AFMD : Chapter 50

Story 7 : Selling cute (Acting cute)

The story of a cross-dressing roommate from a rich family and a professor.

Shen Hui had been relying on his looks to get by since high school. Coming from a poor family, he came up with a plan to capitalize on his beauty – pretending to be someone’s girlfriend for a fee.

Whenever the client went to an internet cafe, he would stand by holding clothes; when they went for a drive, he would sit in the backseat shouting, “This is so fun!” even when they were speeding at 250 km/h, his expression unchanged… etc. Serving as a facade, he didn’t do anything else, and surprisingly, he never flipped the car.

Shen Hui infuriated his homeroom teacher, a fifty-year-old man.

Until one day, the teacher fell ill, and there was a shortage of teachers at the school. Coincidentally, the teacher’s research student returned to take care of his father, leaving him worried about leaving a group of kids unattended. Instead of asking Shen Hui to stay by the sickbed, he had him substitute teach.

And that’s how Shen Hui ended up in the hands of Lin Jingming.

Lin Jingming appeared gentle but was actually quite cunning and could fight well, with fists as tough as nails. A sinister look in his eyes scared off a bunch of delinquents, and within a few days, he had Shen Hui cleaned up like a quail.

No one dared to ask him to pretend to be a girlfriend anymore, and without any additional source of income, the government subsidy was enough for him to finish school. But Shen Hui, who had always spent money extravagantly, was completely unhappy.

Shen Hui’s parents had passed away when he was young, and no one had taken care of him by the time he was old enough for school. He had played outside for an extra year before entering elementary school. In second grade, his grades were poor, and he decided to repeat the year himself, eventually dragging it out to his senior year, making him two years older than his peers.

The money earned from pretending to be someone else’s girlfriend was all spent on buying good mattresses and furniture. He even meticulously selected pots and pans, but he didn’t care about food, skipping meals from time to time.

Though he was an adult, he always felt inferior in front of Lin Jingming.

“Where’s your school uniform?” Lin Jingming frowned at Shen Hui’s ripped jeans.

“Sold it… sold it.” Shen Hui admitted truthfully. He was tired of lying to Lin Jingming. He could be dragged out of an internet café at three in the morning.

Eventually, he threw away his skirts, cut his hair above his ears, and wore a school uniform a size larger than his, resembling a naive deer sitting in the classroom. With his quick wit, his grades soared, catching up rapidly.

After substituting for a month, Lin Jingming left. Shen Hui pretended to be reluctant, as if the guiding light had been extinguished, tearfully promising to study hard. In reality, he was overjoyed. He could earn money again!

But when Lin Jingming left, the old teacher returned to class. Seeing the transformed Shen Hui, the old teacher’s eyes welled up. “Study hard… you must get into college. Jingming cares about you. He told me to send him your progress reports when you improve.”

Shen Hui felt threatened! What progress reports? It was obviously a threat: “Dare to fall behind, come back, and I’ll kill you.”

The old teacher’s health didn’t improve. He waited at the classroom door every morning, smiling with relief when he saw Shen Hui.

Shen Hui dared not offend the old teacher, fearing repercussions from Lin Jingming. So he studied diligently and eventually got into a top university.

On the day of high school graduation, the old teacher called Shen Hui to his office and gave him an envelope. “Focus on your studies in college. Don’t rush into anything else.”

Opening it, Shen Hui found the living expenses for college. The old teacher was worried he would squander money and jeopardize his future.

With tears in his eyes, Shen Hui vowed to repay the old teacher tenfold. As for Lin Jingming… he purposely chose a city far away.

In college, Shen Hui reverted to his old ways upon hearing that cross-dressing live-streamers were popular. He couldn’t resist the idea.

With his looks and experience, he quickly gained popularity, counting money every day, forgetting his initial oath – to never again earn money through cross-dressing.

Every winter break, he secretly slipped money into the old teacher’s window. He didn’t dare to meet him after leaving money; he didn’t even stay at home.

Recently, a big spender showered him with thousands of dollars in his livestream. Shen Hui went from joy to worry in seconds. Knowing that very few same-sex viewers would donate money, he suspected something about this male viewer.

Clicking on his profile, he saw his age: eighteen.

Could it be a minor who thought he was cool at eighteen and tampered with his age?


The more he thought about it, the more it seemed like a young student who, while his parents were asleep, used their fingerprints to unlock and pose as a rich man.

Shen Hui felt like he would end up on a legal program.

He was just a poor guy making a little extra money on the side!

So, he added the person’s chat ID and casually asked if he was a young student.

After a few sentences, the elementary school student admitted, crying, that he had used his dad’s money and was now too scared to go home.

Upon inquiry, he found out they were in the same city.

Further questioning revealed that the elementary school kid didn’t even know what a cross-dressing big shot was; he simply thought Shen Hui was a pretty sister.

Shen Hui didn’t have a hobby of cheating money; all donations were voluntary. He immediately offered to refund the money, including the platform fees.

But the kid kept saying he dared not go home and his phone was running out of battery. Shen Hui started to worry a little. What if he encountered human traffickers? Without realizing it, he put himself in the role of a “trusted sister” and asked, “Where are you?”

The elementary school student reported the location: a café.

Shen Hui didn’t think it was odd for the elementary school student to be in a café instead of KFC. He went out in his cross-dressing outfit.

All the way there, he couldn’t help but think how splendid he was: a model young man!

As the excellent young man Shen Hui arrived at the café and reported the table number, his expression suddenly changed as the waitress pointed towards it.

!!! How did Lin Jingming end up here?

Shen Hui looked at the large swathes of lace dress on himself, locked eyes with Lin Jingming for five seconds, and instantly remembered the oath he had made and a certain scene: Before Lin Jingming left, he clung to Lin Jingming’s thigh, tears streaming down his face, saying he couldn’t bear to part with him and hoped to walk on the path of knowledge under his guidance for the rest of his life. Lin Jingming’s expression shifted slightly, patting his shoulder and giving him some money to buy reference books, which was now a set of kitchen knives in his old house.

He muttered to himself, “Oh no,” and bolted.


Rain : I’ll publish the whole story 7 this week-end ! ?

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