ARBRMW : Chapter 101 – Extra 1

Chen Xu died in the winter of his twenty-second year. Despite his fears, this life still brought him to this day. There was no Si Yichen, no one wanting to harm him, yet Chen Xu was still worried that the time he had borrowed might be taken back.


But more terrified than him was Si Ye. In the days leading up to his death in the previous life, Si Ye had been unable to sleep well, plagued by nightmares, waking up in a cold sweat every night. Initially, Chen Xu was unaware of this until one night, after drinking a lot of water at dinner, he woke up thirsty in the middle of the night. When he opened his eyes, he was met with Si Ye’s gaze in the dark, which scared Chen Xu wide awake.


From that night on, he realized that Si Ye was even more frightened and anxious than he was. On the day of his death, Si Ye did nothing, refusing to let him leave the house, just holding him in bed, afraid that Chen Xu would disappear if he let go.


Chen Xu understood Si Ye’s fear and obediently lay in his arms, talking to him to distract him. Unfortunately, it didn’t work well; Si Ye, immersed in anxiety, couldn’t focus on his words.


Uncle Si,” Chen Xu reached up and touched Si Ye’s chin.


Si Ye, as if waking from a dream, looked down at him, his voice hoarse, “Hmm?”


Chen Xu raised his head, kissing Si Ye’s chin and then his somewhat cool lips. At twenty-two, Chen Xu stood at 1.82 meters, no longer thin and frail. His every inch of bone and flesh was just right, like a reed, tall and flexible.


Chen Xu took Si Ye’s hand, guiding it under his silk pajamas, both eager and enthusiastic. Si Ye swallowed hard, “Xiao Xu… I don’t have the mood right now…”


But Chen Xu didn’t relent; instead, he ignited Si Ye even more fiercely, using all his means to set him on fire. No matter how much time passed, Chen Xu always had a fatal attraction to Si Ye. A single beckoning from Chen Xu, and Si Ye would be mesmerized.


That day, Chen Xu was extraordinarily passionate, as if he wanted to burn his life out completely. Even if Si Ye were a piece of wood soaked in water, Chen Xu would have lit him on fire, let alone the fact that he wasn’t.


From daylight to dusk, and then to nightfall, every time Si Ye wanted to stop, Chen Xu would hold him tightly, whispering fervently in his ear with his hoarse voice.


When the flood finally receded and everything calmed down, midnight had already passed. Chen Xu’s eyes were tinged with red, his chest still blushing. He lay there, panting, looking pitiful like a stranded fish.


Si Ye wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes. After days of gloom, his face finally brightened with a smile. He leaned down and kissed Chen Xu’s temple, “My treasure, I love you.”


The barely conscious Chen Xu seemed to hear this, reaching out to grab Si Ye’s hand, slowly opening his moist eyes, his gaze gentle, “I love you too, Uncle Si.”


After that day, Chen Xu and Si Ye finally relaxed, and the atmosphere in the main house lightened. The servants finally breathed a sigh of relief.


Chen Xu’s career was thriving. One weekend, he had a long-overdue appointment with Ke Xinghao and the others.


After graduation, Ke Xinghao joined his father’s business. Though not academically inclined, his sociable nature allowed him to thrive in the business world.


Just as he was about to leave, Chen Xu received a call from Chen Yuqi.


“Second Brother, my classmate gave me a lot of seafood. Do you have time to come over and eat?” Chen Yuqi asked cautiously.


“No, I have an appointment. You and your mom eat,” Chen Xu replied. Whether it was being scared straight or realizing the value of a stable life, after being rescued from the casino, Chen Yuqi turned over a new leaf, studied hard, and got into college, majoring in new media.


Two years ago, the pyramid scheme that deceived Chen Yuqi’s mother was busted, and Chen Yuqi brought her mother back. Now they lived in the apartment Chen Xu had arranged for Chen Yuqi. Though a two-bedroom apartment was nothing like their old villa, it was their only refuge. If Chen Xu ever decided to take it back, they would be homeless.


“My mom…” Chen Yuqi hesitated, and Chen Xu immediately knew what she was going to say.


“She ran away again?”


Chen Yuqi chuckled bitterly, “Yes. I really can’t handle it. I have school and work; I can’t watch her all the time.”


After being deceived by Zhen Yue and sold to a pyramid scheme, Wang Qiang was saved, only to repeatedly fall for similar schemes. Despite being rescued several times, she blamed Chen Yuqi for hindering her ‘path to riches.’


Two years ago, Chen Xu secretly helped bust the scheme to make Wang Qiang pay for her past deeds. He never intended to ruin her completely, but no one expected Wang Qiang to persist in her self-destructive behavior.


Chen Xu looked out the window. The restaurant where he was meeting Ke Xinghao and the others was approaching. Just as he was about to end the call, Chen Yuqi said after a long silence, “I saw the news yesterday…”


“Yes?” Chen Xu responded absentmindedly.


“The police caught a drug trafficking gang. Although it was brief, I saw someone who looked like… Chen Hao,” Chen Yuqi said and then fell silent.


After stealing Wang Qiang’s jewelry, Chen Hao had disappeared without a trace. Chen Xu had assumed he moved to another city to make a new life with the stolen money. He never expected Chen Hao would take such a deadly path.


“I’ll check it out and let you know.”


“Thank you, Second Brother,” Chen Yuqi’s voice was choked with emotion, “I won’t bother you anymore. Goodbye.”


After ending the call, Chen Xu phoned his secretary to investigate the matter.


“Yo, Old Lin, you’re looking more like a boss each day,” Ke Xinghao, noticeably plumper than the previous year, teased. Chen Xu patted his stomach, “How many months?”


“Five. Remember to prepare a red envelope for your niece,” Ke Xinghao laughed, trying to put his arm around Chen Xu’s shoulder, only to be coldly shrugged off.


“You still can’t stand being touched,” Ke Xinghao complained.


“You know he can’t be touched, yet you still try to mess with him. If you weren’t dating, I’d suspect you have feelings for him,” Wang Chengyi teased, standing beside a lightly made-up Guan Qingqing. She smiled at Chen Xu, “Long time no see.”


“Yes, I heard you got into graduate school. Congratulations,” Chen Xu remembered that in his past life, Guan Qingqing went straight to work after graduation. This time, her choice surprised him.


“I was conflicted at first, but Chengyi said he would support me, so I tried,” Guan Qingqing had always been a strong student, often competing with Chen Xu, but her dedication paid off.


“You and Wang Chengyi?” Chen Xu was surprised. Ke Xinghao quickly interjected, “You didn’t expect it, did you? Wang Chengyi actually managed to woo Qingqing!”


Wang Chengyi was displeased, “What do you mean ‘managed’? I openly pursued her!”


He had liked Guan Qingqing since high school, but her eyes were always on Chen Xu. He had to thank Chen Xu for not being straight; otherwise, he wouldn’t have had a chance.


After a few drinks, Ke Xinghao lamented to Chen Xu, “I finally understand what it means to be a corporate slave. Making money is tough. Following my dad around made me realize how hard it is.”


“Look at Lu Ge and Yuan Ge; they have it even worse. Getting a full night’s sleep is a luxury. Occasionally performing with the band is the only relaxation they get. At this rate, our fan base will probably dwindle,” Ke Xinghao sighed.


Chen Xu was equally busy. Sometimes, he barely had time for Si Ye.


As night fell, Chen Xu sent the drunken Ke Xinghao home. Guan Qingqing and Wang Chengyi parted ways with them at an intersection.


After dropping off Ke Xinghao, Chen Xu received a warm package of mountain goods from Ke Xinghao’s mother, brought from their hometown.


On his way back, he passed by a flower shop. Chen Xu asked the driver to stop, walked in, and was about to ask the shop assistant to wrap a bouquet when he heard a surprised voice, “Chen Xu?!”


Chen Xu looked up to see Jiang Tingxue, “Jiang Tingxue? What are you doing here?”


“I returned to China after graduation. I’m working part-time here,” Jiang Tingxue explained.


“Aren’t you studying jewelry design?” Chen Xu remembered correctly; in his past life, Jiang Tingxue returned to China for her graduation project and met Si Yichen.


“Yes, I’m a freelance jewelry designer now, occasionally doing part-time jobs for inspiration,” Jiang Tingxue, enjoying a carefree life thanks to her well-off family, could live as she pleased.


Chen Xu nodded, tempted to ask about her and Guan Shuang, but decided against it. Instead, he let Jiang Tingxue wrap a bouquet for him.


“Is it for Si Ye?” Jiang Tingxue teased.


Chen Xu nodded, “Yes.”


“You two have a great relationship,” Jiang Tingxue chatted briefly while skillfully wrapping the flowers, showcasing her expertise.


After paying, Chen Xu left the shop with the bouquet, bidding farewell to Jiang Tingxue, who saw him to the door and watched him get into the car.


As the car was about to move, Chen Xu saw a tall figure approach the shop. Jiang Tingxue turned at the sound, her eyes lighting up as she hugged the newcomer in the warm light before entering the shop together.


Soon, the flower shop disappeared from view. Chen Xu was surprised that Jiang Tingxue and Guan Shuang were together and seemed to be very happy.


Snow began to fall outside. Chen Xu retracted his gaze and called Si Ye.


“I’m on my way home. Have you left the office?”


“I’m almost home. I got you your favorite cake,” Si Ye’s deep voice carried a smile.


Chen Xu’s heart filled with sweetness.


When the car arrived home, Chen Xu got out, seeing Si Ye waiting at the door.


“Is this for me?” Si Ye glanced at the bouquet in Chen Xu’s hands.


Chen Xu handed him the flowers, “For my husband.”


Si Ye took the bouquet, wrapped an arm around Chen Xu’s waist, and led him inside, bending to kiss him, “Thank you, my husband.”


Outside, snowflakes danced, while inside, warmth filled the air.


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  1. Blood says:

    So cute they spill honey everywhere ?

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