BPTCMW : Chapter 26


The air turned quiet, and no one spoke for a moment.


Xia Yang could feel all the eyes in the room focusing on him in that instant.


However, this time Jin Yang didn’t fly into a rage. He scoffed, narrowed his eyes, and raised his eyebrows, “Are you saying you also have a connection with my brother?”


Xia Yang contemplated the micro-expressions and the rather stupid question from this guy, then suddenly realized something.


This kid wasn’t purely an idiot.


Having suffered setbacks previously, he had upgraded his tactics this time, employing a dual-strategy approach. Attacking from two sides.


The first, obviously, was to snatch resources.


In Jin Yang’s mind, he believed Xia Yang and Han Yi had a contractual marriage. The previous displays of affection were just for show in front of Tang Lao Furen. When not performing, Xia Yang was just a pawn with no remaining value, and thus wouldn’t dare to make any unreasonable requests of Han Yi.


Secondly, he guessed that before coming here, Jin Yang had done a reverse deduction: what if Xia Yang’s relationship with Han Yi wasn’t as superficial as he thought, and there were some feelings involved? To secure the ad role, Xia Yang might pull out the husband card, thereby revealing their marital status, breaking their hidden marriage and offending Han Yi greatly.


These two strategies were interconnected. Winning one would leave Xia Yang badly wounded.


Compared to the latter, the former was a less severe blow. But revealing the marriage was like hitting a nerve. It could destroy any chance of recovery.


This was really sinister.


After analyzing, Xia Yang shifted from his aggressive stance to a more strategic one, choosing to obscure the exposed edge of his hidden card.


But his attitude remained unyielding, fearless, and even more dominant than Jin Yang’s.


“You don’t need to worry about my relationship with Han Yi. That’s not your concern.”


Jin Yang’s face visibly changed.


Xia Yang gave him no chance to speak, stepping forward and locking eyes with him, “Did you say you had Han Yi’s authorization? Show it to me!”


Jin Yang hesitated, his gaze colliding with Xia Yang’s before avoiding eye contact.


“Are you teaching me how to do things? Why should I show you? Who do you think you are to demand that from me!”


Heh, guilty. There’s definitely something fishy… Xia Yang sneered inwardly.


“Yes, I have no right to tell you what to do, but the person in charge of this business does,” he said, turning to Xiang Tianran, gesturing, “Director Xiang is always meticulous in his work. I’m sure he’d want to verify your ‘authorization’ from the chairman. You can’t just claim whatever you want. I could say I’m the chairman’s wife!”


“You—” Jin Yang seemed to have a nerve struck, immediately losing his composure. His eyebrows shot up, and his chest heaved. Xiang Tianran let out a small laugh but quickly stifled it.


The business director glanced at Xia Yang, narrowing his eyes and lowering his lashes, pondering something.


After a moment of silence, Xiang Tianran nodded at Jin Yang, “Mr. Jin, what Xia Yang said makes sense. As the primary person in charge of the ad campaign, I have the right to know if Chairman Han has made any decisions regarding the selection of the ad actor. Please provide evidence so that I can comply with and execute it as an employee.”


Jin Yang’s eyes darted nervously, his lips pressed tightly together, unwilling to produce the “authorization.”


Several minutes passed. The business director, looking impatient, glanced at his watch and nudged Jin Yang’s arm, “Xiao Jin, just show it. Didn’t Chairman Han say he’d give you the resource? What are you afraid of?”


“I…” Jin Yang muttered before backing down.


After much fumbling, he finally pulled out his phone and showed a photo from his album.


Xiang Tianran took the phone, zooming in on the image. After a few seconds, he looked up and said, “Is this just a chat record?”


“What else? Isn’t a chat record enough? What more do you want to see!” Jin Yang retorted, his neck stiff and his face flushed.


Xiang Tianran nodded and handed the phone to Xia Yang, maintaining a businesslike demeanor, “Mr. Xia, this is the authorization Mr. Jin obtained from Chairman Han. It’s a screenshot of a WeChat conversation. Have a look.”


Xia Yang picked up on the hidden undertone.


“Ha? A chat screenshot? How weighty an authorization.” He rubbed his eyes exaggeratedly, took the phone, and looked closely.


In just three seconds, he spotted the inconsistencies.


[Global Supermodel Jin Xiao Yang]: Brother, I’m interested in your company’s annual creative ad campaign.


[Global Supermodel Jin Xiao Yang]: Can I do it? [Pleading face]


[Global Supermodel Jin Xiao Yang]: No point in letting outsiders benefit [Drooling][Drooling]


[Global Supermodel Jin Xiao Yang]: I promise I’ll give you a Hollywood-level shoot!


[Han Yi]: Sure, if you want to do it, it’s yours.


[Han Yi]: You’re a model; it suits you.


[Global Supermodel Jin Xiao Yang]: Thanks, brother, mwah.


[Han Yi]: [Grinning][Grinning][Grinning]


What the heck? Seriously, [Grinning]? Xia Yang almost burst out laughing.


Aside from anything else, that yellow emoji completely debunked the fake authorization.


Han Yi always used cold, formal text in WeChat, never attaching any emojis.


Let alone a [Grinning] face.


Grinning my foot!


Apart from that, the tone and style were poorly mimicked. From what Xia Yang knew, Han Yi was always brief and never gave explanations for his decisions.


Claiming this to be an order from a high and mighty chairman was something not even a dog would believe.


So, this screenshot was most likely fabricated by Jin Yang.


Low-grade, low-quality, and full of flaws.


With this analysis done, Xia Yang cleared his throat and spoke loudly, “Mr. Jin, in my experience, this ‘authorization’ didn’t come from Han Yi. Look, even the font of Han Yi’s name is misaligned, and the spacing is inconsistent.”


Whether the font was misaligned or not, Xia Yang couldn’t tell. This was just a blind shot.


Xiang Tianran’s eyes widened. “Are you saying this is a forged authorization? Mr. Xia, you can’t make such a joke. Are you sure?”


Xia Yang nodded firmly, “Mm-hmm.”


Xiang Tianran pursed his lips, wanting to take the phone for a closer look. But before he could, Jin Yang snatched it back.


“Nonsense!” he shouted at Xia Yang, “You’re slandering me! What about my dignity!”


“We can have a professional check it,” Xia Yang suggested calmly. “A large company like ours must have someone proficient in Photoshop.”


“Why should I!” Jin Yang was clearly panicking. He locked his phone and stuffed it back into his pocket.


Heh, the blind shot did hit something.


Xia Yang’s goal was achieved, and he smiled faintly, “If Mr. Jin lacks confidence, this ‘authorization’ doesn’t count since it can’t even face scrutiny.”


Jin Yang: “…”


“I’ll say it again,” Xia Yang shrugged, “If you insist this is Chairman Han’s order, then I must insist I am Chairman Han’s wife. Believe it or not…”


Jin Yang gritted his teeth, his veins bulging on his forehead. The business director snorted and pointed at Xia Yang, “Young man, stop pretending. Our Chairman Han is not someone you, an idol, can be associated with.”


“Oh, well.” Xia Yang smiled meaningfully, “But I wasn’t pretending.”


Xiang Tianran: “?”


Business Director: “???????”


Jin Yang swallowed hard, his reddened eyes locked on Xia Yang. His mouth moved, but he could only stay silent.


The ambiguous and confusing statement froze the air again.


Everyone seemed to be rapidly processing thoughts, only Xia Yang enjoying the atmosphere, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes with pride and elegance.




Jin Yang: “…”


The others: “…”


The business director glanced between them, then shifted tactics, trying to smooth things over.


“Oh, come on, it’s just an ad. Why not shoot it together and split the pay 50-50?”


Xia Yang & Jin Yang: “No way! Absolutely not!”


Business Director: “…”


Time passed, and after half an hour, Xiang Tianran, silent for a while, gestured to the business director.


“Mr. Fang, can you please excuse me for a moment?”


“Huh? What’s up?”


“I need to discuss something with you…”


Xiang Tianran took the business director to a small conference room, leaving Jin Yang and Xia Yang to glare at each other.


If looks could kill, they would have shredded each other into pieces.


Soon, Jin Yang’s face twitched, and he resorted to verbal attacks.


“Don’t hold your breath. You can’t beat me. The business director outranks the brand director. I can find several more high-level executives in the company who know I’m Chairman Han’s cousin. They’ll all support me. Who knows you?”


Xia Yang figured the little tea-drinker was confused, his logic failing.


He probably forgot his initial two-strategy plan and focused solely on grabbing resources.


Too early to praise him as not entirely an idiot.


“Do you only know how to rely on connections?” Xia Yang shook his head, remaining calm, “Can’t you face me like a man without Han Yi’s halo?”


Jin Yang’s face twitched again, overusing the eye muscle, forcing him to cover it. Hearing Xia Yang’s words, he retorted.


“Don’t talk nonsense. I rely on connections. So what? My brother’s halo is mine. Did your brother give you anything?”


“Hey, why cover your eyes?” Xia Yang interrupted, laughing. “Is it too absurd even for you?”


“Bullshit!” Jin Yang cursed.


His eye muscle spasmed more violently, affecting his mouth and cheek, making him look like he touched an electric fence.


Seeing his ridiculous face, Xia Yang almost laughed out his abs.


Self-inflicted punishment. It described this clueless guy perfectly.


“Save yourself, and move on,” Xia Yang regained composure, “I’ll take this resource. Your backup won’t help. Do you think holding two twos guarantees a win? Do you think I’m scared to play my trump card? You underestimate the boss’s wife!”


“You damn—” Jin Yang’s face twisted in rage. Ignoring his twitching eye, he yelled, “Calling yourself the boss’s wife? If Han Yi cared, why didn’t he help you? If he cared, why didn’t he stand up for you?”


Xia Yang was about to respond when the small conference room door opened. Xiang Tianran and the business director returned, looking like they had reached an agreement.


Xiang Tianran now held a remote.


“Mr. Xia, Mr. Jin,” he cleared his throat, “To be fair, we’ve decided on a public review and vote. We’ll form a jury from various departments, totaling 50 people, to vote on both of your works and select the one that fits the cruise ad best.”


“These departments are well-versed in our cruise products, professionally and aesthetically competent. Please trust their judgment.”


“Agreed!” / “Opposed!” Xia Yang and Jin Yang spoke simultaneously.


Xia Yang knew Jin Yang was a genuine coward, shrinking at the prospect of relying on skill.


But he also knew a public jury was his best non-Han Yi route.


“Three to one, majority rules.” Xia Yang decisively said, not giving Jin Yang a chance to back out, “A big company must uphold fairness. Without it, how can it thrive in the cutthroat business world?”


Xiang Tianran nodded approvingly. Jin Yang moved his lips, seeking support.


“Director Fang, say something…”


The business director coughed, patting Jin Yang, “Be confident. Many in the company know you’re related to the chairman. What’s a little vote!”


Jin Yang: “…”


Xia Yang: Right, being related to the chairman means nothing!


In the conversation’s lull, Xiang Tianran logged into the internal system, quickly selecting jury members and uploading both candidates’ works.


He even connected the small conference room’s LED screen, projecting the voting process.


Soon, the screen displayed the voting program. In a few minutes, two voting bars began to rise, the left representing Xia Yang, the right Jin Yang. The left bar rose overwhelmingly.


Xia Yang watched the widening gap with satisfaction. Public opinion was clear. Family connections meant nothing, but the boss’s wife’s skill was undeniable!


With two minutes left, the gap continued to widen. Xia Yang began preparing his victory speech, feeling triumph was near.


Suddenly, Jin Yang snatched Xiang Tianran’s phone, stopping the voting.


The screen flickered, and the program ended.


Everyone: “…”


Xia Yang: “…”


Damn, this guy can’t take a loss!


“Family connections” mean nothing if you can’t play fair!


The LED screen reverted to the home screen, showing a call from Han Yi.


…Han Yi? Xia Yang’s heart skipped a beat.


Why would his husband call now!


Xiang Tianran saw the call, hurriedly answered, speaking respectfully, “Hello, Chairman Han.”


The business director stood straighter, nervously swallowing repeatedly.


The phone’s speaker projected Han Yi’s cold, low voice, echoing through the room.


“When did the brand department’s efficiency become so poor? Do you need to make a big deal out of selecting an ad actor?”


Xiang Tianran bowed, “Sorry, Chairman Han, it’s like this…”


“I don’t want explanations,” Han Yi cut him off, “Decision-making requires logic and analysis, not interpersonal relationships.”


Xiang Tianran, sweating, nodded, “Yes, Chairman Han, you’re right…”


Xia Yang held his breath, staring at the screen, hearing Han Yi’s voice, feeling surreal.


His husband was supposed to be “working from home.” How did he know what was happening?


And at such a perfect time.




Xiang Tianran hesitated but spoke up, “Chairman Han, since you’re aware, could you help us decide between Xia Yang and Jin Yang for the ad actor?”


“Evaluating competence is a basic skill. If you need me for this, consider resigning.” Han Yi’s cold decisiveness made Xiang Tianran sweat even more.


“Understood, Chairman Han. I’ll have legal prepare the contract with Xia Yang today.”


“Not in two days, today,” Han Yi stated before hanging up.


Silence returned. Xia Yang’s shocked expression and wide eyes reflected his disbelief.


But reality confirmed everything.


He turned to Xiang Tianran, “So, the cruise ad is mine, right?”


“Correct, Chairman Han personally instructed it.” Xiang Tianran nodded, gesturing politely, “Mr. Xia, please sit. I’ll have legal prepare the contract.”


“Thank you.” Xia Yang exhaled, sitting down, his heartbeat still racing.


It seemed relying on his husband was the most effective.


The shock wasn’t just beating Jin Yang but Han Yi’s sudden intervention.


Feeling like he was in a dream, he watched as the business director and Jin Yang glared at each other.


“What’s going on? Isn’t Chairman Han close to you? How did you lose to an outsider?” The business director nudged Jin Yang, clearly displeased.


Jin Yang’s face turned from red to white, then black, clutching his shirt, unable to respond.


At that moment, Jin Yang’s phone rang. He glanced at it, eyes lighting up.


“It’s my brother! He must be reconsidering, calling me now!”


Xia Yang rolled his eyes.


Jin Yang eagerly answered, “Brother! Brother, did you call?”


Han Yi’s icy voice came through, “I’ve booked your flight for tomorrow. Pack your things and depart in the morning.”


Jin Yang was stunned, “W-what flight? Where am I going?”






“Too much idle time leads to trouble. I’ve arranged for you to learn winemaking. Tomorrow, you’ll leave for labor reform.”


The call ended, leaving Jin Yang speechless, clutching his phone, calling out “brother” to the busy signal.


Xia Yang didn’t catch the conversation but sensed it wasn’t good from Jin Yang’s expression.


“What’s up? Did your brother arrange a vacation to calm you down?” he asked, and Jin Yang exploded.


Red-eyed, Jin Yang lunged at Xia Yang, ready to fight.


Startled, Xia Yang dodged, and the business director pinned the enraged Jin Yang to the ground.


“Harmony and justice prevail. I can’t allow you to harm innocent people!”


“I used to practice sumo! Upholding justice, stopping nonsense!”


Jin Yang howled on the ground, Xia Yang amazed.


He gave a thumbs up, “…Impressive.”


So, Han Yi’s company was full of talents. Quick change artists.




After signing the contract, it was late. Xia Yang left the company, feeling elated.


His husband’s unexpected support made him rethink their relationship.


He decided to buy a small gift to show his gratitude.


On his way home, he saw a dessert shop, “Surprise and You,” and asked the driver to stop.


What a lovely name, fitting the mood perfectly!


He entered, deciding not to show the adult blind box.


Who knows what might be inside—lubricant, vibrator, or even a toy.


He didn’t want to explain to the caveman.


Entering the shop, he was greeted by the sweet aroma. Remembering Han Yi’s aversion to sweets, he asked, “Do you have savory cakes?”


“Yes, we do,” the clerk pointed, “The green oval one is a spinach and meat savory cake.”


Xia Yang looked down, “Uh…”


It looked like a green turtle.


“Green is not suitable. It’s for my partner,” he explained, scanning the display.


“What about that one that looks like a certificate?” he pointed.


“That’s a meat floss savory cake,” the clerk explained.


The cake was a perfect rectangle, wrapped in meat floss, looking appetizing.


Pink strawberry juice and dark chocolate created a certificate design, with “Best Husband Award” written in artistic script.


Perfect for Han Yi today.


The clerk packaged the cake, and Xia Yang noticed a box of beautifully wrapped blind boxes.


“Handsome, today we have a promotion. Add 1 yuan and get a blind box. Want to try? It could be a fun gift for your partner~”


Xia Yang’s eyes lit up. He wasn’t interested in romantic surprises but loved a good mystery. He picked a yellow box without hesitation.


“Yellow ones are adult blind boxes, for 18 and above. Are you of age?”


“Of course.” Xia Yang chose the yellow box.


Returning home, he walked straight to the second floor, hiding the adult blind box in his pocket.


The savory cake was for Han Yi, but the blind box was private.


Reaching the door, he pushed it open.


“Mr. Han, I’m back. Look what good things I brought you!”


Han Yi raised his head from a pile of documents: “?”


He glanced at the cake in his hand, paused, and asked: “Is your birthday?”


“Oh no, no, no,” Xia Yang waved his hand, unpacked the outer packaging, spread his arms, and happily presented the “Grand Prize Certificate”.


“Here you go~ This is my heartfelt gratitude and my earnest expectations for your future!”


Han Yi: “…”


The “Best Husband Award” on the cake left him stunned for several seconds.


“So, how did I do? Was it a good choice?” Xia Yang asked with a cheeky grin.


Han Yi responded, “Good. But don’t buy it again next time.”


Xia Yang: “…”


Despite his blunt dislike for the award cake, Han Yi still took a closer look at it after receiving it and then instructed the household staff to take it to the dining room as today’s dessert for lunch.


“I’ll take it to them,” Xia Yang said, holding the cake as he prepared to go downstairs, but he accidentally stumbled and bumped into the desk, causing something to slip out of his pocket.


With a “plop,” a small, square box fell onto the edge of the desk.


Both of them instinctively looked down, and Xia Yang’s heart skipped a beat: Oh no!


Han Yi glanced at the box and raised his eyebrows, “What’s this?”


“…A blind box,” Xia Yang replied, omitting the “adult” aspect, swallowing nervously as he explained.


Han Yi noticed the brief flash of embarrassment on Xia Yang’s face, picked up the small box, and inspected it closely.


It was light, about the size of a palm, and the packaging was tightly sealed. His eyes inadvertently caught a glimpse of four small words printed in an inconspicuous spot at the bottom right corner—[Love’s Secret].


His gaze lingered for a moment before he asked, “You bought this too?”


“Yeah,” Xia Yang nodded, rubbing his hands together under the table, “I bought it for fun.”


Han Yi’s eyes flicked back to the words [Love’s Secret], showing a rare interest in something unrelated to work, “I’ve never seen a blind box before. I want to see it.”


Xia Yang: “…”


Xia Yang: “………………”


He had originally planned to take the box back to his own room, where he could enjoy it alone in the quiet of the night.


He never expected it would be exposed right in front of his plastic husband.


What shocked him even more was Han Yi’s interest in this kind of thing. He never knew the ice-cold man had such a curious quirk.


But this was an adult blind box! Who knew what kind of inappropriate surprise might be inside!


To avoid any unnecessary embarrassment, Xia Yang took a deep breath and decided to be honest, “Uh… you can look if you really want to, but based on my past experiences, blind boxes are risky. You have to be cautious when opening them because there’s a good chance you’ll end up with something indecent, immoral, or even something so vulgar it’ll hurt your eyes…”


“So, I strongly advise against taking the risk…”


Han Yi stared at his face for a moment, a hint of contemplation in his dark eyes.


Just when Xia Yang thought his exaggerated warning had scared off his plastic husband, Han Yi picked up the box opener from the desk and made a small cut in the box.


Xia Yang: “…”


Xia Yang: “You—you’re really going to open it!”


Aren’t you worried about venturing into the unknown?!


Han Yi, expressionless, moved his lips slightly, “Curious.”


With a “click,” the blind box was opened, and a small object wrapped in pink plastic foam fell out of the box.


Xia Yang held his breath, his toes ready to dig a hole in the floor out of sheer anxiety. He quickly covered his eyes with his hands, leaving only a small gap between his fingers to peek through…


Author’s Note:


Be like: [Let me see] WeChat emoji


Let me take a peek at what this interesting thing is~


When the chapter goes VIP, there will be a raffle. [Let me see] who will win~~


Keep me fueled with caffeine! Support me on Ko-fi! ★~(◡‿◡✿)

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  1. Clara says:

    Obrigada pelo capítulo 🥰🧡

  2. paramita rahma sriwardhani says:

    Who is this green tea Jin Yang again? He is as annoying as flies

    I forgot n don’t wanna re-read

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