REI : Chapter 46.1

Carmen Clovis expression turned slightly uncomfortable, as he glanced awkwardly at Duan Xiubo.


Luo Ding also slightly furrowed his brow.


He knew Tommy Lee.


There weren’t many Chinese people in Hollywood, though there were a fair number of Asians. Even though the acting path wasn’t as smooth for them as it was for white actors, there were still roles specifically for those with yellow skin.


Tommy Lee was one of the few Asian actors who, like Duan Xiubo, had an acting career even more successful than many white actors—an anomaly.


Luo Ding had worked with him before, and they even had a fairly good relationship. Because of this, Luo Ding knew more about him than most people.


Tommy Lee’s father was Chinese, and his mother was of mixed English and Japanese descent. The family had settled in the U.S. starting from his grandfather’s generation, engaging in business. He had many brothers, and being in the middle, he had a stubborn temper from a young age. Refusing to tolerate familial disputes and waiting for an inheritance, he entered the acting industry early.


Luo Ding greatly admired him. This man worked extremely hard. When they first worked together on a martial arts film, Tommy Lee was already quite famous. However, he always performed his action scenes personally. Before the filming started, he even spent more than a month learning Tai Chi at a Chinese martial arts school. As a result, he could quickly master the moves taught by the martial arts instructor. His work ethic was very similar to Luo Ding’s, and the two of them met at the same martial arts school where they trained before their collaboration. It wasn’t until later that they realized the person they had been sparring with would soon be their co-star.


Since then, they had gotten along even better. Luo Ding’s principle of friendship made this eccentric man feel safe. At least within the crew, they were the most talkative actors.


A series of metallic clinks sounded at the entrance, followed by Tommy Lee’s Los Angeles accent: “What is this thing?”


He was holding a large helmet, his body adorned in gleaming armor. His agent, Julie, hurried behind him, her high heels clicking loudly against the floor.


Tommy Lee frowned, his handsome face reflecting his mixed Western heritage, making him not quite look entirely Asian. His brow was high, and his slightly lowered eyes gave off an aggressive air when not smiling. At this moment, his hostile gaze was fixed on the blond man inside the fake mountain prop, Camilla: “The armor is too small!”


Camilla shrugged. “Sorry.”


His apology was so casual that Tommy Lee had no outlet for his anger. He took a deep breath and scanned the room.


“Oh, Duan Xiubo,” he said in broken, yet understandable, Mandarin, nodding casually at Duan Xiubo, “Nice to see you again.”


Duan Xiubo responded gracefully and warmly. Everyone in the industry knew Tommy Lee had connections, and acting was more of a hobby for him. From the start of his career, he had never acted like a small star. Despite offending many people, no one wanted to mess with him because he had excellent acting skills and the right support. He had always enjoyed smooth sailing.


Regardless of the other party’s attitude, Duan Xiubo always maintained his manners.


Tommy Lee’s gaze fell on Luo Ding, scanning him up and down. Upon recognizing Luo Ding’s face, he seemed to understand something, casting a sly glance at Carmen Clovis.


Clovis hurried to explain: “Luo, this is Tommy Lee.”


Seeing the picky look in the other person’s eyes made Luo Ding want to laugh. The first time he had met Tommy Lee in his past life, the man had acted the same way, putting on a star’s airs at the martial arts school. Luo Ding had been assigned by an instructor who couldn’t handle Tommy to be his sparring partner. Their first meeting had been filled with sparks.


Back then, Luo Ding didn’t know what word to use to describe Tommy’s personality. Now, after spending time on social media, he had added to his vocabulary and could now describe him as a chūnibyo.”


Tommy Lee snorted through his nose: “Who are you?” he asked directly to Luo Ding.


Luo Ding responded in Mandarin, extending his right hand: “I’m Luo Ding, from China.”


Tommy didn’t take the hand.


Luo Ding smiled slightly, though his gaze sharpened, and he held his hand firmly in place without backing down.


After about half a minute, Tommy Lee’s expression twitched, and he reluctantly extended his hand for a brief handshake.


His attitude softened a bit, and he turned to Clovis: “Is he here to take my role?”


“Well, technically,” Clovis was flustered by his directness, stumbling over her words, “The role of Alfred hasn’t been decided yet…”


“You think I’m not good enough?”


If the earlier question had left room for response, this one left Clovis at a loss for words. He pretended to busy himself by instructing the crew to fetch the script.


Tommy Lee dismissively pursed his lips. His beautiful red-haired agent cautiously tried to calm him down, but Tommy Lee frowned and snapped, “Who’s angry? I’m not angry!”


As he said this, he started unbuckling his armor with dramatic clicks, carelessly tossing it to the approaching wardrobe assistant, then marched out without speaking to anyone.


Clovis finally let out a relieved breath, handing the script to Luo Ding and motioning for him to follow.


They walked in the direction Tommy Lee had left.


“In the second movie, it was established that Austin was the last survivor of the Eastern Continent, which had been destroyed,” Clovis explained in a low voice. In the small break room, which was packed with nearly ten people including assistants, Luo Ding, Duan Xiubo, and Tommy Lee sat on the same couch, while Clovis continued explaining the scene. “Oh, Luo Ding,” Clovis suddenly remembered and looked at Luo, “Have you seen *Blade Warrior II*? Do you know who Austin is?”


Luo Ding exchanged a glance with Duan Xiubo, smiling: “The heir of the Eastern Continent, the character Duan played.”


Clovis smiled too: “Exactly, in the second film, he was very lonely. In the third, Alfred is a special character, also a survivor of the Eastern Continent, who grew up in a small country in the Northern Continent. After joining the army, he swore allegiance to Austin. Because of their rare shared bloodline, Alfred becomes Austin’s emotional solace.”


Luo Ding blinked. This setup felt a bit strange.


“Alfred is pure, kind, righteous, and brave. He’s a character without any darkness,” Clovis continued.


Glancing at Tommy Lee, Clovis seemed hesitant. In terms of physical appearance, Luo Ding did seem more fitting for the role.


Tommy Lee clearly knew his shortcomings as well, his face expressionless as he stared off into the distance.


“Luo,” Clovis gestured to the wardrobe team, “In terms of demeanor, Tommy Lee might be more suited for the role. But could you put on the armor so I can have a look?”


Luo Ding stood up without hesitation, took the helmet, and put it on.


The props for *Blade Warrior* were made with great precision. The golden helmet had ornate engravings, resembling a totem of some tribe, like a wolf mid-howl.


Luo Ding steadied himself, coldly composed, spreading his arms so the crew could help fasten the heavy golden armor around him. His whole demeanor changed in an instant, all traces of gentleness gone.


Clovis stared at him, speechless for a moment before stammering, “It’s… better than I imagined.”


Tommy Lee snorted in the corner, sounding dissatisfied, but Luo Ding knew it was his way of agreeing with Clovis.


After taking off the armor and sitting down, Luo Ding noticed that the large gap between his and Tommy Lee’s seats had shrunk.


Clovis rubbed his face. “Actually, Alfred doesn’t appear much in the film. Luo, Lee, why don’t you perform the loyalty scene together? That’s probably Alfred’s longest scene.”


Tommy Lee shrugged indifferently. Luo Ding glanced at the open page of the script again, lowering his eyes as he prepared.


Palace. Throne. Austin in full ceremonial dress. A grand scene.


Duan Xiubo, now in character, leaned back on the couch with an air of nobility, propped up on the armrest, a haughty smile on his face, his demeanor now sharp from years on the battlefield.


Tommy Lee’s expression shifted. His smile suddenly became bright and hopeful, and he gracefully knelt on one knee, gazing up with admiration at the seated man.


Because the blood flowing through Austin’s veins was the only one left in the world that shared the same origin as his own, the ruler’s gaze softened slightly as it fell upon the Eastern features of the man before him.


“Alfred,” his voice was slow and gentle, like a thick stream of chocolate, “What will you offer me?”


Alfred replied resolutely, “My life, my body—whatever you need, my lord. I offer it all to you.”


The ruler smiled, his eyes sparkling as though stars had fallen into them: “I don’t need you to offer me your life. You can stand behind me, and together we’ll share the fruits of victory. My… dear(lovely) clansman…”


As soon as the scene ended, Tommy Lee stood up, patting his knees in disgust. Duan Xiubo quickly broke character, laughing as he waved at Tommy Lee: “Sorry about that.”


Tommy Lee ignored him.


Clovis seemed pleased but still gestured to Luo Ding.


Luo Ding felt nervous. Tommy Lee’s performance was nearly flawless, natural in both his delivery and eye contact. As a supporting actor, that level of performance was already more than enough.


Rubbing his brow, Luo Ding calmed himself, recalling his understanding of Alfred’s character. He gazed at the ground before slowly kneeling.


Duan Xiubo had regained his haughty demeanor.


His gaze landed on Alfred’s Eastern features. Beneath the hard exterior, there was a soft heart, stirred with emotion. This was his only surviving clansman.


“Alfred,” he said softly, “Look at me. What do you wish to give me?”


Alfred seemed a little nervous but looked up with eager anticipation at Austin’s command, his fists clenched tightly with excitement.


“My lord,” Alfred’s eyes greedily fell upon Austin’s distinct features, different from those of the Northern Continent. His voice choked slightly, “My soul, my body—whatever you need, I offer everything to you…”


Austin’s gaze locked with his, the arrogance on his face gradually fading, replaced with a gentle smile, his eyes full of tenderness.


“I don’t need your life, Alfred.” He reached out a hand to him, his expression softer than ever, “Stand behind me, and together we’ll share the fruits of victory. My dear… clansman.”


Luo Ding smiled as he took his hand. “How cheesy.”


Duan Xiubo stared at him, the tenderness in his eyes undiminished. “What can I do? That’s how the script’s written.”


With a slight tug, he pulled the kneeling youth into his arms.


Luo Ding quickly pushed him away and stood up, not taking it to heart. He figured Duan Xiubo was just fooling around. Sure enough, Duan Xiubo burst out laughing behind him, slapping his thigh.


Luo Ding turned around, noticing Clovis staring at him.


He hesitated before speaking. “Clovis?”


Clovis raised a hand to silence him, covering his mouth as he frowned deeply in thought. After a moment, he turned apologetically to Tommy Lee.


“Sorry, Lee. You were fantastic, but Luo’s portrayal fits the character a bit better. I mean…”


Tommy Lee didn’t seem surprised, his expression unchanged as he abruptly stood up.


He snorted. “I never wanted this role in the first place. I’d rather play Austin.” With that, he motioned to his agent. “Julie, grab my things. The *Wolf Hero* folks have invited us, so it’s time we checked that out.”


He took a few steps toward the exit but slowly backed up, giving Luo Ding a once-over.


“You’re not bad.” A rare smile, tinged with appreciation, graced his face as he arrogantly pulled out his phone and handed it to Luo Ding. “Give me your number.”


He hasn’t changed a bit—still awkward and straightforward.


Luo Ding smiled back, his gentle gaze meeting Tommy Lee’s without hesitation. Tommy’s expression softened involuntarily as well.


“I only have a domestic number,” Luo Ding said as he entered his number. “You’d better wait until I’m back in China to call. The international roaming fees in the U.S. are ridiculous.”


“Tch,” Tommy scoffed as he left, “I wasn’t planning on calling anyway.”


After watching him leave, Luo Ding turned to find Duan Xiubo’s smile a little stiff.


“What’s wrong, Duan?”


Duan Xiubo gave Luo Ding a strange look, his surprise hard to hide. He had already worked with Tommy Lee on more than one film, but no matter how many connections Duan had made in the industry, Tommy Lee had always kept his distance, never showing him any warmth. Yet, Luo Ding had barely exchanged a few words with Tommy, and the guy had already asked for his phone number. This made Duan Xiubo overthink, and he felt a bit displeased.


Not displeased with Luo Ding—displeased with Tommy Lee.


He’d never liked that guy and had no problem assuming the worst about him. No one acts friendly without a reason. For a weirdo like Tommy Lee to suddenly show interest in Luo Ding? There had to be some ulterior motive.


“Stay away from him,” Duan Xiubo advised Luo Ding. “The entertainment industry in the West is chaotic. Male celebrities getting into drugs* or soliciting prostitutes isn’t even news anymore. You’re new to the scene, so it’s especially dangerous. If Tommy Lee asks you out, let me know.”


Luo Ding recognized the concern in his words and smiled, nodding.


Clovis, who didn’t understand Chinese, could no longer hide his excitement after Tommy Lee had left, practically pouncing on Luo Ding. “Luo, how old are you? You look like you’re only a teenager. Duan said you’re barely in your twenties. Are you a huge star in China? Have you been in many films? Your expression work is among the best I’ve ever seen in an actor!”


Luo Ding smiled and didn’t hide the truth: “Actually, I’ve only been acting for less than six months. I’ve done two projects in China, but neither has been released yet.”


Clovis blinked slowly and stepped back, bewildered. “…Oh…”


“…Terrifying Chinese people…”


Terrifying Chinese people…


It was the second time Clovis had thought that since meeting Duan Xiubo.


*Blade Warrior III* would be released in China, and because of the fanbase Duan had built from the second film, the film’s potential success in the West wasn’t something to worry about. Luo Ding’s acting, appearance, and demeanor all fit the role perfectly, so Clovis didn’t hesitate to cast him.


It wasn’t until Luo Ding left the set and got into the car that the reality of landing a Hollywood role finally hit him.


This was a huge leap—so big that he couldn’t have imagined it before.


In his past life, he had climbed his way up, starting from bit parts in Hollywood films, slowly building a network as a major star in China. That was the proper way for Chinese actors to break into Hollywood. But his current progress was not normal!


It was far from normal!


With a heart full of astonishment and complex emotions, Luo Ding stared at the trees rushing past the car window. Meanwhile, beside him, Duan Xiubo casually flipped through the script, occasionally glancing at him.


“Are you in a bad mood?” Duan Xiubo asked, confused by Luo Ding’s lack of happiness despite landing the role.


Luo Ding shook his head. “Not at all.”


Duan Xiubo put away the script, his eyes softening as he stretched out an arm and ruffled Luo Ding’s hair. “Then why do you look so upset?”


“Do I?” Luo Ding was surprised. He tugged at the corner of his mouth and realized that he had forgotten to put on a smile in front of Duan Xiubo.


He sighed inwardly. His bad habits were surfacing again.


Note : “Chūnibyo”: A Japanese term that refers to people, usually adolescents, who fantasize about having special powers or view themselves as somehow different or superior to others, often in a childish way.

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