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SPMT : Chapter 93 Mighty Xiao Fan 

Mighty Xiao Fan 

The gambling stone shop.


“Jin Yue, what’s so fun about gambling stones? There’s a big business next door, you can buy whatever you like,” Ouyang Jing said to a six-year-old girl.


Ouyang Jin Yue shook her head, disdainfully saying, “What’s so interesting about the big business? It’s boring to browse through the same things over and over again. Gambling stones are much more exciting! From rags to riches! Sister Ouyang, have you heard? Previously, someone spent two lines and two silvers at the gambling stone field and bought a stone with poor appearance. As a result, a good-looking spirit pearl was found inside and sold for over two hundred thousand silver!”


Ouyang Jing nodded, forcing a smile, “I’ve heard.”


There were indeed lucky ones who became wealthy overnight through gambling stones, but more people ended up losing everything overnight.


Ouyang Jing frowned. Ouyang Jin Yue was young, but she was the legitimate daughter of the Ouyang family, favored by the family head. After arriving in Bifeng City, Ouyang Jing tried to get closer to Ouyang Jin Yue, but Ouyang Jin Yue’s temperament was difficult to handle, making Ouyang Jing very distressed.


“Jin Yue, you’re still young. We can talk about gambling stones in a few years,” Ouyang Jing said, feeling a headache. If the city lord found out she had taken his beloved daughter to the gambling stone field, he would be very angry.


Ouyang Jin Yue pouted, “Why wait a few years? I’m already big now.”


Ouyang Jing helplessly said, “But you’re still young.”


“What about him?” Ouyang Jin Yue pointed at Xiao Fan.


Ouyang Jing looked in the direction Ouyang Jin Yue pointed and saw Xiao Fan holding a stone with a diameter of over eighty centimeters. Xiao Fan looked tiny and vulnerable under the huge stone, making people worry that the large stone might crush him.


Xiao Fan walked unsteadily, and the people around him showed concerned expressions.


Xiao Jingting held a basketball-sized stone, awkwardly following behind Xiao Fan.


Many people in the gambling stone shop looked at Xiao Jingting with reproachful eyes. Xiao Jingting was somewhat embarrassed. His youngest son wanted to show off his mightiness and insisted on moving large stones. He couldn’t bear to let him do it, but he had no choice!


Since practicing cultivation, Xiao Fan had gradually shown his innate strength. Although the stone was heavy, it couldn’t crush his own son. Xiao Jingting still had confidence in this.


Ouyang Jin Yue walked up to Xiao Fan, curiously examining him. “Little brother, you’re really strong.”


“Just average,” Xiao Fan replied.


“Little brother, you have really poor taste,” Ouyang Jin Yue said.


“No, no, I have good taste,” Xiao Fan retorted.


Ouyang Jin Yue sneered, “Looking at the lousy stone you bought, you dare to say you have good taste.”


Xiao Fan’s face turned red. “No, no, there’s something good in this stone!”


“Oh, what good thing? Tell me,” Ouyang Jin Yue asked.


“I don’t know,” Xiao Fan said.


Ouyang Jin Yue burst into laughter. “You’re really clueless.”


Xiao Fan glared at Ouyang Jin Yue. “I’m not clueless, I’m not clueless.”


Seeing Xiao Fan’s reaction, Ouyang Jin Yue snorted lightly. “So you really are clueless.”


Xiao Fan’s face turned red with anger. “Nonsense, nonsense.”


“Young man, gambling stones aren’t for someone like you. Wait for sister to pick a few stones for you to see,” Ouyang Jin Yue said proudly, leaving.


Ouyang Jing looked at Xiao Jingting, furrowing her brow.


Seeing Ouyang Jing’s reaction, Xiao Jingting knew that Ouyang Jing recognized his identity, but she obviously didn’t want to have any relationship with him.


Xiao Jingting didn’t know how to face this woman who had a history with Xiao Qingyan. Seeing that she didn’t intend to greet him, Xiao Jingting naturally wouldn’t make himself uncomfortable.


There were many people in the gambling stone shop, some were paying bills, and some were cutting stones. Xiao Jingting and Xiao Fan stood aside, waiting in line to pay.


Xiao Fan stood out with the stone held high, attracting attention.


Xiao Jingting looked at the mighty Xiao Fan and said, “Son, put it down.” His son was indeed hardworking! Carrying such a heavy stone without complaint!


Xiao Fan shook his head. “No, no, not tired, not tired.”


Xiao Jingting rubbed his nose. His son wasn’t tired, but he, as the father, felt tired from being stared at.


“Boss, we want these stones,” Xiao Jingting said eagerly to the owner of the gambling stone shop when they finally reached their turn.




The shop owner was about to settle Xiao Jingting’s bill when Ouyang Jin Yue and several servants rushed over aggressively. “Boss, settle the bill for me first, then cut these stones for me.”


As soon as Ouyang Jin Yue spoke, the shop owner pushed aside Xiao Jingting, who was about to pay.


“We arrived first,” Xiao Fan muttered unhappily.


Xiao Jingting patted Xiao Fan’s head and said, “Not in a hurry, let’s wait a bit.”


“Miss Ouyang, it’s a total of 150,000 silver taels,” the shop owner said politely.


Ouyang Jin Yue took out a stack of silver notes from her spatial ring and slammed them on the table with an air of grandeur.


Xiao Jingting widened his eyes. This spoiled girl from the Hou Mansion was indeed wealthy. This was over 100,000 silver taels! She was truly rich, making Xiao Jingting feel that his own wealth was nothing compared to this little girl.


After Ouyang Jin Yue, it was finally Xiao Jingting’s turn.


“Do you want the stones cut?” the shop owner asked.


Xiao Jingting shook his head. “No need.”


“Cut them? They’re just two pieces of worthless stones. Do you have to hide them and cut them secretly?” Ouyang Jin Yue puffed her cheeks, dissatisfied.


Xiao Jingting: “…” This bratty girl, a squanderer, really pokes her nose into everything.


The stones Xiao Fan bought were usually cut by Xiao Jingting himself. Xiao Jingting even bought a cutting machine specifically for this purpose.


Xiao Fan’s eyes scanned Ouyang Jin Yue’s stones and said, “Your stones won’t yield anything good.”


Ouyang Jin Yue became annoyed. “What are you saying? The stones you picked are the lousiest ones.”


Xiao Fan blinked and held the stone without saying a word.


“Customer, you can cut the stones here in the shop. We offer free stone cutting,” the shop owner urged.


Seeing the curious gazes around him, Xiao Jingting hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, “Alright.”


Ouyang Jin Yue glanced at Xiao Fan and said, “Cut mine first, then his.”


Xiao Fan turned his eyes away and didn’t speak.


Ouyang Jin Yue’s stones were cut one by one, revealing several pieces of good-quality spirit jade. Although they were not bad, roughly estimating, those spirit jades were only worth about 50,000 to 60,000 silver taels.


Many people beside Ouyang Jin Yue complimented her. Nine out of ten times, gambling stones resulted in losses, but Ouyang Jin Yue managed to recoup some of her costs. Her luck was not too bad.


If it weren’t for Xiao Fan’s special abilities, Xiao Jingting would never have gotten involved in this.


Ouyang Jin Yue looked at the results and frowned slightly.


“Young fool, it’s your turn,” Ouyang Jin Yue said.


Xiao Fan glanced at Ouyang Jin Yue, but remained silent, his face flushed.


As the stones were cut smaller and smaller, nothing came out.


Watching Xiao Fan nervously, Ouyang Jin Yue gloated, “I told you this stone was worthless, but you didn’t believe me.”


Xiao Fan stared at the stone with wide eyes, continuously saying, “Be careful, be careful.”


“Hey, there’s a stone inside the stone.”


When the stone was cut in the middle, it turned amber-colored, and something could be seen inside.


“Young fool, you’ve struck it rich,” Ouyang Jin Yue said.


“Hey, it’s a bug.” Ouyang Jin Yue went closer to see, “There’s a bug in your stone. Although it’s somewhat novel, it’s not valuable.”


“Guest, would you sell this stone to our shop for 30,000 silver taels?” the shop owner calmly asked.


The stone picked by Xiao Fan, despite Ouyang Jin Yue’s assessment that its appearance wasn’t good, and although it was larger in size, was only worth 5,000 taels.


“No, no,” Xiao Fan hurriedly shook his head.


“Brother, I find the bug in this stone adorable. How about I offer you 100,000 silver taels?” A man in a brocade robe stepped forward and said.


“Little boy, your gambling stone is worth 100,000 taels!” Ouyang Jin Yue said in surprise.


Xiao Fan stared at the bug inside the stone, licked his lips, and said, “This bug smells good. It must taste great when fried.”


Ouyang Jin Yue looked at Xiao Fan in disbelief. “What? You eat fried bugs? You’re so disgusting.”


Xiao Fan glanced at Ouyang Jin Yue and said, “Fried bugs are delicious.”


Xiao Jingting heard the shop owner and the man bidding and realized that the bug was valuable. They were bullying him for being ignorant. “This thing, I… won’t sell it.”


“I’ll offer 15 spirit stones,” a calm voice interrupted, stopping Xiao Jingting from speaking.


An elderly man with gray hair, carrying a wine jug, walked out.


Xiao Jingting was shocked. Spirit stones were precious! The production of spirit stones in this realm was very limited. Spirit stones were controlled by some top powers. One spirit stone could be sold for 5,000 to 6,000 taels, which meant 15 spirit stones were close to 70,000 to 80,000 taels, nearly equal to Xiao’s family’s annual income.


Although the man looked ordinary, as soon as he appeared, the shop fell silent.


“Young friend, I need this spirit worm for alchemy recently. I wonder if you’re willing to give it up,” the man said.


Xiao Jingting nodded hastily and said, “Of course, please take it, senior.” A foundational cultivator! Such a person couldn’t be offended.


The man glanced at Xiao Jingting, then threw a bag of spirit stones and a token. “I won’t take advantage of you either. You keep these spirit stones, and this token. You can come find me with it.”


Xiao Jingting quickly thanked him. He thought to himself: Today, he’s made a big scene. It’s likely that someone will target him. This token from Zhao Jin is like a talisman. It should make those who target him hesitate. Thinking that Zhao Jin had taken care of everything so considerately, Xiao Jingting couldn’t help but feel a little more favorable towards this senior Zhao.

Here the sum up : 

  • Ouyang Jinyue paid 150,000 silver taels for a stone that turned out to be worth 50,000 to 60,000 silver taels.
  • Xiao Fan paid 5,000 silver taels for his stone.
  • Some people proposed to Xiao Fan 30,000 silver taels, then 100,000 silver taels, and then 15 spirit stones for the bug from his stone.
  • 15 spirit stones are worth up to 80,000 silver taels, but they are not easy to get. Additionally, the man who proposed it looked quite special. As we know, Xiao Jingting is not the bravest man in the world, so he accepted the deal.

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  1. Jamie says:

    The author cannot keep track of numbers very well. They made hundreds of thousands with the drinks monthly but now he is saying 80,000 is more than they made annually. The author did this in prior chapters as well, also when calculating time. They would say years instead of months that I assume it actually was.

    1. bluearea says:

      Indeed, sometimes it’s really hard. When I can, I’ll make changes, but when I’m not sure, I prefer to leave exactly what the author wrote. Here, I wasn’t sure if they were talking about the entire Xiao Family or their small Xiao Family @_@

  2. rose dauda says:

    At this point I’m confused about the number of money they make or get
    Is Xiao Jinfeng wife a man or woman because sometimes it’s a he and sometimes a she
    And their child is it a twin or one cos
    This is really confusing can’t it be consistent?
    Instead of writing the money in words just do it in numbers let us rest 800,000 taels is good 16,000 taels it will help with all this confusion

    1. bluearea says:

      Jinfeng’s wife is a man, and their child Xiaofu is a ger. (It took me a while to understand this since “she/he” is the same in Mandarin, so I also changed the two chapters that still contained my confusion.)

      I re-wrote the chapter with numbers instead and added a summary if it’s still not clear.

      Sometimes, when you’re deeply involved, it’s hard to notice things. I read the novel with all its inconsistencies, so I got used to it. When translating, I had to change a lot of things, so I might have forgotten some others here and there. Don’t hesitate to let me know!

      Thank you so much ! ( ? ³?)?

      1. Carot sama says:

        If I remember well you’re alone translating right ? It must be so hard! Why don’t you open a discord server ? Maybe it’ll be easier to point some things ??? thank you for your hard work !!!

  3. Carot sama says:

    Thank you for the summary?

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