REI : Chapter 47.1

It seemed that Zheng Kezhen really spared no expense this time. The prime-time slot on China Central Television (CCTV) is calculated by the second, and playing a five-minute-long trailer during popular programs was no small feat. If *Tang Legend* weren’t a project funded by a CCTV-affiliated Mandarin TV network, no amount of money could have secured that airtime.


Yet, the grand production, meticulous editing, breathtaking sets, and the actors’ emotional performances made all the effort worth it.


Almost at the same time as the trailer’s first airing, netizens across major websites were shouting “WTF!” in excitement.


The biggest reactions came from three major gossip hubs: Haijiao Forum, Hupu Forum, and Weibo Forum.


From the start of filming to casting and the release of the actors’ costume photos, *Tang Legend* had caused waves every time. This time, with the long-awaited trailer finally out, people immediately turned on their TVs or online platforms, locking onto shows they normally wouldn’t even bother with, just to catch the trailer.


The brief footage was captivating, with each of the three main characters leaving a strong impression. However, the most unforgettable figure by far was Fu Zhu.


Luo Ding’s fans, who had been quietly waiting, erupted once again.


Within 24 hours of the trailer’s release, the official *Tang Legend* Weibo account posted the video, and it immediately shot to the top of the trending list, surpassing everything else with nearly seven figures in reposts.


“Give us an uncut, extended version, please!!!!!!!”


Though the hysterical cries seemed sharp at first glance, passersby on the homepage were already familiar with this tone. There was no need to look further—it was obvious that these were Luo Ding’s fans.


Curious, people clicked on the trailer.


“Oh? Not bad.”


And before long, they too joined the discussions about the plot.


The hype quickly took off.


The saying “The public has sharp eyes” remains true to this day.


In recent years, many low-quality shows had achieved high ratings, leaving audiences unsatisfied. Though viewers seemed to accept these shows, it was more out of a lack of better options. People had no choice but to watch what was available to pass the time. If it weren’t for this, *Tang Legend* wouldn’t have garnered so much attention even before it aired, just by boasting a commitment to quality.


Many had low expectations at first, hoping only for something better than the current offerings, which would have been enough for most viewers.


But this trailer exceeded everyone’s expectations in every aspect.


It was comparable to the beloved classics of the past. From just the brief scene of the three actors exchanging glances, it was clear how much heart Zheng Kezhen had poured into this drama.


Yaxing Studio had already opened a new email inbox dedicated to Luo Ding’s work. More and more job offers were pouring in. If the inbox wasn’t refreshed every hour, it would fill up with new messages. The more important offers came directly by phone, and Gu Yaxing had quickly learned how to turn down even the most tempting jobs. It took him only half a day to transition from being indecisive about which tasks to prioritize to ruthlessly cutting some off.


“*Look at Me, Sweetheart*, *Love Through the Millennia*, *Love Angel*…” Gu Yaxing was proudly listing them over the phone, while Luo Ding on the other end felt a cold sweat break out.


“Why are they all idol dramas?”


“What’s wrong with idol dramas?” Gu Yaxing said smugly. “Do you know how long it used to take the studio to land even one of these? But if you don’t want them, that’s fine. Your current path doesn’t really suit idol dramas anymore. I can pass them on to our other talents. *Love Through the Millennia* would be a great fit for Hu Xiao, and as for that other project…”


He trailed off as he realized that he had accidentally mentioned Hu Xiao in front of Luo Ding.


Luo Ding didn’t mind.


Working in the same studio inevitably meant being tied to Hu Xiao. And to be honest, Hu Xiao had never been outright mean to him—just jealous. The entertainment industry is full of jealous people, after all. Some do it in front of you, some behind your back, and Hu Xiao wasn’t any worse than the rest.


After hanging up, Luo Ding found Duan Xiubo approaching with a glass of juice.


“I was hoping to show you around for a few more days, let you take in the local culture.”


Luo Ding felt a little embarrassed. “The publicity for *Tang Legend* is a bit more intense than I expected. I really didn’t see it coming. But thank you so much for everything, Duan.”


Duan handed him the drink, his eyes filled with warmth. “It’s fine. Go home, rest up for a while, and then push your EP. After that, you can focus on *Blade Warrior III*. Keep in touch. My place will always be open for you.”


His tone was so soft, and each word carried an unmistakable depth of emotion, making Luo Ding feel warm all over. Unable to contain himself, he gave Duan a hug.


“Thank you, Duan. Really. You’ve helped me so much.”


The journey to board the plane felt like a series of lingering farewells.


Wu Fangyuan was visibly excited. Even after boarding the plane, it wasn’t until the second in-flight announcement that he finally turned off his phone. Until then, he had been refreshing Weibo nonstop. After the plane took off, he leaned over and whispered, “Your follower count just broke five million.”


Luo Ding pulled down his eye mask and turned over. “What’s there to be proud of? Half of them are probably bots.”


An afternoon flight, an afternoon return.


This time, Luo Ding actually threw up.


His body was still too weak. Although he had resumed training, trying to recover from the damage to a body as hollowed out as his was no quick fix. Digestive issues, low blood pressure, and other health problems—all things he would have to get used to.


He had nothing left in his stomach to throw up, so after dry heaving until he was dizzy, Luo Ding washed his face with tap water. When the pale color finally drained from his reflection, he opened the bathroom door.


Wu Fangyuan approached worriedly. “You okay?”


Luo Ding shook his head, his steps still unsteady as he leaned on Wu. “Let’s go.”


As they walked, Wu Fangyuan turned his phone back on and was about to speak when a series of notification chimes distracted him.


Fifteen missed calls, all from Gu Yaxing.


He hurried to call back, and Gu Yaxing answered immediately: “Are you off the plane yet? Have you left the terminal?!”


“Almost. What’s going on?”


“Wait! Don’t go out yet! Your flight info got leaked somehow, and there are a ton of fans waiting at the airport. Don’t go out recklessly! I’ve already arranged for people to come get you.”


Wu Fangyuan was stunned. “Is it that serious? Isn’t it normal for fans to show up at the airport?”


Sure, Luo Ding was popular now, but wasn’t Gu Yaxing overreacting a bit? When Luo Ding used to perform with Su Shengbai, fans would sometimes meet them at the airport. Wu Fangyuan had seen it all before—fans were nice, chatting, offering snacks, taking photos, then going home. No big deal.


“What do you know?!”


Gu Yaxing scolded him briefly and quickly instructed, “Just listen to me! Understood?!”


Wu Fangyuan was still intimidated by Gu, so he agreed obediently.


But he remained a bit skeptical. After settling Luo Ding in the waiting area, he put on a cap to cover his blond hair and carefully snuck out to check the situation.


He circled the waiting area, bypassing the partition that separated the arriving passengers from the fans.


Holy—what the hell?!


The entire area outside the arrival gate was packed with people! It was shoulder-to-shoulder, with no space to move! These fans were all staring intently at every passenger who emerged, though they were surprisingly orderly, whispering amongst themselves instead of shouting.


Wu Fangyuan quickly retreated, his heart racing. There had to be over a thousand people!


A thousand people! What kind of scene was this?!


Even when the most popular Korean idols came to China for concerts, the crowd was this size. For domestic celebrities, such gatherings had become increasingly rare in recent years. Fans coming from all corners of the country just to catch a glimpse of their idol was no small feat—it required a massive fan base.


The biggest crowd Wu had ever seen before was a few dozen people. Now, seeing a thousand, he almost wet himself.


While frantically calling Gu Yaxing for help, he rushed back to the waiting area, where Luo Ding was resting after taking some stomach medicine. “How is it?” Luo asked casually when Wu returned.


“I’m scared to death! If you go out there, you’ll be eaten alive!” Wu clutched his chest in panic.


Luo Ding frowned. “That many?”


Wu Fangyuan nodded vigorously. “At least a thousand! Security is already on high alert. Are you sure you can handle this in your condition? Maybe we should ask Gu to arrange for us to use the VIP exit.”


Luo Ding thought for a moment, sighed, and sat up. Just as Wu thought he would agree, Luo Ding said, “There are cosmetics in my bag. Help me put on some eyeliner and a light powder.”


“…Why?” Wu asked.


“There’ll be photos taken for sure. I need to look my best, understand?”




The fans were anxiously waiting. It had been less than ten hours since they learned of Luo Ding’s flight details and organized the fan meet-up. People who had only known each other online instantly bonded as soon as they met. The banners were ready, but fans wanting to bring gifts had been stopped by the no-gifts policy posted on Yaxing Studio’s official site.


“Oh, what a pity,” someone lamented. “My brownies and pancakes smell amazing. It would’ve been great if my idol could have tasted them.”


“Don’t think that way,” someone beside them advised. “The no-gift policy is actually a good thing, especially for food. If we let our guard down, what if someone who’s jealous tries to poison him?”


“No way…” Amid the murmurs, those at the front with professional cameras were discussing a different matter.


“This is a public place. When we see him, remember—no matter how excited you get, don’t scream. If we scare the other passengers, Luo Ding will be the one who gets criticized, not us. He’s flown a long way and must be tired. Make sure to block the younger fans from charging forward. No autograph requests, no crazy comments. I’ll share the photos in the group after removing the watermarks. Let’s all work together, okay? Let’s show we’re mature fans!”


“Got it!”


Though Gu Yaxing had been aware of the fan pick-up and seen pictures of the crowd online, he was still shocked when he arrived at the scene.


He was accompanied by four security guards with kindly faces, hired from a company that regularly worked with film and television studios. Despite being seasoned professionals, even they huddled together, whispering to one another, “It’s been years since we’ve seen a crowd like this.”


Their appearance signaled that Luo Ding was about to meet his fans, and the crowd outside immediately erupted into a flurry of excitement, cameras clicking away at Gu Yaxing.


Luo Ding was the studio’s star, and in return, the studio represented him. Gu Yaxing maintained a polite smile throughout, thanking everyone warmly. At the same time, he casually mentioned to the fan leaders that Luo Ding wasn’t feeling well.


The fans became even more serious.


When Wu Fangyuan nervously escorted Luo Ding out, there was a brief burst of cheers that quickly died down as everyone noticed Luo’s pale face and lips. Their excitement was immediately subdued.


Luo Ding, having used powder to cover his sickly complexion, appeared even more delicate under the lights. His large eyes, enhanced by eyeliner, looked sharp and expressive. As he walked, he smiled and nodded at the fans on either side.


Though his makeup was subtle, the fans didn’t notice. They were only astonished to find that he looked far better in person than in his photos!


Even with his faintly sickly appearance, his tall, slender frame, and his refined, chiseled features were undeniably captivating. His natural charisma radiated, leaving the crowd breathless.


As Luo Ding moved, the crowd shifted with him, growing more excited. Those at the front gritted their teeth, holding hands to form a barrier, trying to keep the fans at the back from pushing forward. Luo Ding was flanked by six guards, though a few overly eager fans managed to brush his arm. Fellow passengers arriving at the same time stared wide-eyed at the scene, dragging their suitcases toward the exit.


“Thank you. Thank you all for coming to meet me. I really appreciate it.”


Though he knew that few could hear him over the noise, Luo Ding repeated these words as he walked, touching the hearts of the dedicated “mama fans” closest to him.


Finally, he was ushered into the car as the human wall of fans held back those who had lost their minds and were trying to throw themselves at him.


But as soon as the car pulled away from the terminal and the fans were no longer restrained, they finally unleashed their voices in full force.


“Ahhhhh!!!! Luo Ding, you’re so handsome!!!!!!”


“Luo Ding, take care of yourself!!!!!!”


“Make sure you eat well!!!!!!!!!!!”


“I really, really love you!!!!!!!!!!!!”


Luo Ding rolled down the window, wiping his sweat as he waved to the fans. He maintained his smile and shouted, “Thank you!”


“Ahhhhhh, he answered me!!!!”


“Ahhhhhh, his smile is amazing!!!!!”


“Damn, how does he even have a face like that?!”


“He’s even more handsome in person, a million times more!!!”


Amid the chaotic screaming, Luo Ding finally rolled up the window and calmed down as the car pulled away. But after they had driven a block, he suddenly clutched his chest and collapsed into the back seat, dry heaving.


The size of the airport crowd had scared him. In his past life, when he was still an idol, social media hadn’t been as developed, and by the time he had achieved fame as a serious actor, all of his public appearances had been strictly confidential. This was the first time he had encountered such a massive crowd for a fan meet-up.


Luo Ding was the type of person who thrived under pressure, but this time, the stress had made him forget about his physical discomfort. Wearing his idol persona like a badge, he had focused solely on presenting his most flawless self. Now that he was in the car, the discomfort hit him like a wave.


In the front seat, Gu Yaxing asked worriedly, “Are you alright?”


Luo Ding waved it off, not raising his head. “I might be a bit airsick. I’ll be fine soon.”


The security guard driving the car said cheerfully, “Man, you’re really popular now! I’ve worked for this company for years, and the only other time I’ve seen a crowd this big was when that Korean guy… Park something… came to town. Sometimes even a few hundred fans are too much for our local stars.”


Luo Ding smiled faintly, folding the handkerchief he had used to wipe his sweat and tucking it back into his pocket. His fingers traced the embroidered edge with his name on it.


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