LGSLAW : Chapter 4 – Hesitation


The next morning, when Miao He woke up, Yang Dalang was already gone. There was no noise from the back room, so Yang Dalang might have already left. It seemed that he should have gone to town to sell his prey yesterday but was delayed by Miao He’s injured foot.


Miao He’s eyes lit up, and despite the cold, he immediately threw off the covers and got out of bed.


He noticed two biscuits and a small plate of shredded meat with pickled vegetables on the table.


Although it was the first plate of meat he had seen since arriving, Miao He had no appetite; he just wanted to dig out his magic soil as soon as possible!


He put on his shoes and hobbled to the back room. His left foot was wrapped in the medicine Uncle Lin had prescribed the previous day, making his movements awkward. Just as he reached the backyard, he heard the front door opening. Miao He had to stop, and when Yang Dalang saw him, his expression darkened.


“What are you doing?”


“I was going to wash up and heat some water,” Miao He stammered.


Yang Dalang frowned, stepped forward, and effortlessly picked Miao He up. Before Miao He could protest, he heard him say, “Did you forget what Uncle Lin said?”


“It’s just a twisted ankle. It’s not that serious.”


“Were you faking yesterday’s fall?”


Miao He immediately shut his mouth, not daring to argue. If he was found to be unhurt, it would raise suspicions about his behavior yesterday. Thinking of this, Miao He quieted down and obediently let Yang Dalang carry him to the table, playing the part of the seriously injured patient.


Yang Dalang brought over the biscuits and shredded meat. “Eat first,” he said before turning and walking away.


Miao He watched as Yang Dalang went to the back room and started heating water. Feeling a bit guilty, Miao He looked at the hard biscuits and obediently started nibbling on them, occasionally taking a bite of the meat. The meat was a rare treat, and Miao He didn’t dare eat it all, picking out two small pieces to go with the biscuits.


When Yang Dalang returned with the hot water and saw Miao He had eaten only a little, he frowned. “No appetite?”


“Huh? No, it’s not that.”


“Then the biscuit?” Yang Dalang looked at the barely nibbled biscuit in his hand.


“It’s a bit hard. I usually soak it in water.”


After he said that, Yang Dalang turned and soon brought another bowl of hot water to the table. Miao He took the opportunity to grab his sleeve.


“Wait, you’re going to town today, right?”


Yang Dalang looked down at the hand holding his sleeve. “Yes.”


Miao He’s face lit up. “If you have enough money, could you buy some vegetable seeds? Just one or two kinds will do.”


“No need for you to work,” Yang Dalang frowned again.


“I’m not doing it just for the money. When you go hunting, I’m idle at home. It’s good to grow some vegetables. The backyard has enough space, and growing vegetables can be exchanged for rice. That way, we don’t always have to eat hard biscuits. I can also share some with Auntie. Isn’t that good?”


Convincing Yang Dalang was crucial for his vegetable-growing plan. Miao He looked at him anxiously.


Yang Dalang shook his head. “If you like rice, I’ll buy it.”


Miao He got a bit anxious. “But we still need vegetable seeds. I’m really good at growing vegetables! My mother said my vegetables are fresher than others. My family loves to eat them, and so do I. If you don’t buy them, I’ll go dig some up by the creek myself. Don’t blame me if you think I’m trying to run away!”


“Can’t go on your feet, remember?”


“That’s why I’m asking you to buy them,” Miao He, in his anxiousness, let his softer personality show.


His earnest gaze, lacking resistance or avoidance, made Yang Dalang pause. The little ger in front of him, with soft eyes, looked at him directly. Yang Dalang watched for a moment before saying, “What kind do you want?”


With those words, the vegetable-growing plan was set! Miao He couldn’t help but smile sincerely at Yang Dalang.


The smile, with his curved eyebrows and dimples, made the little ger’s happiness evident. It was as others said, his smile was the best in the village.


Miao He quickly said, “Not too many seeds. We still owe Uncle Lin money, so if there isn’t enough, I can go dig some later.” He had stayed in the yard these days, afraid to wander off and be misunderstood as trying to escape, which would be troublesome to explain.


Yang Dalang nodded, finally agreeing, and left with the basket under Miao He’s urging gaze.


As soon as the door closed, Miao He immediately rushed to the backyard.


The spot where the magic soil had fallen still had a swirling energy. Miao He recognized it immediately, not by sight, but by a strange sense. He dragged over a heavy shovel from the shed and eagerly started digging at the energy spot!


Unfortunately, just as he had feared, even after digging a big hole, the energy remained unmoved. It felt stronger and more stable than when it was in the flowerpot.


Miao He kept digging deeper until he was sweating but still couldn’t move the energy. Disappointed, he had to stop. He fetched a cup of water from the back room and gulped it down, realizing he had to refill the hole before Yang Dalang returned. Leaving a hole would only anger him and jeopardize his plan to grow vegetables.


After this exhausting effort, Miao He was drained. He ate all the leftover biscuits and meat from the morning. Since arriving, he had been eating only two meals a day—two hard biscuits, one for each meal. Unused to it, he had saved half of his morning portion for noon. After eating, Miao He, tired and aching, climbed into bed for a nap.


He slept until dusk when the noise in the house woke him.


When he woke, the table in the main room was lit with an oil lamp and set with several dishes. Besides the usual hard biscuits, there were pickled vegetables, a white bun, and a small pot of meat stew. The aroma of the meat stew had woken Miao He.


Yang Dalang set the table and came to the bedside, seeing the sleepy little ger yawning. He touched him lightly. “Come eat.”


Miao He responded, enduring the soreness as he sat up, and let Yang Dalang carry him to the table. This time, he didn’t struggle, feeling more tired after the nap.


Yang Dalang naturally pushed the white bun in front of Miao He and took a hard biscuit for himself.


Miao He, now more awake, stared at the soft, fragrant bun in a daze.


Even with no rural experience, Miao He knew this bun was precious.


“How come there’s a bun?”


“I bought it.”


“But we owe money, don’t we?”


“It’s enough.”




Miao He looked at the soft bun, feeling a bit hesitant.


Recalling the original body’s memories, the most memorable thing after getting married wasn’t Yang Dalang himself but the occasional meat on the table.


Compared to his family, the food here was better. However, the original body, heartbroken and forced into marriage, had only responded to Yang Dalang’s care with avoidance and fear.


But actually, despite his cold demeanor, Yang Dalang had taken good care of his spouse.


Not only had he provided food and drink without making him work, but he had also sought a doctor for his injured foot without hesitation, despite owing money. And tonight, there was a soft bun on the table after he complained about the hard biscuits in the morning. According to the original character, he should refuse such kindness.


From the original body’s memories and these few days, Miao He didn’t think Yang Dalang was a bad person. And insisting on the original character’s attitude was just to protect himself. But did that mean he should reject goodwill and potential friendship?


The original body was gone. How long did he plan to mimic his personality?


Miao He was silent, struggling internally.


Beside him, Yang Dalang’s eyes dimmed slightly at the quiet.


He wasn’t a talkative person, often keeping his thoughts to himself. He lowered his eyes and continued eating his biscuit.


After a moment, the little ger finally moved.


He reached for the white bun with his slender fingers.


Then, he broke the bun in half and offered half to Yang Dalang.


“If you don’t eat, I don’t feel right eating it,” the little ger said.


Yang Dalang, though appearing calm, was taken aback. After a moment, he steadily accepted the half bun.


Miao He smiled at him and then took a bite of his half, feeling somewhat relieved.


He had realized something.


Even in this unfamiliar world, he wanted to follow his heart.


Playing a role wasn’t his strength. It made him feel guilty, anxious, and uneasy.


Even if it raised suspicions or made his goals harder to achieve, he wanted to handle things his way rather than trample on someone’s goodwill just to protect himself.


If his sarcastic friend were here, they might call him soft-hearted and foolish!


Feeling a bit more energetic, Miao He asked, “Did you buy the vegetable seeds?”




“What kind?”


“I’ll show you later. Eat first.”


“Oh,” Miao He nodded.


“There’s also rice,” Yang Dalang added.


Miao He shifted uncomfortably.


 “Rice with my vegetables will be delicious. You’ll see.”


Yang Dalang nodded, pushing the rib soup towards Miao He. Miao He insisted on sharing a piece of meat before eating.


The orange flame from the oil lamp flickered with their movements, casting a warm light that filled the room with a peculiar tranquility.


After dinner, Miao He eagerly wanted to see the seeds Yang Dalang had brought. He was surprised to find a large variety.


There were cucumbers, yardlong beans, bitter melons, both large and small cabbages, pak choy, lettuce, pumpkins, radishes, and long purple eggplants—common varieties. The most surprising finds were chilies, onions, peanuts, potatoes, and tomatoes. Seeing these, Miao He wondered what era this world was set in. There were also common herbs like scallions, ginger, garlic, and cilantro, which the shopkeeper had thrown in as extras.


Calculating the time needed to grow each crop would take over half a month.


He just needed to find a way to keep this from Yang Dalang. 

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  1. ObsessedFujo says:

    I like the story so far hehehe. Idk what it is but it feel comfortable to read

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