BABHFD : Chapter 61 – Extra 3

Side Story 1 - Extra 3

When Ren Zhouyuan woke up, it had been two hours. He was placed in a private ward, with an IV drip in his left hand. Lying in bed, he took a moment to gather himself before using his free hand to slowly sit up.


The moment he moved, Fan Wenfeng quickly came over to help him up. Recognizing Fan Wenfeng, Ren Zhouyuan immediately recalled what happened before he fainted. Grabbing Fan Wenfeng’s arm, he anxiously asked, “You didn’t tell him, did you?”


Fan Wenfeng paused briefly and then shook his head.


Ren Zhouyuan sighed in relief. As he sat up, Zheng Bo entered the room, raising his eyebrows with a smile. “You’re awake?”


“Yeah,” Ren Zhouyuan rubbed his nose, instinctively touching his belly. “What happened? I felt unwell this morning and even experienced acid reflux, which I haven’t had in a while. I’ve just been reading at home and didn’t do anything special.”


As soon as he finished speaking, Fan Wenfeng chimed in, “I read that at this stage, dizziness could indicate preeclampsia. Isn’t that dangerous?”


Zheng Bo looked at him, shook his head, and chuckled. “It’s not as serious as you think. He’s just a bit anemic, and if you keep your head down reading for too long, improper posture can press on nerves and cause dizziness. I’ve given him a glucose drip, and he should be fine to go home once the dizziness passes.”


Hearing this, Ren Zhouyuan felt relieved, but Fan Wenfeng frowned, finding Zheng Bo’s attitude too casual. Since Ren Zhouyuan fainted, Fan Wenfeng had been by his side. Apart from a blood test, no other checks were done. Although he wasn’t a medical expert, he believed more thorough examinations couldn’t hurt.


Expressing his concerns, Fan Wenfeng suggested they should do more tests. Although Zheng Bo was frustrated by the challenge, he patiently explained the situation again. Seeing Fan Wenfeng’s persistent demand for full-body tests, Zheng Bo couldn’t help but laugh.


“It’s really not as serious as you think. Dizziness during pregnancy is common. Just ensure proper nutrition and rest. I understand your concern, but excessive tests can be harmful. I’ll inform Leonid about this, and there’s no need to worry too much.”


Ren Zhouyuan had been watching their exchange, intending to mediate. Hearing Zheng Bo’s last words, his face fell, looking pitifully at Zheng Bo, “You already… told him?”


“Yep,” Zheng Bo gave him a look, guessing that Ren Zhouyuan’s collapse might be due to neglecting self-care with Leonid away. Carrying twins was harder, and poor nutrition combined with prolonged reading without movement for days could easily lead to fainting.


Zheng Bo hadn’t informed Leonid yet but planned to, preparing Ren Zhouyuan for the inevitable scolding.


Fan Wenfeng, although still somewhat dissatisfied, couldn’t argue further, knowing it would make him seem unreasonable.


After the IV, when Ren Zhouyuan felt less dizzy, Fan Wenfeng took him home. Just as they stepped out of the hospital, Zheng Bo called Leonid, informing him of the incident and suggesting more nutritious meals for Ren Zhouyuan. Before long, Ren Zhouyuan received a call from Leonid.


Leonid scolded him over the phone, and Ren Zhouyuan, feeling like a guilty wife, couldn’t argue, agreeing to everything. He planned to apologize and take responsibility when Leonid returned.


Unexpectedly, that night, while Ren Zhouyuan was reading, he heard the door open. Listening intently, the bedroom door soon opened, and Leonid embraced him tightly. Leonid’s anxious, slightly breathless voice resonated in his ear, his heartbeat thumping against Ren Zhouyuan’s chest.


“You… you came back?” Ren Zhouyuan belatedly returned the hug. “Wasn’t it supposed to be two more days?”


Leonid hugged him tightly before gently letting go, a look of reproach in his furrowed brows. “You have some nerve asking. What did I tell you? Taking care of yourself is that hard? It’s bad enough you’re malnourished; now you fainted. If Fan Wenfeng hadn’t been there, were you trying to give me a heart attack?”


Feeling awkward, Ren Zhouyuan rubbed his nose. Leonid had already scolded him over the phone, but hearing it again face-to-face was even more embarrassing.


He accepted the scolding without arguing, repeatedly promising it wouldn’t happen again. Leonid’s anger subsided seeing Ren Zhouyuan, and after catching up, Leonid remembered Ren Zhouyuan’s “malnutrition” issue. He asked what he had for dinner and, unsatisfied with the answer, went to the kitchen to prepare more food.


With Leonid back, the books Ren Zhouyuan was reading lost their appeal. He put on a coat and followed Leonid to the kitchen, watching him busily prepare a late-night snack while still lecturing him. Feeling warm inside, Ren Zhouyuan stepped closer, hugging him from behind and pressing his face against Leonid’s back.


Leonid paused, relaxed, and brought Ren Zhouyuan’s hands to his lips, kissing them before returning them to his waist. Smiling slightly, he warned, “Don’t think you can appease me so easily. I’ve worked hard to improve your health, and I won’t let you slack off. Zheng Bo already told me; be prepared to eat five meals a day.”


Embarrassed, Ren Zhouyuan buried his face in Leonid’s back, nodding after a while.


The incident worried everyone. After An An returned, Leonid even told him, adding another person to scold Ren Zhouyuan. An An, with a stern little face, pointed out where Ren Zhouyuan went wrong, making him reflect deeply.


Under the supervision of one big and one small, Ren Zhouyuan smoothly reached the due date. His belly grew daily, but the second baby remained elusive, never revealing its gender. As time passed, the dads became less anxious, focusing on a safe delivery.


At nine months, everyone grew tense. Anna and Igor flew over, staying at a nearby hotel, visiting two or three times a week. Leonid became even more attentive, abandoning work to care for Ren Zhouyuan.


Initially relaxed, Ren Zhouyuan became anxious, eager to deliver and end the constant tension.


Leonid prepared everything meticulously, even asking about An An’s birth for tips. Ren Zhouyuan, lying in bed, recalled the past. Although some details were fuzzy, he remembered the day An An was born clearly.


“Zheng Bo had brought some supplies that day. While pouring tea, I felt a sharp pain, dropping the cup. After that, it’s a blur. I remember the pain, Zheng Bo driving me to the clinic, and shortly after, An An was born. Looking back, it seems incredible.”


Leonid imagined the scene, feeling a chill. He hugged Ren Zhouyuan tighter, kissed him, and didn’t say much, but his love was evident.


That night, they slept as usual. Leonid, half-asleep, felt Ren Zhouyuan move. Assuming he was uncomfortable, he helped him turn over, supporting his belly.


But Ren Zhouyuan didn’t turn as usual. Instead, he moaned softly, prompting Leonid to turn on the bedside lamp and ask, “Need water? Leg cramps? I’ll help.”


Ren Zhouyuan didn’t respond, just moaned louder. Leonid, touching his sweaty forehead, felt his heart skip. He quickly sat up, supporting Ren Zhouyuan’s waist and belly, asking, “What’s wrong? Is your belly hurting?”


Shaking his head, Ren Zhouyuan bit his lip, brows furrowed, breathing shallowly. Finally, he whispered, “Feels like… I might… be giving birth…”


Leonid’s mind went blank, taking a few seconds to regain his voice. Panicked, he fumbled, unsure of what to do first.


Ren Zhouyuan squeezed his hand, helping him calm down.


After a chaotic rush, Leonid got Ren Zhouyuan to the delivery room. Sitting outside, he remembered to call family and friends.


Ren Zhouyuan didn’t want Leonid witnessing the delivery, feeling it would hurt his pride as a man, even though it was a C-section. So, Leonid waited outside. Though the wait wasn’t long, it felt like an eternity. After two hours, two nurses emerged, each holding a small bundle. Leonid immediately stood up.


“Congratulations on the twins!” one nurse beamed.


Looking at the small faces, Leonid felt his heart melt. Nodding, he asked, “How’s the father?”


Understanding the unique situation, the nurses smiled, “Father and babies are fine. He’ll be in the ward soon. You can wait upstairs.”


Anna and the others, reassured of Ren Zhouyuan’s safety, left for the night, planning to return in the morning. Leonid stayed, following the nurses to the ward.


Seeing the exhausted, sleeping Ren Zhouyuan, he kissed his forehead, gently wiping his body with a warm cloth. Finally, he sat by the bed, holding his hand.


Kissing Ren Zhouyuan’s hand, Leonid whispered, even though he couldn’t hear, “Thank you, my love.”

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