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SPMT : Chapter 82: Xiao Fan Bets on Stones 

Xiao Fan Bets on Stones 

Xiao Jingting and the others were enjoying dumplings at home when suddenly the door burst open. Everyone turned to see who it was.


“Hey, big brother, what brings you here?” Xiao Jinfeng asked.


“You guys seem to be in good spirits,” Xiao Qingyan remarked, entering the room.


Meanwhile, Xiao Xiaofan, clutching his bowl, chimed in, “Uncle, I came for some dumplings too, but it looks like you’ve eaten them all.”


Xiao Xiaofan hugged his bowl protectively, hurriedly scooping up the last dumplings and gobbling them down. Xiao Xiaodong, observing this, sneered, “Pathetic.”


Xiao Xiaofan, unfazed, continued eating, paying no mind to Xiao Xiaodong’s remarks.


“Big brother, care to join us?” Xiao Jingting offered, pulling out a chair.


“Don’t try to butter me up. Which one of you went to our parents and badmouthed me?” Xiao Qingyan demanded.


“Not me!” Xiao Jingting quickly denied.


Xiao Qingyan’s glare shifted between Xiao Jinfeng and Xiao Jingting. “Both of you, watch yourselves. Don’t think your petty tricks will work. Just because you’re making some money now doesn’t make you special.”


Xiao Jingting and Xiao Jinfeng remained silent, unsure how to respond.


Xiao Qingyan left in a hurry, leaving the others bewildered.


“Second brother, have you talked to Mom and Dad?” Xiao Jingting asked.


“Nope,” Xiao Jinfeng replied. Where would he find the time? Plus, his parents always favored Xiao Qingyan. What could he possibly do compared to him? Bringing this up to his parents now would likely only cause trouble.


“I figured as much,” Xiao Jingting nodded.


“Big brother’s got quite the temper!” Mu Shuyu commented sarcastically.


Xu Mu’an glanced at Xiao Jinfeng. “You and Zhou Kangqi had an argument today, right? In front of the drinks store.”


Xiao Jinfeng nodded. “Yeah.”


Xu Mu’an chuckled. “It’s no surprise that news like that spreads fast! If it didn’t, that would be surprising.” With all the foot traffic at the store, word would naturally get around. Xiao Qingyan’s assumption that his two younger brothers were involved was unfounded.


Xiao Jingting nodded in agreement. Their parents were tough to deal with too. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have come back and scolded the eldest brother as soon as they arrived. With such fierce parents, their information network must be quite extensive.


Xiao Xiaofan listened to the adults’ conversation, hesitating several times before speaking up.


“What’s on your mind, Xiao Fan?” Mu Shuyu asked.


Xiao Xiaofan held up his bowl. “There’s no more food left. Can I have another bowl?”


“Sure, I’ll get you one. There’s still some left in the pot,” Xiao Jingting offered.


Xiao Xiaofan raised his hand. “And my brother says he’s still hungry and wants more too.”


Xiao Xiaodong blushed slightly but didn’t argue. Xiao Jingting smiled at him and said, “Xiaodong is still hungry too, so let’s get more for both of them.”


Xiao Xiaofan, munching on a dumpling, tilted his head and said, “Dad, Uncle seems really irritable! I heard people who take drugs are like that!”


Xiao Jingting sighed internally. “Your uncle isn’t on drugs. Don’t spread rumors,” Xu Mu’an cautioned.


“But Mom, I heard everything. You’re lying to me,” Xiao Xiaofan pouted.


Xiao Jingting sighed again. “Just eat your food. You can’t keep talking with your mouth full.”


Xiao Qingyan paced around the room, feeling gloomy.


“Are you okay?” Zheng Peier asked.


“I’m fine,” Xiao Qingyan replied curtly.


With a dark expression, Xiao Qingyan couldn’t shake off his regret. He thought taking the elixir was no big deal, but now, his parents’ attitude had cooled significantly. People who used to praise his advancement to the sixth level of Qi cultivation were now criticizing him for squandering his potential.


Gritting his teeth, Xiao Qingyan realized his mistake. Although he believed he hadn’t done anything wrong, seeing his parents’ change in demeanor made him worry.


“Are Xiao Jingting and Xiao Jinfeng’s business really doing well?” Xiao Qingyan asked.


Zheng Peier nodded. “Yes.”


Before returning to the academy, Xiao Qingyan had confidently predicted that Xiao Jingting’s and Xiao Jinfeng’s businesses would fail. However, Zheng Peier’s letters kept praising their success. Xiao Qingyan felt embarrassed and angry, so he stopped reading her letters.


“I’ll go check out their shop,” Xiao Qingyan decided.


“Maybe you should apologize to Mom and Dad first,” Zheng Peier cautiously suggested.


Zheng Peier could see that since the argument with Xiao Linfeng and Wang Lu, Xiao Qingyan’s parents had become distant. Xiao Jingting and Xiao Jinfeng’s businesses were flourishing, contrasting with Xiao Qingyan’s situation. If he lost his parents’ favor now, the consequences would be dire.


“Apologize? Apologize for what? That’s ridiculous,” Xiao Qingyan scoffed.


Seeing Xiao Qingyan’s stubbornness, Zheng Peier sighed inwardly. Xiao Qingyan had been spoiled by his parents and had a hard time backing down.


“Xiao Jingting and Xiao Jinfeng’s shops really are doing well?” Xiao Qingyan asked again.


Zheng Peier affirmed, “Yes.”


Xiao Qingyan regretted his rash behavior with Xiao Linfeng and Wang Lu. He couldn’t bring himself to apologize, but he also couldn’t ignore the changing dynamics in his family.


Meanwhile, at the dessert shop…


Xiao Xiaofan stood at the counter, feeling dejected. “Business isn’t great today.”


Xiao Jinfeng sighed, “It’s raining today, so it’s understandable. We’re not surprised.”


Xiao Xiaodong tilted his head and said, “Second uncle, after we’re done here, can we go shopping?”


“Do you want to go shopping?” Xiao Jinfeng asked.


Xiao Dong nodded. “Yes! I have a lot of bonus money, and I want to buy something for Dad and Mom. Mom’s birthday is coming soon.”


Xiao Jinfeng tousled Xiao Dong’s hair affectionately. “That’s thoughtful of you. Do you have enough money? If not, you can take some from me.”


Xiao Dong shook her head. “No need. I have my own money.”


Xiao Xiaofan was peering out the window, observing something.


“What are you looking at, Xiao Fan?” Xiao Jinfeng asked.


“I think I just saw Uncle. He looks a lot like Uncle and Aunt. They both like to watch secretly from outside. It’s strange. No wonder people say, ‘If you’re not family, you won’t come through the door,'” Xiao Xiaofan remarked.


Xiao Dong looked at Xiao Xiaofan, puzzled. “Are you sure? I didn’t see him.”


Xiao Xiaofan shook his head. “Big brother, you only see money. How could you see Uncle?”


Xiao Jinfeng’s mouth twitched, unsure how to respond to Xiao Xiaofan’s statement.


Xiao Dong: “……. “ What does Xiao Fan mean? Is he saying I’m greedy?


Xiao Jingfeng chuckled and said, “Alright, alright, let’s finish early today and go to the market.”


Xiao Dong hurriedly nodded and said, “Okay! Okay!”




Xiao Jingting walked in and looked at Xu Mu’an, saying, “Where did these cushions come from?”


“They were bought by Xiao Dong, a birthday gift he gave me. They’re filled with cotton from Tianxu, which has a soothing effect. He also got one for you,” Xu Mu’an said.


“Xiao Dong is thoughtful. Did Xiao Fan give anything?” asked Xiao Jingting.


Xu Mu’an nodded and said, “Yes, he did. He gave many stones.”


“Stones?” Xiao Jingting was surprised. Xiao Fan, who loved snacks the most, he thought, would send snacks, but instead, he sent a bunch of stones. When did this kid start liking stones?


“They’re all over there,” Xu Mu’an pointed to the various stones of different sizes and shapes in the corner.


“Are these raw stones?” Xiao Jingting asked.


Xu Mu’an nodded and said, “Yes! Xiao Fan saw a stone gambling shop, saw others going in, and followed along.”


Xiao Jingting: He couldn’t believe that his simple-minded son also had such a high-end hobby as stone gambling!


“Second Brother, weren’t you with him?” asked Xiao Jingting. Xiao Jingfeng was usually the most against gambling.


Xu Mu’an nodded and said, “Yes! Second Brother initially planned to refuse, but Xiao Fan threw a tantrum on the ground and hugged Second Brother’s leg crying, so Second Brother had no choice.”


Xiao Jingting: Well, he thought Xiao Jingfeng was quite capable, but it turns out he couldn’t even handle a little kid.


Xiao Jingfeng wasn’t as kind to the original owner as one might think! He remembered when he found out the original owner was gambling, Xiao Jingfeng scolded him severely. If Xiao Jingfeng had used that determination to deal with Xiao Fan, Xiao Fan would have been scared off.


“I’ll go and take a look,” Xiao Jingting said.


Xu Mu’an nodded and said, “Okay.”




In the hall.


Xiao Fan sat on a tall chair, swinging his feet, nibbling on a bun, enjoying his meal.


“Brother, why are you looking at me like that? Do you want to eat too?” Xiao Fan asked, holding up the bun.


Xiao Dong shook his head and said, “Of course not. I’m just curious why you gave Mother and Father a bunch of stones.”


Xiao Fan puffed his cheeks and said, “Those stones feel really comfortable to touch.”


Xiao Dong asked puzzledly, “Where’s the comfort in that?”


“It’s comfortable! But Mother and Father didn’t praise me,” Xiao Fan said with some grievance.


“You bought a bunch of worthless stones and expected Mother and Father to praise you?” Xiao Dong said unkindly.


Xiao Fan’s face darkened. “What’s wrong with my stones? My stones are much more valuable than your pillow.”


Xiao Dong nodded in agreement. “Indeed, they are much more expensive. Money shouldn’t be spent so recklessly.”


Xiao Fan turned away and said, “I don’t want to talk to you anymore, and you’re not getting any bun either.”


Xiao Dong retorted, “You still owe me three thousand taels, remember to pay with interest.”


Xiao Fan looked at Xiao Dong with some resentment. “Got it. When I make big money, I’ll definitely pay you back.”




In the room, Xiao Jingting looked at the pieces of stones being dissected, swallowed his saliva. Oh my! What kind of luck does his own son have! Each piece of stone he opened had something inside, with the least valuable being some medium-grade spiritual jade.


“This seems to be a spiritual pearl,” Xu Mu’an said, holding a perfectly round bead. The spiritual energy within this single bead was equivalent to hundreds of pieces of high-grade spiritual jade. What kind of luck does their son have?


“If we had known earlier that our son had such ability, why would we need to work so hard doing business?” Xiao Jingting said somewhat dazedly.


Xu Mu’an handed the spiritual pearl to Xiao Jingting. “Put it in the spiritual spring water.”


Xiao Jingting nodded. “Okay.”


As soon as the spiritual pearl was dropped into the spiritual spring water, it began to bubble and simmer. After a while, it calmed down. Xiao Jingting scooped up a spoonful of spiritual spring water and drank it. He immediately felt a rich spiritual energy rushing into his body, so he sat cross-legged and began to absorb the spiritual power.


Xu Mu’an looked at Xiao Jingting and asked, “How is it?”


“Very good. With this kind of practice for a day, it’s equivalent to the effort of ten days before. I used the mutated spiritual spring water to water the nearby Heque Orchids, and they have grown much faster. It looks like they’ll be fully grown in no time,” Xiao Jingting said.


Xu Mu’an nodded. “That’s good.”


Xiao Jingting rubbed his nose. Training is all about competing for resources! If he had a few more spiritual pearls like this, he wouldn’t worry about not being able to advance!


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