BABHFD : Chapter 20 Jealousy



Ren Zhouyuan initially thought that sharing a room with Leonid would make him uncomfortable, but to his surprise, he fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. He was awakened the next morning by the distant sound of Leonid talking on the phone. 


As Ren Zhouyuan stretched and sat up, he realized that Leonid was in the bathroom, and the conversation didn’t seem to be pleasant. Leonid’s tone was impatient, and Ren Zhouyuan felt a bit awkward listening in. He decided to step out of the room to give Leonid some privacy, but just as he was about to leave, the bathroom door opened.


Their eyes met, and Ren Zhouyuan froze. He gestured that he would step out, but Leonid waved it off, indicating that it was okay.


In the small room, Leonid’s phone call filled the silence. The voice on the other end was sharp and female, crying and shouting in Russian. Ren Zhouyuan didn’t understand the specifics but could tell it was an argument. He suddenly remembered the woman he had seen in Leonid’s office, Natasha. Ren Zhouyuan had heard from Kong Fei that she was Leonid’s fiancée, and he instinctively felt that it was her on the phone.


Leonid didn’t seem to mind Ren Zhouyuan overhearing the conversation, and indeed, the caller was Natasha. Since Ren Zhouyuan first appeared at the company, Leonid had told Natasha he had found the person he had been searching for and hoped to dissolve their engagement peacefully.


Leonid had made it clear when they decided to get engaged that his heart belonged to someone else. Natasha had believed this to be an excuse Leonid used to avoid marriage, confident that her charm would eventually win him over. However, a year later, the person Leonid had been waiting for appeared, and she refused to believe it was anything but another excuse.


Leonid had assumed Natasha understood their arrangement but was frustrated to learn she had gone behind his back to plan their wedding. He had tried to resolve things with his family, but Natasha’s persistence led to another heated phone call.


“I will remain loyal to my family, and I hope you find someone who can be loyal to you,” Leonid said, rubbing his temples. “But unfortunately, that person will not be me. Natasha, I wish you happiness, but if your happiness requires sacrificing mine, then I must apologize. I am a selfish person, and I only hope the person I love will accept the happiness I offer. My heart is small and cannot hold anyone else but him.”


Leonid’s words were meant to make his stance clear to Natasha and also to show Ren Zhouyuan his attitude towards their engagement. However, Ren Zhouyuan’s mind wandered as he tried to comprehend Leonid’s declaration of loyalty to his family. Would Leonid’s loyalty extend to him and An An if he knew about An An?


For a moment, Ren Zhouyuan felt a pang of jealousy towards the person Leonid mentioned, his long-standing desire for a family twisting his emotions. He clenched his fists, feeling the strain, before shaking his head and heading to the bathroom.


Leonid watched him the entire time, sighing softly as Ren Zhouyuan closed the bathroom door. He was already frustrated with Natasha’s endless tears and complaints. After a few more words, he hung up.


When Ren Zhouyuan emerged from the bathroom, he had regained his composure. He saw Leonid, dressed and waiting, and felt a bit surprised. Leonid invited him to breakfast, and they left the room together.


The walk was silent, each lost in their own thoughts, until breakfast was almost over, and Leonid broke the silence. “I apologize for this morning.”


Ren Zhouyuan paused, then shook his head.


“That was my ‘former’ fiancée,” Leonid explained. “You met her in my office.”


Ren Zhouyuan glanced at him but only nodded without much reaction.


Leonid couldn’t understand what Ren Zhouyuan was thinking. He wanted to clarify his single status, hoping for a reaction from Ren Zhouyuan, but there was none. Even though Ren Zhouyuan had his child, this indifference puzzled Leonid.


The rest of the day, Ren Zhouyuan seemed uninterested, only dutifully translating when necessary. Leonid didn’t know how to handle the situation.


The two-day trip ended quickly, and they were ready to return. Leonid, unwilling to let the trip end on such a strange note, used his authority to rearrange the seating, ensuring only he, Ren Zhouyuan, and the driver were in the car.


Ren Zhouyuan, lost in thought, didn’t notice the change. Leonid soon started a conversation.


“Thankfully you were here,” he joked. “I realized without Ron, I’m practically useless in China.”


Ren Zhouyuan glanced at him and replied, “It’s nothing.”


As the conversation stalled, Leonid tried a different approach. “Tell me about your son.”


Ren Zhouyuan’s face changed immediately. “My son?”


“Yes,” Leonid said, ignoring the tension. “I have a brother with a son named Anatoli. He’s a handful but adorable. They are very happy together. I’m quite envious.”


Ren Zhouyuan’s heart raced. “I see. My son is very clingy.”


Leonid’s initial goal was just to get Ren Zhouyuan talking, but he became genuinely interested.


“He sticks to me at home. When I work, he sits quietly nearby. If I move, he grabs my clothes and follows me everywhere like a little shadow.”


Talking about An An softened Ren Zhouyuan’s expression. Leonid listened, imagining the scenes at home and feeling moved.


Occasionally, Leonid shared stories about his nephew, making Ren Zhouyuan talk more about An An. The two-hour drive passed quickly, and as they arrived back at the company, Ren Zhouyuan realized he had said too much and felt regret.


Leonid felt reluctant to part ways but was satisfied with the progress. As the car stopped, he extended his hand to Ren Zhouyuan. “Thank you for your company these two days. I hope next time, I can meet your lovely son.”


Ren Zhouyuan, feeling embarrassed about his earlier openness, shook Leonid’s hand, acknowledging his words with a nod and a polite, “You’re welcome.”

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