LGSLAW : Chapter 30 – Alone


You guys are soo cuuute ! ??( ?????? ? ??????? )?? Thank you for understanding ! Here a double update for you ! Muaah ( ? ³?)?

Earlier at the new plot, Miao He and Yang Dalang had already cleared a small area, which was even larger than the backyard of their old home. Miao He initially didn’t rush, planning to plant as before. But now they needed money to build a house, and that method was too slow. Miao He gritted his teeth and decided to try his earlier idea of selling complex prepared foods to disguise the magical soil’s effects.


And what would he sell? His favorite and well-researched mung bean cakes.


Determined, Miao He used the magical soil to plant mung beans and harvested a large bag of them. He boiled a pot of water to soak the beans. After an hour, he wrapped the soaked beans in a clean cloth and gently rubbed them by hand, making it easy to peel them. After rinsing them with water, the mung bean kernels were ready.


The next steps were steaming and frying. First, he steamed the beans until they were soft enough to mash into a fine paste. Then, he added oil and sugar to the paste, repeatedly frying it until it formed a dough. Since they only had sesame oil at home, the mung bean cakes would have a sesame aroma mixed with their sweet, soft texture. Some people especially liked this unique scent.


However, without molds, Miao He could only cut the dough into small, rectangular pieces. After making a batch, he tasted one, and the almost melt-in-your-mouth texture made him, despite his heavy heart, gobble down several more pieces.


He busied himself all day, and by evening, he had made two large pancakes for both of them. He kept glancing at the door, but still, there was no sign of Yang Dalang!


Could it be that he’d be gone for three or five days? Remembering how Yang Dalang used to go hunting, Miao He got even more frustrated. If he had just said more, he wouldn’t be so anxious! He ended up taking it out on Da Bai, who was happily eating mung bean cake, by roughly petting it, causing the cat to avoid him all day, clutching its cake warily.


That night, Miao He slept uneasily, waking early the next day. He struggled with whether to wait for Yang Dalang or take the cakes to town. But the cakes wouldn’t keep, and the oil and sugar used would be wasted if they weren’t sold soon.


Annoyed, Miao He carried the box and set out to sell the cakes! If Yang Dalang came home and found him not there, so be it. It was his fault for sneaking away!


Taking Uncle Ma’s cart, Miao He was too upset to talk and pretended to sleep all the way to town. Once there, he headed straight to the Yangshui Teahouse. He had to try the teahouse first; if they didn’t buy the cakes, he would find a way to sell them at the market.


Manager Jin greeted him warmly. “He, you’re here alone today? Where’s Brother Yang?”


Miao He pursed his lips. “He’s out on business. I’m here to ask if the teahouse would buy mung bean cakes. I made some extra at home. If you don’t want them, I’ll sell them elsewhere.”


Manager Jin was surprised. “Why are you selling cakes? Your income from selling vegetables should be enough.”


Miao He briefly explained the misunderstanding that forced them to move, omitting the vegetable matter and only mentioning the village chief’s mistake.


Manager Jin listened, growing angry. “How could they do that? Even if there was a mistake, the other party should have to make way. This is too much!”


Miao He, not in the mood for conversation, just shook his head. “The village chief has his reasons. Can I let you try some first?”


Manager Jin, having tasted Miao He’s delicious pickled cabbage before, was willing to give it a try. However, upon seeing the plain, simple appearance of the cakes, he felt a bit disappointed. The teahouse prided itself on refined dishes that were not only delicious but also visually appealing, and these cakes were lacking in that regard.


“He, maybe you’re not aware, but our food here must meet certain standards in appearance, aroma, and taste. It needs to be refined or unique. These cakes seem too ordinary…”


Despite his disappointment, Manager Jin took a piece and popped it into his mouth.


Miao He was a bit disheartened. He had always had confidence in the food produced with the magical soil. But if they required appearance as well as taste, that was something he couldn’t achieve right now.


He bit his lip and nodded understandingly. “I see. Can you at least tell me how much I should sell these for outside?”


As he started to pack up the sample plate, Manager Jin, after savoring the cake, licked his lips and said, “Wait, can I try another piece? I ate the first one too fast.”


Miao He was taken aback but nodded.


Manager Jin took another piece, this time closing his eyes slightly as he savored the seemingly simple cake. After finishing, he looked at the last piece on the plate, not hesitating to grab it and eat it quickly.


After a while, he smacked his lips.


“This is addictive! Truly addictive! This cake makes you want to keep eating more. It’s sweet but not greasy, and the soft texture completely showcases the delicate sweetness of mung beans!”


The more he thought about it, the more Manager Jin was determined. He didn’t even need to ask the dessert chef’s opinion.


“I’ll take them! Just as they are! This cake is so delicious that it doesn’t matter if it’s just mung beans and looks plain. We’ll definitely take them! Three coins per piece today, and if you use a mold, we’ll buy each for half a string of coins!”


Miao He’s eyes widened! He had made at least fifty pieces yesterday. Three coins each meant nearly one and a half taels. Using molds would make them larger, but he could definitely produce more.


He could easily make three taels’ worth a day. That’s ten taels in a month!


With more money, their house budget would increase significantly!


Miao He finally smiled. “Thank you, Manager Jin. I’ll bring more from now on!”


Manager Jin laughed. “No problem, the more, the better!”


They didn’t sign a contract; it was a straightforward transaction. Miao He later collected a set of wooden molds from Manager Jin and went to the food store to buy more sugar and a small jar of lard. If someone didn’t like sesame oil, the lard would make the cakes even richer and more pure in flavor.


That afternoon, Miao He walked home slowly, feeling a bit more relaxed.


But when he got home, the house was still empty, with only Da Bai coming out to greet him. Disappointed, he squatted down and picked up the now-heavier black kitten.


He suddenly thought that if he had divorced Yang Dalang and had no intention of returning home, wouldn’t he be living alone with his money, just like now?


Miao He rubbed the restless kitten. “I wouldn’t even have you around.”


The kitten, with a white ring around its mouth, meowed. Whether it was agreeing or expressing hunger was unclear. It sniffed Miao He’s hand, recognizing the scent of the mung bean cake from the previous day, and licked enthusiastically, meowing for more.


Miao He understood this time and muttered, “No wonder you’re not clingy. You’re just a foodie!”


The kitten looked innocently at him. What was a foodie? Could it be eaten?


That night, Miao He, again accompanied only by the kitten, fell asleep exhaustedly. He woke early the next morning, completely focused on preparing more mung bean cakes.


This time, he aimed to make more and prepared thoroughly. One technical issue he hadn’t fully solved was the fineness of the mung bean paste. Without a blender or food processor, or even a sieve, Miao He had to find ways to grind it as finely as possible, using a stick to pound and a cloth to smash. The superior quality of the beans from the magical soil was crucial, ensuring the cakes melted in the mouth.


With a larger quantity of bean paste, the process required more effort. By evening, he finally met his goal of sixty molded cakes, exactly three taels’ worth.


But he was exhausted and would have to wait until tomorrow to deliver them. Earning silver wasn’t easy. His initial plan of ten taels a month didn’t account for costs and might need to be adjusted to five taels.


That night, he slept deeply and woke up the next day with back pain, having missed the departure of the cart.


Frustrated, Miao He sighed. What could he do? He had to carry the cakes himself.


Since the cakes were delicate, he packed them carefully in a flat box, using layers to keep them stable. Though it looked like the box used for transporting vegetables, it required much more care. Miao He dreaded the task but gritted his teeth and carried it on a shoulder pole.


He overestimated his strength. Though his body was used to hard work, being pampered by Yang Dalang for months had weakened him. Soon, he was gasping for breath.


The midday sun was harsh, and the road to town was deserted. Travelers preferred the cooler early morning hours. Despite wearing a straw hat, Miao He was drenched in sweat, his energy rapidly depleting. He trudged along, barely lifting his feet.


Suddenly, a shadow blocked his path. Miao He, dazed, tried to lift his hat to see who it was. The weight on his shoulder lightened as someone took the load, and a familiar voice spoke.


“Why didn’t you take the cart?”


Miao He looked up to see the familiar face of Yang Dalang!


With a basket on his back, Yang Dalang frowned. “This isn’t vegetables.”


Inexplicably, Miao He’s eyes reddened. The exhaustion, loneliness, and frustration of the past few days, along with the relief of seeing Yang Dalang, overwhelmed him. Yet, he felt foolish for reacting this way. He was angry! He planned to give Yang Dalang a piece of his mind! Why was he crying?


He turned his head, not wanting to talk.


Yang Dalang, seeing his red eyes, his voice tightened. “What happened?”


He tried to lift Miao He’s hat, but Miao He held it tightly. “Don’t!”


Panicked, Yang Dalang crouched to look up under the hat, meeting Miao He’s red eyes directly.


“…!” Miao He got angrier and turned away.


Yang Dalang followed. “What happened? Did someone bully you?”


“Just you!” Miao He, embarrassed and angry, burst out. “You made me so mad! You snuck out that morning without saying a word. Do you think I wouldn’t worry? You come back acting like nothing happened. I’m so mad at you!”


Yang Dalang blinked, his voice softening. “I did say, in the morning.”


He tried to remove Miao He’s hat, and this time, Miao He didn’t resist. Seeing Miao He drenched in sweat, he fanned him.


“When did you say?” Miao He snapped.


Yang Dalang hesitated. “I remember you telling me to be careful.”


“I know you’ll be careful! But you didn’t tell me about your food or take the ginseng slices! You rushed off thinking I’d stop you? That’s why I’m angry!”


Yang Dalang’s dark eyes narrowed. “You wouldn’t stop me?”


Miao He understood the frustration of being unable to use one’s skills. Hunting was Yang Dalang’s livelihood and pride. He didn’t want the magical soil to make Yang Dalang feel useless.


They were a family, both wanting to contribute.


With a sniffle, Miao He said, “If you don’t come back, I’ll find someone else!”


Before he could finish, Yang Dalang pulled him into a tight embrace.


With the scent of grass, sweat, and a hint of blood, Yang Dalang’s embrace was hot.


“I won’t.”

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  1. LicoLico says:

    Thank You for the new chapter ?(????)

  2. Bree says:

    They both are so adorable. He ger scold him he deserves it for worrying you.

    Thank you so much for the update

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