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SPMT : Chapter 29: Xiao Jinfeng’s Mishap

Xiao Jinfeng's Mishap


“I’ll go to the city tomorrow to buy some things, and then we’ll get started,” Xiao Jingting said.


Hearing Xiao Jingting’s words, Xu Mu’an naturally had no objections and replied, “Okay.”


The next day, Xu Mu’an looked at the things Xiao Jingting bought and was speechless.


“You’re back! I bought a lot of things for you, come take a look,” Xiao Jingting exclaimed excitedly to Xu Mu’an.


“Look at these shoes, called ‘Wind Mastery Boots,’ they can double your speed. And this clothing, it’s a third-level protective robe that can reduce fifty percent of incoming attacks. This one is an inner armor that protects vital areas. Also, these beads explode when thrown, but unfortunately, they’re disposable. I also bought some attack talismans, each costing seven taels of silver. Damn expensive…” Xiao Jingting explained enthusiastically.


Xiao Jingting, mindful of his two lives, valued his life greatly. Although he coveted the Cuiyun Grass that could enhance his strength, his life was paramount.


“How much did you spend?” Xu Mu’an asked. Xiao Jingting had bought two sets, one for Xu Mu’an, laid out on the bed, and one for himself, which he was already wearing. Xiao Jingting also bought himself a pair of bamboo swords.


Xiao Jingting smiled awkwardly and replied, “A total of one hundred and forty taels.”


Xu Mu’an was surprised. After selling the botanicals from the medium-grade fields, they had earned over three hundred taels of silver. Xiao Jingting had given him one hundred and twenty taels, so Xu Mu’an thought Xiao Jingting would still have over two hundred taels left. However, spending one hundred and forty taels at once meant they would run out of money soon, especially considering the expenses for hiring laborers. Xu Mu’an couldn’t help but feel distressed.


Xu Mu’an thought to himself: Xiao Jingting has changed a lot recently, but his habit of spending money recklessly remains the same! However, Xiao Jingting spent the money on practical items, which was better than squandering it on indulgences like before. Although Xu Mu’an tried to console himself, he couldn’t help but feel a pang of distress.


“Alright, ‘Talents will always find a way,’ money can be earned again. Why don’t you try them out?” Xiao Jingting comforted Xu Mu’an, who seemed troubled.


Xu Mu’an nodded and said, “Okay.”


The next day, after instructing Xiao Xiaofan and Xiao Xiaodong to take care of the house, Xiao Jingting took Xu Mu’an into the mountains.


“Master Xiao, going to the fields?”


“Master Xiao, next time you need someone to work the fields, remember to ask for our family’s help!”


“Master Xiao, that outfit looks great on you!”


“Master Xiao, a newly bought sword! It suits you perfectly.”



Xu Mu’an tilted his head and looked at Xiao Jingting. “You’re quite popular now.”


Xiao Jingting smiled and said, “Let’s keep moving.”


As Xu Mu’an and Xiao Jingting ventured into the wilderness, they unexpectedly stumbled upon a battle between a snake and a hawk. Surprised, they quickly hid.


Humans and beasts were natural enemies. When encountering humans in the wild, battling beasts tended to unite and prioritize attacking cultivators.


“I may have made a mistake; the Cuiyun Grass has started emitting its fragrance,” Xu Mu’an whispered, the scent still faint.


Xiao Jingting nodded, saying, “It’s okay; the wilderness is unpredictable by nature.”


The giant snake and hawk fought fiercely.


As a small snake fell from the trees, Xiao Jingting was startled and inadvertently caught the attention of the two battling beasts.


“I’ll distract them; you destroy the Cuiyun Grass,” Xu Mu’an decisively descended from the tall tree and launched an attack on the two beasts in the air, luring them away.


Although concerned for Xu Mu’an’s safety, Xiao Jingting didn’t dare to abandon the opportunity he had fought for. He quickly jumped down from the tree and threw the Cuiyun Grass into the jade pendant space.


A fierce screech from the hawk startled Xiao Jingting, who hadn’t expected the beasts to return so quickly.


The hawk, having sensed the disappearance of the Cuiyun Grass’s aura, abandoned the fight and flew back. The snake, seeing the hawk’s retreat, also ignored Xu Mu’an and turned back.


Seeing the hawk and snake returning, Xu Mu’an had no choice but to follow suit.


“Run!” Xu Mu’an shouted.


Xiao Jingting ran as fast as he could, regretting not being born with an extra pair of legs.


Seeing the Cuiyun Grass disappear and the enraged hawk, Xiao Jingting was shocked when the hawk’s sharp claws swung toward him from above.


Xu Mu’an shot three arrows at the hawk, aiming one at its throat and two at its wings.


Although two arrows missed, one struck the hawk’s wing, causing it to fly unsteadily.


Before Xiao Jingting could celebrate, the giant snake lunged at him. Xiao Jingting quickly threw a black bead, which exploded, shattering several scales on the snake’s head.


As the snake recoiled in pain, Xiao Jingting excitedly pulled out a stack of spiritual talismans and hurled them at the snake.


Taking advantage of the snake’s disorientation, Xiao Jingting thrust two swords at its vital spots.


Seeing the snake’s plight, the hawk flew away.


Xu Mu’an retrieved his thrown arrows. A set of six sleeve arrows would automatically return within a certain distance, thanks to a sensing mechanism between the sleeves and arrows.


Xiao Jingting, still shaken, watched the dead snake and adjusted his chest.


“Are you okay?” Xu Mu’an asked, walking over to Xiao Jingting.


Shaking his head, Xiao Jingting said, “I’m fine. What about you? What’s wrong? You don’t seem happy.”


“That arrow just now hit the hawk’s wing, and it took away one of my sleeve arrows,” Xu Mu’an said regretfully. A set of sleeve arrows was most effective when used together. Losing one reduced their effectiveness significantly. The sleeve arrow was the first precious gift Xiao Jingting had given him, so Xu Mu’an cherished it greatly.


“It’s okay. I’ll buy you a better set later,” Xiao Jingting said nonchalantly.


Suppressing his disappointment, Xu Mu’an nodded and said, “Let’s pack up and leave.”


Xiao Jingting agreed, muttering, “A talisman costs seven taels of silver, and I used five. A black bead costs twelve taels of silver; this was a big loss.” Xiao Jingting had spent forty-seven taels in total, which was more than they could earn by selling the snake, even if it fetched more than twenty taels. If Xiao Jingting had hunted just for the sake of hunting, he would have lost a lot.


Xu Mu’an smiled and said, “As long as you’re okay, we can earn more silver.”


Xu Mu’an privately felt that Xiao Jingting’s combat skills were lacking, and his ability to adapt on the spot was insufficient. He seemed particularly afraid of snakes. Spiritual talismans were expensive; many people used them to save their lives, but Xiao Jingting seemed to throw them around like they were worthless. Xu Mu’an thought these things to himself, not wanting to discourage Xiao Jingting.


“Did I perform too poorly?” Xiao Jingting asked. His aim seemed too off, and if it weren’t for that, he wouldn’t have wasted so much.


Xu Mu’an smiled and said, “After all, you’re still a novice! Beginners are like this. When I first started hunting demons, I was also at a loss. Even a first-level chicken could scare me.”


Xiao Jingting and Xu Mu’an packed up the snake’s carcass and left the jungle.


Xiao Jingting chose a secluded path to walk, but he still encountered many people. Xiao Jingting was now a prominent figure in the village, and he couldn’t keep a low profile even if he wanted to.


“Master Xiao, you’re truly amazing! You killed such a big snake!”


“Master Xiao, you’re remarkable! Look at the snake’s condition, it didn’t even stand a chance!”


“Master Xiao, you’re really talented! You can hunt and farm.”


“Master Xiao, a snake this big could fetch over twenty taels. You’ve made a fortune!”



Xiao Jingting was embarrassed by the villagers’ various praises, his face turning red. His combat skills were actually quite weak. If it weren’t for being well-prepared, he might have ended up inside the snake’s belly.


News of Xiao Jingting killing a big snake spread like wildfire, causing the villagers’ admiration for him to rise even further.


Upon returning home, Xiao Jingting prepared a large table of peppered snake meat. Xu Mu’an had never tasted such delicious snake meat before, and he accidentally ate until his stomach was full.


Snake meat was a bit tough, so Xiao Fan and Xiao Dong ate slowly. Xiao Fan, seeing Xu Mu’an eating quickly, anxiously said, “Father, eat slower, wait for me!”

(Xiao Fan calls him mother father, since he is the bird father.. but it sounds weird, so I’ll only leave father and Jingting will be “dad” )


Xu Mu’an turned to see Xiao Fan’s pitiful expression, then glanced at Xiao Jingting’s amused yet meaningful smile, making his face turn even redder.


Xiao Dong glared at Xiao Fan and said, “Just eat yours, stop talking so much.”


“Eat quickly, being able to eat is a blessing!” Xiao Jingting picked up a few pieces of snake meat for Xu Mu’an, making Xu Mu’an blush even more.


“There’s a letter for the Xiao family.” As the family ate, the mail carrier’s voice rang out, relieving the embarrassed Xu Mu’an.


Xu Mu’an walked out, paid the delivery fee, and received the letter from the mail carrier. Opening it, he began to read.


“What does the letter say?” Xiao Jingting asked curiously.


Xu Mu’an’s expression turned somewhat grim. “It’s about your second brother.”


Xiao Jingting’s mind immediately started working. The original owner’s second brother, Xiao Jinfeng, had attributes of gold, fire, and earth. Although earth attributes were suitable for farming, they were not highly valued by the Xiao family. In Xiao Jingting’s impression, the larger the family, the more they valued their children’s attributes. Children with wood attributes would be prioritized for cultivation.


Xiao Jinfeng was a very ambitious person, quite different from the original owner. Although the original owner received better treatment in the Xiao family, Xiao Jinfeng reached the fourth level before Xiao Jingting reached the third.


Three years ago, Xiao Jinfeng joined a mercenary group and usually mixed with them. In the original owner’s impression, Xiao Jinfeng, with his mediocre aptitude, was looked down upon. Xiao Jinfeng also disliked the original owner, who was considered a good-for-nothing. Their relationship was very tense.


“What happened to second brother?” Xiao Jingting asked.


“He stole the hunting game of Young Master Zhou Kangqi from the Zhou family and injured him. He was then expelled from the mercenary group. After returning to the Xiao family, he showed no remorse and attempted to force himself on cousin Xiao Muhong’s wife, Feng Xue’er. He was subsequently expelled from the family.” Xu Mu’an furrowed his brow tightly.


“Absurd,” Xiao Jingting exclaimed angrily.


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  1. dingbangmomo says:

    I wonder how big where the snake and bird in this ch.
    Ah, Jinfeng, I (kind of) remember you. Or no.
    (how hard is to write a comment per Ch. my god)

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