LGSLAW : Chapter 83 – Extra 3

Side Story 3

In the misty sacred mountain, a miraculous scene occurred just before Hui found Miao He.


At that time, Miao He was unconscious, cold, and weak, with only the instinct to hold tightly onto the fur he was wrapped in.


If Miao He could explain what happened, he would admit that the legends among the orcs about sacrificing one’s life essence seemed true. When Miao He arrived at a sacred tree, he knew that the mystical presence the shaman spoke of was likely here. It was an indescribable feeling of wonder. Miao He felt joy and sincerely prayed to whatever deity was present, offering his energy in exchange for a chance to meet Dalang.


As he thought this, Miao He felt his strength drain from his body.


Afterward, he had to rest against the tree, and soon, he felt dizzy and weak.


He didn’t know how much time had passed before he lost consciousness. Suddenly, a burst of golden light emerged from beneath the tree roots.


The golden light grew denser and thicker until it formed into a small, golden snake about the size of a hand!


The translucent snake, seemingly made entirely of energy, glowed softly and wasn’t a physical entity. After forming, the golden snake stretched lazily, twisted left and right as if checking its condition, and seemed satisfied, flicking its tongue. It looked around, and upon seeing the unconscious Miao He, who was barely breathing, the snake seemed startled and quickly slithered to his side.


“!? !?”


The snake looked over Miao He, and then anxiously circled around him, as if something was wrong.


After a moment of dejection, the snake lifted its tail as if it had thought of a solution.


In the next moment, the snake floated up to Miao He’s head and opened its mouth, emitting a small ball of golden light that entered Miao He’s forehead!


Instantly, Miao He’s pale face regained some color, and his weak breathing became stronger. The snake tilted its head, seemingly satisfied. Then it seemed to hear something approaching, flicked its tail, and disappeared into the bushes.


Everything seemed as if nothing had ever happened.


Only Miao He remained, lying quietly under the tree, awaiting his fate.




When Miao He woke up, he found himself in a warm embrace. It felt just like how Yang Dalang used to hold him. Before opening his eyes, Miao He snuggled closer. Then, he received a gentle kiss on his ear.


But… something felt off… Miao He couldn’t help but twitch his ears. He had forgotten that he now had big, fluffy ears. The warm hand that gently stroked them made him shiver with a sensitive itch, and he opened his eyes to see a honey-colored chest.


“…Dalang?” Miao He muttered sleepily.


A voice answered him, and a large hand stroked his head familiarly. “Yes. Sleep a little more, you’re feverish.”


“…Oh. But my ears feel strange…” Miao He mumbled, unconsciously twitching his ears, looking even more docile and attached.


Soon, he felt the arms around him tighten. There was also a sigh blowing gently against his ear.


These subtle disturbances finally pulled Miao He from his deep sleep into full wakefulness.


When he opened his eyes, it took a few seconds to realize he was being held by the unfamiliar tribe chief!


His face changed instantly, “You!?” Miao He struggled to get free!!


But the gray-eyed chief spoke a sentence.


“Xiao He, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.”


The next moment, Miao He’s eyes turned red.








“I’m here. Don’t cry.”


“Dalang… waaah! I’ve been looking for you for so long—huhu…”


He finally threw himself into the embrace, crying bitterly and sorrowfully!


Because only in this embrace could he let go, without hiding or pretending, sharing all his sadness and joy with someone.


But it didn’t matter anymore. Everything would be fine from now on.


As long as he found Dalang, everything would be fine, no matter where they were.




After using all sorts of methods—kissing, hugging, and cuddling—Yang Dalang finally managed to comfort the little boy in his arms. He felt heartbroken and also blamed himself. How had he not realized sooner, especially since he had arrived here before Miao He?


But Miao He’s attention and concern for Mo had misled him.


Seeing Miao He always watching someone else, Yang Dalang had instinctively ruled him out.


It turned out…


Miao He sniffled, “I thought… I thought Mo was you.”


Yang Dalang, feeling even more heartache, kissed him. The little boy had never been so wronged when with him. “It’s my fault. I thought you liked Mo.”


“I don’t!” Even if it was just a slip of the tongue, Miao He wanted to clarify with red eyes.


“Yes. My mistake.”


Then Yang Dalang pulled him closer and couldn’t help but kiss him. It was a deep, thorough, and gentle kiss. There was no sense of discord. Even though their appearances were completely different, the deep-seated familiarity in their hearts could never be erased.


Familiar touches, familiar explorations, made Miao He sigh.


When Yang Dalang reached for his tail, Miao He couldn’t help but shiver lightly, his face instantly flushing.


In their previous life, they had aged before leaving. Their intimacy was just affectionate, never quite so… Miao He blushed and moved slightly. He could feel Yang Dalang’s excitement, but Yang Dalang easily restrained him, not allowing him to move. It seemed he was trying to calm his body’s reactions.


Miao He… Miao He was actually a little disappointed. His moist, big eyes looked a bit aggrieved.


At this moment, Yang Dalang said, “Let’s get married. Here.”


The gray eyes were as gentle as in their previous life.


“This time, we’ll have a proper wedding.”


Miao He immediately smiled, happily responding with an “Mm!”


Then, naturally, they had to thoroughly discuss what had happened during Miao He’s sacrifice, ensuring there were no lasting effects. Though there were some regrets, the extra time they had together in this life was already a blessing. Being too greedy would only lead to dissatisfaction and self-pity.


They tacitly avoided discussing these issues, only recounting their experiences. As they spoke, Miao He’s eyes suddenly brightened, and he opened his palm. “Hey, the magic soil (life-giving soil) has returned!! And it’s all golden!! Look!”


Seeing Yang Dalang’s confusion, Miao He quickly explained what had happened when he first arrived here.


Combining Yang Dalang’s experience of finding Miao He in the mountain, guided by a golden light, he pondered, “Could it be that the Magic soil is a gift from the Beast God?”


Just as he said this, the little golden orb in Miao He’s palm glowed brightly, as if responding!


The two exchanged a glance, almost certain without further proof.


Yang Dalang sighed with relief and closed Miao He’s palm, “Keep it. It will help nourish you.”


Miao He hesitated, “But I feel okay. We could use this to grow—”


“Nothing is more important than you, Xiao He.”


Yang Dalang held Miao He’s hand.


Just like before.


Miao He could only nod, “Mm.” After a pause, he added, “…I’m sorry.”


Yang Dalang understood what he meant and shook his head. “I’m very glad. It was me who sent you.”


That way, you wouldn’t be sad.


Hearing this, Miao He couldn’t help but snuggle into his arms, holding him tightly.


To hide the tears about to spill from his eyes.




As Miao He and Yang Dalang returned to their sweet, affectionate ways, the atmosphere in the tribe also changed.


Ever since the chief brought back an unconscious Miao He from the Sacred Mountain, everyone had been speculating about what would happen next!?


Not to mention, the oath day between Mo and Chun had been canceled and postponed. Miao He had gone to the Sacred Mountain for Chun, and if Chun had gone ahead with the ceremony while Miao He was seemingly unwell, it would have been heartless. Even Mo had been looking dazed these past few days, seeming apologetic or perhaps regretful.


“Sigh, I say, although He was wrong before, he’s repaid it all by doing this for Mo, right?”


“Yes, I just hope he’s okay. Is he still recovering at the chief’s house?”


“The shaman has been there a few times; they say he’s recovering.”


“That’s good—”


At this point, the few sub-beasts talking all paused.


From where they stood, they could see Mo and Chun passing by in the distance. It looked like they were heading to the chief’s house for a visit.


What should have been a happy couple now looked a bit somber.


One of the sub-beasts couldn’t help but mutter quietly.


“So, having someone else go to the Sacred Mountain… was it really right?”


“…Yes. Even if He recovers, will there really be no impact on the two of them?”


“The good and the bad are all the will of the Beast God, surely.”


Just as they were sighing, one of them became slightly agitated, “Look, isn’t that He?!”


“Ah! It really is!! He looks really healthy! Is he fully recovered!? But, but he’s—”


The third sub-beast couldn’t help but exclaim.


“He’s riding on the chief’s beast form!! This, this, this—what does it mean?! Ahhh, they’re heading to the shaman!! Could it really be—?!”


According to the customs here, if a male allowed a sub-beast or female to ride on their beast form, it meant they had chosen that person as their lifelong partner. The next step would be an oath before the Beast God.


So all the orcs who saw this were stunned, stopping in their tracks!


Mo and Chun, of course, also saw it.


Mo’s face showed a fleeting expression of disbelief and turmoil. Chun didn’t notice, but he frowned slightly.


After all, since he had been reborn and taken Mo from He, it was possible that things could change.


No matter what, as long as he held onto Mo, a few years later, after the Beast Wave passed and the then fully recovered Mo took over as chief after Hui’s sacrifice, his fate wouldn’t be as miserable as it was in the previous life!


Yes, he, this reborn person, had just been unlucky before.


Now, with a second chance, could he really mess it up again?


Rain : This chun… hahahaha

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  1. LicoLico says:

    Oh boi =.=’ I’m so happy they found each other! \(=^w^=)/
    Thank You for the new chapter ???(?? ? ?? )

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