LGSLAW : Chapter 9 – Into the Mountains

Into the Mountains

“Oh heavens, Xiao Bao! Why are you sitting on the ground? Who left you there? Didn’t Mom say you mustn’t do that?”

As soon as Miao He’s mother entered the house, she saw her little treasure, Xiao Bao, sitting haphazardly on the ground, his pants filthy. It was still spring, and the weather turned chilly as the sun set. The dampness could easily seep into his body! Meanwhile, another child, a chubby two-year-old, was sitting snugly on his mother’s lap, who happened to be Zhang Mian, Miao He’s second sister-in-law.

Not only that, but while Xiao Bao had nothing, the other child was being fed warm rice soup. This other child was merely Xiao Bao’s nephew, the eldest son of Miao He’s second brother’s wife, yet Xiao Bao, the youngest in the family, should be the one receiving the best care, right?

Even the old matriarch of the family showed no reaction, merely lifting her eyelids slightly when Miao He’s mother entered. Used to such cold indifference, Miao He’s mother could only seethe inwardly, rushing to scoop up Xiao Bao before greeting her mother-in-law and sister-in-law.

Seeing Miao He’s mother’s sour expression, Zhang Mian smiled, “Xiao Bao is three and so lively. He’s hard to keep up with, so we let him play to his heart’s content. He was calling for Mom earlier, probably thinking she’d bring something tasty back for him, so he saved some room in his tummy.”

Inwardly, Zhang Mian sneered. The scandal with Miao He had tarnished the family’s reputation, even causing her husband Miao Xing to be pointed at and gossiped about in town. Why should Xiao Bao receive the same treatment as her grandson? Thanks to Miao Xing’s job at the teahouse and their connections, the family’s status had risen. Naturally, the best of everything should go to her grandson.

Miao He’s mother harbored resentment but kept it to herself as the old matriarch spoke, her tone stern, “Did you sort things out with He Ge’er? If he brings any more disgrace, he won’t need to come home for New Year. I won’t acknowledge him.”

Miao He’s mother stiffly replied, “He Ge’er won’t.”

The old woman snorted, and Zhang Mian added, “Let’s hope so. Even the manager at the teahouse asked Miao Xing about it. Thankfully, he’s quick-witted and handled it well, or Miao Quan might have lost his job there.”

The old woman’s expression softened, “These days, let Miao Xing and Quan shoulder more responsibilities. I’m a reasonable person; I won’t let you be mistreated.”

So now, it’s Xiao Bao who’s being mistreated? But what did Xiao Bao do wrong?

Xiao Bao, at three years old, was already weaker than the other child. The best food and drink went to that child, leaving Xiao Bao with scraps. It was this unfairness that drove Miao He’s mother to trouble her married son. She had no choice!

Thinking of the silver Yang Dalang promised, her heart warmed, and she quickly lowered her eyes. This matter must remain a secret from the family.

Meanwhile, Miao He, back at home, felt his actions were too slow. The sudden debt of six taels of silver was solely his responsibility. Despite having the treasure of the magic soil, he couldn’t fully utilize it, making him anxious. The vegetables planted today would take over half a month to grow. What could he do in the meantime?

Noticing Miao He’s distracted state, Yang Dalang fetched a small ceramic jar from the bedroom. He poured out several pieces of broken silver and a few strings of copper coins. Miao He stared, quickly calculating. About six mace of silver!

“This is our savings,” Yang Dalang said, adding the money he earned today.

Miao He hadn’t realized that the wild boar piglet Yang Dalang caught yesterday was quite valuable. Uninjured, its meat was firm, and it could grow into a strong breed, making it a rare find. Yang Dalang had gone to the southeast market in town, known for trading livestock, to get a good price. After selling it and buying two hens and a small bag of white flour, Yang Dalang still had seven mace of silver left, indicating the piglet sold for over a tael.

With the savings and today’s earnings, Yang Dalang had about one tael and three mace. This was enough to cover the one tael due in a month. However, Miao He still felt uneasy. He had contributed nothing, spent much, and now owed even more.

In reality, Yang Dalang’s finances weren’t that strained. His debts had been for his mother’s treatment. Usually, hunting could cover the costs, but last winter was particularly harsh, making hunting nearly impossible. The high expenses and low income forced him to borrow money. Now, with spring’s arrival, hunting was viable again.

“There are medicinal herbs in the mountains too. Don’t worry.”

Medicinal herbs? Miao He’s head shot up. “You can identify them?”

“Uncle Lin asked me to gather some before. I know them.”

“Then I want to go too! We can gather herbs together!” This way, Miao He could bring some back and plant them with the magic soil, secretly selling them later. It only needed to work once to cover their expenses for now.

Yang Dalang frowned but seeing the bright determination in Miao He’s eyes, he nodded. “In a few days, we’ll go.”

Miao He beamed, feeling hopeful. He happily prepared dinner.

Over the next few days, Miao He continued using the magic soil to cultivate seeds. Yang Dalang, perhaps to ease Miao He’s worries, frequently went into the mountains, bringing back prey each time. Though there were no more valuable catches like the piglet, he brought back rabbits and wild chickens.

The backyard now had a chicken coop with two roosters and three hens. While no eggs had been found yet, it was only a matter of time. Miao He fed the main plants from the magic soil to the chickens and to Da Bai, their little kitten.

Da Bai had grown a bit, now able to wobble around. On the day they went into the mountains, Miao He prepared tender leaves and water for the kitten before leaving with Yang Dalang.

On the way, Yang Dalang carried a large basket while Miao He carried a smaller one. Near the mountain entrance, they encountered Miao Er.

Miao Er was a notorious loafer who enjoyed stirring up trouble.

“Hey, isn’t this Dalang? Taking He Ge’er up the mountain, huh?”

Yang Dalang acknowledged him with a grunt.

Miao Er continued, “About time. Keeping him close is better than leaving him at home, not knowing where he might run off to. Plus, you get an extra pair of hands. Killing two birds with one stone!”

Yang Dalang ignored him, but Miao Er kept going, “He Ge’er, once you’re married, you have to accept it. Thinking about someone else won’t change anything.”

At this, Yang Dalang suddenly pulled out a sharp sickle from his basket. Miao Er jumped, “What’s with the knife?”

“Lots of weeds on the path. Better to cut them down.”

Miao Er forced a laugh, “Be careful. Injure someone, and you’ll have to answer to the village head.” Mentioning the village head showed his fear.

Yang Dalang replied calmly, “Got it. Thanks for the reminder.”

Miao He stayed silent throughout. It seemed villagers had said such things to Yang Dalang often. He had been sheltered, unaware of the reality. This was a small taste of what Yang Dalang faced. If they divorced, what would people say about him? Guilt crept into Miao He’s heart.

But he couldn’t let this tie him to someone who didn’t love him. He needed to find a way to make future plans easier.

Miao He spoke up, “Uncle Miao Er is right. Young people make mistakes, but it’s about whether they change for the better, isn’t it?”

Miao Er, thinking Miao He meant him, grew wary. “I suppose so.”

Miao He nodded obediently, “Thanks for understanding, Uncle Miao Er. Dalang, let’s go. We don’t have much time.”

He tugged on Yang Dalang’s left hand. Yang Dalang’s eyes flickered, and he grasped Miao He’s hand, nodding to Miao Er before walking away together.

Miao Er was left scratching his head. “Did I just understand that right? Has He Ge’er finally given up and decided to stay with Yang Dalang? Is that possible? Or is this a new trick?”

After parting ways with Miao Er, they walked for another hour, finally entering the mountains.

The rising terrain was tiring for Miao He, forcing him to stop and rest. He knew he was slowing Yang Dalang down, but they had agreed to focus on gathering herbs and fruits, seeking something more valuable than vegetables.

Yang Dalang didn’t want to dampen Miao He’s spirits. If herbs could be cultivated, every household would be doing it by now. This trip was more for Miao He’s mental well-being, a break from the villagers’ hostility. The mountains were more peaceful.

He hadn’t expected Miao He to speak up in front of Miao Er like that. Since his illness, Miao He’s temperament had changed significantly.

Initially, Yang Dalang didn’t mind. Whatever Miao He’s reasons, he would care for him. But now, if Miao He had changed his mind…

His thoughts were interrupted by Miao He’s cheerful voice.

“Hey, are those edible fruits?”

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