PAGBWMH : Chapter 49

A serious hooligan

Yi Wei heard Gu Yueshan running past the door and anxiously wanted to open it, but Wu Hao stopped him again, saying, “Don’t rush. Someone else is coming. Wait until they’ve passed. Don’t worry, once they’re gone, I’ll take you out. If you’re in any trouble, just tell me—I’ll help however I can.”

Yi Wei looked at him, speechless, thinking This guy has quite the imagination.

If he didn’t leave soon, his bodyguards would barge in. So, Yi Wei walked over, grabbed Wu Hao’s hand, and forcefully threw him aside. If he weren’t pregnant and instinctively protecting his belly, it would have been easy to deal with someone like Wu Hao, who, despite being tall, had a weak lower body and little strength. He wouldn’t have been stopped twice otherwise.

Wu Hao was stunned by the throw, lying on the ground for a while, unable to react, while Yi Wei had already opened the door and walked out.

As Wu Hao sat up, he thought, Are all women this fierce these days? Then, as he stood up, he started chasing Yi Wei again, still wanting to help him.

Originally, Yi Wei had planned to lure Gu Yueshan out and let him chase after him. But thanks to that dramatic interruption from Wu Hao, it had turned into Yi Wei chasing after Gu Yueshan instead. What a mess.

Gu Yueshan, while chasing, suddenly stopped and quickly turned around, heading back. He had clearly seen Yi Wei’s figure earlier. Knowing Yi Wei was pregnant, there was no way he could run at full speed. Gu Yueshan also guessed that Yi Wei was trying to lure him out rather than truly running away.

Gu Yueshan took out his phone and tried calling Yi Wei, but his(YW) phone was off. He then called the head of the bodyguard team, who informed him that he had overshot, and Yi Wei was actually behind him, trying to catch up. Gu Yueshan sped up, while the others following him were left confused, wondering if this was some sort of workout led by Gu Yueshan.

Yi Wei stopped, realizing that the place was too large, and he might have gone the wrong way. Not wanting to wander aimlessly, he took out his phone and turned it on to call Gu Yueshan.

At this moment, Wu Hao saw Yi Wei and hurried over.

Meanwhile, Gu Yueshan had also returned and spotted Yi Wei.

Wu Hao reached Yi Wei first and, realizing he couldn’t avoid the situation, stood in front of Yi Wei to protect him.

When Gu Yueshan approached, he looked at Wu Hao and asked, “What are you doing?”

“Director Gu1, if my friend has offended you in any way, I apologize on her behalf.” Wu Hao said.

“You apologize on his behalf? Your friend?” Gu Yueshan frowned, his gaze growing colder. If Yi Wei were dressed as a man, this would’ve been nothing. But Yi Wei was currently in women’s clothing.

“Director Gu, what’s going on?” Wu Qing, out of breath, rushed over to Gu Yueshan’s side.

Yi Wei had initially wanted to signal to Gu Yueshan that he didn’t know this person, but when he saw Wu Qing standing next to Gu Yueshan, a wave of jealousy surged within him, and he turned away, avoiding Gu Yueshan’s gaze.

“He’s mine2. It’s not your turn to say those things to me. Move aside!” Gu Yueshan said, his anger rising when he saw Yi Wei hiding behind Wu Hao, refusing to look at him.

“Yours…?” Wu Hao was momentarily stunned. He turned to glance at Yi Wei, who was looking off to the side, pretending not to know Gu Yueshan. Wu Hao assumed Gu Yueshan was trying to coerce Yi Wei and said, “Director Gu, with your status and wealth, you can have anyone you want. Why make things difficult for a poor girl? Even if she works here, doesn’t her willingness matter?”

Sun Qi, hiding behind a nearby corner, peeked out, completely baffled. Since when did Yi Wei hire a temporary actor for this situation? And this guy is really committed to the role! Gu Yueshan looks genuinely angry!

Hearing Wu Hao suggest that Yi Wei worked at the club made Gu Yueshan even angrier. He glared at Wu Hao with cold, piercing eyes.

Wu Hao was terrified by Gu Yueshan’s gaze but felt that since he had decided to help Yi Wei, he couldn’t back down now. He thought, If I back off now, people will laugh at me.

As for offending Gu Yueshan, Wu Hao thought, I’ll let my dad handle that later. My father knows Gu Yueshan a little; he won’t let anything too bad happen to me. So, no matter how frightening Gu Yueshan’s gaze was, Wu Hao stood his ground, even though his legs were trembling.

Yi Wei glanced at Wu Hao, thinking, This guy’s got a strong sense of justice. He’s not backing down, even in front of Gu Yueshan. Except for overthinking things and not reading the situation well, he’s actually a good guy.

Wu Qing, finally getting a good look at Yi Wei, was stunned by his astonishing beauty. After a long pause, he finally said, “She’s not one of our staff.”

Gu Yueshan ignored Wu Hao, looking directly at Yi Wei and saying, “Come here.”

Yi Wei pouted unhappily but walked toward Gu Yueshan anyway.

Wu Hao immediately reached out to stop him, saying, “Don’t go. I told you, I’ll definitely protect you.”

Yi Wei brushed Wu Hao’s hand aside and walked straight into Gu Yueshan’s arms.

Gu Yueshan hugged Yi Wei tightly, feeling him in his embrace. Only then did the anger in his heart begin to subside. The other personality had nearly surfaced earlier.

With one arm around Yi Wei and the other hand gently cupping his face, Gu Yueshan looked into Yi Wei’s eyes. Yi Wei, feeling a bit wronged, stared back with a hint of sadness. Gu Yueshan’s heart instantly softened, and his anger vanished.

The people around exchanged looks, thinking, Where did Gu Yueshan find this angel? What kind of drama are they in now?

Wei Nanfeng stroked his chin, deep in thought.

Gu Yueshan, eager to ask why Yi Wei had suddenly appeared like this, held him close and led him to the nearest suite, leaving everyone else standing there in confusion.

Wu Qing gritted his teeth, unable to deny that when it came to appearance, he had lost.

Wu Hao, after standing frozen for a moment, began to imagine that Yi Wei must have been forced into being with Gu Yueshan against his will. Otherwise, why would she try to escape? He sighed inwardly, thinking that if Yi Wei didn’t have the courage to leave Gu Yueshan, there was nothing more he could do to help her. A feeling of helplessness and disappointment crept over him.

Outside the suite, Feng Ke, the head of the bodyguard team, finally appeared before Gu Yueshan. Gu Yueshan glanced at him and then led Yi Wei into the room.

“Why did you come here? And why dressed like this?” Gu Yueshan asked, frowning at Yi Wei.

“If I didn’t dress like this, what if someone realized I hadn’t left the country?” Yi Wei threw his coat, hat, and glasses onto the sofa and sat down angrily, saying, “So, it’s okay for you to be here, surrounded by beautiful women, having fun, but I can’t come?”

“When have I ever been ‘surrounded by beautiful women’?” Gu Yueshan sighed, feeling helpless but speaking calmly. “This is just a business gathering, and there are only a few days a year when it’s hard to refuse. This kind of socializing is unavoidable. If I had no contact with anyone throughout the year and only reached out to ask for favors when I needed them, how would people see me?”

Yi Wei understood the reasoning, but still wasn’t happy. He grumbled, “Then why does it have to be at places like this? Can’t it be somewhere healthier, cleaner?”

“This place is already quite clean and respectable. They know I don’t like anything shady, so they chose this place to accommodate me.”

“Then what about Wu Qing? Why did you let him hold your arm?” Yi Wei pressed on.

“Wu Qing? He’s a man.” Gu Yueshan replied, already aware that Wu Qing was male, though others had yet to notice.

“I know he’s a man. I could tell.” Yi Wei said, “But just because he’s a man, does that mean it’s okay to touch him? I’m a man too, and I’m carrying your child. You knew he was interested in you. Why did you let him hold your arm?”

“My hand was injured. I had it in my pocket, and he suddenly grabbed my arm. What was I supposed to do? Shake him off like a virtuous maiden?” Gu Yueshan raised his bandaged hand to show Yi Wei.

Yi Wei blinked, immediately feeling guilty for not noticing his injury earlier. He gently cradled Gu Yueshan’s hand, his anger fading. “How did you get hurt?”

“I hurt myself trying to stay in control, to avoid switching personalities and stay conscious. I didn’t want you to worry, so I planned to visit you in a few days once it was better.” Gu Yueshan explained, pulling Yi Wei closer with his uninjured arm. “How did you know Wu Qing held my arm?”

“I have a spy watching you.” Yi Wei said, looking up at him with a teasing smile.

“If you had a spy, then you’d also know that he only held my arm for a few seconds before I walked away.”

“Then why are there rumors that you’re pursuing him?”

“He’s popular, with many suitors. The companions here admire him. Since he’s been hovering around me lately, the rumors probably started from that. He’s my friend’s sibling… brother, so I can’t be too rude to him. But I haven’t paid much attention to him.”

Yi Wei carefully placed Gu Yueshan’s hand on his lap, then leaned his head on his shoulder, saying, “I think my feelings for you are becoming… quite tacky(taking a sticky / vulgar direction ).”


“I wanted us to have a special kind of relationship—no jealousy, no fights, mutual trust. Even if you fell for someone else, I would accept it calmly and prepare for a peaceful co-parenting arrangement after a divorce.” Yi Wei closed his eyes. “But I’ve realized it’s too hard. I can’t control my jealousy, and I get angry. And when I’m angry, I want to quarrel.”

“I don’t want a ‘special’ relationship. I want you to truly love me. I don’t care if it’s ordinary or not.” Gu Yueshan said seriously, gazing at him.

“Then do you love me?” Yi Wei looked up and asked.

“I love you.” Gu Yueshan answered quickly and firmly. He had long since come to terms with his feelings, realizing that he had fallen in love with Yi Wei even earlier than he’d thought.

“Then… can I love you with confidence?” Yi Wei asked, his eyes filled with uncertainty.

“Of course you can. You can be jealous, get angry, and quarrel with me, but in the end, we always have to make up.” Gu Yueshan said, his eyes full of tenderness and affection.

Yi Wei’s eyes grew misty, and his nose tingled with emotion. Even though he had initially wanted a more “special” kind of relationship with Gu Yueshan, the more time he spent with him, the more insecure he felt. He realized that he couldn’t control his feelings and that their relationship was evolving into a very conventional love. And this kind of love terrified him.

“Did you come out dressed like this because you knew Wu Qing held my hand?” Gu Yueshan asked.

“Don’t I look good like this?” Yi Wei sat up, adjusting his clothes with a pout.

Gu Yueshan looked down at him, pausing for a moment before frowning and lifting Yi Wei’s skirt slightly. “Aren’t you cold wearing such thin stockings?”

“Stop pretending to be all serious while acting like a rogue!” Yi Wei quickly pushed his skirt down and said, “There’s fleece inside. It’s not cold.”

“It’s still too thin.” Gu Yueshan touched the material. “In this weather, you must be cold.”

“Well… can you warm me up?” Yi Wei looped his arms around Gu Yueshan’s neck, giving him a seductive look.

Gu Yueshan gazed at him and slowly leaned in to kiss him, but Yi Wei blocked his lips with a hand, saying, “It’ll smudge my makeup. No kissing above the neck. And below the neck…” Yi Wei paused deliberately, then blinked and said, “Also off-limits. You’ll have to wait until after the baby is born, just bear with it, Mr. Gu.”

Gu Yueshan, seeing that Yi Wei was still a bit jealous and angry, knew he was doing this on purpose.

Leaning close to Yi Wei’s ear, Gu Yueshan whispered, “Then let’s do something else.”

Blushing, Yi Wei said, “Be careful with your hand.”


TL notes :

顾董 (Gu Dong) = Meaning Boss(Director, chairman) Gu, or Mr Gu, depends on the situation so… I’ll let it like that, sometimes it’ll be director Gu, and sometimes Mr.

他是我的人 = He’s my person(my man) , “He” and “She” are the same in mandarin 他, but while we know it’s a he, the characters in the story believe it’s a she.

I picked this one up casually, so I apologize in advance for any mistakes. Please don’t hesitate to point them out in the comments, and I’ll do my best to correct them.  (๑ˊ͈ ॢꇴ ˋ͈)〜♡॰ॱ
The schedule will be one chapter / Monday , until I find my pace

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  1. PatoPoderoso says:

    Thanks for the chapter

  2. Paprika says:

    Thank you for picking this up!!!!

  3. Lioness94 says:

    Thank you ever so much for picking this up!!

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