LGSLAW : Chapter 21 – Self-Admission


Miao Yuan completely ignored Miao He, making his intention to distance himself quite clear.


Second Aunt Yang snorted, “Yang Dalang is recovering well. Today, He Ge’er and I came to buy some more supplements. Who knew? After carefully choosing this affordable tea stall to rest, someone would come and say such ridiculous things! Expecting everyone to avoid them, oh my, how grand they must think they are.”


The classmate who had come over first, named Fang Jie, realized that this was indeed an elder from the Yang family. He had just spoken those words in front of them, and whether there was a misunderstanding or not, being scolded back was deserved. His face turned red with embarrassment.


Miao Yuan forced a stiff smile, pretending not to hear, “Since we’ve met by chance today, let me treat you to this tea.”


“No need! Who knows what more trouble will come from drinking your tea! It’s best if our two families keep things clear and straightforward! He Ge’er, go settle the bill with the owner. It’s time for us to leave!” Second Aunt Yang ordered sharply.


Miao He responded, his face expressionless, and left the scene.


To shake off the burdens of his predecessor, Miao He certainly wanted to slam the table and sneer, “Bullshit! Trying to flaunt yourself like this, do you want to be a city wall?” But considering he had only “reformed” for a month, overturning his predecessor’s reputation so quickly, he worried about raising suspicions.


Especially with Miao Yuan. Having been close for years, Miao Yuan was very familiar with his predecessor’s temperament, unlike the Yang family. If Miao He acted too differently, Miao Yuan would be the first to notice.


So, Miao He decided to endure for now. After all, he had plenty of time ahead.


Time reveals true intentions, and gradually changing his reputation would eventually work out. As for this scumbag, living better than him would eventually give Miao He a chance to avenge his predecessor!


Both parties left unhappy.


On the way back, Second Aunt Yang, still in a foul mood from the earlier encounter, sighed as she saw Miao He looking downcast. “I believe you today, don’t overthink it. What’s past is past, and I can see what’s happening now.”


Miao He was surprised. He thought Second Aunt Yang was just defending him publicly, but privately might think otherwise. He was considering explaining himself before getting off the cart, but this reassurance took him aback.


“…Thank you, Second Aunt.”


“No need to thank me. I can see you’re working hard, growing vegetables, supporting the household, thinking through everything when buying things, and taking good care of Dalang. Whether someone is reliable or not, I have eyes and can see it!” As Second Aunt Yang spoke, her eyes discreetly glanced at the mole on Miao He’s wrist.


It was still light. She sighed, thinking about the two kids and their issues.


“About Dalang…you should talk to him when you get back. It’s better than him hearing about it from others. He tends to keep things to himself if he hears anything unpleasant. Got it?”


Mentioning Yang Dalang made Miao He remember the scene before leaving and his face reddened. He mumbled an acknowledgment.


Back at the village, Second Aunt Yang helped carry the bags to Miao He’s house, where Yang Dalang was already waiting at the door. Of course, no one let him lift a finger.


Before Second Aunt Yang left, Miao He gave her one of the boxes of mung bean cakes he had bought, saying it was for her children. This time, Second Aunt Yang didn’t refuse, accepting it as if to reassure Miao He. Despite her rough exterior, Miao He was beginning to feel a sense of family with her, unlike his own mother.


That evening, not out of guilt, Miao He made his specialty: tomato and egg noodles.


He first fried the beaten eggs with sesame oil, set them aside, then sautéed garlic and ginger with sliced tomatoes until fragrant. Adding water, sugar, some soy sauce, and the leftover chicken bones, he simmered it all until the tomatoes disintegrated. He then added the fried eggs back into the pot, allowing the yolk’s aroma to blend into the soup. Finally, he cracked another egg into the soup to create egg flowers and cooked the noodles in the flavorful broth.


The broth’s fresh, slightly tangy sweetness from the tomatoes combined with the savory sesame oil and egg made for a delicious meal. Miao He’s nose was sweating from the steam, and he saw Yang Dalang eating with gusto. He hesitated, wondering if he should speak now or later.


…Let’s wait until he’s done eating and happy.


From the moment he returned home, Miao He had been pondering the right time. He wasn’t afraid, just concerned about disrupting the good atmosphere between them. Yang Dalang’s reluctance to let him go to town might have stemmed from this issue, and Miao He wasn’t sure. But Second Aunt Yang’s advice was sound; it was better for him to say it himself than for Yang Dalang to hear it from others.


Unbeknownst to Miao He, the more he cared about someone’s feelings, the more he was putting his heart into that person.


He dragged his feet until after dinner, even almost finishing an entire box of mung bean cakes. Finally, hugging Dabai for courage, he licked his lips and spoke, “Today, in town, Second Aunt and I ran into Miao Yuan. It was a coincidence!” Dabai wriggled, enjoying the mung bean cakes.


Yang Dalang’s dark eyes, illuminated by the oil lamp, were hard to read. “And then?”


Miao He honestly recounted the conversation. He was telling Yang Dalang to prepare him mentally, so he told everything.


Yang Dalang simply said, “You’ve been restless since you came back, is it because of this?”


Miao He felt a bit uneasy, “…Was it obvious?”


Yang Dalang made a sound of acknowledgment. Then he fell silent, making it hard to tell what he was thinking.


Afraid Yang Dalang might misunderstand, Miao He moved closer, sitting on the bench next to him. “I wasn’t waiting for them. I didn’t know they had a day off! If I’d known, I wouldn’t have gone to town today.”


Yang Dalang looked at Miao He and said calmly, “Why avoid it?”


Miao He was at a loss for words. It was for your sake!


At that moment, Yang Dalang suddenly pulled him. Miao He lost his balance and leaned lightly against Yang Dalang’s leg, causing Dabai to jump away with a meow. Feeling a bit nervous, Miao He clumsily tried to get up. “Your injury—”


But his words were blocked by Yang Dalang’s kiss.


Yang Dalang turned his head, targeting like a predator, and bit down on Miao He’s lips.


This kiss was nothing like the peck from the morning.


It was deep, tight, scorching, wet, a thorough plundering and touch.


Miao He was completely stunned, lying in Yang Dalang’s lap. He instinctively tried to struggle but was held tighter by Yang Dalang, who kept kissing him passionately.


Kissed until his limbs went weak, heart racing, breath panting, and mind foggy.


When finally released, Miao He was unaware of his dazed expression, heavy breathing, and tightly clenched fingers gripping Yang Dalang’s collar.


Yang Dalang, his breath warm against Miao He’s face, said, “You’re my ge’er. Remember that.”




The next morning, Miao He was busy like a spinning top.


He spent some time tending to the magical soil, then planted new vegetables in the garden, fertilizing them with anything grown from the magical soil. After feeding the chickens and Dabai, he hid in the kitchen to make scallion braised pig’s trotters, known for their blood-boosting and anti-swelling properties, perfect for Yang Dalang’s recovery.


Miao He had never been good at handling such situations. What situation? Being passionately kissed the night before and then having to act normal with everyday chores the next day. Having never been in a relationship in his previous life, Miao He was at a loss.


That morning, avoiding Yang Dalang’s gaze felt awkward and uncomfortable. Yang Dalang seemed unfazed, noticing Miao He’s blush, understanding what he was feeling.


While their home was filled with pink bubbles, the renowned Yangzhou Teahouse in town was cold as winter.


“Serve these dishes again, including this one,” an elderly man with a stern face, wearing a long robe embroidered with auspicious symbols, ordered. 


The table in front of him was filled with steaming delicacies, though only two dishes had been eaten significantly. 


Without questioning the elder’s order, the manager respectfully left to relay the message to the kitchen.


Soon, the dishes were prepared and served to the tense atmosphere of the teahouse’s premium room. The elder waited, not moving his chopsticks until the two dishes arrived.


Taking a bite of the fresh stir-fried vegetables, the elder nodded at the crisp flavors. However, tasting the braised greens made him throw down his chopsticks.


“Bring the kitchen staff here,” he demanded.


The manager, sweating, hurried to comply. In no time, the head chef, assistant chefs, and other kitchen staff were lined up in the room.


“You think these new dishes can compete with Dahe Restaurant’s tofu pudding? Have any of you tried it?” Seeing no response, he ordered, “Manager, buy a serving for everyone here to taste.”


“But even without the tofu pudding, these dishes are uninspired,” the elder continued sharply.


“You’ve forgotten the principle of timely and seasonal food. Serving the best seasonal ingredients is the foundation of Yangzhou Teahouse. Look at these haphazard dishes, catering to no one. Even if sold at a street stall, I wouldn’t order them.”


“Only the fresh stir-fried vegetables and braised greens were decent. The ingredients were good, but the quality varied in the second serving. Why?”


The head chef, Xu Wei, relieved to have produced the satisfactory dishes, quickly explained, “We bought these ingredients yesterday and ran out today, so we had to use substitutes.”


“Customers aren’t fools. They know quality. I expect the supplier to be secured. Can you manage that, Manager?”


The manager bowed deeply, “Of course! I won’t disappoint you, Master Qu.”


After this, Yangzhou Teahouse urgently investigated the origin of these vegetables. It didn’t take long to trace them back to Wu Mian, who had casually sold them.


“You want to buy these vegetables regularly?” Wu Mian’s eyes glinted. “Sure, I’ll handle the procurement for you!”


The manager’s face darkened, recognizing Wu Mian’s attempt to profit from the arrangement. 


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  1. LicoLico says:

    Thank You for the new chapter ?(ˆ?ˆ?)

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