn’t to be trifled with. Consequently, those who harbored thoughts of exploiting familial ties for cheap fruits backed off.


Meanwhile, Miao He didn’t involve himself in these matters; he was preoccupied with the winter wheat crops.


This year’s weather was unfavorable, with insufficient snowfall, leading to frost damage in the winter wheat. Concerned, Miao He visited every family renting his land to check on the crops. Thankfully, the resilient seeds from the magical soil showed better growth than usual.


With peace of mind, he turned his attention to April, busy with plum harvests and making preserved plums. Business was good, and they needed less plum vinegar. 


News then came from town: Min Chun had run off with the family’s silver, leaving his mother and husband behind.

Rain : This Min Chun ???

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  1. ami-kun 96 says:

    Actually the good things is he know how to stop, when it comes to yuan and luo then finally to his mother, we know he is arrogant and crocked person, but he really resilient

  2. LicoLico says:

    Nice, MC! But I know how Chinese novels working, so I not have too much good news for you, sadly… And well played, YDL! ?( ???)? ??
    Thank You for the new chapter ???(?? ? ?? )

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