LGSLAW : Chapter 15 – Returning Home

Returning Home

The day before they left the clinic, the Liang family came to visit.


The Liang family had their eyes set on river transport as early as the previous dynasty, running a shipping business. Their operations were unaffected by the change of dynasties, and with the construction of the Grand Canal in the current dynasty, their business expanded even further. Although they started in this Miao Shui Town, their business had grown to the point where it was known even in the capital.


After becoming wealthy, the Liang family went on a land-buying spree. For ancient people, the first thought when saving money was to buy land. They bought land and rented it out to tenant farmers, not to make a fortune, but to collect rent without being overly demanding. Over time, they gained a reputation as benevolent landlords.


In this generation, it was said that Liang Yuanwai married the daughter of a ship fleet manager. For many years, the wife had no news of a child, but Liang Yuanwai didn’t take a concubine. Instead, for the past ten years, they had become even more charitable, distributing porridge and offering free medical treatment, all in hopes of a good outcome. Finally, about five or six years ago, the wife gave birth to a son, bringing joy to the entire Liang family. Yang Dalang had saved this mother and son.


Therefore, the Liang family’s gratitude was sincere. They didn’t visit immediately after Yang Dalang was injured, not wanting to trouble him while he was still recovering. Knowing that Yang Dalang would be leaving the clinic the next day, Liang Yuanwai brought his wife and young son to personally thank Yang Dalang.


“This time, we truly owe a great debt to Brother Yang. If it weren’t for your help, my wife and son might not have survived. Liang is deeply grateful and has prepared a small gift. Please do not refuse it. And do not worry about your injuries! Liang family will take full responsibility!” said Liang Yuanwai, a dark, thin middle-aged man who didn’t look like a wealthy merchant. His wife was also not a typical noblewoman, with a slightly dark complexion but a spirited demeanor. The only chubby one among them was their young son, who was holding his mother’s hand and chewing his finger innocently.


The wife spoke frankly, “Yes, we were terrified in the carriage, but fortunately, Brother Yang stopped it. Otherwise, who knows how many people it would have harmed? Brother Yang, you have remarkable strength, even more than my father’s. I told him about you, but he didn’t believe it.”


“You’re too kind. It was just self-defense,” Yang Dalang said with a slight nod, his movements restrained. Miao He couldn’t help but support him.


Seeing this, the wife offered more comfort, “It’s our fault for worrying you. My husband has instructed the clinic to have Doctor Ji visit you regularly even after you return home. Don’t worry about medicine or supplements. Just focus on healing. Husband, why don’t you arrange a carriage with cushions to send Brother Yang home comfortably tomorrow?”


“No need for instructions, it’s already arranged,” Liang Yuanwai replied with a laugh.


Their attention to detail and genuine concern made a good impression on Miao He. Their gifts and thanks went beyond mere formalities, showing true consideration for others.


“Thank you very much,” Miao He said.


After some more polite conversation, the Liang family left. The next day, their impressive convoy arrived to take Yang Dalang and Miao He home. Apart from a large carriage with a spacious cabin, there were two more carriages loaded with gifts, likely added after their visit.


Such a convoy naturally drew the attention of the villagers.


“Hey, who are these people? Their carriages are carved and drawn by big horses. So extravagant! And are those gifts in the back? Is some rich family here for a betrothal? Which girl is so lucky? How come we didn’t hear about this?”


“You don’t know? Didn’t you hear that Yang Dalang was hit by a carriage? It turns out the carriage belonged to the Liang family from town. Yang Dalang saved the people inside and got injured himself, so they’re bringing him back. The gifts must be part of it. Wow, the Yang family is going to be rich.”


“Wow, such luck! To get so many gifts just for saving someone? Look at those gifts piled high. Who knows what’s inside? Maybe we should go and ask? Maybe we can trade for some. Rich people’s gifts can be priceless!”


“Hmph, do you dare? Yang Dalang’s fierce face doesn’t talk to anyone. You go if you dare. I’m not hitting that wall.”


“Isn’t there his husband? That He Ge’er is lucky. Not long after marrying Yang Dalang, this happens. I wonder what Miao Yuan will think. Even if he’s a scholar, can he compare to the Liang family from town?”


Since Miao Yuan passed the county examination, his family acted as if they were superior, often holding their heads high. It wasn’t unusual for people to gossip about them.


“Exactly. Not that I’m saying, but maybe He Ge’er has a lucky fate. When he was close to Miao Yuan, Miao Yuan passed the exam. Shortly after marrying Yang Dalang, this happens! Even if He Ge’er didn’t behave well before, if he has a good life with Yang Dalang in the future, he’s lucky too.”


Listening to the gossip, Aunt Ying’s face was displeased, and she sharply said, “What’s there to envy? Just saving someone and receiving gifts? When the gifts are used up, they’re gone. Having abilities and official rank is important. Only looking at immediate benefits is shortsighted. You’ll understand in the future!”


Aunt Ying was Miao Yuan’s eldest aunt and always spoke up for him.


“That’s true. We haven’t studied, so we’re short-sighted. But I think abilities and official ranks should be one’s own. Depending on others, when the favor is gone, it’s gone. If you encounter a heartless one, it’s even more dangerous.”


Aunt Ying’s opponent had a sharp tongue, making her angry, “What nonsense! Yuan is a true scholar, filial too. Don’t ruin his reputation with your nonsense!”


“Then you wait for his filial piety. Hopefully, he’ll even help with funeral rites. Goodbye!”


The group of gossiping women dispersed unhappily, and Aunt Ying returned home angrily. Seeing her eldest son Miao Guang lounging in the courtyard, she hurried over, “Why are you here? Weren’t you supposed to be working at the workshop?”


Miao Guang waved his hand impatiently, “Mother, can’t I rest and drink some cool water? Moving beans and making tofu every day is tiring, you know?”


“You should be grateful to have work! Tofu making is profitable. If you do well, you might become a manager, and I won’t make you work in the fields anymore.”




“With money, we can hire people to farm. Rich families do that. You should get close to Yuan. The tofu recipe came from ancient books he read, and he plans to be an official. As his close cousin, you can share the prestige. Don’t lose to outsiders!” Aunt Ying urged, recalling the earlier conversation.


“Hmph, that kid Miao Liang is only related through our great-uncle. How can he be closer than me? Yuan hired him because we needed help. But who’s this Chun Ge’er managing the workshop? Do you know?”


“He’s a relative from your third great-uncle’s in-laws. The Yuan family suffered a snow disaster last winter, and they fled here. Your grandfather helped them because of past favors.”


“But mother, something seems off. Yuan seems close to Chun Ge’er. I’ve seen—”


“Enough! Yuan is not improper! Watch your mouth, or I’ll send you back to the fields and have your brother take your place!”


“Mother! Can my brother be as clever as me? The workshop needs me!”


While Aunt Ying and Miao Guang argued, Miao He and Yang Dalang finally returned home after many days. But as soon as they arrived, before they could even unload, Miao He realized the only place Yang Dalang could stay was the bed in their bedroom.


Although Yang Dalang’s broken ribs meant he shouldn’t move much, he couldn’t lie down all the time either. Lying down could cause phlegm to build up, leading to inflammation and coughing, which would worsen his condition. The best position was a half-sitting, half-lying posture. He shouldn’t have to move around too much just to eat.


Miao He regretted not thinking of this earlier. After settling Yang Dalang and unloading the carriages, he hurried to Second Aunt Yang’s house with some money to commission a reclining chair from Yang Datong, Yang Dalang’s carpenter cousin. After explaining his idea, Yang Datong, knowing it was for Yang Dalang’s recovery, promised to finish it overnight and deliver it the next day without charging any money.


Miao He didn’t argue about the payment and accepted some ribs from Second Aunt Yang before rushing home. By then, the convoy had left, and without strangers around, Da Bai appeared from behind the house and ran towards him, meowing as if afraid of being abandoned.


Miao He felt guilty. Although Yang Dalang had asked his second aunt to feed Da Bai and water the vegetable garden, it still felt like neglecting the little cat. He quickly picked up Da Bai, petting it vigorously, “I’m sorry, you must have been hungry these past few days. Have you lost weight? I’ll cook something good for you tonight.”


Seeming smaller than before, Da Bai purred in his hand, apparently agreeing. When Miao He tried to put it down, it wouldn’t leave. So he tucked the kitten into his collar, and it settled there contentedly.


When Miao He entered the house, he found Yang Dalang struggling to remove his clothes, his expression pained as he moved slowly due to his chest injury.


Miao He hurried over, “Let me do it. I’ll heat some water.”


He placed Da Bai in Yang Dalang’s lap and went to the back to start a fire.


Fetching water, he found the water barrel nearly empty, meaning he’d have to go to the creek or the village well tomorrow. These tasks were usually done by Yang Dalang without Miao He even noticing.


Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Miao He finally brought a basin of hot water and a towel. By the time he returned to the bedroom, Yang Dalang had already removed his shirt, revealing his torso mostly wrapped in bandages.


Miao He carefully wrung the towel and began wiping Yang Dalang’s face and neck, then his shoulders and arms. When he finished, he hesitated before saying, “Stand up.”


Yang Dalang paused, “No need.”


Miao He’s face reddened, “It’s necessary. We can’t leave it. There’s still a long way to go.”


After a moment of silence, Yang Dalang let Miao He help him stand. Miao He, summoning his courage, untied Yang Dalang’s trousers, thinking, ‘We’re both men, nothing to be shy about. I’m just a caregiver now.’ He sweated as he removed Yang Dalang’s pants.


Since Yang Dalang couldn’t bend, Miao He knelt to wash him, unsure where to look, only feeling the heat of his skin.


When it was finally over and Yang Dalang was dressed in clean clothes, he looked much more comfortable. Miao He sighed in relief, about to go prepare medicine, but Yang Dalang grabbed his hand.


Miao He turned back, still a bit flushed, “What is it?”


“Thank you.” 


For some reason, Miao He’s face heated up even more, and he stammered, “No problem,” before fleeing.


In the kitchen, he had no time for further thoughts, needing to prepare medicine, cook dinner, feed Yang Dalang, and clean up. By the time he was done, he was exhausted.


That night, Miao He carefully climbed into bed beside Yang Dalang, making sure not to disturb him. Fortunately, the bed was large enough. Not long after lying down, in the darkness, a large hand gently grasped his.


By then, Miao He was already softly snoring.

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  1. LicoLico says:

    Thank You for the new chapter (??w??)

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