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SPMT : Chapter 114 Recruitment of the Immortal Sect

Recruitment of the Immortal Sect


The sea creatures on the sea were strange and varied. Xiao Jingting spent his days killing sea creatures with others, indirectly gaining a lot of experience.


The sea creatures were fierce, and Xiao Jingting encountered danger several times. The Golden Core cultivator on the ship was quite generous. Whenever someone was in danger, he would rescue them, which allowed Xiao Jingting to escape danger several times.


After this period of tempering, Xiao Jingting felt that although his cultivation had not advanced much, but his spiritual energy had become much more solid.


On the flying ship, there were sometimes small-scale trading events. Xiao Jingting exchanged several good spiritual herbs from some Foundation Establishment cultivators on the ship with pills.


“Brother Xiao, do you want to go out?” Zhao Jin knocked on the door and walked in.


Zhao Jin was the person who bought the spiritual medicine silkworms from Xiao Fan that day. Xiao Jingting discovered that he was also on the ship after boarding it. Due to the favor he owed to Zhao Jin before, Xiao Jingting saved him several times when he was in danger, forming a good relationship.


“The sea creatures we encountered recently seem to be much gentler,” Xiao Jingting said.


Zhao Jin nodded and said, “Yes! I heard that we are close to Yunzhou. Sea creatures are naturally most dangerous in the deep sea, but it’s safe near the coast.”


Xiao Jingting felt somewhat delighted and said, “That’s great.”


Zhao Jin looked at Xiao Jingting and asked, “Brother Xiao, do you plan to go find your son as soon as you leave?”


Xiao Jingting sighed and said, “Let’s see when the time comes.”


Qingyun Immortal Sect was one of the largest immortal sects in Yunzhou, and it was said that the discipline of the disciples within the sect was quite strict. Xiao Jingting planned to find out the situation first before going to see Xiao Fan.


“Brother Xiao, your spiritual power seems to have become much more solid. It looks like you will soon advance to the middle Foundation Establishment stage,” Zhao Jin said.


Xiao Jingting smiled and said, “It’s not that easy!”


Zhao Jin looked at Xiao Jingting with mixed emotions. When Xiao Jingting helped him initially, he didn’t recognize who he was at all. It wasn’t until he mentioned it that he remembered. Regarding Xiao Jingting’s progress in cultivation, Zhao Jin didn’t show it on the surface, but he was amazed in his heart.



Inside Qingyun Immortal Sect.


Xiao Fan held the meat strips in his hand and looked at them repeatedly.


“Junior Brother, your meat strips are moldy,” a chubby-faced teenager said.


Xiao Fan nodded and said, “Yes! This is the last batch. Once it’s gone, there will be no more.”


Tang Yunjie sat next to Xiao Fan and said, “Your meat strips are so delicious! They’re moldy, and you still eat them. Aren’t you afraid of getting diarrhea?”


“These were made by my father. Even if they’re moldy, they’re still delicious,” Xiao Fan said with some nostalgia.


Tang Yunjie envied him and said, “That’s great. Your father still makes food for you. My father only knows how to cultivate, marry a bunch of wives, and have a bunch of children.”


Tang Yunjie’s father was one of the Elders in the sect, with more than ten wives and countless mistresses.


“Has your father ever urged you to cultivate diligently?” Xiao Fan asked.


Tang Yunjie shook his head honestly and said, “No! With so many sons, my father can’t manage all of us. How about your master? Does he urge you to cultivate?”


Xiao Fan nodded and said, “Yes, he does. But I don’t like cultivation very much. I prefer refining tools. However, my master keeps me practicing cultivation every day.”


Tang Yunjie looked at Xiao Fan with resentment and said, “You don’t know how lucky you are! The Elder values you so much! Unlike my father, he never cares about me.”


“Your fortune can be yours if you want it,” Xiao Fan asked.


Tang Yunjie shook his head and said, “No, no! Your master is so fierce!”


Xiao Fan nodded and said, “Yes! My master has closed up recently.”


“Your master failed to form the Nascent Soul, and it is said that he needs to cultivate for two or three years,” Tang Yunjie said.


“Before my master closed up, he instructed me to cultivate well,” Xiao Fan said.


“Forget about your master. Little Fan, I heard you gave another magic tool to Dong Lin. Do you like him?” Tang Yunjie glanced at Xiao Fan and asked.


Xiao Fan smiled and propped his chin with his chubby hand. “He looks like my father.”


Tang Yunjie rolled his eyes helplessly and said, “But he’s not your father! He doesn’t even know how to cook.”


Xiao Fan nodded and said, “Yes! But he looks like my father.”


Tang Yunjie looked at Xiao Fan’s silly appearance and decided not to tell Xiao Fan the derogatory remarks about Dong Lin behind his back.



“What’s this?” Xu Mu’an asked.


“Qingyun Immortal Sect is recruiting. This is the recruitment information I copied,” Xiao Jingting said.


Xu Mu’an was pleasantly surprised. “Recruiting?”


Xiao Jingting nodded and said, “Yes!” At their age, they had long passed the age for Qingyun Immortal Sect to recruit disciples. Xiao Jingting had to find another way to enter Qingyun Immortal Sect. Coincidentally, Qingyun Immortal Sect was recruiting spiritual planters, and Xiao Jingting was immediately interested.


“That’s great! You should give it a try,” Xu Mu’an said.


“That’s what I’m thinking,” Xiao Jingting said. The killings and treasure snatching incidents in Yunzhou were common. If he wanted to live safely and steadily, it would be best to join a big power. However, it wasn’t easy to join a big power. Qingyun Immortal Sect’s recruitment of spiritual planters was definitely a good opportunity.


The next day, Xiao Jingting went to the test site with several spiritual planters. Xiao Jingting found that there were more than forty people who accepted the task. All the people were divided into four groups by drawing lots. Except for Xiao Jingting, there was only one Foundation Establishment cultivator in his group, and the rest were Qi Refining cultivators.


Soon after Xiao Jingting and the others arrived at the designated location, a man in black with a face scorched by fire walked out.


“Hello, I am Qiu, you can call me Qiu Manager,” the man’s voice was rough and indifferent. “Next, you will undergo a one-month test. If you pass the test, you can enter Qingyun Immortal Sect.”


Qiu distributed the tasks, and Xiao Jingting saw his task: taking care of a peach tree. As long as the peach tree’s fruit ripened, it would be considered qualified.


“It’s really unlucky to fall into his hands,” the Foundation Establishment male cultivator beside Xiao Jingting said with frustration as he looked at the task.


Xiao Jingting looked at the cultivator in confusion and asked, “What do you mean by that, Brother?”


“Don’t you know him?” the cultivator asked Xiao Jingting.


Xiao Jingting shook his head, feeling embarrassed. “I’m new here, so I’m not very clear.”


Zhang Lu sighed and said, “Well, let me tell you. This person is called Qiu Yun. He has a very strange temper and loves to eat jade peaches. Five years ago, he accidentally saved a Golden Core cultivator from Qingyun Immortal Sect. In order to repay him, that Golden Core cultivator brought him into the sect and let him manage the Northern District’s spiritual medicine garden.”


“Three years ago, Qingyun Immortal Sect also recruited a group of spiritual planters. At that time, there were four Foundation Establishment spiritual planters assigned to Qiu Yun. Without exception, all of them were eliminated. In fact, for cultivators like us in the Foundation Establishment stage who participate in the selection, it’s usually just a formality. If it were in the other medicine gardens, we wouldn’t have been dismissed,” Zhang Lu said.


Xiao Jingting rubbed his chin and said, “So, the tasks assigned to those people last time were also to take care of peach trees?”


Zhang Lu nodded and said, “Yes, that’s right. The jade peach is extremely difficult to survive. All those people failed last time. It is said that Qiu Yun often spends a lot of money to obtain jade peaches. I don’t know why he likes jade peaches so much. Some female cultivators suspect that jade peaches have the effect of beauty and rejuvenation, and they even bought them to eat.”


Xiao Jingting: “…”



“You’re back,” Xu Mu’an said.


After arriving in Yunzhou, Xu Mu’an rented a cave not far from Qingyun Immortal Sect. “How’s the situation?”


Xiao Jingting took out a temporary identity card and said, “Not good or bad. This is a temporary identity card. With this, I can temporarily enter and leave Qingyun Immortal Sect’s spiritual garden. However, this time’s assessment seems a bit troublesome.”


“Troublesome?” Xu Mu’an asked.


Xiao Jingting nodded and said, “Yes! I heard that the assessor is a very strange person who loves to eat peaches. Moreover, the peach trees are a bit difficult to care for, and the elimination rate is high.”


“I believe you won’t be troubled by this,” Xu Mu’an said with a smile.


“We’ll have to see after I’ve seen the specifics. After I go, I’m afraid I won’t be able to come back for a while,” Xiao Jingting said.


Xu Mu’an nodded and said, “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of your sons. Just do your best in the assessment.”


“Okay,” Xiao Jingting nodded and said.


With the identity card in hand, Xiao Jingting easily passed the inspection of the gatekeeper and entered the spiritual garden.


The Northern District spiritual garden was one of the many spiritual gardens of Qingyun Immortal Sect. It was vast, and Xiao Jingting saw hundreds of Qi Refining cultivators working in the fields. The Northern District spiritual garden was rich in spiritual energy, and many rare spiritual herbs on the Savage Continent grew here like weeds.


“He’s here,” Qiu Yun said coldly as he looked at Xiao Jingting.


Xiao Jingting nodded and said, “I’ve seen Manager Qiu.”


Qiu Yun waved his hand impatiently and said, “No need to be polite. If you have time, just go study the jade peach.”


Xiao Jingting: “…”


Xiao Jingting walked to the peach forest where the jade peach tree was located.


“Senior, are you here to participate in the assessment?” A dark-skinned man in the forest, who was cultivating at the Eighth Layer of Qi Refining, asked.


Xiao Jingting nodded and said, “Yes.”


“I’m Wei Li, helping to take care of the spiritual garden.” The man smiled awkwardly.


Xiao Jingting was somewhat surprised and asked, “You’re taking care of this entire garden?”


The man quickly shook his head and said, “No, no! I just occasionally help catch insects. Usually, it’s Master Qiu who takes care of it personally. Every peach tree in this garden was obtained by Master Qiu at great cost. You can only use these two peach trees. These two peach trees are your assessment targets.”


Xiao Jingting nodded and said, “I understand.”


“I’m just a handyman in this spiritual garden. If you need anything, just let me know,” Wei Li said nervously.


“Thank you.” Xiao Jingting threw a bottle of pills to Wei Li, who accepted it gratefully and thanked him repeatedly.

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