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SPMT : Chapter 64: Sun Miaomiao’s Disappointment 

Sun Miaomiao's Disappointment 


Xiao Yuerong returned to the room, filled with anger as he cried and complained, “Grandma promised to stand up for me, but she didn’t keep her word.”


Zheng Peier was also somewhat dissatisfied with Wang Lu’s later efforts to reconcile, but she knew her limits.


“What nonsense are you talking about? Your grandma had her reasons,” she replied.


Xiao Yuerong gritted his teeth and said, “That idiot is acting so arrogant now! In a little while, he’ll climb on top of me and make me his horse.”


Clearly, in the past, whenever he hit him, the silly kid never dared to make a sound. But now, he was so arrogant. It seemed like Uncle San had changed completely. In the past, Uncle San never said anything when he hit the silly kid.


Zheng Peier lowered her head, thinking: It’s not just Xiao Xiaofan who’s arrogant! Xiao Jingting is too. Xiao Jingting has always been dissatisfied with how Xiao Qingyan treats him better than me. Now that his strength has improved, does he want to vie for even better treatment?


Xiao Jinfeng used to hang around with the mercenaries, but now he’s mixed up with Xiao Jingting, always siding with him. Although Xiao Jinfeng wasn’t valued much, it would be troublesome if this guy sided with Xiao Jingting.


Zheng Peier settled Xiao Yuerong and Xiao Yuezong before leaving the room.


“Is the son asleep?” Xiao Qingyan’s face was stiff, clearly not in a good mood.


Zheng Peier nodded and said, “Yes, he’s asleep.”


“Is Arong okay?” Xiao Qingyan asked.


“He’s been holding his head and complaining of pain,” Zheng Peier said, her heart full of sadness.


“Third Brother used to not take that little brat seriously at all! But this time, he stood up for him,” Xiao Qingyan said angrily.


“I think Xiao Jingting may not necessarily be standing up for that little brat. He might be using this as an opportunity to gain favor with you,” Zheng Peier said.


Xiao Qingyan nodded and said, “That’s true. Third Brother’s strength has increased now, so he’s become more confident. But what’s hateful is Xiao Jinfeng. He’s always against me, helping Xiao Jingting everywhere.”


Xiao Qingyan clenched his fists. Although his parents still favored him the most, their attitudes toward him had cooled significantly due to the improvement in Xiao Jingting and Xiao Jinfeng’s cultivation levels. Thankfully, these two guys developed resistance to the elixirs, so it would be difficult for them to make further progress.


In Xiao Chengfeng’s villa.


“Mother, what’s got you so happy?” Xiao Muhong asked as he looked at Liu Xian.


Liu Xian smiled and said, “Xiao Jingting has only been back for two days, and his son has already fought with Xiao Qingyan’s son. It’s said that Xiao Yuerong, that little devil, beat the fool to serious injury. In the past, Xiao Jingting never took that little fool seriously, but this time, he’s unusually eager to stand up for him. I think these two brothers are at odds.”


Xiao Muhong smiled coldly in his heart. He thought: It’s good if these two brothers fight. If they don’t fight, he’ll worry.


“Zheng Peier isn’t someone who forgets a grudge. Her son got beaten, so she’s probably holding a grudge against Xiao Jingting,” remarked Liu Xian.


Sun Miaomiao nodded and said, “Indeed, that woman is quite aggressive. With Xiao Yuerong’s temperament, taking after his mother, he’s not one to take a loss lightly.”


Xiao Yuerong could be considered a little tyrant in the Xiao family. He often liked to make people carry him like a horse. The servants in the house all bowed to him as a young master.


Xiao Yuerong also liked to make less favored children of his age carry him like a horse, causing quite a few incidents. However, despite his young age, Xiao Yuerong knew how to pick on those who couldn’t fight back. The kids he bullied often didn’t have strong backing, and they were easily suppressed by Zheng Peier. Xiao Xiaofan had suffered quite a bit from Xiao Yuerong before… This time, Xiao Yuerong had really messed up! He got his head cracked open by Xiao Xiaofan, yet Xiao Xiaofan came out of it unscathed.


“I heard that Xiao Jingting seems indifferent to your wife this time he’s back,” inquired Liu Xian.


Xiao Mu Hong nodded and said, “Yes! Xiao Jingting doesn’t seem the same as before.” Xiao Jingting’s relationship with Xu Mu’an seemed to have improved this time.


Liu Xian’s face darkened as he said, “That guy seems to have gotten lucky somewhere, actually advancing to level five. When Xiao Jingting first arrived at Tuqiu Village, I sent someone to inquire about him. The person who returned reported that Xiao Jingting was full of self-pity, wasting money recklessly, addicted to gambling, and even addicted to drugs.”


“Mother, did you send out the right person? Could they have given you false information?” Xiao Mu Hong asked.


Liu Xian shook her head and said, “It shouldn’t be. The person I sent out is a trusted confidant who has been with me for many years. I don’t think he would lie.”


In Xiao Jingting’s villa.


As Xiao Jingting walked through the corridor, he unexpectedly ran into Sun Miaomiao. He lightly called out “sister-in-law” and then turned to leave.


“Jingting,” Sun Miaomiao called out to him.


Feeling a bit uneasy at Sun Miaomiao’s melancholy tone, Xiao Jingting turned to look at her and asked, “Sister-in-law, is something wrong?”


“Jingting, do you resent me?” Sun Miaomiao asked, her expression downcast.


Xiao Jingting nodded and said, “Yes.”


Sun Miaomiao was taken aback for a moment. She hadn’t expected Xiao Jingting to admit it so straightforwardly. “Because I married your elder brother?”


“You can marry whoever you want. It has nothing to do with me. I’m just a bit surprised. I chased after you so persistently, only for you to find me repulsive, which led your Sun family to practically drive me to ruin, causing my wife to leave and my child to scatter,” Xiao Jingting said coldly.


“I don’t understand what you mean,” Sun Miaomiao said.


Xiao Jingting smiled and said, “Go ask your brother. He’ll understand even if you don’t.”


“Jingting, do you really hate me this much?”


“Sister-in-law, don’t act like you’re the victim here. In reality, we never had anything between us,” Xiao Jingting said coldly.


Sun Miaomiao watched Xiao Jingting’s retreating figure, feeling inexplicably empty inside.


In Xiao Jingting’s villa.


Xiao Xiaofan was rolling around on the bed, holding his foot.


“I hit him with a brick, and he cried like a baby, hahaha…”


Xu Mu’an looked at Xiao Fan, feeling relieved but also somewhat uneasy. “Alright, don’t be too pleased. If your father hadn’t shown up, you would’ve been in big trouble with your grandfather and grandmother.”


Before Xiao Jingting arrived, Zheng Peier proposed locking Xiao Fan in the ancestral hall for a few days of reflection. It was a cold and damp place, and if it weren’t for Mu Shuyu’s intervention, Wang Lu would have agreed.


“Dad, it’s really great now,” Xiao Fan said happily. He rubbed against the blanket. “Dad used to ignore me. When I was pushed into the river by that fatso, he didn’t care either.”


Xu Mu’an lowered her head, feeling fortunate that Xiao Jingting had become what he was now.


“Has Xiao Fan fallen asleep?” Xiao Jingting asked.


Xu Mu’an nodded. “He has, but he’s probably not asleep yet. He’s still excited.”


“Excited, well, that’s only natural. It’s rare for him to get revenge,” Xiao Jingting said. He seemed to remember that Xiao Fan was often bullied by the Xiao brothers. It’s no wonder he’s excited now that he has the upper hand.


“What nonsense are you talking about?” Xu Mu’an glanced around, reminding him that the walls have ears. Xiao Jingting always seemed to say things without thinking.


“Father and mother still prefer the eldest brother,” Xiao Jingting said.


Xu Mu’an nodded. “Yes.” Although this incident wasn’t deeply investigated by their parents, Xu Mu’an could tell that Wang Lu was quite unhappy about Xiao Fan hitting Xiao Yuerong.


Xiao Qingyan had always been the favorite of both Lin Feng and Wang Lu. This favoritism wasn’t something that could easily change.


“Let’s take our son out for a walk tomorrow,” Xiao Jingting suggested.


Xu Mu’an hesitated. “Is it appropriate to go out tomorrow? Xiao Fan just got into trouble, and we’re taking them out to play.”


“What’s there to fear? Besides, I used to be lawless, and I don’t get along with Xiao Qingyan,” Xiao Jingting said.


Xiao Jingting used to look down on Xiao Qingyan, and Xiao Jingting felt that Xiao Qingyan had taken away his resources. Their relationship as brothers was very poor.


“You’re right,” Xu Mu’an agreed.


“We can also invite Second Brother,” Xiao Jingting suggested.


Xu Mu’an nodded. “Alright.” Xiao Fan was lucky to have escaped this time, and Xiao Jinfeng and Mu Shuyu had also helped a lot.


“Did you meet Sun Miaomiao while inspecting the fields today?” Xu Mu’an asked.


Xiao Jingting nodded. “Yes, I did. Just now again.”


Xu Mu’an was surprised. “Just now?”


“It seems like a coincidence, but I think she intentionally waited for me,” Xiao Jingting said.


Xu Mu’an smiled. If Xiao Jingting hadn’t changed, he would have probably approached Sun Miaomiao long ago. But now, with Xiao Jingting as he was, Sun Miaomiao was bound to be disappointed, especially since Xiao Jingting openly declared his preference for men.


“Sun Miaomiao has high ambitions. She’s marrying Xiao Muhong, probably thinking that she could have control over the main household,” Xu Mu’an said.


Xiao Jingting crossed his arms. “Whatever. In a while, I’ll bring it up with father to see if we can move out.”


Xu Mu’an nodded. “That’s a good idea.” Xiao Jingting’s jade pendant space couldn’t withstand the scrutiny of the Xiao family members. With so many eyes and ears around, it was inevitable that some secrets would be exposed.


“What are you thinking?” Mu Shuyu looked at Xiao Jinfeng.


Xiao Jinfeng shook his head. “Nothing, just feeling that our parents are too biased.” If it weren’t for Third Brother standing up for Xiao Fan, Xiao Fan would have been locked up in the ancestral hall. Having spent some time with Xiao Fan, Xiao Jinfeng felt that although Xiao Fan wasn’t the brightest, he was a well-behaved and sensible child.


Mu Shuyu nodded. “I feel the same way. Although it wasn’t right for Xiao Fan to hit Xiao Yuerong with a brick, how could Xiao Yuerong let Xiao Fan ride on him? It’s disrespectful. Xiao Fan is so small, if Xiao Yuerong had crushed him, who would have been responsible? But your eldest brother didn’t care.”


Xiao Jinfeng shook his head. “They couldn’t be bothered. Actually, your eldest brother’s two children used to bully Xu Mu’an’s two children frequently. There’s quite a bit of pent-up resentment there.” He didn’t often come back before, and his relationship with Xu Mu’an wasn’t very deep, so he could only do so much.


Mu Shuyu took a deep breath. “I’ve heard about your Third Brother’s past. It’s a good thing he’s changed.”


Xiao Jinfeng nodded. “Yes.”

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