ARBRMW : Chapter 96

Luo Yi was not only Si Jinwen’s ex-girlfriend but also his first love and high school classmate. They had promised to attend the same university and eventually did. However, their happiness was short-lived. When Tao Minzhi discovered their relationship, she saw Luo Yi, an ordinary girl, as unworthy of her outstanding son. She forced Si Jinwen to break up with Luo Yi and introduced him to girls she deemed more suitable.


Si Jinwen refused and tried to convince his mother that his relationship with Luo Yi was good and that Luo Yi was a wonderful person. His efforts to defend his relationship were seen by Tao Minzhi as rebellion. Her obedient son, who had always followed her plans, was now defying her for a stranger.


Tao Minzhi convinced herself that Luo Yi was to blame for leading her son astray, not her son. She used Luo Yi’s parents’ company as leverage to force Si Jinwen to break up with Luo Yi. Knowing his mother’s persistence, Si Jinwen reluctantly ended the relationship and went abroad for a while, where he met Sun Keting. Although he felt a rekindling of hope for love, he decided not to pursue her to avoid repeating past mistakes and returned home.


Upon his return, Tao Minzhi, thinking the matter with Luo Yi was resolved, organized a birthday party, which was essentially a matchmaking event for Si Jinwen. At this party, Si Jinwen met Sun Keting again. Despite the Sun family’s lower status, Tao Minzhi approved of their relationship because of Sun Keting’s gentle nature and accomplishments. She supported their union, facilitating it.


From Luo Yi’s perspective, Sun Keting had stolen Si Jinwen from her, making her the unwanted third party. Luo Yi harbored deep love and hatred for Si Jinwen. Unknown to everyone, Luo Yi had discovered she was pregnant shortly after the breakup. When she called Si Jinwen to reconcile, Tao Minzhi answered and mocked her, calling her child illegitimate and claiming Si Jinwen was already with a suitable match.


Believing this, Luo Yi saw Sun Keting with Si Jinwen years later and assumed she was the girl Tao Minzhi had mentioned. To exact revenge, Luo Yi orchestrated encounters with Si Yaowei, whose romantic and artistic pursuits made him susceptible to her charm. Enamored by her mysterious allure, Si Yaowei pursued and eventually married her, unaware it was all part of Luo Yi’s plan.


When Si Yaowei introduced Luo Yi to the Si family, only Si Jinwen recognized her, though Luo Yi pretended not to know him. Hearing Si Yaowei call Si Jinwen “Third Uncle,” Luo Yi felt a twisted satisfaction in her revenge.


“She must really hate your brother,” Chen Xu said after reviewing Luo Yi’s background, turning to Si Ye.


Si Ye understood his meaning and after a moment’s thought, replied, “Aunt accompanied my sister-in-law to the hospital back then. Aunt went to pay the bill while my sister-in-law watched over Si Lin. Later, Si Lin went missing because my sister-in-law was called away by a doctor and left Si Lin with a nurse. It seemed to have nothing to do with Aunt.”


“But now, after seeing these documents, it’s odd. Aunt should have disliked my sister-in-law. Why would she go shopping with her?”


“Do you think your brother suspected Aunt?” Chen Xu asked, setting aside the documents.


If it were Si Ye, he would have been suspicious of Luo Yi. He believed his brother must have investigated and concluded that Luo Yi was not involved.


“Mr. Si, the latest update from the police is that a large sum of money recently appeared in the ex-wife’s account of the truck driver. His son has a heart condition needing urgent surgery,” Secretary Jiang reported, rushing into the hospital with visible sweat on his forehead.


“It wasn’t a coincidence,” Chen Xu said, locking eyes with Si Ye.


“Have they traced the source of the money?” Si Ye asked.


Secretary Jiang hesitated, then replied, “It came from Young Master Xuezhou’s account.”


Si Ye’s expression darkened, shocked at Luo Yi’s cruelty towards her own son.


After Secretary Jiang left, Chen Xu squeezed Si Ye’s hand, “Whether Xuezhou is your third uncle’s child or not is uncertain, but he’s definitely Luo Yi’s. How could she be so heartless towards her own flesh and blood?”


“She must dislike or even hate the child,” Si Ye said, understanding Luo Yi’s mindset too well, having experienced similar feelings from Tao Minzhi.


The next day, the police reported that Luo Yi had confessed. She had hired the truck driver and had orchestrated Si Lin’s disappearance seventeen years ago. She had hired kidnappers who posed as a couple and had stolen Si Lin. The kidnappers had a car accident on the way, and Luo Yi believed Si Lin had perished in the fire. Seventeen years later, when Si Ye found Si Lin alive and well, it shattered her peace. The sight of Si Lin thriving tortured her unstable mind, driving her to act again.


Knowing she could use her mental instability as a defense, Luo Yi confessed, feeling no burden from her actions. Even if she denied it, the evidence pointed to her, so she chose to confess herself.


The revelation devastated Si Yaowei. His seemingly perfect marriage turned out to be a meticulously planned deceit.


“Is Xuezhou Jinwen’s child?!” Si Yaowei, furious, grabbed Luo Yi’s collar, only to be restrained by the police.


Luo Yi sneered, “Did you really think I could fall for a fool like you? How could you compare to Jinwen?”


“You bitch!” Si Yaowei, red-eyed with rage, lunged at Luo Yi, resulting in a scuffle.


Xuezhou learned the truth when Si Yaowei, drunk, called him a bastard and threw a bottle at him, which he narrowly avoided. The revelation shocked Xuezhou, explaining his mother’s lifelong disdain. If he were Jinwen’s child, Luo Yi, who loved Jinwen, wouldn’t hate him, leading him to doubt his parentage further.


After Luo Yi was admitted to the same sanatorium as Tao Minzhi, the two women clashed, revealing another shocking secret. Xuezhou wasn’t Jinwen’s son but Yaoxian’s, making him Si Ye’s half-brother.


On their wedding night, a drunk Yaoxian had assaulted Luo Yi while Yaowei lay unconscious on a nearby sofa. Discovering her pregnancy later, Luo Yi intended to abort but refrained due to health risks. She needed a child for her status in the Si family, so she kept the baby, regardless of the father’s identity.


Her resentment towards Xuezhou stemmed from the assault, associating him with that night’s humiliation. Si Yaowei, blind to the truth, idolized her, never questioning Xuezhou’s parentage.


When Tao Minzhi learned Xuezhou’s true parentage, she screamed and attacked Luo Yi, who laughed maniacally, “Xuezhou has a rightful claim to the Si inheritance, and Si Lin is dying! Karma is real!”


The sanatorium staff separated them, with Luo Yi shrieking, “This is your karma for breaking me and Jinwen apart!”


Tao Minzhi fainted from the shock.


Chen Xu rubbed his temples, “What a mess.”


He knew aristocratic families had their scandals but didn’t anticipate the Si family’s secrets to be so sordid.


The truth of the kidnapping finally emerged: Luo Yi had hired kidnappers posing as cleaners to abduct Si Lin. That day, Zhuo Shunan happened to be at the same hospital. Spotting her valuable jewelry, the kidnappers decided to kidnap both children for double the ransom. This led to the car accident that resulted in Si Lin being rescued by the Fan couple and Chen Xu by Old Master Lin, while the kidnappers perished in the fire.


The root cause of all this chaos was Si Jinwen’s romantic entanglements.


Si Ye, holding Chen Xu close, felt the weight of the revelations. Neither spoke, both processing the information in silence.


Si Yaowei, devastated, went abroad and vanished from their lives.


Si Ye arranged for a psychologist to help Xuezhou, who stayed mostly in his room but was still eating and drinking, showing signs of recovery.


The most affected by these events was Si Lin. Upon learning his legs had been amputated, he had a breakdown, destroying his hospital room and refusing to listen to anyone.

Rain : These women geeeeez..

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  1. Pichi says:

    Man that’s crazy, you don’t have to respect Luo Yi but you do have to respect the hustle

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