BABHFD : Chapter 59 – Extra 1

Side Story 1 - Extra 1

Ever since Leonid found out that Ren Zhouyuan was pregnant, he treated him like a fragile item. To him, Ren Zhouyuan never seemed as robust as a Russian man, and now he was even more cautious, worried that the slightest touch might break him. Whether at home or outside, Leonid was extremely protective.


An An also heard about the baby and would often stare at Ren Zhouyuan’s belly with wide eyes, seeing no change and asking incessantly, “Papa, where’s the baby?”


Ren Zhouyuan would always pat his head and tell him that the baby was hiding and wouldn’t be seen until ten months later. Meanwhile, Leonid would tell him that the baby was as small as his little finger now, and they needed to make sure Papa ate well so the baby could grow.


As a result, An An would frequently ask if the baby was now the size of his index finger or a fist, and why the baby was growing so slowly.


Everyone soon learned about Ren Zhouyuan’s pregnancy. Ron often visited, wanting to see firsthand how a man could carry a child. Leonid saw through his intentions and didn’t let him inside, while Ren Zhouyuan felt it didn’t matter much since his belly hadn’t started showing yet.


Leonid’s family also visited frequently, and Ren Zhouyuan took the opportunity to talk to Daria about pregnancy matters. During his first pregnancy, he had stumbled through it without much experience. Now, Daria was the only one he could discuss these things with; Anna was too old and a senior, and the other men were clueless. Usually, the rest of the family would discreetly observe him while pretending not to notice, except for Anatoly, who would follow Ren Zhouyuan around, staring curiously like An An used to.


At such times, An An would come out to protect his father fiercely, as if worried that others’ gazes might harm him. The combined protection from this big and small pair turned Ren Zhouyuan into a national treasure, making everyone else act cautiously around him. This level of care made Ren Zhouyuan feel a bit helpless. Comparing it to his first pregnancy, where he felt abandoned, this was indeed excessive. He worried that if this continued for ten months, he would be exhausted before the baby arrived.


Fan Wenfeng commented that these were sweet troubles and that Ren Zhouyuan should enjoy the care and love from his family, especially after all the hardships. If Leonid wasn’t pampering him now, he might as well leave him.


Ren Zhouyuan agreed that he was being a bit dramatic and started learning to adapt to this new lifestyle.


By the third month of pregnancy, Leonid had cleared his schedule to accompany Ren Zhouyuan to his first prenatal check-up. Lying on the hospital bed, Ren Zhouyuan finally felt a bit nervous, but Leonid seemed even more anxious. Holding his hand tightly, Leonid’s palm was sweaty, and he kept muttering for Ren Zhouyuan not to worry, although it was unclear if he was talking to him or to himself.


Zheng Bo glanced at Leonid with a smile and looked at Ren Zhouyuan with a teasing glint in his eye, making the latter a bit embarrassed. He rubbed his nose and urged Zheng Bo to start quickly.


“Yes, you can see the embryo now,” Zheng Bo said, turning the screen toward them and pointing at it. “This is the fetal bud, your little baby. The development is normal.”


Seeing the blurry little shape on the screen, the dads were instantly excited.


For Leonid, it was the first time seeing the baby this closely. Until then, he had only known Ren Zhouyuan was pregnant without truly feeling it. His heart had been in turmoil, but at this moment, it all became real. He tightened his grip on Ren Zhouyuan’s hand.


Ren Zhouyuan also squeezed his hand, his heart racing as he looked at the screen. When he was pregnant with An An, he had been in a state of panic until he held the baby in his arms. This time, he had prepared mentally and eagerly awaited the baby’s arrival. Seeing the tiny fetal bud brought back those initial paternal feelings.


“Hmm?” As the two were immersed in their excitement, Zheng Bo’s sudden exclamation startled them, making their hearts skip a beat.


Zheng Bo adjusted his glasses, moving the ultrasound probe across different spots on Ren Zhouyuan’s belly, his eyes glued to the screen with intense focus. Leonid, feeling anxious, asked, “What’s wrong?”


“Hmm…” Zheng Bo pondered for a moment before breaking into a smile.


Ren Zhouyuan, also feeling uneasy, asked, “What’s going on? Is there something wrong with the baby?”


Shaking his head with a smile, Zheng Bo pressed a few keys on the keyboard. The printer whirred to life. He handed Ren Zhouyuan a couple of tissues to wipe his belly and walked over to the printer, taking the printouts and handing them to Leonid. Pointing at the ultrasound image, he said, “You better save up more money. Raising two kids won’t be easy. Or rather, three, counting An An.”


“Huh?” Ren Zhouyuan paused, staring blankly at Zheng Bo. A few seconds later, Leonid embraced him tightly, kissing him several times. Looking at the overjoyed Leonid, Ren Zhouyuan slowly grasped the meaning of Zheng Bo’s words.


“I… I’m having twins?” he asked, pointing at himself, wide-eyed. “Twins?!”


Even after returning home, Ren Zhouyuan was still in disbelief. They had been trying for a baby for over six months without any luck. Zheng Bo had mentioned that it might be harder for men to conceive, which explained the delay. Now, being told he was carrying twins was overwhelming.


He glanced at Leonid, who was walking beside him, holding him gently, looking happier than ever. Ren Zhouyuan muttered to himself, feeling that Leonid was adapting too well. While he felt weak in the knees from the shock, Leonid seemed elated, his usual stoic face unable to hide the smile on his lips.


Feeling a bit annoyed, Ren Zhouyuan gave Leonid a sidelong glance and said, “Do you know how old I am this year?”


Leonid paused, unsure of where this was going, but obediently answered.


Ren Zhouyuan glared at him. “Do you know that women at this age are considered advanced maternal age? And I’m a man! Carrying one baby is already difficult, and you’re not even concerned about my health. You’re just smiling like an idiot!”


Ren Zhouyuan had initially wanted to vent a little, but the more he spoke, the angrier he became. Leonid barely had time to respond before Ren Zhouyuan stormed off to the bedroom.


Leonid quickly followed, finding Ren Zhouyuan lying on the bed, breathing heavily. He rushed over to comfort him.


Embracing Ren Zhouyuan firmly but gently, Leonid calmed him down by stroking his back.


Ren Zhouyuan’s anger was momentary, and he soon calmed down, nestling in Leonid’s arms.


Leonid realized he hadn’t considered the burden of carrying twins. Hearing Zheng Bo say it aloud made him worry. He gently kissed Ren Zhouyuan’s hand and apologized sincerely. Ren Zhouyuan wasn’t truly angry, so he quickly forgave him.


Leonid, having read extensively about these topics over the past six months, understood the risks of advanced maternal age. He reassured Ren Zhouyuan, “I’ll be with you, ensuring nothing happens. We’ll get through this together.”


Snuggling closer, Ren Zhouyuan found a comfortable spot in Leonid’s arms. As Leonid patted his back, thinking he was asleep, Ren Zhouyuan suddenly asked, “Do you want a boy or a girl?”


Leonid paused, various images flashing through his mind, and finally said, “It doesn’t matter if it’s a boy or a girl. As long as it’s yours, I’ll love them.”


“That’s so cliché,” Ren Zhouyuan grumbled, but he felt warm inside and quickly fell asleep in Leonid’s arms.


Ren Zhouyuan didn’t make a big announcement about the twins, but Leonid’s smug demeanor was even more pronounced, making others envious. As Ren Zhouyuan’s belly grew, those with experience noticed something unusual but assumed it was just because a man was pregnant, not considering the possibility of twins.


In the first few months, Ren Zhouyuan’s outward behavior remained unchanged. Even Leonid occasionally doubted the situation, but at fourteen weeks, pregnancy symptoms began appearing, leaving Leonid flustered.


“Ugh…” Watching Ren Zhouyuan vomit into the toilet until he was pale, Leonid looked equally distressed. He knelt beside him, one hand gently rubbing his back, the other holding a towel, unable to do anything more. When Ren Zhouyuan had emptied his stomach and could vomit no more, he took the towel from Leonid and wiped his face, leaning weakly against him, still feeling nauseous.


“Do you want some water?” Leonid asked softly.


Ren Zhouyuan shook his head, unable to speak. Leonid, concerned, carried him back to the bedroom, tucked him in, and waited until he fell asleep before quietly leaving.


He called Zheng Bo, explaining the situation. Zheng Bo reassured him that this was normal. Leonid, however, was even more worried and asked what to do.


Zheng Bo hesitated, saying, “When he came to me during An An’s pregnancy, it was almost time for the baby to be born. I’m not sure if he had similar issues with the first pregnancy. Maybe you should ask him how he handled it before. Morning sickness varies with each person; some might not experience it at all, while others might have it throughout the pregnancy. There’s no definite solution, but you can try giving him light meals and avoid greasy foods.”


Thanking Zheng Bo, Leonid did some research and finally had some ideas.


When Ren Zhouyuan woke up, it was already dark. As he sat up, nausea hit him again. Struggling to his feet, he saw Leonid entering with a tray of colorful drinks.


“What’s this?” Ren Zhouyuan eyed the array of drinks with disdain.


Leonid set them aside and gently massaged Ren Zhouyuan’s stomach. The warmth from his hands brought relief, easing the nausea.


“Do you want something to eat or drink?” Leonid asked.


Shaking his head, Ren Zhouyuan said he wanted honey lemon water. Regretting it immediately, knowing they didn’t have any at home, he was about to apologize when a cup of honey lemon water appeared before him. The refreshing scent of lemon reignited his appetite.


Leonid watched him drink the whole cup, relieved. He made a mental note of Ren Zhouyuan’s preferences, and soon enough, magic seemed to conjure up various strange foods. After that, Ren Zhouyuan never vomited again.


Ren Zhouyuan felt reassured. This man was indeed keeping his promise, always by his side, always trying his best.


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