PAGBWMH : Chapter 53

The Heir

This is a bonus chapter, thank you so much for your ko-fi support ! ( •ॢ◡-ॢ)-♡


Gu Yueshan was scheduled to return to the Gu family home with Yi Wei and their child the next day. Sun Qi came to the Mi family residence to chat with Yi Wei.


“I’ve been digging around at the family academy for the past couple of days, trying to gather information about the Gu family. Word is, the Gu family members haven’t been eating or sleeping well. They’re all just waiting for Director Gu to come back and explain the situation,” Sun Qi said. “Gu Heng and Yi Xuan haven’t gone to school or attended any family lessons these past two days either. They’re probably too anxious to focus on anything else.”


Yi Wei smiled and said, “This method is much more torturous than just telling them outright. By keeping them in suspense for two days, their nerves have been stretched to the breaking point. Now, even if they outnumber us, Director Gu will have complete control over the situation.”


“It’s a pity I can’t witness their reactions in person. I bet it’ll be priceless,” Sun Qi said. “You’ll have to describe it to me later.”


“Sure,” Yi Wei nodded.


Early the next morning, the main hall of the Gu family’s ancestral home was full of people. Everyone who could be there had arrived. Those who weren’t direct members of the Gu family had to stay at the secondary residence or wait for news from their own homes.


The hall was buzzing with conversation. The two grandmothers sat facing each other, their expressions stoic, not saying a word. Although they appeared calm, their hearts were anything but.


Jiang Shuqin sat behind Xu Hua, her hands clenched tightly in her lap, her eyes closed as she silently prayed that the child wasn’t Gu Yueshan’s biological son.


Gu Heng was doing his best to remain composed. His uncles had suggested that his fourth uncle might have spread this news just to gauge their reactions and that this so-called double full moon celebration might not even be for a real child. But the possibility that his fourth uncle truly had a son made his hands tremble uncontrollably.


Gu Yueshan and Yi Wei, meanwhile, had leisurely finished breakfast and rested for a while before finally setting off for the Gu family home with their child.


When Gu Yueshan walked into the hall, holding Yi Wei’s hand and carrying a baby basket, the room fell silent. All eyes were on the basket, and the tension in the room heightened.


Gu Yueshan sat in the main seat, with Yi Wei beside him. He carefully placed the baby basket next to him and gently pulled back the cover. Seeing the baby awake, quietly looking up at him, Gu Yueshan smiled.


His expression of affection stunned everyone present. No one expected Gu Yueshan, who was usually so cold and stern, to have such a tender look on his face.


Before anyone could recover from the shock, Gu Yueshan picked up the baby, cradling him with practiced ease.


“Let me introduce you. This is my son, Gu Yao,” Gu Yueshan said, glancing at Secretary Wu, who handed out copies of the paternity test to the family members. “Here is the paternity test result. You can take a look.”


The fact that Gu Yueshan had a child was already shocking enough. But the revelation that Yi Wei had given birth to the baby left everyone reeling. They had been so thoroughly deceived—none of them knew until the baby was nearly two months old.


“Is it Yi.. Yi Wei… who gave birth to your child?” Xu Hua struggled to maintain her composure, but her hands trembled. Not only had Gu Yueshan deceived her, his own mother, but Yi Wei had also dared to lie to her. Everything they’d said before was a lie.


Gu Heng was completely paralyzed with shock, unable to think clearly. It felt like he was trapped in a nightmare, desperately wanting to wake up.


“That’s right. This is our child,” Gu Yueshan said, gently patting the baby. “Before the baby was born, Yi Wei and I registered our marriage. We’re holding the double full moon celebration first, and when the baby turns 100 days old, we’ll have our wedding.”


“You… you…” Xu Hua’s teacup slipped from her hand and shattered on the floor. She took deep breaths, trying to stay conscious. If she passed out now, she might miss something important.


Gu Yueshan glanced at his mother but didn’t pay her any further attention. Instead, he continued, “If you’re worried that the paternity test might be fake, I’m more than willing to let you perform your own test.”


Secretary Wu took a small pair of scissors and, in front of everyone, snipped a lock of Gu Yueshan’s hair, placing it on a tray. He then clipped a bit of the baby’s hair and Yi Wei’s hair, delivering them to the two grandmothers.


“You’re free to verify it yourselves however you like,” Gu Yueshan said as he returned the baby to the basket and instructed the nanny to take him back to the yard with security, so the baby wouldn’t be disturbed if the room got noisy.


As the family members passed around the paternity test, they exchanged uneasy glances. No one dared to question Gu Yueshan openly, waiting for someone else to speak first.


Ye Feng quickly had the hair samples stored carefully. She fully intended to have them tested, though she knew that if Gu Yueshan was bold enough to offer, the likelihood of the baby being his biological son was almost certain.


“Why did you lie to us?” Xu Hua asked, her face tense as she looked at her son.


“Did my lie affect any of you?” Gu Yueshan asked, deliberately provoking them. “Did it ruin any of your plans?”


Xu Hua and Ye Feng gritted their teeth in frustration. The others, too, were seething, though they dared not voice their complaints. Of course, it had disrupted their plans. But even if it was true, they couldn’t openly admit it.


“You hurt our feelings!” Xu Hua exclaimed, trying to sound indignant. “How could you lie about something like that? You said you couldn’t have children, so why deceive us? And why did you choose Yi Wei to have your child? He was once engaged to Gu Heng!”


Because Gu Yueshan’s nominal father—his eldest uncle—was truly infertile, no one had ever doubted Gu Yueshan’s claims about his own infertility. After all, what man would lie about something like that, especially to pretend he couldn’t have children?


“You have a new grandson now, but you seem to be the least happy about it. Other than being angry that I lied to you, is there another reason?” Gu Yueshan asked, his gaze piercing. “Or have you decided that you don’t want any grandchildren other than Gu Heng? I don’t see any joy in you at all.”


Xu Hua was momentarily stunned. She closed her eyes and forced herself to regain control of her emotions before saying, “Of course I’m happy to have a new grandson, but I’m also angry that you lied to us about something so important!”


“You being upset is one thing. But the fact remains that this child is my biological son, and that’s not going to change,” Gu Yueshan said, turning to address the others. “I see a lot of elders here today. If, like my mother, you’re only upset that I lied about my infertility, I’ll apologize now and thank you for your concern.”


The room fell silent as the family members bowed their heads, struggling to accept the truth.


“None of you seem happy for me,” Gu Yueshan observed. “You’re angry that I lied about not being able to have children, but none of you ever encouraged me not to give up hope of having my own child, did you?”


He turned his gaze toward his mother, Xu Hua. Even if no one else wanted him to have a child, his own mother should have felt differently.


Xu Hua avoided meeting her son’s eyes, closing her own to control her emotions.


“Whether you’re happy about it or not, I have a child now,” Gu Yueshan said, taking a sip of tea before slamming the cup down forcefully. “If any of you feel resentment because you think my child will take something that rightfully belongs to you, speak up now. Tell me exactly what it is of mine that you believe should be yours! If anyone can make a convincing argument, I’ll give it to you right here, right now!”


The room remained eerily quiet, as no one dared to say a word. Gu Yueshan had spoken so forcefully that none of them could voice any complaints. Anyone who did would be seen as hoping he didn’t have his own child. Who would want to be accused of such a thing?


After a long silence, Ye Feng smiled and said, “This is a joyous occasion. There’s no need to be so upset. Your uncles and cousins are all happy for you, even if they’re a little angry that you kept this secret for so long. I’m genuinely happy. After all these years, we finally have a grandson. Your late grandfather and father would be overjoyed if they knew.”


“There will be many guests at the double full moon celebration. Yi Wei is still young, so I’ll need your help, Mother, to manage everything,” Gu Yueshan said to Ye Feng.


“Of course. As the child’s grandmother, it’s my duty to help out. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of everything,” Ye Feng replied with a smile, now genuinely pleased. It was clear that Gu Yueshan had granted her the role of overseeing the event, effectively recognizing her as the child’s grandmother.


Xu Hua, who had been too consumed by anger earlier to catch on, now realized what was happening. She shot a furious glare at Ye Feng, her anger intensifying.


“Well, that’s all for today. If anyone still has concerns, you can come speak to me privately,” Gu Yueshan said as he stood up, taking Yi Wei’s hand and leading him back to their residence.


The others exchanged glances. Gu Yueshan had made his position clear, and there was nothing more they could say. Initially, they had hoped to use his deception as leverage to extract some promises from him. But now, if they showed any dissatisfaction, it would seem like they were against him having his own child. No one wanted to bear that accusation.


Gu Heng and Jiang Shuqin were in a daze, barely aware of how they made it back to their quarters.


Jiang Shuqin collapsed onto the couch, her eyes vacant as she muttered, “It’s over. It’s over. There’s no chance of being the heir now. The Gu family will belong to someone else, and we’ll be thrown out.”


Gu family tradition dictated that once the third generation was born, everyone except the family head’s direct descendants had to move out. Since there were still two grandmothers, Gu Yueshan’s son counted as the third generation. Gu Heng was also part of the third generation, but since he was unmarried, he could stay under the pretext of accompanying his grandmother. However, once he married Yi Xuan, regardless of whether they had children, they would be forced to move out.


“Grandmother, now that Fourth Uncle has his own child, does that mean I’ll never be able to inherit the Gu family?” Gu Heng asked, dazed, looking at his grandmother for an answer.


“Stop panicking!” Xu Hua slammed her hand down on the side table, then took a deep breath and said, “How many times do I have to tell you? The more serious the situation, the more you need to stay calm. This isn’t just about you—there are still people working for your future. Nothing changes. We stick to the plan. Don’t lose your composure.”


With that, Xu Hua went back to her room to rest. As she lay down, she sighed deeply, pressing a hand to her chest. On the surface, having a new grandson should have been a cause for joy. But the fact that her own son had deceived her for so many years made it impossible not to feel angry. It was as if Gu Yueshan and Yi Wei had conspired together to make a fool of her.


Moreover, Gu Heng had grown up under her care. It was only natural for her to be biased toward him. After all, her family’s interests were deeply entangled with the Gu family. Even if she wanted to stop now, she couldn’t. In her heart, she still wished for Gu Heng to inherit the Gu family business.


Rain : Hahaha now they’ll finally stop dreaming !!

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