LGSLAW : Chapter 8 – Debt


The topic suddenly shifted to money, leaving Miao He’s mother puzzled. “What money?”


Miao He replied with a tone of frustration, “Xiao Bao is my brother, there’s no doubt about that. I don’t want to say he isn’t and have him end up with bad luck. I’m sure you wouldn’t want that either, right, Mom? Helping out the family isn’t going to work, but if you want to talk about compensating for the dowry, just name a number, and I’ll ask Dalang.”


Hearing this, Miao He’s mother’s face turned sour, and her tone became sharp. “What nonsense are you talking about!? How can helping the family bring bad luck to Xiao Bao!? You’re so cruel with your words!”


“I’m just thinking of Xiao Bao. Remember that monk who came to the village and talked about karma? He said we shouldn’t speak ill of others. But if you don’t mind, then fine, help the family as you wish. Just don’t say I didn’t warn you.”


At this reminder, Miao He’s mother recalled the monk’s visit a few years ago. The village head had treated him with respect, and the monk had given a lecture on honoring the heavens and earth, and avoiding harmful speech.


Miao He’s mother hesitated. Xiao Bao, born after several miscarriages, was her precious child but also quite weak. She wanted to get some meat from He Ge’er to nourish him and make him healthy. Now, Miao He’s words made her worry about bringing bad luck to Xiao Bao. Could she still give him the meat if it brought misfortune?


From a modern perspective, supporting one’s parents is normal, whether married or not. But Miao He saw his mother’s attitude as trying to find a long-term source of support. Agreeing to her demands would bring trouble not just for himself but also for Yang Dalang. His mother’s main arguments were about Yang Dalang’s obligations.


Miao He didn’t want Yang Dalang to suffer because of him. He wanted to handle the situation as much as he could. He felt indebted to his body’s upbringing and decided to offer a specific amount to settle the debt, considering it as repaying the favor of raising him.


Seeing his mother’s indecision, Miao He pushed further. “Actually, Mom, Dalang caught a wild chicken yesterday. It’s very healthy. Why don’t you take it back and make soup for Xiao Bao? It’ll be good for him.”


Miao He’s mother was startled and quickly grabbed Miao He’s sleeve. “Wait! Wait! What’s the rush? I haven’t thought it through yet.”


Miao He continued, “A chicken is worth about two qian. Five chickens make one tael. If you want six taels, that’s thirty chickens. Thirty chickens would last a long time, making soup every half chicken. We could hardly afford a few chickens a year. Besides, it’s tough for Dalang to catch chickens every day for Xiao Bao.”


Miao He wasn’t making this up. Agricultural techniques were primitive, and a family of four working a plot of land could produce about twenty taels of grain a year. After paying taxes, they’d have about fifteen or sixteen taels left. With careful spending, they could save only two or three taels a year. Bad weather or pests could reduce this even further.


Eating a two-qian chicken was like spending half a month’s food expenses for one person. Meat was expensive because farming was uncertain and stressful.


Hearing Miao He’s calculations, Miao He’s mother was blinded by the thought of Xiao Bao eating chicken every day. She imagined Xiao Bao growing strong and healthy. Forgetting that silver brought home would quickly be used up, she was caught up in the dream of her son eating well every day.


Biting her lip, she finally said, “Eight taels! No less! It’s to make up for the dowry.”


As expected, she raised the amount.


A typical dowry for a ger in the village was about five taels. Her asking for eight taels was treating Miao He like a highly prized ger, forgetting that his reputation had been terrible, and he was nearly impossible to marry off.


Miao He showed a difficult expression. “Eight taels? That’s too much. I was already thinking six taels was high, asking Dalang to give it in installments. He might agree to that. But eight taels… I don’t think I can ask. I might as well ask him to catch some rabbits and send them over. Rabbit bones can make a good soup too.”


Rabbits couldn’t compare to chicken for nourishment. Lost in her dream, Miao He’s mother panicked as Miao He stepped back. “Why doesn’t it count? You promised! Even if Dalang isn’t here, you’re his husband, so your words count as his!”


Helping the family would only work if He Ge’er was willing. If he resented them, or if Yang Dalang agreed but then went back on his word, they might only get poor offerings in the name of support. Her initial plan would fail. Realizing this, Miao He’s mother decided silver was better.


Miao He coldly shook his head. “No. You know how Dalang and I got married. I can’t ask for eight taels.”


“If you won’t ask, I’ll ask him myself! I don’t believe Dalang would dare refuse!”


Just then, Yang Dalang returned home, carrying a chicken coop with a clucking hen. He must have bought it after selling the wild boar.


Seeing him, Miao He’s mother quickly repeated her request, emphasizing how it would benefit their third cousin, Yang Dachun, who was at the age for marriage. She implied that refusing would damage their reputation.


Yang Dalang didn’t respond immediately. Miao He’s mother nervously smoothed her hair and continued in a softer tone. “This silver isn’t just for me. It’s also for He Ge’er. His brother is weak, and I need the silver to make him strong. That way, He Ge’er will have a brother to help him in the future.”


Yang Dalang looked at Miao He, who was behind his mother, and saw Miao He silently mouthing, “I will pay it back by selling vegetables.”


Yang Dalang turned back to Miao He’s mother, his expression more serious. “The Yang family doesn’t owe any dowry. It was settled at the time.”


That was true, but Miao He’s mother, desperate, pushed on. “But what will people say? Can you explain to others why the Yang family didn’t pay any dowry? Just seven taels, not eight!”


Yang Dalang frowned. Even if he agreed, he couldn’t come up with that much money all at once.


Seeing his hesitation, Miao He’s mother quickly lowered her demand. “Six taels then! In installments!”


Yang Dalang paused and then nodded. “But we must write a contract with the village head as a witness. It must be written clearly.”


This meant the payment would be seen as a voluntary gift, not an obligation. Writing it this way would imply Miao He’s family was greedy and changed their mind after the marriage. A contract would prevent future unreasonable demands. Miao He’s mother, focused on getting the silver for her son, quickly agreed.


They wasted no time. After Yang Dalang put away his things, they all went to the village head’s house.


The village head, Miao Huosheng, preferred to be called Village Head. When they arrived, they found Miao Yuan’s grandfather, Miao Jue, there. He was the one who had declared that Miao Yuan would never marry a ger.


Miao Jue seemed to be discussing something important with the village head. They waited outside until the conversation finished. When Miao Jue saw them, he sneered at Miao He and ignored the others, walking away without a word.


Miao He’s mother’s face darkened. There was nothing she could do. With his family’s success and fame, Miao Jue could look down on them.


The village head greeted them warmly. “Oh, it’s Aunt Zhao and Dalang. Come in, come in! My son didn’t tell me you were here. Come inside!”


Miao He’s mother felt better and quickly explained their situation.


The village head’s expression was complex. He had never heard of compensating dowries after marriage. This kind of practice could harm the village’s reputation. What if other families followed suit? But seeing both parties agreed, and knowing he leaned towards his own villagers, he said seriously, “As the village head, I must be fair. Dalang, you don’t need to compensate for the dowry. According to custom, you’re not obligated. This isn’t just my opinion; it’s the community’s understanding. Helping a family member voluntarily is different.”


Miao He’s mother started to protest, but the village head waved her off.


“But I see this as an act of filial piety, which isn’t a bad thing. I can write a contract to make it official. But Aunt Zhao, you must promise not to spread this around. If it becomes a village issue, don’t say I didn’t warn you. Dalang, you agree?”


Miao He’s mother beamed and nodded eagerly. Yang Dalang agreed, adding that they should keep it confidential.


With that, the village head wrote the contract. It stated that Yang Dalang voluntarily compensated six taels of silver for Miao He’s dowry, to be paid in four installments: one tael in a month, two taels a year after that, until the full amount was paid.


They signed and sealed the contract with their fingerprints, completing the agreement. Miao He’s father didn’t need to be involved since matters concerning a ger or daughter’s marriage could be handled by the mother.


After leaving the village head’s house, Miao He’s mother, clutching the contract, happily returned home, not bothering to inform Miao He’s father.


Miao He’s father, stubborn and easily influenced by his wife, always followed her lead. If he knew about the extra silver, the whole family would find out quickly, ruining her plans.


She returned home to find Xiao Bao crying in the room, his face and hands dirty, covered in grass. Heartbroken, she scooped him up, asking what happened.


Xiao Bao sobbed, “Sister took me to the fields to play… I fell…”


Angry, Miao He’s mother stormed outside, finding her daughter playing with friends. She scolded her harshly, “You heartless girl! I told you to look after your brother, and this is how you do it!? Look at him!”


The girl, scared and apologetic, mumbled, “I’m sorry…” 


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  1. LicoLico says:

    Thank You for the new chapter???????

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