ARBRMW : Chapter 102 – Extra 2

Rain : I don’t know.. i feel like I should put a warning but ?? I really don’t know for this chapter hahaha

Every year on Si Ye’s birthday, no matter how busy Chen Xu was, he always made time to personally create a piece of clothing for him. Last night, Chen Xu added a new outfit to Si Ye’s wardrobe.


As soon as Si Ye received it, he put it on to show Chen Xu. Despite the passing years, Si Ye’s charm had only grown, becoming even more captivating. Chen Xu was utterly enchanted by him, feeling his heart race as he watched the man he deeply loved wear the clothes he had made with his own hands. Chen Xu’s desires ignited, like a spark falling onto dry grass, quickly spreading into a blazing wildfire.


The fire soon engulfed Si Ye as well, leading to a passionate and wild night together.


The next day, they both slept in, not waking until the sun was high in the sky. Chen Xu, still drowsy, reached out instinctively but didn’t find Si Ye beside him. He yawned and forced himself to get up.


Pulling back the covers, before his feet touched the ground, he saw a ten-year-old boy sitting at the foot of the bed, staring at him with big, dark eyes.


After a long silence and mutual staring, Chen Xu suppressed the unrealistic thought forming in his mind and asked kindly, “Little boy, whose child are you? How did you get into my house?”


The boy frowned slightly, looking displeased with Chen Xu’s words, “I am Si Ye.”


The tone, the demeanor, it indeed seemed like Si Ye himself.


Despite the myriad of questions in his mind, Chen Xu couldn’t resist the urge to reach out, lifting the boy up by his armpits and placing him on his lap. “So, you’re my family’s child.”


The young Si Ye looked absolutely adorable. His fair skin made his eyelashes and hair appear even darker. Because he was still young, his facial features were round and soft, with eyes like black grapes, seemingly able to see right through people.


He was wearing an oversized white shirt that looked like a dress, hanging loosely on his small frame.


Noticing the ill-fitting clothes, Chen Xu remembered the children’s clothing series he had made some time ago, keeping a few sets for potential gifts. Holding Si Ye, he walked towards the wardrobe. Si Ye kicked his short legs, “Xiao Xu, put me down.”


Such a pose was too undignified for him!


“Pfft!” Chen Xu couldn’t help but laugh out loud hearing Si Ye’s childish yet serious tone calling him Xiao Xu.


Si Ye’s face turned green with embarrassment. He had to figure out what was going on quickly.


After vetoing several cute outfits that Chen Xu suggested, Si Ye finally settled on a white shirt. The shirt had a yellow kitten embroidered on the collar, looking playful and cute. He wore little leather shoes, resembling a prince straight out of a fairy tale.


Although Chen Xu had never been particularly interested in children, he suddenly found joy in taking care of Si Ye. If it was Si Ye he was caring for, then he had no problem with it.


With a stern little face, Si Ye poked at the kitten on his collar with disdain.


The house was comfortably air-conditioned, and since Chen Xu had planned to celebrate Si Ye’s birthday today, all the servants had the day off. It was just the two of them, not even Butler Zhong was around. Fortunately, it was only them; otherwise, if anyone else saw Si Ye in this state, the stock market might experience an earthquake.


“You seem very happy?” Si Ye raised his eyes, giving Chen Xu a chilly look.


Chen Xu’s smile froze, and he turned his head away to hide it. “You’re overthinking it, darling.”


“You never called me darling before,” Si Ye pressed.


“Ahem…” Chen Xu faked a cough, explaining, “It’s just that, with you looking like this, I can’t exactly call you Uncle Si.”


Si Ye looked down at his short legs and then looked up at Chen Xu, needing to crane his neck. “You haven’t even kissed me today.”


It was his birthday, yet he felt so miserable.


Chen Xu crouched down and kissed Si Ye on the forehead and cheeks, smiling, “I’m sorry, that was my mistake. I forgot.”


“You haven’t kissed me here,” Si Ye pointed to his lips.


Chen Xu hesitated, “Maybe later when you change back. Kissing you now feels like a crime…”


Since waking up, nothing had gone right, and Si Ye was in a terrible mood, matching the gloomy weather outside. He stretched his neck and, while Chen Xu was off guard, grabbed his face and planted a kiss on his lips.


“I’m not really a child,” Si Ye stated seriously.


Chen Xu was a bit dazed, “But you look like one now.”


Unable to deny it, Si Ye huffed and turned away. Chen Xu couldn’t help but find it funny, thinking that becoming a child had even made Si Ye’s temper childlike.


For lunch, Chen Xu prepared a simple meal, capable enough to handle basic cooking. The plan for a fancy dinner out was off the table now. Chen Xu didn’t want Si Ye’s birthday to be too rough, so he called their favorite restaurant and ordered takeout.


After lunch, Si Ye helped clean up. Because he was too short, he had to stand on a stool to wash the dishes. Chen Xu tried to stop him, but he insisted. 


Watching Si Ye in the kitchen, Chen Xu felt an inexplicable sense of pride, thinking “my little boy is growing up.” But this thought, he knew, must never be shared with Si Ye.


While Si Ye washed the dishes, Chen Xu searched online for any useful information about their situation, not holding out much hope but giving it a try. Most results were irrelevant, until he stumbled upon a post similar to their situation.


[What to do if my lover suddenly turns into a child?]


Chen Xu scrolled down, finding that the post was a few years old and thus hard to find. 


“The next day they will naturally return…” Chen Xu read, feeling relieved.


A day was manageable. If Si Ye didn’t return to normal by tomorrow, he would consult his older cousin for help.


Chen Xu shared this with Si Ye, who agreed that the fewer people knew, the better, as long as he returned to normal by tomorrow.


In the afternoon, Chen Xu put a little yellow hat on Si Ye. Though reluctant, Si Ye cooperated, looking so cute that Chen Xu’s heart trembled. He took many photos with his phone, finally understanding why Si Ye liked taking pictures of him. When someone so adorable was right in front of you, how could you resist capturing the moment?


“Little one, we’re going out. Give your brother your hand,” Chen Xu, feeling cheeky, held out his hand.


Si Ye cooperated, placing his small hand in Chen Xu’s, raising his face with a sweet smile, “Brother, please hold my hand tightly.”


The childlike voice made Chen Xu’s heart race, and he scooped Si Ye up, kissing his face multiple times.


Si Ye’s expression turned cold, “Huh, you really do like me this way.”


“I can’t help it, you’re too cute. So cute I wish I could go back to your childhood and steal you from Mrs. Tao,” Chen Xu couldn’t fathom how someone so angelic as Si Ye could have been treated the way he was.


If it were him, he’d treat Si Ye like a treasure, never letting him get hurt.


Si Ye kissed him lightly, “At that time, you were just born, no need to feel guilty. It’s the past that shaped who I am now. I’m very happy now, extremely happy.”


“Mm.” Chen Xu’s eyelashes moistened, holding his small form tightly.


Chen Xu donned a mask and drove a low-profile car from the garage, taking Si Ye out.


They visited Si Ye’s kindergarten, primary, and middle schools. A child pointed at Chen Xu and asked Si Ye, “Is that your dad? He’s so tall.”


Si Ye: “…” I want to swear.




Chen Xu almost couldn’t contain his laughter, quickly leading Si Ye away.


“Don’t be mad, kids say the darndest things,” Chen Xu tried to console him.


“Or, should I call you dad?” Chen Xu, indifferent to titles, had been calling Si Ye uncle for so long that dad didn’t feel too different.


Si Ye’s eyes, like black grapes, glared at him, “Save it, call me that in a different setting.”


Different setting?


Chen Xu didn’t catch on immediately. After driving a while, he suddenly realized what Si Ye meant. 


Blushing, “With a child’s face, don’t say such unchildlike things.”


Si Ye, having won this round, couldn’t help but laugh. When he smiled, his eyes curved, like they were hiding the brightest stars.


Catching this sight, Chen Xu couldn’t help but smile too.


They went grocery shopping at the supermarket, and at the checkout, Si Ye reached for something, but forgot he was too short. Seeing this, Si Ye tugged Chen Xu’s clothes, “Brother, I want that gum.”


Chen Xu looked in the direction he was pointing. Beside the gum were condoms. Knowing Si Ye well, he understood what he really wanted.


His ears burned instantly.


If alone, Chen Xu wouldn’t feel embarrassed buying such items. He usually did so confidently, sometimes even checking the types and effects closely.


But buying them in front of Si Ye was different, making his toes curl with embarrassment.


The line moved forward, and it was their turn. Chen Xu grabbed a pack of gum, ignoring Si Ye’s true request.


Si Ye tugged his clothes again, whispering for Chen Xu to lean down.


Suspicious but compliant, Chen Xu leaned in to listen, only to hear Si Ye’s childish voice say, “Brother, if you don’t buy it, I’ll have to offer you cream puffs.”


Chen Xu’s cheeks burned, remembering the “cream puff” and “snow cake” slang.


He hastily grabbed several boxes, avoiding eye contact with the cashier.


Si Ye, satisfied, smiled smugly. When Chen Xu sulked, refusing to hold his hand, Si Ye said, “Brother, if you don’t hold my hand, what if I get lost?”


Such an adorable child, if lost, would definitely be stolen!


Thinking this, Chen Xu couldn’t stay mad, quickly taking Si Ye’s hand, afraid someone might steal him.


That night, before turning off the lights, Si Ye thought this might be his most peculiar birthday, treated like a child, carefully tended to with every wish granted.


Chen Xu even told him a bedtime story, kissing his forehead gently, “Good night, darling.”


Si Ye indeed slept peacefully, without dreams, until morning.


Chen Xu was awakened by kisses. Dazed, he opened his eyes to the familiar face.


Uncle Si, you’re back to normal.”


“Mm, did you miss me?” Si Ye rubbed their noses together, whispering.


Chen Xu hugged his neck, leaning in for a sweet kiss. Morning was always a time for sparks, and they naturally shared an intimate moment.


Sated and sweaty, they seemed to enter midsummer, every inch of skin and vein burning.


Chen Xu, carried to the bathtub, weakly glared at Si Ye, “Liar.”


Even with so many condoms, Si Ye still gave him cream puffs.


Si Ye smiled, kissing Chen Xu, “You clung to me the second time, not letting me leave.”


Chen Xu’s eyes reddened, moist, looking both accusing and coquettish. Si Ye kissed his eyes, “Darling, keep looking and I’ll offer you snow cakes.”


Annoyed, Chen Xu punched his chest, “You should never change back!”

Rain : What the hell with this extra !! I felt so shy with this cream thing !!! ( ?°? ? ?? ??? ? ?°)

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  1. Blood says:

    Some will no longer be able to see desserts in the same way (///?///)?

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