BABHFD : Chapter 56 Surprise


Although Ren Zhouyuan didn’t believe Leonid would sneak around behind his back, he did notice that things had improved a little recently. At least, Leonid wasn’t spending the majority of the month abroad. However, Leonid still disappeared once a week, which was starting to get on Ren Zhouyuan’s nerves.


Previously, Ren Zhouyuan had suspected that Leonid was secretly planning something, and now he was almost certain of it. Not only Anna but even Alexei’s family had been staying with them for nearly two months. Whenever he showed signs of wanting to confront Leonid, a group of people would swarm in to soothe him, taking him places to keep him busy.


Ren Zhouyuan tried to coax information out of those around him, but everyone kept their mouths tightly shut. Even Ron, who usually talked a lot, didn’t let a single word slip, making Ren Zhouyuan even more curious about what they were up to.


Every day, Ren Zhouyuan juggled work and family. Anna and the others seemed determined to keep him so busy that he wouldn’t have time to question Leonid. He increasingly felt like a candle burning at both ends, no matter how much he did, it was never enough, and his mood grew more irritable by the day.


One evening, after returning home from work, he steeled himself, expecting the usual distractions. He had resolved to find out where Leonid was no matter what they said. But when he opened the door, the house was empty and dark, a silence that felt oppressive.


Curious and uneasy, Ren Zhouyuan changed his clothes, unable to shake the sense of dread that had settled over him. He spent the evening at home, put An An to bed, and still, no one returned. The seed of anxiety began to grow.


He wondered if they had all gone back to Russia without telling him, but quickly dismissed the idea as improbable. He tried calling Ron, expecting a lengthy wait, but to his surprise, Ron answered quickly. The quiet background noise made Ren Zhouyuan pause before softly calling, “Ron?”


“Yes,” Ron replied. After a brief silence, Ron’s background noise became more lively, and he resumed in his usual tone, “What’s up?”


Hearing Ron’s voice didn’t calm Ren Zhouyuan; instead, the oppressive feeling in his chest grew worse. He asked if Anna and the others had returned to Russia. Ron hesitated before saying no.


Ren Zhouyuan sensed that Ron was hiding something, and he was sure it had to do with Leonid. His expression became serious as he pressed Ron repeatedly about Leonid’s whereabouts.


Ron initially refused to say anything but, worn down by Ren Zhouyuan’s persistence and feeling he deserved to know, eventually sighed and told him everything.


Hearing Ron’s explanation, Ren Zhouyuan’s initial surprise turned to seriousness, and by the end, he was holding the phone with a trembling hand.


“Now we’re at the North District Hospital. Leonid’s family is here too,” Ron paused, “They didn’t want to tell you, fearing you’d worry, but I think you should know.”


With the address Ron provided, Ren Zhouyuan rushed to the hospital. His heart pounded all the way, and when he got out of the taxi, his hands were shaking so much he almost dropped the money.


He ran around the hospital like a headless chicken until he finally found Leonid’s room. Seeing Leonid sleeping peacefully on the bed, the breath he had been holding all night finally released. He felt his strength drain, nearly collapsing.


Ron and the others quickly stepped forward to support him. After steadying himself, he waved them off, and they told him he could go in to see Leonid. He gently pushed the door open.


Earlier on the phone, Ron had explained what Leonid had been busy with recently. Ren Zhouyuan felt overwhelmingly touched, but that emotion quickly turned to worry when he heard Leonid had been injured setting up a venue. Seeing Leonid sleeping soundly brought him immense relief.


Noticing the thick plaster cast on Leonid’s left leg, Ren Zhouyuan felt a twinge of anger and couldn’t resist poking it gently.


Leonid, who was already a light sleeper, woke up with a sharp intake of breath. Seeing Ren Zhouyuan sitting by the bed, he was momentarily confused.


“Idiot,” Ren Zhouyuan scolded softly when he saw Leonid awake.


Leonid was surprised to see him there, quickly realizing what had happened. He sighed, a bit helpless, having hoped to keep everything a secret. It hadn’t even been a night, and Ren Zhouyuan had found out.


Leonid tried to gauge how much Ren Zhouyuan knew, cautiously fishing for information, but it soon became clear that Ren Zhouyuan knew everything.


Sitting by the bed, Ren Zhouyuan took Leonid’s hand in both of his, kissed it, and asked, “Why didn’t you tell me?”


Rubbing his nose awkwardly, Leonid said, “I wanted to surprise you, but it turned into a scare.” He gave a wry smile and glanced at his injured leg.


Ren Zhouyuan shook his head, smiling, “You’ve given me enough surprises. As long as you’re okay, that’s the best surprise for me.”


Leonid looked at his face for a long moment before lifting his hand, beckoning him closer. Ren Zhouyuan leaned in, and Leonid cupped his face, exchanging a deep kiss. When it ended, they stayed close, Leonid’s nose brushing Ren Zhouyuan’s, his voice low and hoarse, “I want to give you surprises for a lifetime, but I’m sorry I messed up this time.”


Ren Zhouyuan nudged his forehead against Leonid’s, then playfully bit his chin in slight annoyance.


He carefully rearranged Leonid’s position on the bed and lay beside him, wrapping his arms around his waist. Listening to Leonid’s heartbeat, Ren Zhouyuan’s anxiety finally began to subside.


After a while, he softly spoke, “You’ve given me enough surprises. From the moment you entered my life, you’ve been creating surprises for me.” His voice was gentle, bringing a sense of calm, “You brought An An into my life, gave me a family, brought me so many relatives, and gave me your love. These surprises are countless. Every morning I wake up is a surprise you’ve given me.”


Leonid’s strong heartbeat resonated in Ren Zhouyuan’s ear, speeding up with each word. Ren Zhouyuan knew Leonid felt the same way.


He intertwined their fingers and continued, “I don’t need more surprises from you. The wedding is our business, something we should plan together. You missed An An’s birth, and though it seems there’s no news about my pregnancy yet, I want you to be part of our next child’s birth and growth.”


Ren Zhouyuan looked into Leonid’s eyes, which shone under the light like stars in a dark sky. With a sincere tone, he said, “I hope we can face every part of life together, big or small. Okay?”


Leonid, feeling his emotions stirred and influenced by Ren Zhouyuan’s words, willingly nodded. In the same sincere tone, he replied, “I promise.”

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