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SPMT : Chapter 88: Chance Encounter with Sun Miaomiao

Chance Encounter with Sun Miaomiao

“Alright, let’s quickly put away this Phantom Snow Lotus. If it weren’t for this flower, we wouldn’t have to quarrel with that woman,” the leader of the black-clothed men said helplessly.


“Humph, what nonsense. She’s just relying on her Marquis’s Mansion status, forcing us to yield to her,” the man with the raised eyebrows grumbled.


“These people from the Marquis’s Mansion always talk about propriety and integrity, but in reality, they’re the most shameless,” another man chimed in.


“They organized this competition, but they don’t care how many lives it’ll cost.”


“Alright, why keep talking? Let’s pick the flower. Our chance to advance to Level Seven depends on it,” the leader impatiently urged.


“Big brother, I’ll go pick it,” the man with the raised eyebrows eagerly volunteered.


The leader of the black-clothed man nodded, and the man with the raised eyebrows eagerly approached the Phantom Snow Lotus. However, before he could get close to it, an overwhelming pressure swept over them. “Big brother, help…,” the man’s words were cut short as he was abruptly swallowed whole.


The sudden turn of events startled the two men on the shore, and even Xiao Jingting, who was watching from the tree, felt his heart pounding.


“Ink-black Profound Serpent,” Xiao Jingting muttered to himself, relieved that he hadn’t acted impulsively to grab the Phantom Snow Lotus earlier. If he had, he might have ended up inside the snake’s belly.


During Ouyang Mingyue’s earlier confrontation with the three men, the snake had remained hidden. Its sudden appearance now was unexpected.


While still shaken, Xiao Jingting quickly assessed the situation. Judging by the Ink-black Profound Serpent’s strength, it was likely at the Ninth Level of Qi Refinement. The Phantom Snow Lotus in the lake might have been intended as a foundation-building resource for the serpent.


The Ink-black Profound Serpent glared angrily at the other two men and charged towards them. The men swiftly fled, and the serpent pursued them furiously.


Xiao Jingting swiftly descended from the tree and rushed towards the Phantom Snow Lotus. While caution was necessary, taking risks was also part of the cultivation path. Opportunities must be seized, or they would be lost forever. Once the snake returned, it would be too late to act.


“Stop right there, you rascal!” A stern voice suddenly rang out.


Startled, Xiao Jingting turned around to see who it was. It was Ouyang Mingyue. Both she and Xiao Jingting seemed to be attracting trouble left and right. Perhaps Ouyang Mingyue had been observing all along.


Realizing Ouyang Mingyue’s presence, Xiao Jingting didn’t hesitate and turned to run. Although injured, Ouyang Mingyue possessed formidable magical artifacts, and her ability to return after retreating suggested she had some confidence.


Seeing Xiao Jingting trying to escape, Ouyang Mingyue immediately gave chase. Xiao Jingting dashed into the forest, using three speed talismans in succession. Finally, he managed to shake off Ouyang Mingyue’s pursuit.


Xiao Jingting tossed the Phantom Snow Lotus into a spiritual spring, and the alert sound in his mind finally subsided. He quickly changed his clothes, feeling fortunate that he had used a bit of disguise when picking the flower, just in case.


After this close call, Xiao Jingting resumed his journey to find spiritual herbs. Concealing his cultivation at the Fifth Level of Qi Refinement, he easily overpowered some unsuspecting individuals and took their identity tokens.


After eight days in the forest, Xiao Jingting unexpectedly encountered Xiao Jinfeng again.


“Third brother, I finally found you,” Xiao Jinfeng exclaimed with relief upon seeing Xiao Jingting.


Xiao Jingting smiled at Xiao Jinfeng, feeling a sense of happiness. “Second brother, you were worried about me?”


Xiao Jinfeng nodded, expressing his concern. “Yes! Everyone’s gone mad over exchanging points for elixirs. There’s been constant fighting these days, and the number of casualties is uncountable. I was really worried about you.”


Xiao Jingting patted his chest confidently. “Brother, don’t underestimate me! I’m quite skilled myself.”


Xiao Jinfeng chuckled helplessly. “You? Skilled? You’ve got quite the imagination. You know, Ouyang Mingyue from the Marquis’s Mansion almost got killed by three demonic cultivators. That Ouyang Miss is at the Seventh Level of Qi Refinement, yet she almost lost her life. But I heard those three demonic cultivators didn’t fare well either. Two were eaten by a monster snake, and one managed to escape.”


“There’s an Ink-black Profound Serpent in the forest, killing people left and right. It’s every man for himself in the jungle now!”


Xiao Jingting listened silently, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the news.


“How’s Miss Ouyang doing now?” Xiao Jingting cautiously inquired.


Xiao Jinfeng glanced at Xiao Jingting and asked, “Why are you asking about her?”


Xiao Jingting chuckled awkwardly. “Just curious, that’s all.”


“These young ladies from big families have countless life-saving treasures on them. Although she almost got into trouble earlier, she’s probably back to her usual self by now,” Xiao Jinfeng replied. “By the way, I heard someone stole Miss Ouyang’s Phantom Snow Lotus. That guy must have nerves of steel.”


Xiao Jingting remained silent. The bold person was standing right in front of Xiao Jinfeng. It seemed his second brother was oblivious to it.


“That guy might be in danger,” Xiao Jinfeng continued.


“Danger?” Xiao Jingting asked, puzzled.


Xiao Jinfeng nodded. “Yes! When we leave, the Marquis’s Mansion will surely inspect everyone’s spatial rings. By then, whoever has the Phantom Snow Lotus will surely earn Miss Ouyang’s resentment.”


Xiao Jingting remained silent. He could probably evade the inspection with his jade pendant space. To others, his jade pendant was just an ordinary spiritual jade.


“Second brother, have you seen big brother?” Xiao Jingting changed the subject.


Xiao Jinfeng shook his head. “No, but I heard he formed a group with some people from their academy and went on a mission. I think he should be fine.”


“That’s good,” Xiao Jingting replied. With Xiao Qingyan dead, the original owner’s parents would surely make a fuss.




“Several junior brothers and sisters, fortune favors the bold. How can you lack even this bit of courage?” A handsome youth frowned, displeased.


Sun Miaomiao grabbed the youth’s hand and said, “Senior brother, you’re so capable, why must you make us lure away those grey pigeons? Facing them head-on, you can surely win.”


Xiao Jingting rubbed his nose. Sun Miaomiao was grabbing someone’s hand, almost leaning against his chest. Xiao Jingting thought to himself: No wonder Sun Miaomiao has survived until now. Being adaptable like this naturally helps in survival.


The youth shook off Sun Miaomiao’s hand, saying, “Junior sister, no need to say more. Those pigeons are formidable, and senior brother dare not take them lightly. I can only trouble junior sister.”


Sun Miaomiao’s eyes were full of fear, her face on the verge of tears. But when the handsome youth looked at her, he seemed somewhat reluctant. He sighed but ignored Sun Miaomiao.


Xiao Jingting looked at Xiao Jinfeng and asked, “Second brother, what do they mean?”


“These grey pigeons have poor eyesight but keen smell. If I’m not mistaken, those people want to use lives to lure those pigeons away.”


“How do they lure them?” Xiao Jingting asked.


“The birds are bloodthirsty. Just a few wounds will do.” Xiao Jinfeng said.


Xiao Jingting was stunned. This world is so terrifying! Human lives are like grass.


One of the cultivators at the sixth level of Qi Refinement stood up, his gaze fixed on Sun Miaomiao and the others.


“Second brother, should we intervene?” Xiao Jingting asked. He didn’t have much fondness for Sun Miaomiao, but he couldn’t bear to watch people die or be killed by birds right in front of him.


Xiao Jinfeng nodded. “Let’s go.”


“Who’s there?” Sensing two auras no weaker than his own, Guo Hao suddenly turned around, looking at the direction of Xiao Jingting.


Several cultivators at the fifth level of Qi Refinement quickly gathered around Guo Hao.


Sun Miaomiao, seeing Xiao Jinfeng and Xiao Jingting, couldn’t help but feel overjoyed. After the joy, she remembered how she had tried to flatter someone earlier, only to be rejected, and she felt extremely embarrassed.


Although feeling ashamed, the joy of surviving outweighed the embarrassment.


“Jinfeng, Jingting, it’s great to see you both.” Sun Miaomiao quickly slipped behind Xiao Jinfeng and Xiao Jingting.


Several cultivators at the fourth level of Qi Refinement saw Sun Miaomiao and the two men, and noticing their acquaintance, and the two men’s formidable cultivation levels, they also moved behind them.


Guo Hao looked at Xiao Jingting and Xiao Jinfeng, then smiled, saying, “So it’s the young masters Xiao Jingting and Xiao Jinfeng! I’ve heard of your names.”


Xiao Jingting raised an eyebrow, saying, “Likewise.”


“I was just worrying about how to get the dusk mist. With you two here, perhaps we can work together.” Guo Hao smiled.


Xiao Jingting secretly admired Guo Hao’s quick change of attitude.


“Work together? How?” Xiao Jinfeng asked.


“There are six grey pigeons. Let’s split them, three for you and three for us. We’ll also split the dusk mist evenly later. What do you say?” Guo Hao asked.


Xiao Jingting glanced at Xiao Jinfeng, who nodded in agreement.


In the forest, the law of the jungle prevails. Although Guo Hao was somewhat ruthless, he and Xiao Jinfeng alone couldn’t handle so many grey pigeons.


“He just wanted to use us to attract the pigeons.” Sun Miaomiao frowned.


Guo Hao smiled, saying, “Miss Sun is overthinking. I was just joking with you. I didn’t really mean for Miss Sun to lure the beasts. Miss Sun is like a celestial being; how could I bear it? Besides, how could you outrun the pigeons? If the pigeons come back, wouldn’t my plan be ruined?”


Guo Hao squinted. He did consider using Sun Miaomiao and others to lure the beasts, but the risk was too great. With Xiao Jingting and Xiao Jinfeng’s help, although they would have to share the spiritual herbs, safety would be greatly improved.


“Enough talking. Let’s get ready and take action.” Xiao Jinfeng said.


Guo Hao nodded. “Young master Xiao, you’re quite impatient. Let’s do as you say.”


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