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SPMT : Chapter 104 Arrival at Star City

Arrival at Star City

“Hey, chubby, how many cakes do you have left? Give them all to me.” Ouyang Jinyue stood with her hands on her hips, looking up at Xiao Xiofan.


Xiao Xiofan blinked and shook his head. “You want all of them as soon as you open your mouth? That’s greedy, not good.”


Ouyang Jinyue raised her fist and said impatiently, “Give them to me, or I’ll beat you up.”


Xiao Xiofan puffed his cheeks. “So violent. My dad says when finding a wife, look for someone gentle, cute, and understanding. Someone like you definitely doesn’t qualify…”


Ouyang Jinyue chuckled. “I’m not planning to marry someone like you, unqualified is unqualified, no big deal.”


Xiao Xiofan tilted his head. “With that attitude, it’s going to be difficult to find anyone suitable.”


Ouyang Jinyue chuckled. “I’m naturally beautiful, I can find anyone I want.”


Xiao Xiofan scratched his nose and muttered, “Conceited.”


“Chubby, what kind of person do you like to find?” Ouyang Jinyue asked casually.


“I want to find someone who can cook,” Xiao Xiofan said.


Ouyang Jinyue made a face. “You really have standards!”


Xiao Xiofan nodded. “Yes, my father says a person should have standards.”


“Jinyue, why are you always hanging out with these two peasants?” A well-dressed young man appeared behind them.


Xiao Jingting assessed the well-dressed youth. He wore a golden crown, a bright yellow silk robe, and yellow boots, looking quite impressive.


Ouyang Jinyue turned around, frowned at Li Chengfeng, and said, “Why are you here?”


Li Chengfeng approached and took Ouyang Jinyue’s hand. “I heard that you, Jinyue, are a popular candidate in this selection. I came to see you! Maybe we can enter the Qingyun Sect together and become fellow disciples.”


Ouyang Jinyue shook off Li Chengfeng’s hand and said gloomily, “The testing is not confirmed yet.”


“Jinyue, don’t you have confidence in yourself?” Li Chengfeng asked, furrowing his brow.


Ouyang Jinyue frowned and remained silent.


“Jinyue, the elder who came to recruit disciples is quite fond of me. If your qualifications are slightly lacking, I’ll put in a good word for you. Maybe you can still pass the assessment,” Li Chengfeng boasted.


Xiao Jingting sized up Li Chengfeng and thought to himself: Is this kid trying to flirt? In this world, many people get married at thirteen or fourteen, it seems the age for flirting has advanced! Starting to flirt so early, this kid must grow up to be a playboy.


Although Ouyang Jinyue seemed uninterested in Li Chengfeng, she still politely said, “Thank you.”


With Li Chengfeng’s arrival, Ouyang Jinyue seemed somewhat disinterested and left soon after.


“Dad, that guy dressed in yellow is quite arrogant,” Xiao Xiaodong said.


Xiao Jingting rubbed his chin. “He’s about to become a disciple of the Sect, so naturally, he’s arrogant.”


Xiao Xiaodong looked puzzled. “Are all Sect disciples this arrogant?”


Xiao Jingting nodded. “Probably.”


The Sect should be like the prestigious universities of the past. The acceptance rate is disgustingly low, and those who get in naturally feel proud and conceited.


But getting into a prestigious university doesn’t mean smooth sailing from then on. How many bright young talents were forced into psychological problems in those genius-filled universities? The suicide rate among prestigious university students is much higher than that of ordinary universities.


“Dad, what are you thinking about?” Xiao Xiaodong asked.


Xiao Jingting shook his head. “Nothing. Both of you should focus on cultivating. No matter where you are, as long as you work hard, there will be opportunities to succeed.” The competition pressure in modern society is intense! Even if you graduate from a prestigious university, it doesn’t guarantee you’ll find a good job. Conversely, graduates from third-rate universities also become wealthy.


Xiao Jingting and his group followed the Ouyang family’s horse team into Star City.


Xiao Jingting couldn’t help but feel lucky to have entered Star City with the Ouyang family’s horse team. When they entered the city gate, they needed an introduction card, which he didn’t have!


“You’ve finally arrived!” A Foundation Establishment cultivator greeted them as the Ouyang family’s caravan arrived.


Ouyang Mingyue stepped forward and bowed. “Greetings, Elder. Because we have many children, we didn’t want to hurry, so we’re a bit late.”


Xiao Jingting felt a majestic spiritual force sweep from their carriage.


Ouyang Li looked at Ouyang Mingyue, displeased. “Why are there a hundred and three children? We only have a hundred spots.”


Ouyang Mingyue hurriedly explained, “Three of them are not ours. We met them on the way, and they also wanted to come to Star City, so we brought them along.”


Ouyang Li looked at Ouyang Mingyue disapprovingly. “Mingyue, I always thought you were sensible, but I didn’t expect you to act so rashly. It’s already this late, and you brought some random people along. At this time, bringing your family to Star City, I don’t know what you’re thinking. Send them away quickly.”


Seeing Ouyang Mingyue’s distressed expression as she approached, Xiao Jingting could tell she was here to chase people away.


In fact, Xiao Jingting’s spiritual power was quite robust, and he understood Ouyang Li and Ouyang Mingyue’s conversation clearly.


Before the other party could speak, Xiao Jingting spoke first. “Miss Ouyang, thank you for your hospitality. Now that we’ve arrived in Star City, we’ll take our leave.”


Ouyang Mingyue nodded. “Alright, take care, Master Xiao.”


Xiao Jingting clasped his hands. “Thank you, Miss Ouyang, for your care along the way. I wish you success.”


After leaving the main group of the Ouyang family, Xiao Jingting wanted to find a place to settle down. It was uncertain whether they were fortunate or unfortunate. When they arrived in Star City, it was precisely the time for the Qingyun Sect to select disciples, causing a surge in the population of Star City, and places to live in Star City had become more expensive than before.


“One person, three superior spirit stones per day?” Xiao Jingting was astonished.


The steward in charge of renting and selling cave residences nodded. “That’s correct.”


Xiao Jingting rubbed Xiao Xiaofan’s head. “So small, so young, and it still counts?”


The steward nodded. “Of course, children are also people!”


“Can we get a discount?” Xiao Jingting asked. He knew that children in his previous life could get a half-price discount.


“No, sir, are you here to have your son participate in the Qingyun Sect’s test? If your son successfully enters the Qingyun Sect, what’s the point of worrying about accommodation costs?” the servant said.


Xiao Jingting: “…” He wasn’t here to test his son; he just brought him here to gain some experience.


The servant glanced at the doll in Xu Mu’an’s hand and said, “Speaking of which, the Qingyun Sect only accepts children aged four to eight. They won’t take anyone younger or older. Why did you bring such a young child here?”


Xiao Jingting: “…”


Xiao Jingting spent three hundred superior spirit stones to rent a rudimentary cave residence.


Although the cave was very basic, Xiao Jingting was somewhat pleased because it came with a natural isolation array at the entrance, which could shield others’ detection.


The rapidly shrinking fortune made Xiao Jingting feel a sense of crisis.


Xiao Jingting held Xiao Xiaofan’s hand as they walked through Star City and discovered several gambling shops along the way.


“Son, whether you can make a fortune in Star City depends on you,” Xiao Jingting said with a serious expression, patting Xiao Xiaofan’s shoulder.


Xiao Xiaofan nodded. “Don’t worry, Dad, if you can’t support the family, I’ll help you. I’m a good boy.”


Xiao Jingting: “… This little guy, saying as if I can’t support the family.”


Xiao Jingting took Xiao Xiaofan to several gambling shops in Star City. Xiao Xiaofan was excited as soon as he entered the gambling shops. He picked several stones in a row, but unfortunately, those rough stones were too expensive. Xiao Jingting could only helplessly remind Xiao Xiaofan to choose some cheaper ones.


Reluctantly, Xiao Xiaofan selected some cheaper ones.


After buying the rough stones, Xiao Jingting couldn’t wait to bring them back to the cave. Xiao Xiaofan’s vision was extraordinary, and almost every rough stone contained rare items like spiritual stones and pearls.


“The quality of the rough stones in Star City is much better than those outside!” Xiao Jingting exclaimed as he unraveled the rough stones.


Several spiritual stones were extracted at once, making Xiao Jingting feel that this trip was worthwhile.


Xu Mu’an nodded and said, “That’s natural. I heard that some of the rough stones in the gambling shops in Star City are actually transported from the Qingyun Sect’s territory.”


“I see! Anything associated with the Qingyun Sect always seems extraordinary,” Xiao Jingting said.


Xiao Jingting used the spiritual stones won by Xiao Xiaofan to bet again and again at several gambling shops in Star City, bringing in a lot of money.


To reward Xiao Xiaofan, Xiao Jingting took him to several restaurants in Star City to have a feast.


Xiao Jingting watched Xiao Xiaofan devouring his food and thought to himself: My own son is quite lucky! With such an ability to find treasures, although he can eat a lot, he won’t starve.


As Xiao Jingting was eating, he heard some noise coming from the stairs.


Xiao Jingting turned his head and saw Ouyang Mingyue and her sister.


“Miss Ouyang?” Xiao Jingting was surprised. Since the last time they parted ways with the Ouyang sisters, Xiao Jingting had been busy “supporting his family” and rarely saw anyone from the Ouyang family.


“Master Xiao, it seems you’re doing well!” Ouyang Mingyue said.


The prices in Star City were not cheap. Xiao Jingting brought his son and husband to the restaurant, which made Ouyang Mingyue feel strange.


Xiao Jingting smiled and said vaguely, “I’ve been lucky lately, made a little money, so I came to have a meal to celebrate.”


Ouyang Jinyue looked puzzled. “Uncle Xiao, you’re really good at making money!”


Xiao Jingting: “…”


Ouyang Jinyue smiled faintly. “Chubby, what have you been up to lately?”


“I’m making money to support the family,” Xiao Xiaofan said proudly.


Ouyang Jinyue looked skeptical. “You, making money to support the family? Don’t talk nonsense.”


Xiao Xiaofan shook his head. “I’m not talking nonsense, I’m serious.”


“What does your dad need to do if you’re making money to support the family?” Ouyang Jinyue asked.


Xiao Jingting: “…”


Xiao Xiaofan glanced at Xiao Jingting and patted his chest. “Dad can’t support the family, so I’ll support it. Dad will cook.”


Xiao Jingting: “… This rascal, making it sound like I’m just a freeloader.”


Xiao Xiaodong handed a bun to Xiao Xiaofan’s mouth. “Eat quickly.”


“I heard that the selection has started recently. I wonder how it’s going,” Xu Mu’an changed the subject.


Ouyang Mingyue smiled. “It’s going well. Jinyue has been selected, and the envoy from the Qingyun Sect is very satisfied with her.”


“Congratulations to Miss Jinyue,” Xiao Jingting said to Ouyang Jinyue.


Ouyang Mingyue smiled and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. With Jinyue’s selection, the Li Mansion had finally restrained itself a lot, and the elders of the family could finally relax a bit. However, being selected into the Qingyun Sect was just the first step. It is said that the competition within the Qingyun Sect is very fierce.


“Sister, when are you going to the Sect?” Xiao Xiaofan asked.


“Preparing, I’m leaving in ten days,” Ouyang Jinyue said.


“You’ll die in ten days, you’re so pitiful.” Xiao Xiaofan said sympathetically.


“It’s fasting!” Ouyang Jinyue said disdainfully.


Xiao Xiaofan nodded. “Hmm, I remembered, it’s fasting. Come on, hurry up and eat. You won’t have anything to eat later.”

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